; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, septembre 29, 2022

Was a BIGFOOT Observed as the Result of an 'Intention?'

A nurse in Nova Scotia had always wanted to observe a Bigfoot. One day, near her hospital job, she watched a Bigfoot just outside the building. Did her 'intention' allow her to witness this creature?

"This started back in July 2018. In order to make some sense of it, I have to give a little background info on how it came to be. I'm a 62-year-old woman now and have been interested in bigfoot since I was 14. My father had piqued my interest. He was from Nanaimo, British Columbia originally, and was a hunter back in his day on Vancouver Island. He never had a sighting but did tell us of his many hunting stories.

Going forward to  2018. I sit in my apartment in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia gazing out the window at the beautiful blue sunny sky, and was thinking to myself will I ever get to see Bigfoot before I die? After years of videos and reading on the subject and being middle-aged it was only a mere dream of mine to one day see this being. A little thought had planted a seed you see an intention. I never knew it to be possible but it happened to me quite inadvertently.

I'm a nurse and I travel to my workplace in Musquodoboit Harbour. I am an empath and I've discovered that I can read people very well. This morning I drove the 30-minute drive to this small rural village that is coastal. There's a small hospital there and adjacent to that was the nursing home. They both shared a rear parking lot where we the staff would park facing the two buildings. The hospital is on the left and the nursing home is on the right. To get to the rear parking you must pass both buildings and drive in on the left of that hospital. Once you pass that hospital's left side you have to round the 90-degree bend to get to the lot to park. Just off this bend in the road is a dirt road that leads down through a forest area to an old house occupied by an old man that sometimes would show up in the parking lot with his dog.

I'm driving into work that morning and as I drive to the parking lot as I'm nearing the 90-degree bend I see the Bigfoot only 75 yards in on the old man's dirt road. He's standing there facing the parking lot and helicopter pad through a thin line of trees. He's just standing there. He does not look at me. He has to know I'm here though by this time. I've taken my foot off the gas pedal and I've rolled to a stop. My mind is racing. Can I get to my iPhone that's in my scrubs pocket? No. I don't want to take my eyes off him. I literally talked it out in my mind to myself while keeping my eyes on him. I drink him with my eyes. I say to myself what a fine-looking beast he is. I see his wispy hairs moving gently in the morning sun, the long hair on his long arms. I see it fluttering. He's a brown color with reddish tints. From the side, I can see his profile and his face very well. His face skin is pale-like and his head is conical in shape, with no neck that I can see. He's looking more like a man than anything else. Only his body hair is longish.

I feel completely calm now. I'm in this peaceful moment in time and it feels amazing I'm getting my wish to see this creature. This amazing day. I'm still sitting in my car and seeing that this Bigfoot is not your typical robust body type but rather like a tall hairy man.

Just as quick as I was in that moment I was out of it, like a bubble popping. I was made to feel to go now. I know he allowed me to see him without making eye contact too. His stare in his stance was directed through that thin tree line towards where I needed to go. A slight fear grew over me as I put my car in drive and went to the parking area. As I drove I felt intense fear. I backed the car into the side of my car trying to see if I could see him, but I could not and in an almost panic I got ready to run the distance with my swipe card to the rear door to my place of work. Boy, was I glad that the terminal worked today of all days.

Once inside I peered out again to see if I could see him. I could not. I told my boss about my sighting and she did not doubt me as her husband is a true believer in Bigfoot. My reason to tell her was for the safety of others that worked outdoors, mainly the maintenance crew. One of the crews I was able to speak to had agreed with me and shared his experiences with Bigfoot which was awesome to hear. People here do not willingly share their experiences. I'm sharing mine because I feel the need to let others know it's real, very real. Mind speak happened to me. I got what I wished for. I'm thankful for my experience. It can happen to you with really nothing but an intention and that's my story." KS

Transcribed source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=je2Z9SrsHSs

NOTE: This is an interesting account. Was the Bigfoot summoned by intention? Is it possible that the creature may have manifested as the result of a thought form? Or is it one and the same? Lon

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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In this episode of Phantoms & Monsters Radio, we present Carrie and Greg, a married couple living in Summit County, Ohio who have been dealing with a 12-year saga. Namely, there are monsters in their yard. Cryptid canines are a part of their everyday life. Join us for an intriguing look at the evolution of their ordeal...what they have experienced and what they have learned from it.

Carrie and her husband Greg moved into their Summit County, Ohio home in 2003. Greg is an Executive Chef and Carrie is a School Nutrition Specialist. They have three children and a ten-year-old granddaughter. They are avid outdoor enthusiasts and spend as much time as possible camping, scuba diving and hiking with their two dogs Liberty and Ripley. Their experience with the canine cryptids began in 2010. 

Early on, Carrie and Greg's son witnessed a large, dark creature over six feet tall lurking in the tree line.

The lone rooster began to squawk and the creature let out a fierce growl, then all went silent. He heard what sounded like something jumping back over the fence, and the rooster squealed as if in pain. At that point, he grabbed a gun and flashlight and ran outside, searching the fence from the front porch with his light. He saw the rooster but it appeared to have something dark over its middle. It slowly dawned on him that the “something dark” was the muzzle of a creature with two glaring eyes.

“Whatever it was,” he said, “it seemed to look through me. It turned my blood cold and I was paralyzed with fear. I’m a hunter. I’m used to being in the wilderness and encountering bigger animals. Those animals don’t scare me as this thing did. When I encountered this thing the first time, I got the feeling that it wanted to hurt me. After researching something I’ve never believed in, I’m convinced that this thing is a Dogman.”

Loud howls and the sound of something walking on two legs in the gravel driveway plagued the family for years. The family kept a detailed diary of their strange events.

The Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team was contacted in early 2022. Their ordeal has continued for almost a dozen years, and the intensity of the encounters has prompted the family to seek help. We are actively conducting a full-scale paranormal and cryptid investigation. This interview is your chance to relive this family's experience. 

Please join us in the chat, so that you may ask questions. Don't miss this opportunity.




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.









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