; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, juin 16, 2022

Weird & Interesting Items / Anomalies Found in the Wilderness

Several statements about weird and interesting items or anomalies found in the wilderness. Have you ever come across something out of the ordinary or in the wrong place?

"Back in the late 70's when I was attending OSU, a group of us rented several canoes to travel from Junction City to Corvallis on the Willamette on a nice Spring day. We stopped on a gravel bar near Harrisburg for lunch, and I wandered around a bit while things were getting unpacked.

I came across a box with a strange looking tool in it that looked a lot like hook removing tool, but made out of stainless steel. There was an invoice nearby with an Eugene address and phone number on it. So I packed the items in the canoe and continued my journey after lunch.

When I got back to Corvallis, I called the number and found a very grateful person on the line. It turns out that I found a piece of surgical gear that was stolen out of a Greyhound bus that was ferrying the item from Eugene to Portland. Apparently the thieves thought that they were stealing drugs rather than a surgical tool used to install a double row of stainless steel staples during a bowl resection.

They owner of the medical supply store drove up from Eugene that evening to recover the item as it was scheduled to be used in a procedure the following week." J


"One spot I loved to hunt, near Badin, NC, was just loaded with native American arrowheads. Thousands of flaked off pieces of stone and such and broken points. Came back one season and the area was posted off for an archeological dig. I never took anything out of the area as it felt just too cool to be bowhunting directly over a spot where people had made arrowheads and other stone tools for countless years.

The most offbeat was on Higginson-Henry wildlife area in Kentucky (site of a Bigfoot scare I had years later). The area was either a WWII POW or Internment camp, not sure which, but the woods had really grown up out there. In the middle of nowhere, big trees everywhere, was a 5-hole outhouse. Farther out was most of a WWII vintage airplane. Neat stuff." AW


"While Elk hunting in an eastern Oregon wilderness unit, I found an old camp site with a cast iron pot belly stove that must have weighed close to 300 pounds. I was five miles from the nearest road. Probably was drug in by a mule team back in the mining days. There were very few other remnants of the camp, save for a few hand hewn lean-to beams strewn about. What a rough way to make a living!" SD


"A couple of years ago, while elk hunting in the Chesnimnus Unit 58 in Oregon, I came across a prop to an airplane. I looked all around for the rest of the plane but didn't find anything. I would have packed it out but I was over 10 miles in and didn`t have the gumption to do it. I did tell the trooper on his daily drive through camp. I never did hear if anything ever came of it." RL


"I found what looked like an "alter" with a goats head on it one time. It had been there for quite a while, but it still gave me the creeps!

I've also walked into pot fields twice. One had been harvested, but it was obvious what it was and the other hadn't. I carefully backtracked out the way I came and got out of there!

I actually quit hunting in the area with the goats head as I have run into some WEIRD stuff and some STRANGE people since then.

On the lighter side a found an arrow about 10' up in a tree one time. I stopped to take a drink of water and as I looked up, there it was. I thought for a bit then realized I was in a little draw. The poor guy must have been shooting across the little gully toward a trail on the other side and WACK, nailed a 3" vine Maple!" W


"I have a couple friends that found a Mastodon tusk that was sticking out of a clay bank on the Yukon River. They spent some time digging it out, then hauled it around for 2 weeks while moose hunting. They later sold it for $15K." A

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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GINETTE MATACIA LUCAS - Forensic Psychic, Crime Profiler, & Treasure Hunter - PM Radio

Phantoms & Monsters Radio welcomes my friend and colleague Ginette Matacia Lucas, who is a forensic psychic, crime profiler, & treasure hunter.

Ginette Matacia Lucas will be sharing some of her life’s adventures, which is like an open book with multiple chapters on the paranormal. Her work includes recovery of treasures owned by mob boss Al Capone and his associate Frank Nitti, the investigation of missing toddler Caylee Anthony, and, yes, locating the remains of missing Congressional Intern Chandra Levy. These are just a few names in her chapters of successes. Ginette is going to share with us some of her old and new finds, both treasure hunting and missing persons.

Ginette has been interviewed on CNN, NBC, & Fox TV. She has been written about in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, NY Huffington Post, Orlando Sentinel, The Smithsonian Magazine, as well as in numerous books and other media outlets.

Ginette uses her dowsing skills, synesthesia, intuition, and dream incubation talent to successfully solve projects. She is internationally known for high profile true-life crime cases, treasure hunting, and dream studies to predict future world events.

Typically both believers and skeptics follow her postings and predictions. Follow us while we hear what she and her team are up to in 2022 and the future. Ginette's website can be found at www.reachginette.com

Join us this Wednesday, June 17th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.




Black Death origin mystery solved... 675 years later

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Crop Circles Were Made by Supernatural Forces. Named Doug and Dave.

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UFO/UAP ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION - Graeme Rendall, Luke Shannahan, & Mark Fiorentino - PM Radio



'STRANGE DAYS' with LON STRICKLER - Cryptid / Alien Experiencers - Spaced Out Radio - 5/30/2022





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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon

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