; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, août 13, 2022

Bigfoot Still Roams Suburban Washington, DC (PHOTOS)

Today, I received 2 telephone calls describing Bigfoot activity in and around the Upper Marlboro, Maryland community in Prince George's County. This region is well-known for cryptid sightings.

I received 2 urgent reports today in regards to Bigfoot activity along Schoolhouse Pond in Upper Marlboro, Maryland in Prince George's County.

The first report was received at 2:15 PM (today 8/13/2022) by telephone from 'CC,' who is a resident of Northwest Washington, DC.

He and his friend were fishing at Schoolhouse Pond since early morning. After catching several fish, they began to hear loud, sustained 'whooping' yells coming from the wooded area across the pond, near the western branch of the Patuxent River.

The pair stopped fishing and listened for several minutes as the sounds continued. It was around noon. They decided to pack up and leave the location. As they were leaving, they asked a man, who was walking his dog, about the 'whooping' sounds. The response was that the sounds have been more frequent this summer than in previous years, though he did not want to speculate what had caused it.

When 'CC' arrived home, he called me to gather further information. I did tell him that Prince George's County has been well-known for Bigfoot and various other cryptid activities.

Interestingly enough, approximately an hour later, I received another telephone call from a property owner in the Brock Hall area, who lives along Old Largo Road, who was concerned by the activity she has been seen and heard around her property. This property is located about 2 miles north of Upper Marlboro. 'JH' commented about similar sounds reported by 'CC,' as well as observing large dark figures moving through the woods.

These locations are approximately 15 miles south of the infamous Patuxent Research Refuge, which is well-known for the supposed 'Goatman' sightings over the past several decades. This area has also had reported Bigfoot sightings.

For example, here is a report from September 24th, 2002:

"Just before sunset, I had been fishing at the Cash Lake fishing area on the north side of the lake. I had packed up and started to walk towards my car. I noticed movement in the small woods near the Rt 197 turnoff onto Old Laurel-Bowie Rd. I thought it may have been a small herd of deer. As I was loading my trunk, I heard a loud 'grunt' come from the woods. I turned around and saw what I can only describe as a Bigfoot. It was at least 7 ft tall and covered in reddish brown hair all around. It was standing with its legs apart...it appeared to be upset and taking a menacing stance. I then saw more movement behind the Bigfoot. Whatever it was (I believe it may have been a juvenile) was hanging on the back with its arms draped around the Bigfoot's neck. I didn't get a very good look at the juvenile, but I'm quite sure that is was I saw.

The Bigfoot grunted again and looked directly at me. It was probably about 200 ft. from me, but the remaining sunlight illuminated the beast. I hurried into the car, started it, and drove off. I was definitely scared.

I mentioned my sighting to my friend who often fishes with me. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. He told me that his son had seen something similar a week before at Cash Lake. My friend didn't believe his son and just brushed it off." Name withheld

When I interviewed the witness, he stated that he was familiar with the 'Goatman' sightings in the same general area several years prior, though there have been Bigfoot sightings in the refuge as well. The BFRO has a report from 2006. I know of at least 2 other purported sightings within the refuge, though I have not interviewed the witnesses.

In early June 2016, the Washington City Paper got a tip about an apparent Bigfoot sighting in the Patuxent Research Refuge near Laurel, MD

The tipster, Jeremy, who asked us not to publish his last name, told the City Desk that the previous morning, as he was driving on Brock Bridge Road near Suburban Airport, he spotted what he thinks is a Bigfoot.

"I saw what I thought was a bear and so I pulled over to take some pictures," he says. But when Jeremy got a closer look, he noticed the animal, which he estimated was about six or seven feet tall, was walking on two legs. "Bears usually walk on all four feet. I know they can walk on two, but he was wading through water in two feet, which I thought was strange," he says. For nearly ten minutes Jeremy watched and snapped pictures of the beast. At no point did it walk on four legs, which he thought was strange and led him to believe he was witnessing the mythical beast.

Though it has never been proven that a "Bigfoot" does or ever has existed. Sightings of the majestic hairy creature date back to the mid-1800s, and there's been more than 3,000 total alleged sightings. According to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization, there have been a total of 35 alleged sightings in Maryland since 1970. Two of them have been in the Patuxent Research Refuge.

The refuge, which the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service operates, was established in 1936 by President Franklin Roosevelt and is "the nation's only national wildlife refuge established to support wildlife research." This means the easy explanation for all of this is that it's simply a big bear that likes walking on two legs instead of four. In fact, Jeremy's girlfriend, who was with him during the sighting, suggested as much.

"I've driven by there hundreds of times and have never seen anything like it," Jeremy says. "I doubt I'll ever see something like this again."

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.





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