; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, mars 31, 2022

Google Earth 'Skunk Ape' Captured on YouTube (Image)

This 'creature' was found on Google Earth using the 'Street View' tool in an undisclosed location in Florida. What do you think? Could it be an actual Skunk Ape?

Found at: Footage Shows Massive Sasquatch Caught On Camera

If you wish to comment on this Phantoms & Monsters post, please go to Phantoms & Monsters Post Comments


KEN GERHARD - Cryptozoologist - Exclusive 'Open Chat' - Phantoms & Monsters Radio

Phantoms & Monsters Radio presents an exclusive 'open chat' with renowned cryptozoologist and author Ken Gerhard. Join us LIVE in the chat and ask Ken your questions. Don't miss this opportunity!

Ken Gerhard is a cryptozoologist and field investigator for the Centre for Fortean Zoology as well as a fellow of the Pangea Institute and consultant for various research groups. He has investigated reports of cryptids and mysterious animals around the world including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, Mothman, Thunderbirds and Werewolves.

In addition to co-hosting the History Channel series Missing in Alaska, he has appeared in three episodes of the television series MonsterQuest (History Channel) and was featured in the History Channel special "The Real Wolfman". Gerhard's other appearances include Ancient Aliens (History Channel), Legend Hunters (Travel Channel), The Unexplained Files (Science Channel), Paranatural (National Geographic), True Monsters (History Channel), Weird or What? with William Shatner (Syfy), Monsters and Mysteries in America (Destination America), True Supernatural (Destination America), Ultimate Encounters (truTV), Monster Project (Nat Geo Wild) and Shipping Wars (A&E).

His credits include appearances on several news broadcasts, Coast to Coast AM, and Ireland’s Newstalk, as well as being featured in various books, DVDs and in articles by the Associated Press, Houston Chronicle and Tampa Tribune. Gerhard has contributed to trade publications including Fate Magazine, Animals and Men, Cryptid Culture, The Journal of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club and Bigfoot Times.

He currently lectures and exhibits at events across the United States.

Join us this Friday, April 1st at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



How will we know for sure that we have found alien life?

Two children survive for a month alone in the Amazon rainforest

Loch Ness Monster Fans Rejoice – First Nessie Sighting of 2022

'River Troll' Humanoid Observed & Photographed in Coastal Mississippi (PHOTO)

MORGAN KNUDSEN - Paranormal Researcher / Author - Phantoms & Monsters Radio

Chicago / O'Hare MOTHMAN Updates on PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio

STRANGE DAYS w/ LON STRICKLER - 2/28/2022 - Spaced Out Radio


Please Consider a Donation to 'Phantoms & Monsters'

Your financial support of Phantoms & Monsters and our other pursuits is much appreciated. This all depends on you, the readers & followers.

Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

mercredi, mars 30, 2022

Hairy, Slim Cryptid Biped Encountered at Southern Colorado Residence

A man is outside checking his property before going to bed. He encounters a hairy, slim bipedal creature leaning against his car in the driveway. It quickly runs away on two legs.

I recently received the following account:

"This occurred in August 2013 at my home in southern Colorado. It's around 1 AM and I'm sitting in my living room watching TV. The Rottweiler is lying next to me in the floor, my wife is sleeping, and all the lights are off. To someone outside, it would seem all are asleep in the house.

The TV is in front of a large window. The window has a curtain over it, except for one small corner at the bottom of the window where the curtain is pulled back, so that we can see people stepping onto the porch during the day, while sitting on the couch. Again the exposed portion of the window is very small, and for someone to look inside they would have to bend down or be extremely short.

Suddenly my Rottweiler raises her head, puts her ears back, shows her teeth, and begins to let out a low growl. She's staring directly at the exposed corner of the window. I mute the TV, and after a minute her growling becomes snarls. She gets up on all fours, lowers her head, and is still staring at the corner. I quickly grab my 9mm, and duck under the TV, slowly make my way to the front door. I try to listen for any noise, but all I can hear is my very angry dog.

After a few minutes of this, I flip on the porch light and look through the front door window. I see nothing. Soon after, my dog chills and all seems to be well. I go to bed, but it's a sleepless night.

Fast forward a few nights. My wife is in the bed, the Rottweiler is sleeping in the other room, and I am pulling another late nighter, while watching some mindless garbage on TV. I decide to go to bed. I before I go, I figure I'll do a quick patrol around ours and the in-law's property. I grab my Maglite, load the Glock, and make my way outside. The moon is out bright, so I leave the porch light off.

Once I step on the porch I notice movement to the right of me, where my driveway and the vehicles are located, I shine my light towards the movement and see a large creature/animal next to my car. It's on two legs, with its arms on the top of my car, with its back to me. It's brown, hairy, very slim and lean. Once the light hits it, it rushes off, on two legs, towards the road, hits the pavement and runs into the woods, all of this without making a sound.

I wasn't able to get a good look at it, my eyes had yet to fully adjust and the whole ordeal only lasted about 5 seconds. I never saw its head/face but it was completely silent as it ran on gravels, then on pavement, then into the woods, I heard NOTHING, it's as if it floated into the woods.

Considering what happened just the night before, the whole situation made my hair stand up and I quickly made my way back inside. I have no idea what this was." RZ

If you wish to comment on this Phantoms & Monsters post, please go to Phantoms & Monsters Post Comments





Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

Helmeted, Silver-Suited Humanoid Exits Craft in Seville Province, Spain

A group of young men observe a hovering craft while in a forested area in the province of Seville, Spain. Later, a helmeted humanoid, wearing a silvery suit, exits the craft. The witnesses ran away.

One Friday in late November, 1978 (evidently November 24th), the four witnesses, plus another friend, were hunting just east of the Guadiamar River in the area between the towns of Gerena, Aznalcollar, and Olivares, in the province of Seville, southwestern Spain.

They each had a six-battery flashlight. The night was dark, without any wind, with good visibility and temperature, under a rather cloudy sky. One of the friends decided to return to the car, so he saw nothing of what subsequently happened.

The area of the observation is at approximately 6°20' west longitude and 37°30' north latitude. It is part of the estate "La Pizana," 3 kilometers (2 miles) southwest of Gerena. Its principal characteristics are: low hills with some farming, clumps of eucalyptus trees, vegetation located especially near the Guadiamar River, the remains of a Roman aqueduct, and beef cattle. The place where the incident occurred is a very dense grove, primarily of eucalyptus trees, with some open areas inside.

Our four witnesses went into the thick grove, after having waded across the stream. It was about 3:30 a.m. They had been there several hours already, and, using their powerful flashlights, continued looking for their prey between the trees, following a road made by tractors. But let witness Manuel Gordillo tell us what happened:

"While still on the other side of the river, I told the others, 'Wait a moment, look at the red lights of a car.' The gypsy who was with us (who could not be interviewed — I.D.) began to say 'Hey, what is that? In my mother's name, in my grandmother's name, what is that?' 'That is a strange thing.' We were seeing it on the ground in the distance. We put out the flashlights and approached. The closer we got, the more light was seen, and then I thought, well it isn't a car. If the car had its back to us, we would have been looking at the drivers, but since we were walking, it was not logical for it to be always red. Then we threw it off the track a little. We crossed the river to the other side, where it was. We began to hunt and forgot what we had seen, enthusiastic in what we were doing. I was practically alone, without hearing any of the others. I shone the light here and there and didn't see anyone. I turned off my flashlight and whistled for them to answer. Then they turned on their flashlights and I said to myself, 'There they are,' because with the trees no one could be seen. Then they came quickly and asked me, 'Hey, didn't you see that again?' I really hadn't seen it, until they told me about it. What we had seen from the other side was still in that place. There was really a light there, and then I told them, 'Are we going to get closer?' They were very scared. The red light was there and it was doing a strange thing, as if it was shaking. Then I told them, 'Watch me from behind, I'm going to get a little closer.'

"The trees did not let us see the place completely. Another companion wanted to approach with me, and we went on ahead of the other two. There was a person or something walking around it."

It was not just one light, but a row of lights. He could not see everything, and didn't know how tall the being was. But his legs were very big, and he saw just the legs.

"The object seemed round to me, and it was near the ground, right close to the ground. The lights were low. They were about 3 meters (10 feet) high and they must have been about 4 or 5 meters (13 or 16 feet) across. The lights were of different colors. The man advanced about ten meters (33 feet) and we lost sight of him. He approached again and grabbed something. I don't know if he went in the object or around it, I couldn't see. I didn't see any door in the object.

"I saw the man up to the waist, as I was stretched out on the ground. The light was behind him, and I couldn't make out well what he was wearing. It seemed to me he was wearing shoes or boots, and he was speaking. The voice seemed as if he was in a deep well, it was like 'Mnn, mmm.' The steps were slow, he came toward where we were and went back. I was a little afraid, and I thought of my wife and my children, so I didn't feel very safe.

"The object was about 30 meters (100 feet) away, and the man approached us. Finally, we got out of there very scared. We no longer felt like hunting. So we left running, and I fell and the others fell on top of me."

From Francisco Lopez Rivero's testimony we can indicate the following: This witness remained behind his companion, and observed the scene in a similar manner, though with additional details. The object seemed to him like a large earthen jar, upside down, with a red light on top, stationary. Toward the center of the object he saw several rows of lights of different colors, green , orange, red, and yellow. A little below he observed some bright-colored, silvery legs. He had the impression that at the height of the man's eyes and mouth there was a window, like on a motorcyclist's helmet. He only saw the figure to the waist, and didn't see any arms. The helmet was black or dark, and the rest of the body silvery. As to the sounds emitted by the being; as well as his movements, he agrees with the other witness. He seemed to be a very strong and tall being, of some two meters (6'7") or more.

On Sunday, January 14, 1979, the investigators went to the site of the supposed landing with Francisco Lopez. After certain difficulties in finding the spot where his observation was made, they carefully studied the ground and observed the following:

The place is, as a matter of fact, very wooded, and it is not easy to see. Nevertheless, the exact place where it is supposed that the object landed is a rather circular area, where the trees themselves are situated in this curious geometric pattern. The land was relatively soft, due to the rains that had fallen since before November. They found no sign of traces except for a curious footprint, which seemed to have been impressed into the ground many days before. After carefully drawing the mark, they measured it, and its size was 42 cm. (16.5 inches). Several meters (yards) farther on they found two more marks, made in the soil, and they were the same size as the first. The appropriate experiments showed the mark, in proportion to the height, would correspond to an individual some two meters, ten centimeters (6'11") tall. The distance between the marks was about 13 meters (43 feet).

Thanks to this field investigation, witness Francisco Lopez Rivero gave certain additional details that allowed investigator Antonio Moya Cerpa to make drawings in his presence that he approved, which are included in this report. - Ignacio Darnaude, APRO, Sept. 1979



Five people were in a nocturnal hunting party just east of the Guadiamar River in the area between the towns of Gerena, Aznalcollar, and Olivares, in the province of Seville, southwestern Spain, at at approximately 6°20' west longitude and 37°30' north latitude. The place is part of the estate "La Pizana," 3 kilometers (2 miles) southwest of Gerena. Its principal characteristics are: low hills with some farming, clumps of eucalyptus trees, vegetation located especially near the Guadiamar River, the remains of a Roman aqueduct, and beef cattle. The place where the incident occurred is a very dense grove, primarily of eucalyptus trees, with some open areas inside.

They each had a six-battery flashlight. The night was dark, with no wind, good visibility, normal temperature, under a rather cloudy sky.

As one of the friends decided to return to the car, he saw nothing of what subsequently happened.

The other four went into the thick grove, after having waded across the stream. It was about 3:30 a.m. of the 25th. They had been there several hours already, and, using their powerful flashlights, continued looking for their prey between the trees, following a road made by tractors.

Witness Manuel Gordillo told the investigators that while still on the other side of the river, he alerted others' attention to what he thought were the red lights of the back of a car. A Gypsy who were with them, and could not be interviewed, said, according to Gordillo, "Hey, what is that? In my mother's name, in my grandmother's name, what is that? That is a strange thing."

Gordillo said that the hunters were seeing these red lights on the ground in the distance, they put out the flashlights and approached. The closer they got, the more light was seen, and then he thought that it was not a car: if it were, it would be going away from them but instead they approached, the lights were more and more visible and still they could not see the drivers.

Gordillo said that they then went off the track a little, crossed the river to the other side, where the light was. They began to hunt and forgot what they had seen, enthusiastic about the hunting.

At one point, Gordillo was then practically alone, without hearing of the others. He shone the light here and there and didn't see anyone, turned off his flashlight and whistled for the others to answer. Then they turned on their flashlights and came to him quickly and asked: "Hey, didn't you see that again?"

He hadn't, so they told him that there was really was a light there, and when he proposed to go closer check the light, they were very scared. They saw the red light, it was doing a strange shaking. Gordillo asked them to look at him from behind as he was going to get a little closer.

Another of the hunters, Francisco Lopez Rivero, wanted to approach with him, and the two went on ahead of the other two.

As they neared the place where the red light was, they saw that it was not just a single light, but a row of lights, and there was a person or something walking around it. Gordillo said he was now within 30 meters of the lights.

Lopez Rivero who was remaining a little behind remained Gordillo, observed the seen in a similar manner, and told that the object seemed to him like a large earthen jar, upside down, with a red light on top, stationary. Toward the center of the object he saw several rows of lights of different colors, green , orange, red, and yellow.

Gordillo could not see everything, because of the vegetation, and he could not see how tall the being was, he saw only the legs but he saw that these legs were very big.

The light was behind the being, and he could not make out well what he was wearing. It seemed to him that the being was wearing shoes or boots, and he was speaking, with a voice that sounded as if he was in a deep well, with sounds like "Mnn, mmm." The steps the being took were slow, he came toward where the two men were, approaching up to 10 meters, was lost of sight.

Lopez also observed the beings' legs, indicated they were bright-colored, silvery. He had the impression that at the height of the man's eyes and mouth, there was a window, like on a motorcyclist's helmet. He too only saw the figure to the waist, and did not see the arms and the waist. The helmet was black or dark, and the rest of the body silvery. As to the sounds emitted by the being; as well as his movements, he agrees with Gordillo. Lopez specified that the being seemed to be a very strong and tall being, of some two meters or more.

Gordillo explained that he was a little afraid then and thought of his wife and his children, and started to feel very unsafe.

The object seemed round to Gordillo, and it was near the ground. The lights were low, at about 3 meters high, and must have been about 4 or 5 meters across. They were of different colors.

The being went back to the lights, then approached again and grabbed something. Then, Gordillo saw him either go into or behind the object with the lights - he didn't see any door in the object.

Gordillo said that finally, they got out of there, running, very scared. They no longer felt like hunting. As the run away, he fell, and the others fell on top of me.

On Sunday, January 14, 1979, the investigators went to the site of the supposed landing with Francisco Lopez. After certain difficulties in finding the spot where his observation was made, they carefully studied the ground and observed the following:

The place is, as a matter of fact, very wooded, and it is not easy to see. Nevertheless, the exact place where it is supposed that the object landed is a rather circular area, where the trees themselves are situated in this curious geometric pattern. The land was relatively soft, due to the rains that had fallen since before November. They found no sign of traces except for a curious footprint, which seemed to have been impressed into the ground many days before. After carefully drawing the mark, they measured it, and its size was 42 cm. Several meters farther on they found two more marks, made in the soil, and they were the same size as the first. The appropriate experiments showed the mark, in proportion to the height, would correspond to an individual some two meters, ten centimeters (6'11") tall. The distance between the marks was about 13 meters (43 feet). The corresponding drawings were published.

During the field investigation, witness Francisco Lopez Rivero gave certain additional details that allowed investigator Antonio Moya Cerpa to make drawings in his presence that he approved. - J. Ignacio Alonso, Joaquin Mateos Nogales, J. Antonio Gutierrez, Manuel Fupo Cabana, and Antonio Moya Cerpa


NOTE: There had been a somewhat similar humanoid sighting in Baracaldo, Spain in October 1976:

Baracaldo, Spain - October 29, 1976 - 20:25

Six young men were out playing near a walled in field close to the local cemetery when they suddenly heard a loud crackling sound, two of the boys then noticed an object resembling a telephone boot descend towards the walled field. The two boys ran to the field and saw the object land behind some bushes on three leg like protrusions; it also emitted a white and red light. An oval shaped opening became visible from which a red light shone, then two very tall human like figures emerged. The figures wore tight fitting black diving suits and wide bright belts. The two figures walked slowly towards the wall, the two boys could now see bright shiny eyes but no other facial features. One of the humanoids banged on the wall several times, and then both walked to the center of the yard. One of them then pulled out a long thin object from a sack on his side and pointed it at the wall, a long thin beam of light came out of the object and hit the wall several times, at one point the beam turned white. Moments later both figures walked back to their craft. The witnesses ran to tell their families and did not see the object depart.

Source: J J Benitez, La Quinta Columna


As well, in 1974 a witness in Gerena, Spain looked out the window of his home and saw a two meter diameter disc only four meters away from the house. Two helmeted heads of little men were visible inside the craft.

Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, volume 141

A cluster of UFO cases in southwest Spain near Gerena were also reported from the late 1960s but none were known to involve humanoids or other entities...Lon
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KEN GERHARD - Cryptozoologist - Exclusive 'Open Chat' - Phantoms & Monsters Radio

Phantoms & Monsters Radio presents an exclusive 'open chat' with renowned cryptozoologist and author Ken Gerhard. Join us LIVE in the chat and ask Ken your questions. Don't miss this opportunity!

Ken Gerhard is a cryptozoologist and field investigator for the Centre for Fortean Zoology as well as a fellow of the Pangea Institute and consultant for various research groups. He has investigated reports of cryptids and mysterious animals around the world including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, Mothman, Thunderbirds and Werewolves.

In addition to co-hosting the History Channel series Missing in Alaska, he has appeared in three episodes of the television series MonsterQuest (History Channel) and was featured in the History Channel special "The Real Wolfman". Gerhard's other appearances include Ancient Aliens (History Channel), Legend Hunters (Travel Channel), The Unexplained Files (Science Channel), Paranatural (National Geographic), True Monsters (History Channel), Weird or What? with William Shatner (Syfy), Monsters and Mysteries in America (Destination America), True Supernatural (Destination America), Ultimate Encounters (truTV), Monster Project (Nat Geo Wild) and Shipping Wars (A&E).

His credits include appearances on several news broadcasts, Coast to Coast AM, and Ireland’s Newstalk, as well as being featured in various books, DVDs and in articles by the Associated Press, Houston Chronicle and Tampa Tribune. Gerhard has contributed to trade publications including Fate Magazine, Animals and Men, Cryptid Culture, The Journal of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club and Bigfoot Times.

He currently lectures and exhibits at events across the United States.

Join us this Friday, April 1st at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



Firing a Shotgun at Aliens is Not Always a Good Idea

Loch Ness Monster is in the Middle of a UK Political Battle

Scientists Are Preparing for Our Best Shot Yet at Identifying Alien Life

Security Camera Catches Creepy 'Haunted' Doll Moving on Its Own?

MORGAN KNUDSEN - Paranormal Researcher / Author - Phantoms & Monsters Radio

Chicago / O'Hare MOTHMAN Updates on PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio

STRANGE DAYS w/ LON STRICKLER - 2/28/2022 - Spaced Out Radio


Please Consider a Donation to 'Phantoms & Monsters'

Your financial support of Phantoms & Monsters and our other pursuits is much appreciated. This all depends on you, the readers & followers.

Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

mardi, mars 29, 2022

Invisible Beings & UFO Encounter in Summit Point, West Virginia

A West Virginia man and his family began experiencing strange events after they moved to Summit Point, WV. It culminated as invisible beings in the apple orchard and a UFO encounter.

1980 - Summit Point, West Virginia: Craig and his brother, Red, had returned home to find their mother sitting in the chair motionless. They thought that she was having a medical emergency, but slowly she came out of it, explaining that something bizarre had just happened.

After about 15 minutes she starts to babble. Another 15 minutes and she can talk coherently. She tells us, I was sitting here watching the TV and the front door opened. Something walked in - invisible - he came up to her and asked where the oil was. She could not move or fight and that the thing probed every orifice of her body including her personal regions.

Now about an hour's gone by. She says, "Craig, it sounded like they ransacked your bedroom, you should go check it out.” Craig discovered that about 100 dollars was missing from his bankbook which was sitting by his window. My mother said, "Look, boys, whatever it is, it did not harm me." She gave it a name. I forgot the name, but my brother said, "I don't care, if it happens with me, I will kill it!"

Right then, the entire trailer started to shake and the most evil sounding roar / scream you've ever heard enveloped the entire house. My mother begged my brother to shut up and he did. 

Later, Craig felt as though he was being called to the apple orchard across the street. Craig and a friend had gone out hunting and passed through the orchard. "As we were walking, I noticed a big opening in the tree to my left. It looked like the lowest branch four feet off the ground was under a lot of pressure. I told my friend to stop, showed it to him. He said it was just the weight of the apples. I said, No, my sixth sense was on point. No fear but I knew something was wrong. I pointed my gun at the opening and all of a sudden the branch flew up as something leaped off of it and hit the ground running. You could see the footsteps and the fallen leaves.

This does not adequately account for everything that happened that fall. I had apples flying up the trees at me like they were thrown from a baseball pitcher - that fast, but not ever did one hit me. Then, one night all the dogs were barking and growling with that fear growl. I went out to the spot and shined the light on the dog pens (we raised beagles and trained them for sale) and all the dogs were up on the fence wire and looking up into the sky. I looked up and saw a round craft with dimly lit windows, only four, I think. I shined my light on it. The dim light behind the windows went out and it slowly moved away over the woods. The dogs calmed down and I went back inside."

Things came to a head in 1980 while bull-hunting. Craig was sitting on a large dead log. “I had my bow on the tops my thighs. It sat down on my right side. I had a 10-inch buck knife on my left hip and I thought I'd grab it with my right hand and just cross stab it to my right, stabbing the belly or whatever. As soon as I had the thought, it said to me in English, 'Don't even think about it. I could have killed you anytime I wanted. You're no challenge.' And it left."

Transcribed from 'The Facts By Howtohunt.com Podcast' from a video titled, “*NEW** Updates, Emails From A Remote Location” Uploaded on 19 Feb 2022

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Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

'Cryptid Biped' Encounters in Cambria County, Pennsylvania (Possible Upright Canine)

Newly reported cryptid biped encounters in Cambria County, Pennsylvania. This area has a history of upright canine sightings and other unexplained activity. Investigation forthcoming.

I recently received the following account:

"Two summers ago, my wife and I had two unusual encounters while fishing near Ebensburg, Pennsylvania in Cambria County. Both occurred in an area we used to fish multiple times a week, even late at night. It's a favorite trout creek of mine since I was a child.

The first encounter was around the end of July 2020, I believe around 3-4 PM. We were at our usual spot for an hour or so and didn't get any bites, so we decided to try to find a spot my dad had told us about. We packed up and walked down a trail/ATV path for maybe 15-20 minutes before we found a tree stand set up and knew we had to have walked past the spot we were looking for. I just wanted to fish, so I tried to walk directly towards the creek from the trail but the brush was very thick and hard to navigate. I could see it was quite swampy on the other side, so I gave up and we started walking back the way we had come from.

As soon as we started walking again we heard something moving around just past the brush. We acknowledged it and assumed it was simply a squirrel or something similar. Shortly after this, we come to a large puddle in the trail with tadpoles in it. So, we stopped for a few minutes to watch them swim. We start walking again and immediately notice the sound of leaves and sticks again, just in the brush. After a minute we realize something is definitely following us. Without stopping, I grabbed my small fish cleaning knife and a larger knife I carry specifically for self-defense and give my wife the small knife.

Eventually as we got closer to our original spot and car, where the trail opens into a large field. Once we were in the field and out of dense trees, whatever it was seemed to be gone. At the time the best thing we could come up with was it was a cougar because we knew whatever it was it was clearly following and watching us. But then, as we discussed it more, we realized it was a bipedal walk like a man and couldn't have been on 4 legs.

The second incident was the same creek, but a few miles upstream and about a month or so later around 5-6 PM. This time we went to a spot we usually avoided because it's the most accessible area on the creek and the most likely to have other people. We specifically choose this spot because of what had happened the last time. In this particular spot, a bridge goes over the creek and there's a large area underneath to fish from.

We climb under the bridge and start fishing, but after a few minutes we start to hear what sounds like something pacing back and forth, or maybe going in circles in a swamp to our left side. Again, I think maybe it's a squirrel or rabbit, maybe even a raccoon or a fox. But I'm uneasy because of the last time fishing, so I start occasionally tossing pebbles at the noise, hoping whatever it was would get scared and run away. It would stop for a minute or two then start moving again and I would throw another and it would stop again. I did this for about half an hour before we decided to leave. We stood on the bridge for a bit which is at least 10 feet above the swampy area but couldn't see or hear anything else and left. Again we believe it was bipedal footsteps.

We have not been back to that creek since then. We stick to fishing larger dams and try to only go at times when it's more likely for other people to be out. I also now carry a large handgun or 2 when fishing, just in case. The creek this all took place at also happens to flow into a local dam where you have a reported white Dogman sighting about 2 years prior to my experiences." ES

NOTE: This is in the area around Wilmore Reservoir. We have had reported cryptid canine activity back in 2018. We have also investigated 3 other sightings / encounters of upright canines in Portage, PA in Cambria County. The Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team plans to investigate these newly reported sightings in the near future. Lon

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KEN GERHARD - Cryptozoologist - Exclusive 'Open Chat' - Phantoms & Monsters Radio

Phantoms & Monsters Radio presents an exclusive 'open chat' with renowned cryptozoologist and author Ken Gerhard. Join us LIVE in the chat and ask Ken your questions. Don't miss this opportunity!

Ken Gerhard is a cryptozoologist and field investigator for the Centre for Fortean Zoology as well as a fellow of the Pangea Institute and consultant for various research groups. He has investigated reports of cryptids and mysterious animals around the world including Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, the Chupacabra, Mothman, Thunderbirds and Werewolves.

In addition to co-hosting the History Channel series Missing in Alaska, he has appeared in three episodes of the television series MonsterQuest (History Channel) and was featured in the History Channel special "The Real Wolfman". Gerhard's other appearances include Ancient Aliens (History Channel), Legend Hunters (Travel Channel), The Unexplained Files (Science Channel), Paranatural (National Geographic), True Monsters (History Channel), Weird or What? with William Shatner (Syfy), Monsters and Mysteries in America (Destination America), True Supernatural (Destination America), Ultimate Encounters (truTV), Monster Project (Nat Geo Wild) and Shipping Wars (A&E).

His credits include appearances on several news broadcasts, Coast to Coast AM, and Ireland’s Newstalk, as well as being featured in various books, DVDs and in articles by the Associated Press, Houston Chronicle and Tampa Tribune. Gerhard has contributed to trade publications including Fate Magazine, Animals and Men, Cryptid Culture, The Journal of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club and Bigfoot Times.

He currently lectures and exhibits at events across the United States.

Join us this Friday, April 1st at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



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Chicago / O'Hare MOTHMAN Updates on PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio

STRANGE DAYS w/ LON STRICKLER - 2/28/2022 - Spaced Out Radio


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