; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, mars 06, 2022

Bigfoot Encounter Reports Submitted by Eyewitnesses

3 Bigfoot encounter reports submitted to 'The Facts By Howtohunt Podcast' and transcribed. If you have a Bigfoot or any other cryptid encounter, feel free to submit to Phantoms & Monsters.

John, a 40 year old man with a background in military and law enforcement, was working as a delivery driver for a food service company in the summer of 2018. He worked a four mile radius and would drive down a county road in Rockbridge County to do his deliveries. There was a powerline clearing along that stretch of road.

On this night, it was around 10:00 PM. He had just finished his deliveries and was heading back. As he passed the clearing, he saw something standing near the road. “I saw this creature first with its eye shine close to the ground like a deer. The next second, I see these eyes start to rise up and keep rising up to the height of about 10 feet. I knew this is no deer. I hit the high beam lights in the Subaru Outback and that's when I saw its massive black body. It was far too large to be a bear. I wasn't afraid of it however I didn't stay around long enough to become frightened.” Upon returning to his employer, he told them and they just laughed at him. 

Transcribed Source: The Facts By Howtohunt Podcast - Emails From A Remote Location” Uploaded on 19 Feb 2022


In 1973, Jerry (involved in a previous encounter in 1964), was out cruising and drinking with a friend in the remote the backroads of northwest Illinois. They did what a lot of bored teenagers did back in those days. They decided to stop to urinate. They stopped along some forest. Both got out and did their business.

Suddenly the scrub brush began shaking and they heard a loud terrifying growl about 15 yards away. Jerry quickly finished, zipped up and got back in the car. His friend had trouble finishing. He eventually did and the two tore out of there. As they left the area, they both heard a loud thud hit the back of the car. Jerry claims he saw “a very large shadow” at the back of the car. His friend claims he saw a “flash of white” just as they pulled away. Back in town, they inspected the car and found deep claw marks in the fender and the trunk of the car. There are no bears in Illinois, so they did not believe it to have been that. They are certain that they encountered a Bigfoot.

Transcribed Source: The Facts By Howtohunt Podcast - Emails From A Remote Location” Uploaded on 19 Feb 2022


In 1973, Craig Richardson (involved in another encounter) was living in Manassas, Virginia. He was 16 years old and would often bike six miles down a road and through the woods to Creek Little Rock. He spent many hours fishing the creek. One day, he managed to catch a large number of fish and returned home and excitedly showed his brother and some friends. The next day, he and the others returned to the creek, hoping to have the same luck. Sadly, the fish weren't biting this time and something seemed off.

Then a large rock was hurled at them from somewhere off in the forest followed by a scuffle. Clearly something was in the forest watching them and the group quickly got spooked. They ran for their bikes. Upon reaching the other side of the creek where the bikes were, and making their way up a hill, the brother looked back and shouted for every one to look. They did. On the other side of the creek, near powerlines, about 300 yards away, a strange creature stood staring at them. It was tall and hairy. It had dark brown hair covering its entire body and it was standing on two legs. It looked at the boys for about 10 seconds and then it turned and walked across the power-line tower and disappeared into the foliage. The boys returned home.

Transcribed Source: The Facts By Howtohunt Podcast - Emails From A Remote Location” Uploaded on 19 Feb 2022

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Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


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