; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, février 26, 2022

'Dark Blurry Figure' Reports Received From Penbrokeshire, Wales

In 2019, there were a series of dark blurry figure sightings reported in the Haverfordwest area in Pembrokeshire, Wales. None of the sightings could be explained.

MT explained his situation when using Clay Lanes on a holiday excursion:

"We have visited Pembrokeshire many times over the years. Pembrokeshire is one of our favourite destinations and we have family in Saundersfoot with whom we stay with. I am very familiar with the area but I had not visited Haverfordwest Castle. My wife and two daughters enjoyed our trip to Haverfordwest very much and we took the road (Clay Lane) to the Pembroke Road to continue our trip.

It was not late at all, maybe 8 PM. It was on that road that we travelled up a steep hill and down onto a country road. On our right was a field with what appeared to be a ruined church which upon research was an old house (Haroldstone house). I was tempted to get out and grab a picture of the ruin when my Wife shouted to slow down and in the road was the figure of a person. I stopped and my Wife and two children watched a 'blurry figure' walk from the middle of the road and disappeared into a gap into the hedge (left to the right). The figure was very tall and was definitely in front of us. There was no discernible features just the blurry outline of a very tall figure (Over 6 foot maybe taller). You could see the arms swinging as it walked. It was not dirt on the windscreen or shadows cast by the trees or an ordinary person just crossing the road. There was an actual shadowy object crossing the road. It was very unsettling and my children particularly the youngest was very upset by the sighting. I am not one for the paranormal but to see something like this in the daylight with my family has obviously opened my mind to such things. I am ashamed to admit that I did not get out of the car to see where it had gone and the incident happened so quickly that I did not get a photograph."


"My colleague and I were working nights and driving from Milford to Haverfordwest. It was about 2 AM and we were just approaching Johnston. As we did I saw a very tall lanky dark figure run straight across the road into the hedge! We stopped and got torches, etc. But there was no where it could have gone. It literally disappeared into the hedge. Some paramedics then stopped and told us about the road being haunted. The figure had long arms and legs and ran very quickly."


Two women were traveling to work in Haverfordwest from Milford when they had a similar experience.

This was outside of Steynton, Milford Haven, just after 6 AM. Both ladies wish to remain anonymous due to their profession. They both stated that after the traffic lights and past a well known pub in the area they saw a 'tall shadowy figure' on the right hand side of the road as you travel to Haverfordwest. They said it is not uncommon to see people on the side of the road as there are many workers up at that time of day waiting for lifts and they took no further notice other than how tall the figure was. As they continued their drive they claim the tall figure “darted” across the road at astonishing speed and disappeared into the road. The driver “slammed on her brakes” expecting to have hit someone or something.

The passenger left the car and there was no evidence of an accident or of a person or animal on the road or anywhere near the car. They continued their journey, both confused and shaken up and when they safely arrived at their work place they told a senior colleague of their experience. Their colleague casually told them that it was a common occurrence and a well known paranormal hot spot and others had seen a strange figure at that spot. The ladies have said that since the event they have not witnessed any further activity but are very mindful on their morning journey that there is something not quite right with that part of the road.

NOTE: Around the same year and in 2020, there were other cursory sightings of a similar figure. To this date, there has been no explanation as to what witnesses were experiencing. Lon

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Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


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