; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, février 25, 2022

Alien Body 'Tisul Princess' Sarcophagus Unearthed in Coal Mine

The account of a sarcophagus discovered with the woman’s body in the settlement of Tisul, Russia is not a myth for most of the people who claimed to have witnessed this incident. The discovery of 'Princess Tisul' in 1969 in the Kemerovo region, Russia is quite controversial.

According to the reports, a sarcophagus filled with mysterious pink liquid was removed by coal miners in the village of Rzhavchik of the Tisulsky District in the Kemerovo region. Inside the sarcophagus was an intact corpse of a beautiful woman of Slavic appearance in a transparent dress from a mysterious material.

The marble coffin was buried untouched 20-meter coal seam. Miners found this large marble sarcophagus with elaborately carved ornaments. The main witness of the case is a man named Oleg Kulishkin, who claimed to have heard the story from a former Colonel of the KGB who was involved in the operation. The incident occurred in early September of 1969.

They found the body of a beautiful young woman, about 30-years-old, preserved perfectly in a pinkish-blue crystalline liquid inside the coffin. A black rectangular metal object, 25 by 10 cm, was placed closer to the head of the corpse. The whole village arrived to see the mysterious discovery. Soon afterwards, it was declared that the place was contagious and a quarantined was ordered. All the evidence was collected from the site and the coffin was taken away by helicopter.

According to researchers in Novosibirsk, the age of burial is at least 80 million years. The fabric used to make the dress could not be determined. They concluded that the technology used to manufacture the fabric was much more advanced than present-day technology. The composition of the pink-blue liquid was not determined, only some of its constituent components have been identified, formed by the oldest varieties of garlic.

In 2007, Roman Yanchenko, a journalist from the Russian newspaper Sibdepo decided to verify the legends of the Tisul Princess. According to his research, Tatyana Pavlovna Karnaukhova, a wife of miner Karnaukhov died five years ago as a result of a prolonged serious illness. Besides, others who worked in a quarry died In a series of strange circumstances. The quarry was closed in 1973, and now it is covered by dense forest.

The village of Rzhavchik really does exists, and there was an active coal mine in the area. Although very little is known about the nature of the strange findings but residents of the village of Rzhavchik still confirm the story of the Tisulsky Princess.

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PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio - Cryptid Roundtable Discussion - Investigators & Researchers

Josh "Wolf" Turner Host of The Paranormal Round Table. Proud Texan who grew up around the paranormal and supernatural having many personal experiences and witnessing otherworldly phenomena. Josh is a master storyteller who has been collecting paranormal stories as a personal passion since his experience with an upright canine changed his life as a young man. Opening his eyes to the paranormal. Paranormal Round Table has live shows every Tuesday nights and new content every Friday night premiering shows on different paranormal topics. 

Ron Murphy, 'The Crypto Guru,' has been investigating the stuff of nightmares for over 30 years. He has delved deeply into the shadows to shed light on the things that go bump in the night and meticulously researched the historical and psychological context of myths and legends from around the world. Ron seeks to uncover the archetypal precedent for the monsters that haunt our collective thoughts.

Kenney W. Irish AKA 'The Cryptopunkologist,' is an author, hardcore/punk musician and sales/marketing professional. Originally from the northern parts of Vermont, he has recently re-located to the beautiful Adirondacks area of upstate New York. He has a lifelong love of folklore, legends, monsters, and U.F.O stories. He has regularly attended and spoke at writers' groups, and various other platforms across the country. He has a passion for writing young readers chapter books. You can also catch him as co-host for the NYBS radio show alongside Gary Robusto.

Elijah Henderson is owner of the Cryptid Studies Institute. He is the host of the YouTube Series Nightmare Nuggets of Cryptid Terror, and has been engaged in the cryptid field since 2002. When he is not editing or creating the latest Nightmare Nugget, he enjoys active research in the field. Elijah has been a public speaker since he was eleven years old.

Join us this Friday, February 25th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



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Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



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