; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, juin 17, 2022

The Canadian Humanoid Encounter Wave of 1968

UFO historians and researchers have always pointed out time periods or years in which encounters seem to increase in overwhelming numbers, they have labeled these time periods as ‘Waves’. The summer of 1947 is considered the first modern UFO wave in history (mostly in the United States). Other notable waves were in 1952 (basically the whole year and again concentrated in the USA). There were minor waves after that with concentrations worldwide, then came the summer of 1965 in which a worldwide wave was recorded, starting in South America, this incredible wave continued throughout 1966 and well into 1967, the next notable wave, acknowledge by those UFO historians and researchers is of course the fall 1973 (starting in the USA, mainly the southern states). One year which has been mostly ignored as a wave year or a period of intense activity was of course 1968, which included Argentina, Spain, France, Australia, New Zealand, and of course my main focus of attention in this article Canada (specifically the Province of Quebec). Encounters with strange entities were numerous and steady and mostly ignored by non-Canadian researchers. Following is a summary of known entity or humanoid encounters in Canada for the year 1968. The following information was provided by Albert S. Rosales:

1. Location. Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada

Date: 1968 Time: night

An anonymous adult male reported seeing a strange figure in a wooded area. It had glowing red eyes on a dark background. No other details could be seen. 3 German shepherds with the witness do not react. The witness had seen on December 24 1967 a group of 10 luminous and silent bowl-shaped objects passing over his vehicle.

Source: CASUFO file, Marc Leduc, F. Bourbeau “Contact Magazine” # 158

2. Location. Near Carrot River, Saskatchewan, Canada

Date: January 10 1968 Time: late night

Two witnesses were parked 3 ½ miles north and 1 mile west of this location when one of them glanced out the window to the west and saw a light. It was a very brilliant blue. It flashed and then moved over to the east side of the car where the other witness saw it. It was the same light, it flashed again and then they saw it in the southwest and again the same light. They could see it for about 2 seconds and then it would flash. Then about 5 minutes later it would appear again in a different direction. The light would be about 1 ½ to 2 miles away. When it appeared in the southwest it stayed for about ten minutes. At this time it changed color from a dark blue to a light blue and to a white. All these colors were bright, during this time they heard noises in the bush, on all sides of them, but only one side at the time. They could hear trees breaking and then a thump-thump-thump. This noise lasted for about 5 minutes.

They then saw three to five objects pass ahead of them, they couldn’t say what these objects were, they could have been some kind of animal, and they saw their tracks. They could have been animal tracks; the tracks were about 100 feet from them. They again heard noises between 1:00am and 1:30am. They decided to start back to town then. The lights followed them all the way to town. It moved in jerks, it was all over the sky but in no set pattern. They got to town between 2:00am and 2:15am. They drove up the main street a couple of times with the light following them all the time. They stopped by the public school facing south and they could see this light to the west of them above the insurance building. It was almost above them at this time. This time when they stopped the light stopped also but kept on shining. They left the area and proceeded to a friend’s house. When they turned onto Codette Road they both started to feel funny. The main witness got a terrible headache while the other one got a strange feeling in his head; it was a sort of numbness on the right side of his head. This strange feeling would run from his head, down the back of his neck and down his spinal column. They then parked in front of their friend’s house. The light followed them all the way. They watched it for about another 10 minutes. At this time it was on the southwest of them about a mile away. It would move towards them and then move back and disappear for about 2 seconds and then reappear.

At this time they noticed a formation of ice on the hood of the car, one of the witnesses made a diagram of it. It was the outline of a face. When they saw this they both went into the house. One of the witnesses then decided to drive home and again saw the brilliant blue light and a luminous cone-shaped object that briefly followed him. The object seemed to have an exhaust with sparks coming from it.

Source: Constable H. H. Esson RCMP in http://saskfiles.com/1968.html

3. Location. Keats Island British Columbia Canada

Date: January 29 1968 Time: afternoon

The witness who lived alone in an isolated cabin by herself had for several days seen mysterious lights and unknown objects maneuvering over the area and over a nearby lake. Two men in neat dark coveralls that claimed to be from the water company visited her that afternoon. The men acted nervously and seemed surprised she lived there alone. They finally left disappearing down a nearby footpath.

Source: Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report Summer 1974, quoting John Magor

The next case is also from the Province of British Columbia and is from the files of the group UFO BC.

4. Location. Whytecliff Park, West Vancouver British Columbia Canada

Date: Spring 1968 Time: 01:00 a.m.

The two witnesses were in their car waiting for a third party to arrive, when one of them observed a bright white light moving among some trees. The other witness turned to look but the light had disappeared. After a few minutes they both saw the white light. They watched the light move to the edge of the woods. At this point they saw a figure come out of the woods. It looked like a small glowing humanoid, very bright, resembling a fluorescent light. They could not see any details as far as facial features and clothing. The being moved about very quickly and then went back into the woods. They both watched the bright white light moving away among the trees.

Source: UFO BC

5. Location. Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada

Date: April 1968 Time: 2005

The witness, Mrs. Tremblay had gone outside her home on her way to a restaurant when she drops her bag and looks up to see a hovering UFO at about 100m in altitude. A beam of light from under the object seems to be scanning the area. The witness shuts her eyes as the beam of light strikes her. When she reopens her eyes the UFO has disappeared. A few minutes later when she comes back home her attention is attracted to something white and she sees a being, human like, of small size and with a sculptural body. She is unable to see the face only a pair of dark blue eyes is visible. He seems to be about 50-55 years of age and appears to be sad (?). The humanoid is wearing a seamless white overall and is standing only at about 2 meters from the witness’s house. Others in the house do not see him. He vanishes instantly after a few seconds.

Source: Dossier OVNI (Casault), CASUFO files M. Leduc


Location. Keats Island British Columbia Canada

Date: May 2 1968 Time: morning

The witness was out collecting bark in a spot near the lake, when the same two men she had met previously approached her; both wore dark “neat” coveralls. One of the men was young, about 20 years of age, and seemed to hide behind the other man as the witness approached. The younger man stared intently at the witness during the conversation she had with the older man and only spoke once.

Source: Peter Guttilla, Saga UFO Report Summer 1974, Quoting John Magor

7. Location. Near Sarnia Ontario Canada

Date: Summer 1968 Time: evening

The 10-year old witness had gone to the back door to turn off some outside lights and was looking out the window when she noticed a glowing white humanoid figure sitting on a bench outside the garage. The figure stood up and appeared to be at least six-foot tall with a round glowing head, no facial features were discernible. The witness ran screaming to get her parents. Her dad searched the area with a flashlight but found nothing.

Source: Bonnie Wheeler, Cambridge UFO Research Ontario Canada


Location. Laval-des-Rapides Quebec Canada

Date: Summer 1968 Time: 2130

Mrs. B. L. and Mrs. A. B. had been shopping and were walking beside a vacant lot at the Rue Bon Pasteur when the full moon, which was on the horizon, was suddenly eclipsed. After several seconds of darkness it reappeared, but the women now saw against its disc two figures floating several feet above the ground, slowly approaching them. They could see that they were wearing very close fitting one-piece clothing, and had expressionless faces; “they were all black.” One appeared to be 5’6” in height and the other about 5’2”; one was holding a 2 tiered pitchfork, with which he seemed to be probing the ground. The witnesses ran home.

Source: Jean Ferguson, Les Humanoides

9. Location. Barhead, Yukon, Canada

Date: June 1968 Time: night

A farmer observed an object like an inverted dish emitting colored flames. In a compartment at the top two figures were visible who seemed to be controlling the craft. As it drew near the figures seemed to spot the witness and the object immediately accelerated away. The witness’s employer, a farmer and businessman reported the matter to the press.

Source: Bill Hayduck in Saucers, Space and Science 55, p. 


Location. Ontario (city unstated) Canada

Date: July 1968 Time: unknown

A woman had just finished preparing food for her dogs in her kitchen when “I was just taken, immediately, right from inside the house.” She found herself outside, standing paralyzed, watching a thirty foot diameter disk descending. Three aliens came out and dragged her about the ship. The rooms were all like pie-slice wedges and she went by several until coming to the “medical center.” There she was placed on a levitating bed and told that they were going to do “brain surgery.” They calmed her with a wave of the hand and opened the front of her skull. They resealed it without a trace. “What I believe is that they were using a tracking device.” Then she was returned. She believes that this was the first of several abductions.

Source: Michael D. Swords, “Grassroots UFOs”

11. Location. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada

Date: July 1968 Time: late night

The witness, Joan Howard, (involved in other encounters) had gone to bed that night and before she slept she distinctly heard two men talking about her in German. She believes these two men were her spirit guides, which were killed in WW2 which she named Franz and Josef. She believes they were “paving the way for what came next”. She must have fallen asleep. Next thing she knew she was in a place that looked like a cross between Luna and Mars. There were buildings, and people covered from head to foot in obviously protective clothing or “space suits.” Some wore black; a few of them wore red, green and blue. She guessed (correctly) that these denoted rank. A red suit approached and began talking fast and asking questions about her opinions and attitudes on everything, especially human relations. She could not see his face but knew he was a male. She demanded to know what the devil she had been brought here for. As he talked she became increasingly aware that something was being done to her physical body. She could feel all her innards and head being thoroughly examined as though by a medical team. Still listening to the man in the red suit, she wanted to know what was going on, on Earth. She arrived suddenly back at her body and felt the electricity of several beings around her body. They told her not to be afraid. She was lying there in a slight daze, wondering what kind of experience or contact this was, she had never known ordinary guides to carry on like this. Before the alarm went off she saw several visions of “flying saucers”. Also at the same time someone was trying to teach her how to transmit whole sentences by a sort of pulsating beat. Next night she was waiting for “them” when she saw a vision of the space suits and began to repeat the Lord’s prayer, slowly and deliberately, transmitting the way they had taught her as her mind seemed to be suddenly hooked up to some powerful beam which bored into her head like a mild laser and stepped up her own feeble mind-instrument. No one was more surprised that the witness when “they” answered. From then on for several weeks, every night she was shown, spacecraft, inside and outside, control panels, instruments, gadgets of all kinds, people in uniforms (not spacesuits); a weird terrain on what she felt was Uranus or Neptune, with wild looking formations of frozen ammonia, greenish blue white, rearing up on the strange skyline. Then came movies of space itself; huge vastnesses with unfamiliar constellations; beautiful close-ups of other solar systems; all awe inspiring but frustrating. She began to question them, how as the Universe constructed, both the “visible” and the “invisible” part of the electromagnetic spectrum, each night they “tested” her even on the lesson ahead. In the ensuing years she has seen UFOs (in daytime and nighttime) had “physical contacts” experienced hostile attacks (two in her life) by “their” enemies; astral trips onboard spacecraft, taken down reams of dictated communications, everything but a ride in a ‘flying saucer” in her physical body. Joan Howard claims that her “instructors” call themselves “Interstellar Wayfarers” a division of those highly-developed beings who raise the children of the various “planetary orbs”.

Source: http://www.mysterious-america.net

12. Location. Wooler Ontario Canada

Date: July 2 1968 Time: 2200

Several witnesses see a bright object land on some nearby brush. Later several shadowy beings enter nearby homes and take several items. No other information.

Source: FSR Unknown volume

13. Location. St. Alexis de Montcalm Quebec Canada

Date: July 2 1968 Time: 2114

A woman saw a green object shaped like a hat or mushroom, which passed at the height of the window. She believed she saw in it up to 20 small men, all of green color, with rather pointed noses, resembling sculptures in the African Pavilion at the Montreal Expo.

Source: Saucers, Space & Science

14. Location. St. Thomas Quebec Canada

Date: July 2 1968 Time: 2130

Constable M. Michaud and another police officer were reported to have seen two naked little men run through a drainage ditch and flee. Reports had the “little men” disappearing as they were about to be apprehended. Some reports had them as only two feet high, with shoulders the size of adults and disproportionately large heads. The appearance of a large meteor at the time merely complicated matters.

Source: Saucers, Space & Science, fall 1968

15. Location. St. Bruno Quebec Canada

Date: July 22 1968 Time: evening

Six young girls, ages 7 to 13, reportedly saw a figure they described as “The Virgin Mary.” The apparition appeared before them hovering in the air; four of the girls merely saw the figure, whereas two, heard a voice they described as “soft and slow.” It advised them to pray and promised to return in October 7.

Source: John A. Keel, UFOs Operation Trojan horse

16. Location. St. Basile Quebec Canada

Date: July 22 1968 Time: evening

A boy reported seeing a man like figure that was apparently airborne and “seemed to be walking in the sky, without any visible means of propulsion.” No other information.

Source: John A. Keel, UFOs Operation Trojan horse

17. Location. Riviere Du Loup Quebec Canada

Date: July 26 1968 Time: 1500

Two young boys riding their bicycles near the airport stopped by the hangar and sighted a short three-foot tall gray skinned humanoid. The humanoid ran away joined by a second similar being, both moved in stiff movements. No other information.

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

18. Location. St. Stanislas De Kostka Quebec Canada

Date: July 28 1968 Time: 2100

Five young people, including Paul Sauve, 20, and his sisters, Nicole, and Joanne, and Regent Leger and his brother Dennis, saw two circular objects with brilliant red halos, one of which was seen to land about 1000 ft away. They went out with a flashlight to investigate and encountered a being, 50 ft away that terrified them so that they ran back to the house. It was about 4 ft tall, had a big head ‘imbedded in the shoulders” without a neck, and large round eyes, a flat nose, and having a black or brown skin that was “wrinkled, scabby, with bumps.” When caught in the flashlight beam, it lifted a hand, which was very large, black, and rough, “like the skin of a toad,” and opened and closed its mouth. Then it backed off toward the barn. After they were back in the house, it came up to a window and knocked on the pane, making a “mooing” sound “like a cow.” Later they saw the object take off vertically. A 15-foot circle of crushed grain was found at the landing site.

Source: Wido Hoville

19. Location. Upton Quebec Canada

Date: July 28 1968 Time: near midnight

A man, his wife, and two children were awakened by the barking of their dog. When he arose to investigate, he saw a sparkling, rotating “cloud” in the yard. It flew just over him and went to a nearby field. About 12ft in diameter, it was dark on the bottom, but luminous on top. The cows in the field were being chased by 4 or 5 small entities, perhaps 3 ft tall with heads shaped like bottles. As the UFO flew above them, they disappeared. The cattle seemed ill for weeks afterwards.

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

20. Location. Near Toronto Ontario Canada

Date: August 1968 Time: unknown

A man was walking near the downtown area when a car pulled up to him and two men inside asked him to come in for a ride. He was taken to the countryside to a landed disc shaped object. Five men wearing dark brown uniforms invited the witness inside. He was told that the captain of their ship was a female, which the witness did not see. He was also given information on the craft’s propulsion system.

Source: Robert E. Bartholomew, UFO Lore


Location. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Date: August 1968 Time: late afternoon

The main witness (involved in other encounters) and some friends where playing with bb-guns on the grounds of the Shaugnessy Golf course when they saw a small metallic “flying saucer” on the ground. The main witness went up to it, to show off to his friends and actually played “bongos” on it. The object was as big as a VW beetle (but round). He then walked to one side to get a better view of the silver object and saw a small “non-human man” next to it. The figure was very pale, almost blue in color and was wearing a white suit with a blue sash around his waist and looked like “the man from the Glad television commercials”. The witness said, “My name is Kim” and put his right hand on his heart. The creature responded by holding his palms upward and made a sound, but he didn’t seem to “have a tongue”. At one point he put out his right arm and nodded for the witness to do the same thing with his left, and he was allowed to compare his hand with the alien’s and except for the pallor they were very similar. At this point he heard a voice in his head that spoke the words, “Would you like to pray”? And he bowed and put his arms pointing down with palms towards the witness. He was a bit embarrassed and to get a laugh from his friends who were literally “stunned” he made a gesture towards this BB gun in his right pocket. The alien seemed to sense this and the witness had to apologize for this and explained that it was only a bb-gun and was not real, the alien seemed to understand. The witness said a few more things and then waved at the alien and the alien waved back. The witness then rejoined his friends and they left the area.

Source: http://www.ufobc.ca/sightings/

22.Location. Montreal Quebec Canada

Date: August 4 1968 Time: 05:00 a.m.

Three young men, aged in their early 20’s had spent the night visiting the fair at La Ronde amusement park and were now returning back home. The three, Guy Gagne, Jean-Guy Girouard, & Carol Marquis were near Perras Boulevard when at about 150 feet from them they spotted a strange creature that seemed to be walking around with extreme difficulty, it seemed to use its hands to balance itself on the ground, similarly to a monkey. However the being was about 3ft tall with a head much larger than a normal primate. As the strange figure reached a street lamp it performed an abnormally high jump and immediately vanished from view of the witnesses, it then appeared briefly on the other side of the road, apparently it had managed to make a leapt of about 30 ft, it then disappeared for good. The stunned witnesses immediately called the police who assured them that there was no circus in the region and that nobody had reported an escaped “monkey”. A few days before this encounter several witnesses at nearby Boscoville had seen a luminous UFO flying overhead.

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters and Henri Bordeleau

23. Location. Near St. Gertrude Quebec Canada

Date: August 6 1968 Time: 2130

Four adolescent boys were outside, when they heard the dog barking furiously and saw it tugging on the rope. They heard a creaking sound, and saw a 4ft tall luminous entity leave the hedge where the dog was barking. It had large shoulders and long arms which hung down. It instantly disappeared in front of them.

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants & Critters

24. Location. Coleraine Quebec Canada

Date: August 29 1968 Time: 1830

A group of children on four consecutive days saw a strange being hanging onto a boulder overlooking a cemetery. He was a dwarfish humanoid about 4 ft tall, with a shaven head, naked chest and a heavy black beard, and with a red and bumpy skin, “like that of a lizard.” This being would disappear into thin air unexpectedly. Also a roaring noise was heard in an excavation at the foot of the boulder, and a kind of “flying saucer” was seen, about 30 ft wide and colored blue, white and red; it left a long trail of smoke, and each time it “looked as if it were trying to land behind the boulder.” The children were Denis Bogus, 7, who saw the object; his brothers Michael and Andre, and their uncle, George Bogus; other adults who subsequently observed the phenomena were Normand Daigle and Luc Cadorette.

Source: Saucers Space & Science, fall 1968

25. Location. Burnt Creek, near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada

Date: August 31 1968 Time: afternoon

The witness was a successful practical minerals prospector working for a Canadian company operating out of Vancouver. He and his partner had flown in from Yellowknife, where after a battle with the elements, they got to their camp at Willow Lake (just a cabin in the wilderness). The two of them moved south a bit and set up a secondary camp which was merely a tent---here is where they would strike out each day in search of mineral signs. They sometimes worked together as a team, but most often they ranged alone. During the two and a half months they were there, the only unusual thing that occurred was the discovery of a strange type of “rock” shaped like a double blade of a fan or windmill that they (and later geologists) were not able to classify. On their last day in the field, a bizarre incident occurred.
On that day they were as usual on their own, the witness exploring around Burnt Creek and north in the hills, but returning to camp empty handed his friend was not there yet, so he just sat and meditated on the hills. Bored he got up and walked to the edge of a small (still 50 foot drop-off) cliff, and looked down into the gouge below. This gouge was peculiar, about 50 foot long and only 4 feet wide and flat. In it were some “bubbly looking rocks” and a “tubular fog bank”. The apparent minerals were odd, but the unmoving fog bank more so. He felt nervous just looking at it, but decided to go down into the gouge and explore. There he found more of the unusual unidentified mineral and it seemed to be associated with a small mining activity, (even though there was supposed to be no such thing in this area). Puzzled by the rocks, but still in the presence of the unmoving mist, he finally decided to walk into the fog bank.
Approximately two steps into the mist he saw a grassy field for as far as his vision was capable of seeing at that time. The grass was about one foot tall at that point. The more he advanced towards the grass, the higher the grass became, there was a wind blowing from the grass away from him. On entering the mist his vision was limited to his left and right. He advanced until the grass, brown colored, was approximately three feet tall. Then he decided to retreat, which he did. He does not remember what the sky looked like, gray colored seemed correct. He decided to walk back into the mist and cautioned himself not to walk into the grass. He went as far as the first time and things were the same. As he advanced, the grass got taller (but he seemed to be now walking beside it, not in it) approximately 4 foot now, and his vision left and right got wider. Far off to his right there was an oasis with medium sized trees in a circle with two tall palm trees growing in the center of the circle. At that point he had enough. At that time his mind went completely blank except for one little piece of his brain powers intact and he got out of there in record time.
He told neither his buddy or anyone else what had happened to him, but he never could shake the thought that he had passed into another dimensional reality for those few minutes. He wondered about the strange stones which should not have been there and the small mining operation which likewise should not have been.

Source: SETI Institute, and string theorist Lisa Randall (In Your True Tales unknown month or year)

26. Location. Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Date: September 7 1968 Time: unknown

A woman reported meeting a being wearing an “astronaut suit” which gave her a stone of a very strong and unique composition. After tests perform on the stone it was revealed that it had strong nickel content. It is hinted that the extraterrestrial also had sex with the witness. No other information.

Source: Jean Ferguson, “Enigmas of time present”

27. Location. Drummondville Quebec Canada

Date: September 14 1968 Time: evening

A group of three young girls saw a small man dressed in black with a kind of ‘overcoat’, hat and a ‘plain’ front that approached them moving like a robot. The stranger suddenly stopped and looked up staring at the children with a ‘terrified’ face. He then hastily disappeared the moment the children turned away for only seconds. The next day, Sunday on September 15 at 20:15 the same witnesses and a fourth girl saw a ‘boy’ about four feet in height which was encased in a circle of red light. The little figure stepped out of the circle of red light and appeared to be wearing dark blue clothing, he then hid behind a large tree trunk and the children lost sight of it. A neighborhood dog would not stop barking during the incident. The strange figure was seen one last time walking behind the tree trunk in the strange robot-like manner. The next day traces were found on the sand that did not resemble those of a dog. The name of four of the witnesses were disclosed as, Joelle Henaire, aged 13, Suzie Fontaine, aged 10 and Helene Laforce and Celine Bedard about the same age.

Source: Henri Bordeleau, Donald Cyr

28. Location. Coaticook Quebec Canada

Date: September 21 1968 Time: 2130

Two young girls said they saw a “Martian” on the roof of the Coaticook High School. By 2000, a crowd of nearly 50 persons had assembled. Shirley Green said that at 2130 she saw “green face with no nose, mouth or hair,” and that the man emitted intermittent sparks. In a field owned by a Mr. Boivin, grass was burned in a circle 42 ft in diameter; some tracks were found.

Source: Saucers Space & Science # 54

29. Location. Asbestos, Quebec, Canada

Date: September 28 1968 Time: 2145

A family was watching television when the wife called her husband to see a green rectangle, in the sky, which became brighter and greener. From it emerged a yellow orange disc with three circular lights beneath it. The husband and his brother in law then drove after the object which entered a cloud, turning it green. Soon afterwards a brilliant ball of light emerged from the cloud. The men stopped at a house and some boys also saw the object. The men walked towards it but became afraid when it flooded them with light. Meanwhile back at the house, the wife and sister in law saw two humanoids walk from the object, seemingly in space. The object then slowed, and moved towards Windsor emitting a green light from its rear.

Source: John Brent Musgrave in: “UFO Occupants and critters”

30. Location. Asbestos Quebec Canada

Date: before October 9 1968 Time: unknown

A man, his wife, his brother in law, and his sister in law saw in the sky a rectangular green shape. After some minutes “a real saucer” came out of the cloud, with a yellow-orange light around it # 3 circular lights beneath it. The men got into a car & followed the UFO toward St. Claude; watching from the home, the women distinctly saw humanoids walk from the object seemingly into space.

Source: Saucers, Space & Science #54

31. Location. 150 miles w of Yellowknife Northwest Territories Canada

Date: November 1968 Time: 02:30 a.m.

The flight engineer of a chartered cargo aircraft flying at 170 mph from Copper Mine to Yellowknife noticed in the clear night sky a stationary object emitting pale blue light. This object approached to within 1000 ft of the airplane, & flew along with it for 5 minutes, after which it departed suddenly at great speed. It was disc shaped & had a row of large rectangular windows; in the middle window was visible a dark form which the witness thought to be an occupant of the UFO. The pilot and the copilot also saw this, and reported it by radio to the air traffic control center in Yellowknife.

Source: Jeff Holt for UFO Quebec

Have you had a sighting or encounter?
Contact me by email - Thanks. Lon

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GINETTE MATACIA LUCAS - Forensic Psychic, Crime Profiler, & Treasure Hunter - PM Radio

Phantoms & Monsters Radio welcomes my friend and colleague Ginette Matacia Lucas, who is a forensic psychic, crime profiler, & treasure hunter.

Ginette Matacia Lucas will be sharing some of her life’s adventures, which is like an open book with multiple chapters on the paranormal. Her work includes recovery of treasures owned by mob boss Al Capone and his associate Frank Nitti, the investigation of missing toddler Caylee Anthony, and, yes, locating the remains of missing Congressional Intern Chandra Levy. These are just a few names in her chapters of successes. Ginette is going to share with us some of her old and new finds, both treasure hunting and missing persons.

Ginette has been interviewed on CNN, NBC, & Fox TV. She has been written about in the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, NY Huffington Post, Orlando Sentinel, The Smithsonian Magazine, as well as in numerous books and other media outlets.

Ginette uses her dowsing skills, synesthesia, intuition, and dream incubation talent to successfully solve projects. She is internationally known for high profile true-life crime cases, treasure hunting, and dream studies to predict future world events.

Typically both believers and skeptics follow her postings and predictions. Follow us while we hear what she and her team are up to in 2022 and the future. Ginette's website can be found at www.reachginette.com

Join us this Wednesday, June 17th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT




We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.




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