; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, février 15, 2022

Continuous Alien Abductions Result in Mother & Daughter Suicides

An Atlanta area woman explains, to her friend, her alien abduction experiences. She recalls that her mother had also been an experiencer and that the constant abductions led to her self-inflicted death.

The following is an alien abduction report originally submitted to me in April 2015. I have included a recent follow-up:

"I live on the ground floor of a condominium building in an Atlanta, Georgia suburb. I've only lived here for about 4 months, but have felt uneasy with my home since I moved in. I live alone and rarely socialize, but I do enjoy having an occasional night out with friends.

One night, a few weeks ago, my close friend Josie spent the night on my couch since she was in no condition to drive home. This wasn't unusual because I enjoy her company. We are like sisters and have known each other since grade school.

The next morning (Sunday) I found Josie sitting on my leather chaise shaking like a leaf in the wind. She was wrapped in a white bed sheet, which I didn't recognize since all my bedding is colored. There was an odd odor in the living room, which reminded me of an old musty basement. As I walked closer to Josie she looked at me with wide bloodshot eyes with tears streaming down her face. I asked her what was wrong. She didn't answer but hide her face in her hands.

I sat down on the foot of the chaise watching and consoling Josie. I was frightened, wondering if someone had broken into the condo last night and assaulted Josie. "Josie - what happened? Where did this white bed sheet come from?" She raised her head from her hands and said. "I was abducted by aliens."

"What? Did someone break in and hurt you?" She looked at me and started to cry. "The aliens took me away."

I stood up and walked to the front door. All the locks were intact and the alarm was still armed. It hadn't been touched. I walked towards the patio sliding doors. The lock and alarm were intact there as well. Nothing in the condo looked out of place. I walked back to Josie and inquired about the white bed sheet again. She said that they took her clothes and wrapped her in them before they brought her back. I could tell that she was serious. Josie has always been a no-nonsense person. In fact, I didn't remember ever seeing her cry before.

"They know where I am again." Again? "What do you mean when you say again?" She asked if she could take a shower, that she would explain to me afterward. I went into my bedroom to find Josie some clothes. When I walked into the bathroom, she dropped the bed sheet, and I noticed a half-dollar-sized bruise at the base of her spine. There was also a few patches of greenish-colored powder on her legs and on the bed sheet. Josie stepped into the shower. I grabbed the bed sheet and placed it in a large shopping bag I had beside my bed. I then made my way to the kitchen and started brewing coffee.

Josie stayed in the shower for over 45 minutes. I sat at the dining room table wondering what could have possibly transpired during the night. After a while, Josie slowly walked into the dining room and sat down across from me. "You don't believe me, do you?" I replied, "You said that aliens took you. I don't believe in aliens, honey."

"This was not the first time they came for me. I've put up with this since I was 5 years old. My Mama also experienced abductions during her life. They never have told us why." Josie took a sip of coffee, "It is painful and doesn't get any easier. It killed Mama." Josie's Mom had committed suicide while Josie was in college. Her Father was never a part of her life.

I didn't know how to respond, but I do know this. If Josie said she was abducted, then she believed that it had happened. She is the most sincere person I know. Her only vice was that she is a heavy drinker. These abductions may be the reason why.

We talked for most of the day. She explained that the encounters always begin with her waking up disrobed on a hard cold table in a brightly lit room. The same aliens would attend to her each time. These aliens were very human-like except for their glistening yellow hair. There were males and female of various sizes and heights. They all wore blue full-bodied suits. They didn't walk with their two legs but appeared to float just an inch or two above a black textured floor. There were other aliens present that was small in stature with large heads and eyes. These small beings wore dark blue smocks that reached the floor. Their duties were unknown, though there were always several standing around. Josie also said that she has endured over two dozen abductions and that she was told to expect further encounters during her life. The last abduction was over a year ago and ceased after she moved to another house. She hoped that they may have lost track of her. Now she realized that they always knew where she was.

I suppose that I am most surprised that I never had any idea that Josie has undergone this abuse over the entire time I have known her. Do I believe her? I have no reason not to believe her, and I plan to help her through the continued exploitation by these yellow-haired aliens." H

NOTE: The submission was referred to me by a UFO investigator, who is an attorney in Atlanta, GA. The report was forwarded by a middle-aged woman who has lived in the same general area her entire life. After I received the report, I was asked to redact some of the content after I requested permission to publish it.

I was later allowed to contact Josie's friend 'H'. She promised to keep me updated on her friend's ordeal.

Recently, I was contacted by another attorney in the Atlanta, GA area, and was informed that, according to 'H', Josie had taken her own life in late 2021. No further information was provided. Your comments are welcomed. Lon
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Phantoms & Monsters Radio - W. T. Watson - Author 'Mysteries of the Mist'

W. T. Watson is a coffee addict and writer of both fiction and non-fiction. He infuses his work with his expertise in cryptozoology, monster lore, magic, Forteana and the paranormal. He brings a unique shamanic and magical perspective to all of his work after over 30 years of exploration in these topics. When he is not writing or reading about monsters, he can be found outdoors allowing his dogs to take him for a walk around his neighbourhood in Kitchener, Ontario. He lives with his spouse, Stacey, in a townhome that would be jammed with books if it weren’t for e-readers.

Travis recently published a book with Beyond the Fray Publishing titled “Mysteries in the Mist: Mist, Fog, and Clouds in the Paranormal.”

Join us this Friday, February 18th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


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