; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, février 09, 2022

Baby's Alien Abduction, Return to Crib, Witnessed by Older Sister

A young girl, who shared a bedroom with her baby sister, observes the baby floating above the crib as it entered through the outside wall in a bright light. Years later, her younger sister recalls other abduction scenarios.

"In 1988, our family lived in a small apartment in a small town in Auglaize County, Ohio. I don't want to give the location or our name. At the time, I was 11-years-old and my 10-month-old sister and I shared a bedroom.

One night while we were asleep, I noticed a constant droning sound coming from outside our window. It continued for several minutes, then eventually stopped.

A few nights later the same sound started. I looked at the clock and it read 3:24 am. This time, the sound continued for many minutes. I got out of bed and looked out the window. I noticed a small bright white light high in the sky that seemed to pulse. I watched the light for a few minutes. It never moved except for the pulsing. Then it disappeared and the droning sound stopped.

The next morning I told my mother about the sound and the light. She said that she hadn't notice anything.

A couple of nights later, I was getting ready for bed. My sister was already asleep in her crib. I walked into the bedroom and noticed a weird odor. It reminded me of antiseptic cleaner. I looked toward my sister's crib and it was empty. I had been in the bathroom previously, so I thought my mother had taken my sister to my parent's bedroom.

I laid on my bed reading a magazine with the radio very low. After awhile, I looked at the clock. It was 10:20 pm. I figured that my mother fell asleep and my sister would sleep with her. My father worked night shift, so occasionally my sister stayed the night with my mother. I was getting sleepy, so I turned the light off and laid down.

At some point, I was startled by a weird dream. I remember being frozen and not being able to move. I suddenly woke and opened my eyes. I felt very cold even though it was July and we didn't have air conditioning at the time. The droning sound had started again. I tried to get out of bed but was unable to do so. I felt very weak and disoriented. The droning sound was getting much louder and it was beginning to get a headache. I tried to call out to my mother but no sound came out of my mouth.

Then suddenly the bedroom started to fill up with white light. It was brightest above my sister's crib. As the light intensified I noticed something coming through the wall. As I watched, the form became visible. It was my sister floating above the crib in a prone position. She had come through the light and through the wall. Her body slowly descended into the crib and the light, as well as the droning sound, began to diminish. Instantly I regained all of my faculties.

I jumped out of bed and went over to my sister. She was asleep and seemed fine. I stood there by the crib and watched her while thinking if should tell my mother what I witnessed. I decided that this would be my secret.

Not long after that, we moved to a larger apartment. My sister and I both had our own rooms.

Now to the present.

Last week my sister and I got together at her home in Michigan. She has her own family and 2 great kids. As we sat in her living room talking, she started to tell me about something her 5-year-old daughter told her. It seems that her daughter had an experience very similar to my sister's incident when she was 10-years-old. I detailed to her what had happened to her. She looked at me and mentioned that she thought that she had experienced several abductions and that she had an odd encounter a few years back that involved a strange being that confronted her in her bedroom. She had no further recollection beyond that.

That's basically the story. I don't think that any of this has happened to me, but I'm not exactly sure.

Thank you for your time and thoughts." J

NOTE: I forwarded my thoughts to the experiencer at the time I received the correspondence. She agreed in allowing me to publish her account. These abduction scenarios seem to follow people for much of their lives, including their children and their families. David Eckhart and his family have had continued encounters after a long period of abductions. In fact, David's daughter and her spouse encountered these beings on a regular basis. Lon

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 Phantoms & Monsters Radio - PHANTOMS & MONSTERS FORTEAN RESEARCH Team Roundtable Discussion

This week's show will be a roundtable discussion with Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team members. This will include questions & answers in the Live Chat.

(Our previously scheduled guest contracted COVID, and needs to reschedule)

Join us this Friday, February 11th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT


We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


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