; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, avril 12, 2022

Pale Crawler Humanoid Encountered in the Catskill Mountains, NY

Two girlfriends are continually exploring an old rural school house in the Catskill Mountains of upstate New York. One night, they encounter a pale hairless 'crawler' humanoid crossing the road nearby.

I recently came across the following account:

"I'm sharing this story from long before crawlers were a "thing" people talked about, and before the internet exploded (and that annoying modem sound came on if you were lucky enough to have a computer and internet at all at the time).

It was around 1999 and I was living in (very) rural upstate New York. If you don't know, or have never been to the Catskill Mountains, it is small town after small town surrounded by forest and farm lands. Not much to do back then but hang out with your friends, and drive around....at least that's what I did with my friends (besides the weekly house party). My best friend and I were very into the paranormal back then, and we both experienced a few unexplained things, and being in our late teens/young adults we were curious. We both identified as Wiccan at the time and spent a lot of time in those woods. We would meditate, do earthy spells, have lunch, and camp out. So, needless to say, we were not afraid of the woods, the dark, or being completely isolated in the middle of nowhere. 

One night, on one of our late winter drives to nowhere (because like I said, nothing else to do), we ended up on a road where we hadn't been before and pulled off on the side to where this old school house was. We parked the car, got out and looked in the windows to check it out and see what was inside. It appeared to be kept up as a historical site as there were old desks inside and an old chalk board, etc. It was really neat, but we did have that creepy feeling that you get at places where it seems the veil is thin. So, of course, we returned there several times after. We were just drawn to the place.

A few times we went during the day with some other girl friends to check it out. As we took a walk in the woods behind the school house we all felt this odd feeling. The only way we could describe it was like what I've heard as walking through a faery circle. The ambient lighting around us felt...different. I can't really describe it other than almost as more of a vivid color experience around us as the sun came through the trees. We didn't think we were there all that long, maybe an hour or so, but when we returned to the car it had been several hours and it was early evening, maybe around 5 or 6 PM. We had gotten there around noon or so.

One time my best friend and I went at night again. We were sitting in the car just talking, drinking our gas station bought Cappuccino purchased for our night drive, and kept hearing this 'tap, tap, tap' sound. Out loud, I said, "Knock it off!" to the "nothing" that was there. Right as I say this, we hear what we could only describe as child's feet running away from behind, to the side of the car. It freaked us both out and we got the heck out of there. There was no way anyone was there. Like I said, this was a rural main road to a dirt road pull off. Completely pitch black, no street lights, no cars going by in the distance or anything. If someone did show up there they would have been walking in the dark for miles to get there. And it certainly wouldn't be (what sounded like) a child running around the car. Kind of sad when I think of it now. I certainly hope it wasn't a roaming spirit of a child gone too soon from this place. 

Anyway, this is where the freakiest part happens, and we never did return to the old school house after this. As we we are getting back onto the main road there in the headlights we could see something scurrying across the road quickly. It looked like a hairless naked human crawling low to the ground, its elbows bent high so that it's belly was close to the road, and its knees looked as if they were bent backwards. I remember us both turning to each other with that panicked look on our faces like, "What!?" and then said aloud, "WTF! Did you just see that?" We drove home, kind of trembling and not saying much. I remember I kept looking in the rear view mirror half expecting to see this thing chasing us down the road. Luckily, we did not. 

Me and my friend are still besties to this day and we sometimes talk about these series of events. Years later we saw the movie "The Descent" and it immediately made us both think of the old school house and the thing we saw run across the road that night. It was a freaky place, experience, and time. Also exciting and slightly terrifying. I now live across the country, far away from New York, but I often wonder about that old school house and those woods. Some day, I think I would like to return, now that I'm older and in a different place in my life. I would like to see if it's still there, and just to see how I feel about all of it now. But I would never, ever, want to see that thing we saw that night so many years ago." BA

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AMY MAJOR - Psychic Medium, Channeler, Healer, Spirit Rescuer & Author - Phantoms & Monsters Radio

Rev Amy Major, B. Msc is an Ordained Metaphysical Minister, Metaphysical Practioner, and Published Author. Her unique gifts include Rescue Mediumship, Healing, Attachment Removal, Spiritual Counseling, and Intuitive Guidance.  A successful Rescue Medium and healer in the New England area for 22 years, she has both studied and worked at the New Millennium Psychic Center in Derry, NH  and was also the lead medium in the Psychic Ghostbusters Team, conducting many spirit investigations and spirit rescues. Always interested in her development, Amy has studied under some of the best mediums in the area as well as specialized schools focusing on psychic and mediumship abilities. She is considered one of the best up and coming mediums in the New England area.

A strong proponent of education, Amy instructs classes in intuitive development, mediumship and rescue mediumship throughout New England and through online resources available throughout the world.  Amy's main focus in in energy healing, attachment removal, rescue mediumship and home clearing. 

Amy is a spiritualist and active member of the Church of Spiritual Life in Derry, NH for over 16 years. Her first book, "Toward the Light", (Rescuing Spirits, Trapped Souls, and Earthbound Ghosts) has gained popularity throughout the spiritual and paranormal communities.  Amy's book gained attention from CBS, where she consulted on a pilot television show about Rescue Mediumship. 

Amy is also a regular guest on several well-known international spiritual and paranormal radio and television shows. She has made appearances on programs including Late Night City with Pete Price Ghost Chronicles, ZTALKRADIO "The Buzz", Matrix of Perception, Bridge Between Two Worlds" Radio Show, Jim Harold Radio show. WarrenXchange Radio, Spirit Talk with Chris Fleming, Coast to Coast AM, Crystal Visions, Stirring the Cauldron on the Para X Radio Network, Strange Secret Universe Blog Talk, Psychic Tapestry, Intuitive Life Network Radio Show, The Janet Love Blog Talk Radio Show, Norm and Friends, and many more!

Amy's website can be found at www.AmyMajor.com

Join us this Friday, April 15th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



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Chicago / O'Hare MOTHMAN Updates on PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio

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