; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, mars 01, 2022

God’s Celestial Ambassador: The Life and Times of Dr. Frank E. Stranges - Part XXVII (Hostile UFO/Aliens)


God’s Celestial Ambassador: The Life and Times of Dr. Frank E. Stranges - Part XXVII

By Raymond A. Keller, PhD, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” the author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Series, published by Headline Books and available on Amazon.com, while supplies last.

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Flying Saucers and the Venus Legacy

Dr. Frank E. Stranges warned us all: “It’s Earth versus the Flying Saucers!”  Art source:  Politico.

Cataloguing of Hostile UFO/Alien Reports Continues, 1954-1955

In this section we will continue exploring Dr. Frank E. Stranges’ examination of those UFO reports demonstrating some degree of hostility toward humans and humanity’s progress, most notably in the years of 1954-1955.  Dr. Stranges offers us the proof that the celestial battles between angels and demons continues on our plane of the space-time continuum.


During the period of January through March, over the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Malta, four planes of the Royal Air Force, each with only a pilot onboard, mysteriously disappeared.  The wreckage of one plane was later found, however, indicating that there must have been an explosion that was followed by intense heat.  Flying saucers, along with a large cigar-shaped UFO, were reported by the residents of Malta in the first week of January, immediately before the planes were reported as missing.

In early January, on Heligoland Island, part of a small archipelago in the North Sea under the jurisdiction of the West German state of Schleswig-Holstein since 1890, it was reported in West German newspapers that scientists from West Germany, the United States and other countries in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), had showed up for the purpose of investigating a UFO that supposedly crashed there back on 1 November 1952, following a dogfight the mysterious object had with a NATO squadron dispatched to intercept it. 

According to Dr. Frank E. Stranges’ friend, the retired Marine Corps Major Donald E. Keyhoe, on 2 July an Air Force F-94, a two-man jet, was scrambled to chase a UFO near Walesville, New York. According to Keyhoe’s sources, “When the pilot tried to close in, a sudden, unbearable heat filled the cockpit. Half-dazed, the pilot and radar officer bailed out. The jet crashed in the street, killing two children and their parents. These odd phenomena, high radiation, mysterious heat and electrical interference may be side effects from exposure to gravity control devices.”

On 18 July 1954, Australian sheep rancher W. C. Hall saw six “petrol-tank” shaped UFOs land on his station (ranch) in a desolate area of North Queensland.  Besides his sheep, other animals on his station such as sheep dogs, cattle, chickens and even jack rabbits, were affected by multi-colored exhaust fumes emanating from the UFOs.  Hall told an investigator from Flying Saucer Research in Brisbane, Australia, that, “I believe the UFOs brought about a change in the genes of the animal life on my ranch, due to atomic radiation, as various freaks were born afterwards.”  Hall ran into the house to get a camera.  Coming back out just after the UFOs had taken off, the rancher did manage to snap a photo of the last object seen departing the area, just before it disappeared over the horizon.  

From files of Dr. Frank E. Stranges:  Photo of UFO departing area of W. C. Hall’s sheep station in North Queensland, Australia.

It was 5 October in the French town of Beaumont, on the outskirts of Paris, that a luminous UFO approached to within 150 yards of dozens of eyewitnesses, all of which felt a strange sensation, a type of paralysis that one aptly described “as if nailed to the ground.”  In addition to this temporary paralysis, these bewildered and frightened experiencers reported the UFO as giving off a “noxious, peculiar smell.”

16 days later, on 21 October, over a rubber plant just outside the city limits of Pozzuoli, Italy, a silvery flying saucer was sighted hovering.  As the UFO was taking off, while rising vertically it emitted a piercing whistle.  At that very moment of this sonic blast, a frisky Pekinese dog began barking and yipping loudly, jumping up and down furiously, and then just fell over dead.  

And then one week later, on 28 October, also in Italy, near Monza, a group of about seventy townspeople, local sports enthusiasts, watched a “silvery flying saucer” land on a soccer field.  The object remained parked on the field for about thirty minutes.  While no occupants were sighted coming out of the saucer, or entering it for that matter, the UFO did emit a blinding light.  For several days afterward, those exposed to this light suffered from red, itching eyes. A local police officer who witnessed the UFO landing and take-off, when asked by a newspaper reporter to speculate on a reason for the presence of the object, said, “I have no idea.  Maybe they were sent from Bergamo (the city of the opposing club) to mess up the half-time show.”


In January, Air Force investigators from Project Blue Book announced that after some UFO cases, an increase in background radiation in the surrounding skies was noted.

On the other side of the world, in Cincinnati, Ohio, on 6 August, another case of eye irritation related to the appearance of a UFO, was revealed.  A witness, not wanting his name to be made known, admitted to the director of a local flying saucer club, that an “oval-shaped UFO came down and rested on my driveway.”  The witnesses noted that his eyes suffered severe irritation from a blinding light emitted by the object and that he had to consult with an eye doctor to find relief.

On 23 October, John Hobner, a farmer from Indianapolis, Indiana, was forced off the highway by a blinding, bluish-white lighted UFO that buzzed his car.  Hobner could not regain control of his car, a new Ford Fairlane, two-door club sedan, and careened into a large red oak tree.  Hobner, who hadn’t yet made his first payment on the car insurance to State Farm Mutual, remarked, “I don’t know if I should even report this to my insurance agent.  He’ll think I was driving while intoxicated.  I suppose I’ll have to suck up the repair costs on my own, at least if I want to keep my driver’s license.”


In Part XXVIII, Cosmic Ray examines those hostile UFO/alien reports from Dr. Frank E. Stranges’ files for the years 1956-1960.  You won’t want to miss it.

Come out and meet Dr. Raymond A. Keller, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” world-recognized authority on the planet Venus and author of seven international awards-winning UFO books, at the Corner of the Sky Books and Beyond, located at 2151 Broadview Rd., in the Old Brooklyn neighborhood of Cleveland, on Saturday, March 12, anytime between the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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