An Ojibwe man, living in Roseau River Indian Reserve, Manitoba, described a strange incident involving a missing autistic boy from May 2021. He believes the boy was in the presence of Bigfoot:
“Last year, in May 2021 on the evening of the 14th, around supper time, a little boy, my distant cousin's eight-year-old boy, who's also autistic, went missing from his yard. The firehall alarm hadn't been sounded until around 8:30 PM or so, a few hours after he initially went missing. In just an hour before it got dark, there were numerous searches both inside the community and all along the bushes outside the Ring Dyke, up and down the riverside. The search and rescue teams arrived after dark and joined in with everyone possible from the community. They had flashlights.
They used two drones that had infrared capability and I was spotlighting from on top of the Ring Dyke all night, so as to help the searchers down below to not feel alone even though there were many. They looked like fireflies in the bush, that's how I can best describe it. They searched all night and found nothing.
At first light, after everyone went up south to the command post at the fire hall, I went into the bush behind my house, over the Ring Dyke. I went straight to the river bank to look for signs of tracks. I found two right away. One was about the size of my shoe, I wear size 12 men's, the other was about my baby son's shoe size and he's only six at the time and wore size 12 toddler / youth. They were both bare footprints, no socks, no shoes, five toes, flat feet, and I didn't notice if there was a mid-tarsal break. I saw across the river, a man and a search dog, and in the sky was a search plane. I was alone at the time.
Down along the riverbank in front of me was a disturbed area at the water's edge, but the tracks were messed up from a beaver that had just been there and was now splashing around in the river. I took a video and some pictures. I headed back to my house to get my 13-year-old son to come with me to the spot where the little boy went missing further south along the riverbank.
We took the Ring Dike halfway and headed downhill to the riverside. We encountered some of the search party. I was talking to my son about how I wanted to go start tracking from the first place by the river where he first left a footprint. The missing boy's father was there halfway between where I first saw a track and where the boy left his first print. The boy's father heard me relaying my plan and he followed along the river. I matched up that first footprint to the one I came across earlier when I was alone. I said to my son, 'Okay, now we head back the way we came and keep an eye out for any track you see.'
We came across a shirt but it wasn't the missing boys shirt. We'd gone almost 13 hours overnight and it was cold that night and all he was reported to be wearing was a pamper and a t-shirt. My son and I tracked him here and there sporadically along the riverbank, north, and sometimes uphill a bit into the bushes, there were three sets of different sized prints besides the boys. There was a little footprint, a little bigger than his at a few points, there was the bigger print about my size and then we came across the huge print. It had been stepped across by one of the searchers who I knew to be wearing cowboy boots and he was there again the morning searching from the previous night. I showed my son and I took a picture of it.

We continued on until we came up to the Point. It's actually called that too by us locals, the Point where the Red and the Roseau Rivers meet. Then we followed the tracks along the Roseau riverbank east until we got to the spot where we had last found a small barefoot print. It had to be the missing boy's. I took another picture. I took quite a few actually as we went along but I was continually answering my own son's questions about how I found the trackway, what to look for, etc. It took us roughly 25 minutes from start to finish, going at a real good pace because I knew the searchers were going to resume looking again and they had already disturbed the trackway the previous night in the darkness. There's a thousand shoe prints everywhere, making it difficult to find a continuous track but I have a good eye and I had a feeling that we were on the same path these three footprints took the previous evening. I think they were carrying the little boy most of the way and also the other little footprint maker. I’m not certain how they got across the river. I hadn't seen any disturbance on the other side of the riverbank anywhere and this is where our search ended and we went home as I was up all night and I wanted to get some rest before trying to get across the river to try to find the trackway on that side.
I fell asleep, but not before checking the Facebook updates about the search. I read that around 10:00 AM they're going to call everyone back and let everyone know it was going to be turned over to the professionals and they were saying it would be a recovery mission. I woke up later that afternoon around 2 00 PM or so and I received a note the little guy was found by two men in a boat a few miles up river along the eastern side of the bank hiding in the bushes.
In all, the little boy covered five miles overnight barely dressed for the elements and he was cold but made it out okay. On top of that, he somehow got across the river and through some pretty rough terrain. Sadly I have to tell you that I deleted all my pictures from that morning due to me sharing them in a Facebook group I was in at the time. I was getting all kinds of questions and requests for more details and I was afraid the Bigfoot hunters would come to our community and try to harm them. This is my story and I believe that is what happened to my little relative.”
Transcribed source: The Facts By Howtohunt.com, from a video titled “Less Than 10 Feet From 3 Of Them In Broad Daylight” Uploaded 23 Jun 2022
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PA. DOGMAN / UPRIGHT CANINE ROUNDTABLE & DISCUSSION - Chestnut Ridge Report - Lon Strickler (Host)
Phantoms & Monsters Radio presents a Pennsylvania Dogman / Upright Canine Roundtable with our guests James West, Eric Mintel, & Ron Murphy. Eric Altman, Pennsylvania cryptid investigator, will give us a Chestnut Ridge report.
James West is a 2-time Dogman experiencer and documents other encounters & sightings throughout Pennsylvania and beyond. James is also a member of the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team.
Eric Mintel and his Bucks County Paranormal Investigations team travel the state and country exploring the mysteries & history of the paranormal and unexplained. Eric and his team have recently investigated the 'Beast of Bray Road' phenomenon and continue to delve into other cryptid canine reports.
Pianist Eric Mintel has played for 2 Presidents (Clinton and Obama), has performed over 10 times at the Kennedy Center, performed a special concert at the United Nations in NYC, and has been featured in several publications, both newspaper and magazines. He is a protégés of jazz legend pianist Dave Brubeck.
Ron Murphy, 'The Crypto Guru,' has been investigating the stuff of nightmares for over 30 years. He has delved deeply into the shadows to shed light on the things that go bump in the night and meticulously researched the historical and psychological context of myths and legends from around the world. Ron seeks to uncover the archetypal precedent for the monsters that haunt our collective thoughts.
Eric Altman is a cryptozoologist, specializing in researching the Bigfoot/Sasquatch phenomenon with a combined 40 years of study and field research. He is the founder and director of the Pennsylvania Cryptozoology Society and Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society. Eric was also the host and co-founder of Beyond the Edge Radio, a live weekly radio program covering a variety of paranormal and fringe topics from 1997 to 2019.
Eric has been actively investigating cases, sighting claims and conducting field work dating back to 1997. He has lectured and presented across the country dating back to 2000. Eric has been featured in multiple documentaries, films and television programs about Bigfoot.
Join us this Wednesday, July 1st at 9PM ET / 6PM PT
We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us by email - Thanks. Lon Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.
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