; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, avril 05, 2022

Eyewitness: Cylinder-Shaped UFOs Rendezvous & Transfers Occupants Over Northeast Texas

I received the following email in 2011 that refers to a remarkable encounter experienced by a very reliable witness. Namely, cylinder-shaped UFOs rendezvous and transferred occupants.


"I want to share something strange and unusual that happened on this Easter Sunday night April 24th.

I had been to a Church's Easter Service night Cantata in Texas. I was driving to get back home on a desolate Farm to Market Road as their was not much traffic on it day or night.

The night was very clear and stars were bright and beautiful. I saw in the east as I was driving east a very bright star or at least, that is what I first perceived, but then I noticed that this star or object was moving, so I in turn, pulled my vehicle off on the side of the road to get a better view. It kept approaching and getting larger as it came forward and finally to a complete stop. I got out of my vehicle to get a better look.

I realized, that this was not a star and it was rather a huge object, sort of like a silver cylinder and it had red, orange, green and white lights on top of it. I thought this was strange, by this object coming to a complete standstill and I could not hear any noise.

I just for a second glanced to my left, which was North and I saw this other bright star, again that is what I again perceived coming from the North and as it came closer, it had the same color lights on it.

Well it approached the other standstill object it came to a standstill also. I was amazed and I happened to look at my watch and it was 10:15 PM.

The two objects remained stationary and the only thing that was active were the rotating lights on both objects. After about 10 minutes, the object that came from the north extended a wide red laser or something similar to the other object and that went on for about 15 minutes...they seemed to be a distance between the objects when this wide red laser went to the other object and it reminded me of someone or something rolling out a red carpet. At times, I saw what looked like little black dots within this red whatever.

After about 15 minutes, this red carpet started retracting back in to the north object. When that happened, this object from the east after close to 5 minutes, started moving sideways to the south, then moved upward and then shot to the south at a high rate of speed and finally disappeared.

The other northern object, after the other object had disappeared going south, it started to lift high and then it shot off at a high rate of speed back to the north, whence it came from and disappeared.

I don't know what I saw that night, but I will never forget it, I have not spoke to anyone about what I saw.

So I figured they were making a transfer of something or maybe not, but I have thought about this red carpet scenario several times since as well as what these two objects were, that came together side by side and became stationary and after the red carpet whatever, both objects left at a very high rate of speed and disappeared. Very strange indeed. But anyway, this is what I saw on Easter Sunday night. I eventually made it home, but my thoughts of these two objects, were on my mind and for days to come, I still think about them from time to time.

Thank you for taking the time to read whatever encounter, I had with two unknown objects.

P.S. I do not do drugs or drink!"

Tommy D.

Rendering of the object

NOTE: The witness is fairly well-known so I'm going to hold off posting the identity for now. If I get a confirmation of the location and any other information, I will update here. Lon

UPDATE: After the inquiry, I received the following from the witness:


"I apologize for not getting back with you before now. The incident occurred in Northeast Texas between Paris, Texas and Hugo, Oklahoma on FM Road 195 where the Church was located.

I stated in my earlier email to you, that the objects, looked cylindrical, because of the multi-colored lights that were flashing were on top and the length of them on the objects showed that they were on a cylindrical object, not a circular one. Again, there was no sound and when they left, it was at a high rate of speed and just vanished. The rolling out of the "Red Carpet" scenario, was really strange as it was a bright red in color and what looked like black dots of some kind and those were not visible at first, but I suppose 2 minutes into what I call a "transfer" then they appeared on the "red carpet" and they looked like they were moving on the "red carpet".

That's about all I can say about whatever I saw that night, but I do think altogether, it was very strange indeed."

Tommy D.

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ALIEN ENCOUNTERS ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION - Phantoms & Monsters Radio - Researchers & Investigators

Join us for an Alien Encounters Roundtable Discussion on Phantoms & Monsters Radio. Together with Lon, our guests will include Albert S. Rosales, Lynn Wallington, & Thomas M. Ferrario.

Albert S. Rosales was born in Cuba where he experienced several strange events, some UFO related. He migrated to Spain in 1966, and lived there for a year. He then migrated to the United States soon after.

Albert joined the US Navy in 1976 after traveling to Europe. There he began collecting reports on UFOs/etc. In 1980 he went to work for his father until he became ill and passed away. Albert joined the Miami Dade Police Department as a 911 dispatcher in 1984, and worked there for 35 years. While there, he heard it all, including UFO and humanoid reports!

In the early 1990’s he began to concentrate in summarizing only humanoid/entity encounters of all kinds. To date he has summarized and collected over 24,000 reports, and the database is updated and corrected daily. 

Albert has written 16 books on chronologies of entity and humanoid encounters, including a book about UFOs and humanoids over Florida. These can be obtained on  Amazon.


As a witch with ancestral ties to Salem, Massachusetts, Lynn Wallington lives life amidst the strange and unusual. Her first paranormal experience happened at a young age, where she saw her great grandmother sitting at the edge of her bed one night, only to find out the next morning that she had passed away.

Lynn has always lived with one foot in this world and one in the spirit world. And since that defining moment, she’s had a fascination with all things paranormal. Her interest in the paranormal and how it affects people led her to get a degree in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts. After Lynn graduated, she worked for Harvard Medical School doing research and working with clients who had Schizophrenia and other forms of psychosis.

In her 30’s Lynn had her first experience with a UFO, and shortly after had an experience with a mantis being. Her interest in the field of ufology was sparked. Using her own experiences and her background in Psychology, Lynn worked with FREE (The Dr Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters) where she helped to develop and run the Support Program for experiencers. In doing so Lynn has had the privilege of talking with hundreds of experiencers, where she helped them come to terms with their encounters.

Lynn is also certified as a Regression Therapist and has worked with experiencers to help recover memories and understand the role these experiences have played in their life. In addition to being on the Spaced Out Roundtable as SOR’s resident witch, Lynn is the co-host of two YouTube Channels, 'Paranormal Spirits' & 'Rebellious Ufology.'


Thomas M. Ferrario has worked as a divemaster, machinist and electrical engineer on projects in the United States, Red China and Bermuda. Has been an independent UFO researcher since 1969 to 1998 at which point Walt Andrus founder of MUFON asked him to become a section director for MUFON. Later he would go on to be assistant state director for Missouri MUFON. He then co-founded the MUFON dive team with Debbie Ziegimeyer. Thomas then joined Ted Phillips as his assistant in 2006 and later became part of Ted's S.I.U team. He assisted Ted Phillips on his Marley Woods project and the Tetra Mountain Moon Shaft project.

Join us this Friday, April 8th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



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