; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, août 05, 2022

Pleiadian Humanoids Abduct, Remove Tissue & Blood, From Argentine Experiencer

Almost 50 years ago, Dionisio Llanca experienced a life-changing event that involved a saucer-like craft and three Pleiadian aliens who talked in a high-pitched sound and took his blood sample. After the incident, he calmly arrived at a hospital in Bahía Blanca but could not recall many details due to partial memory loss.

Dionisio Llanca was a skilled truck driver born in Ingeniero Jacobacci, Rio Negro, Argentina. He got out of bed on Saturday, October 27,1973, unaware of the events that were about to happen. After he had dinner with his uncle Enrique Ruiz, he got into his Dodge 600 truck that was fully loaded with construction materials ready to be delivered to Rio Gallegos.

He left the house at about 12:30 AM, and because of the skills developed in his 12 years career as a driver, he noticed something was wrong at the right rear tire. However, he decided to leave the problem for later, so he departed in a trip supposed to last for 2 days. On the way to Rio Gallegos, the tire got really low under the pressure of the heavy cargo and there was nothing that Dionisio could do to solve the problem other than to get out of the truck in the blinding dark and attempt to fix it on his own. It was 01:15 AM when he began changing the tire, alone on a desolate road.

"I braked the truck on the shoulder, got down, took out the jack and the tools and began to change the tire. The road was completely deserted. All at once the road was illuminated with an intense yellow light that seemed to be about 2,000 meters distant. Because of the color I thought that they might be the headlights of a Pugeot and continued with my work. A few seconds passed and I had my shoulder to the light but it became so bright that it lighted the whole area. Now the light had changed to a bluish color similar to an electric arc welder. I tried to get up but could not rise; I had no strength, and a strange thing, my legs would not respond. I was on my knees. I wanted to get up and look towards the woods that grew along one side of the road.

Then I saw a great thing in the form of a plate suspended in the air at some seven meters altitude, and three persons at my shoulders looking at me. I tried once more to get up but could not. The paralysis became total and I could not even talk. The three beings stood looking at me for a long time, perhaps five minutes. They were two men and a woman. The woman was between the two men. I believed it was a woman because of the form of the breast and the long hair, blonde, reaching to the middle of her shoulders.

The men were also blond with shorter hair in back. The three were about the same height, one meter and 70 or 75 centimeters, and dressed in the same manner: single piece smoky gray coverall suits well fitted to the figure, yellow boots and long gloves reaching to the middle of the arm of the same color. They had no belts, nor weapons, nor helmets nor anything else. Their faces were like ours except for high foreheads and elongated eyes, like the Japanese and a little tilted. They talked among themselves in a language impossible for me to understand. They had no vocal inflections but sounded like a radio badly tuned with chirps and buzzes.

One of them grabbed me by the neck of my sweater and lifted me firmly but without violence. I tried to talk but my voice would not come out. While the one held me up another put an apparatus in the base of my index finger on the left hand. They looked closely at the apparatus. It was like a razor but had a small tube. They applied it to me for several seconds. It did not hurt. When they left I had two drops of blood on my finger, then I passed out.”

It was about 3 AM that Sunday when Dionisio woke up between two cars in the backyard of the Sociedad Rural Bahia Blanca, approximately 9 kilometers from where he met the alien humanoids. He couldn’t recall a single thing from the past experience nor his life, so he started to walk, but soon fainted again. When he woke up again, he followed Route 3 walking disoriented until a driver stopped to pick him up for he was in danger of getting killed along that road. He ended up in a local police station, and was furtherly transferred to the Hospital Espanol because the policemen though he was intoxicated.

Doctor Ricardo Smirnoff from the Hospital Espanol diagnosed Dionisio as it follows:

"The subject has no visible injuries, but refuses to be touched on the head as if he is having a profound ailment located there. There is also a barely unnoticed abrasion on his left eyelid.

His memory did not return, and he was constantly crying and asking in what city he was, until the hospital staff decided to move him to the Hospital Municipal. It was on October 30, at 10 AM when the man woke up in the other hospital with his memory fully restored. First thing he did was look for a cigarette and see what time it was, but all those items were missing except for his 150,000 pesos. Although he now recalled the entire alien experience in close-up, he was more worried about his truck, but fortunately, the police informed him they found it stationed on a roadside in Villa Bordeu, approximately 18 kilometers from the town of bahia Blanca."

Fabio Zerp, an Uruguayan UFO researcher who resided in Argentina investigated the Dionisio case and published on his book “El Reino Subterráneo.” After several days and intense investigations, there was some information but not much, so they decided to also carry out hypnosis sessions.Dionisio underwent three hypnosis sessions which were done with the use of pentothal. Except for the first one, in each of the sessions, Dionisio seemed to repeat exactly the same.

On November 5, 1973, Dionisio was hypnotized, which allowed him to relate the events he could not remember when he was onboard the spacecraft for more than an hour. He explained during hypnosis that when they approached the truck, they did a biopsy. A small piece of skin tissue was removed from his left index finger with a razor-like device. Then a kind of yellowish ray of light came out of the ship, which took him to the oval interior of the ship.

Once inside, he watched as the woman handled a series of instruments that he identified as medical and surgical equipment, perhaps preparing to examine him. One of the men, who Dionisio believed was the pilot, appeared to be sitting at the controls of the craft, holding a kind of joystick in his right hand. The other humanoid was watching the starry sky through a similar large pane of glass, an image that was repeated on a series of color monitors to Dionisio’s left.

In addition, he explained that the aliens used some kind of translating device to communicate with him in Spanish. At a certain moment, several hoses and cables were thrown out of the ship. The hoses sank into a small stream and the cables made contact with a high-voltage tower located nearby.

He saw a woman, probably a nurse, who made an incision in his right parietal bone. Then inadvertently, she hit his left brow ridge causing a hematoma (or bruise) which the human doctors later examined and treated.

When they finished examining his head, the aliens proceeded to anesthetize his wound. At this point, he was released from the spaceship completely unconscious, and later found wandering the streets in a state of amnesia, and his next memory of the incident was when he woke up in the Bahía Blanca Municipal Hospital.

On the other hand, the truck was found in the place where Dionisio claimed to have parked it. A few meters away, it was found that a high-voltage tower was damaged. After consulting with the company that supplies electricity to the city, the team led by Fabio Zerpa confirmed that on Sunday, October 28, 1973, between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning, there was an unusual increase in electricity consumption, coinciding with Dionisio Llanca’s report.

As the days passed, the case became widely popular in the area. The people and media started to irritate Dionisio to know more about the incident. Subsequently, he disappeared from the media and also moved away from his family, and lived an incognito life.

It was only in 2013 when the local journalist Sergio Prieta was able to contact him and remember much better what happened some time ago. He managed to contact Dionisio and titled his note with a rather shocking statement, ”Si me volviera a pasar, no se lo contaría a nadie (If it happened to me again, I would not tell anyone).” With these simple words, Dionisio expressed himself in the face of what had happened and everything he had to live through when recounting his traumatic experience years ago, which back then was not so common to hear.

In addition, in the interview, the trucker commented that he was defamed and used. Despite the fact that many anecdotes, told in a state of total sincerity, have coincided with what happened that morning, Dionisio’s story was dismissed ten years after the event. For his part, Prieta, who heard again the surprising story that today continues to impact the world of ufology, commented that “today people are more predisposed to recognize it as a possibility since governments began to open declassified files.”

The story was finally published in La Nueva Provincia newspaper on December 8, 2013. It was translated into several languages because the impact and repercussions were so great that international media began to compare the versions that occurred in Argentina with very similar events from other countries.

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
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Jason Hewlett is a journalist, broadcaster, and podcaster with a degree in filmmaking and film studies. A lifelong interest in the paranormal led him to join Vancouver Paranormal Society in 2017, where he was a lead investigator and society director until 2020, when he and colleague Peter Renn launched the Canadian Paranormal Foundation. He is the writer, director and co-creator of the award-winning paranormal reality series 'We Want to Believe,' and narrator for 'The UFO Show,' both of which are on 'The Paranormal Network.' In 2020, Jason and Peter Renn co-authored the bestselling book 'I Want to Believe: One Man’s Journey into the Paranormal,' which highlights Peter’s career as a paranormal investigator, and in 2021 the follow-up book 'I Want to Believe: An Investigators' Archive.' A third book, 'Dying Light: An Investigation Into Near Death Experiences,' came out in June of this year.

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Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





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