; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, août 04, 2022

Experiencer Surrounded by 50 Alien Humanoids, Huge Luminous Opening Appears in El Yunque Forest

Surrounded by 50 Humanoid Beings, Huge Luminous Opening Appears in The Forest

By Jorge Martín, journalist and UFO researcher in Puerto Rico, and Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research affiliate

Excerpt from our book 'El Yunque: Portal to Other Worlds'

"Without a doubt, the most important information about what happens in the section of the forest where Mount Britton and the path of the Trade Winds are found is that which was offered to us by Miss Rosario (Chiqui) Gómez, a former employee of the U.S. Forestry Service in El Yunque. 

Her information offers the explanation about what really happens in the hollow between Mount Britton and El Cacique mountains. Her experience is another example of what has been hidden for many years by Puerto Rican authorities and the United States. 

“I worked -she told us during an interview- in the Federal Forestry Service in Río Piedras, but I worked in El Yunque forest every day. I was a research technician pertaining to the growth of trees in El Yunque, in different sites or “plots” that they (employees of the Federal Forest Service) have there”.

We asked the young woman if she had heard about the incidents regarding encounters with strange beings and UFO sightings in that area. "Yes -she replied-, and I was interested in whether or not there was what people talked about so much about the alleged alien bases and the rare creatures seen there”. 

I asked what brought her to work in the forest, and she replied, “I came to the Forestry Service through a friend who referred me, and I started as a volunteer worker. Then they gave me a contract. 

“But I had several strange experiences in El Yunque forest. At first I began seeing fast colored clouds passing in front of me, something very strange. They were of intense red, blue, orange, yellow and colors like that, very intense. They moved in front of me in the forest. 

“Then, they began to pass more frequently before me, between the plants, between the trees and in front of me. I saw them many times intertwining among the trees and among ourselves, those of us who worked there.

“They were moving at a high speed, and not just in a straight line, they could dodge and go around trees at high speed in a zig-zagging fashion. It was like a dance…and then they would get lost in the woods”. 

‘Where, in what section of the forest was it that you saw that?’, we asked her. 

“That was at a point close to the collapse in road 191, in the area of Palo Colorado, where we were doing some studies. It is an area where no one went, very deep inside the forest. The first one to go there was supervisor Frank Wadsworth, and then my partner and myself. 

“At first I didn't mention this at work because many times I would say to the companion who was going up with me, 'Look! Did you see that?!'' And he said to me 'Ah, you see all kinds of birds here'. But come on, such big red bird? Then... well, I noticed that they didn't really want to touch the subject, that they avoided it, and I decided, after a while, after telling them about those things in the forest, not to talk about it anymore. 

“On the other hand, I also felt that we were being followed. I told my colleagues in the Forestry Service 'Look, we are being followed. Someone is coming from behind,' but they ignored me. 

“What you felt was movement and like a murmur of two or three people talking very fast, like a 'miemiiio wiiiooo miiiioo wiiiio wiiiaooo wiao', something fast (this is similar to what was said by María Eugenia Rivera, 'Pedro', the police officer, Juan Maldonado and other witnesses on how the humanoid beings observed by them 'talked'). 

“I mentioned it several times to my colleague and he told me that it was the trees, the birds, the wind, which made the leaves move and make that noise.

“So, I understood that perhaps I was hearing something that was not very normal up there and they did not want to talk about it, and I chose to keep quiet about it. I kept feeling and hearing it, but without commenting about it or saying anything to anyone. 

“After a while, almost a year later, I got a work contract with the University of Puerto Rico and I started working as a guide in the forest in a study program in El Yunque, and I helped as a guide a student who needed to do some studies for her master's degree. 

“One day we went a little beyond the area of El Verde, through the area of the Espíritu Santo river... and something happened to me that I will never forget. 

“I arrived every morning and talked to the trees. I told them that they were the ones who gave us oxygen, that I thanked them for that, that this forest was a secondary forest, but that I would be very sorry if it destroyed ... and things like that. 

“My partner, the student, told me that I was crazy for talking to something that allegedly doesn't understand you, but I told her that at some point they would understand me, or perhaps because of the tone of my voice. 

“Well, we went up there once, through the area that goes up following the course of the river, and later we reached a mountain to do the studies. My companion withdrew from me a great distance, to the other side of the mountain. We didn't see each other but we could communicate if we shouted. 

“I was going up the mountain...and then I start to feel again that someone was following me. I kept walking and could I still hear like many footsteps behind of me, and I turned my head back, to the left... and there I saw a series of... I call them elves, all of them with big heads, like children with bulging heads, and all of them dressed with clothes of the same colors with which I saw the fast moving things in the forest. 

“I said to myself, ‘What is this?!’ I was petrified. I was scared, but I didn't move, I just stood there. There were so many of these weird people around me with that same costume (about 50 of them), and making the noise that I always heard when they were following me, the talk of '...mieé wiii wiiaoo wiiiaaoo', and that whole thing, and I was petrified”. 

Well, what happened then? 

Rosario continued recounting what happened: “Then one of them came and stood in front of me. I turned around and saw him, and the being stared at me. And I remember I asked him a question: 'Who are you?' or 'What are you doing here?', and he smiled at me and left very fast, running away, and the others followed him. 

“And what I saw next was that they got into…there was a basin there, a gully to the left side of that basin, pulling towards Mount Britton and El Yunque mountains, and a mountain opened up on the side that faced me and a huge hole appeared, and a very intense bright light came out of it, with a yellow-orange hue that turned more red-magenta as it expanded... and they all ran ran into that hole.

“It was as it the earth itself opened up or something like that, it dematerialized, all trees and the ground in that area vanished and that opening appeared and they entered into it...and I could see that inside the hole, very deep underground there was a commune or whatever you want to call it, in which there was a lot of brightness, a lot of light. There were some intense colors. “It wasn't red, it was more of a reddish…a yellow, an orange with a magenta color. A very bright, very beautiful color (The mention of the powerful lighting of magenta-orange hue is repeated again). 

“And below, very deep in that hole, you could see a type of structures, like many buildings. I can't describe them well. I don't remember them well either, and I saw that they went through that hole. So I stayed there, and I said to myself, 'What is this?' 'Am I dreaming?' 'This can't be!' 

"That which opened was quite large, not on the mountain where I was standing at, because I was a little further to the northwest, near that basin, a hollow, as they say in the country, which was in front of me and towards the northeast. The other mountain in front of me, which was in the basin, was the one that opened up”.

We asked her which mountain was it that the opening appeared on, and she, very emphatically stated, “That was towards El Yunque and Mount Britton mountains, which were to my left. To my right, to the east, were El Cacique and El Toro Mountains. 

“To me, that mountain side of Mt. Britton opened up completely (the same mountain María Eugenia Rivera saw open in front of her). I remember that my view encompassed that entire area of light with a magenta-orange hue. 

“As I said before, I looked a little more closely and I saw that in that hole, very deep, there was something like a town, something that looked like when one look at a town from afar from one mountain to another, with structures and lights, like when you come from Salinas to San Juan on the Las Américas expressway (in Puerto Rico), that you look down and see the town of Cayey down there from a distance and you see the structures and the lights of the electric lighting down there, but far away. Well, that was something very similar. 

“It was a fairly large hollow place in the bowels of the earth, as if the earth had opened up and there, below, you could see that inside, very deep, you could see all those structures and those lights. Some were brighter, others less.” 

What did you do then? 

“I walked over there, closer to where the hole was... I yelled at my partner and walked over there to see where the little men had gone to. I kept walking and at the moment my partner called me and I turned to talk to her, and when I looked back at the hole I saw that it had closed. I told myself; 'Goog god, what happened?' 

“My partner said to me, 'What happened to you? You looked scared and pale’. "But I told her 'No, it's only that I felt people might be following us... or whatever, I gave her an excuse. 

“I never gave her an explanation about what I really saw, because if I told her something like that she might go into a panic, because she was very nervous, and she was afraid of us being alone in that area”. 

Rosario Gómez described the beings that surrounded her during the encounter as follows: “They were about three and a half feet tall. They were many, I would say a herd. With suits of different colors and running, but all of them were looking at me. They ran, but slowly, and all of them speaking with that high pitched fast jargon of 'wiiiioo wiiiiooo wiaaaaaooo'. 

“When the one that approached me came, I could distinguish him in more detail. His head was oval-shaped, it looked like a pear, but his jaw was more pointed than in a pear, closing down. The head is much larger than ours. I think their brains are bigger than ours. 

“They had no hair, they were bald, and their eyes were dark, roundish and elongated to the sides, and they had something like a small light or a sparkle inside of the eyes...or something, I cannot identify what it was (detail also observed by witnesses Juan Maldonado, Charlie Ruiz and others). 

“His nose was small, you could hardly distinguish it, just two little holes, and his mouth was like a line, a little slice that they have there, without lips. They do move it, but without lips. 

“Their ears were pointed and small, and the color of their skin was a ashen-yellowish hue or olive-gray color olive. Very nice”. 

What can you tell us about your clothing?, I asked. 

“Their clothing was a one-piece jumpsuit tight to their bodies, each one in a bright color, red, golden yellow, blue, silver, and made of a material that looked like aluminum foil, which seems to protect them. 

“They had long sleeves down to their hands, but I don't remember about their feet, because I looked more at their faces, which was what caught my attention the most. They have open neck collars covering their necks. They were incredible! To me it was a very nice experience. 

“The others kept talking. I say speaking, because I imagine that jargon is their language. They continued on with that quick noise of ‘...wieeee wiiiiiuuu wiioo ouii’, and then I saw them run and enter that cave, or whatever it was.

"This happened in the summer of 1981, at the end of June, and for me it has been the most beautiful experience I have had in my entire life." 

When asked, Rosario commented that the effect she observed when the illuminated opening appeared was “... as if the surface of the mountain itself, the earth and the forest, everything dematerialized and that enormous hole appeared and everything could be seen down there, and at the end of it all everything materialized again. 

“It was something incredible! I have always wondered what was it that the the little man who approached me wanted to tell me”. 

How do you interpret that experience?, we asked her. 

"Look," she replied, "all this means that if we are on this our planet Earth, there may be someone else in another place who perhaps comes here to seek information from us, both for their progress and also to help us progress, because if they they are already here, and due what I saw they do, they must have more knowledge than us. 

“We would be babies in diapers compared to them. That's what I can tell from what I saw of the structures, the organization of their habitat, their city, or whatever it was, and they are there, in El Yunque, in the forest. 

"They are definitely more organized than us, and from what I perceived, these beings are not harmful to us. I was alone in the forest, and they did no harm to me. I think they're here to help us."

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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Jason Hewlett is a journalist, broadcaster, and podcaster with a degree in filmmaking and film studies. A lifelong interest in the paranormal led him to join Vancouver Paranormal Society in 2017, where he was a lead investigator and society director until 2020, when he and colleague Peter Renn launched the Canadian Paranormal Foundation. He is the writer, director and co-creator of the award-winning paranormal reality series 'We Want to Believe,' and narrator for 'The UFO Show,' both of which are on 'The Paranormal Network.' In 2020, Jason and Peter Renn co-authored the bestselling book 'I Want to Believe: One Man’s Journey into the Paranormal,' which highlights Peter’s career as a paranormal investigator, and in 2021 the follow-up book 'I Want to Believe: An Investigators' Archive.' A third book, 'Dying Light: An Investigation Into Near Death Experiences,' came out in June of this year.

Join us on Friday, August 5th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





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