; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, février 28, 2022

Bigfoot Helps Lost Girl Find Way Back to Her Family

A young girl is vacationing in a cabin with her family at Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. When she becomes lost in the woods, a Bigfoot shows her the way back to her family.

I recently came across the following account:

"When I was around 7 years old, my family took a trip to South Dakota to see Mount Rushmore. We got a cabin in the very back of the property, for the one we reserved wasn’t available. The family that had reserved the cabin before us extended their stay, so we had to take the only one available. When my dad went inside the office, I went with him (I'm a total daddy’s girl and followed him EVERYWHERE) while the rest of my family stayed in the van. When we went up to the desk and were told that the cabin we originally reserved was still occupied, we were offered another one at a very discounted rate. When the clerk said this a man beside him threw up his eyebrows and looked nervous. My dad jokingly asked him if it was haunted or something and was met with another nervous look. My dad didn't really care about this type of thing.

We got to the cabin and everything was fine, at first. The only thing I really remember was there were HUGE footprints going away from the front of the cabin in the mud. My dad put his size-12 foot up next to them and they were at least 4 inches bigger than his. We noted how strange it was and went inside.

Over the next few days some strange things happened. Like once we came back from an outing and all the cereal boxes we had bought were out on the front lawn. Another strange thing was when we came back from the pool, all of our shoes were in the bathtub with the water running over them. Both of these times there were no signs of a break in. I had been having strange ‘dreams’ while I was there. I had never had any dreams like this before, so I don’t believe that’s what they were, and they were the same each time. I would wake up feeling watched, and in the window facing the woods I would see a HUGE dark figure in the windows watching me. It would never leave when I saw it. It just seemed to be more interested in me.

Now to the reason I'm writing. Sorry for the long intro, but I feel it was important to note all the above. I went out on my own to explore, as I had done several times before this, and found some sprinklers set up on a hillside. I was running and playing in them for quite some time (unbeknownst to me at the time, they were septic sprinklers) when I heard a loud crack from the woods on the other side of this hill I was playing on. It piqued my interest since it sounded as if a tree fell, but I didn’t see any disturbance that would point to one falling. I walked in and was there for quite awhile and heard some very strange things. There were things that I could only equate to very heavy footfall, but never saw anything that would cause them.

I had been wondering around for a long time trying to find my way back out, and getting more and more frightened as I went. I saw trees rattle and shake like something was jumping from tree to tree following me through the woods. I started to lose hope that I would ever find my way out. I sat down on a rock and started to cry when I heard the same heavy footfall approach me and stop several feet beside me. I looked up and stared in the direction they came from before I saw it. It had to have been only 10 feet away from me, staring directly into my eyes.

He (I say its a he because i saw PROOF that it was a male) was at least 8-feet-tall and was very still and well camouflaged. He was like a black/dark green color fully covered in hair. We had several minutes of uninterrupted eye contact, until he looked up to the direction that would have been slightly to his left. I wiped my eyes and audibly asked, “What does that mean? What are you telling me?” He looked down at me again and raised his arm to point in that same direction. I looked where he pointed and asked out loud if that's where home was, but when I looked back to where he was standing, he was gone.

I walk that way anyways and found my cabin right before it got dark. My parents were distraught, of course, but happy to see me. I told them what happened and, to this day, I don’t think they believed me. I buried this for a long time until I started listening to others stories. It brought it all back with such veracity I had to share. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I appreciate any input as to why this creature may have helped me." C

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Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

Aliens Are Hiding in Saturn's Rings According to Former NASA Scientist

A former NASA scientist says that while analyzing images taken from the Voyager probes over the years, he found strange objects near the rings. Are these alien craft?

The universe is full of mysteries and secrets. Naturally, there are many theories about the possibility of inhabited planets and alien civilizations.

This is not the first time that NASA employees talk about alien civilizations. So, Norman Bergrun made a sensational statement about aliens. Norman said that it is Saturn that can be the refuge of an alien civilization, and NASA just hide their evidence, using it for their own purposes.

Bergrun served on the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and worked with Lockheed Martin on some classified aerospace projects. In his 1986 book 'Ringmakers of Saturn,' he first outlined the theory that extraterrestrial craft had been sighted on the solar system’s ringed planets, especially Saturn.

The former NASA scientist says that while analyzing images taken from the Voyager probes over the years, he found strange objects near the rings. He added that one could even observe “exhausts from the engines of alien ships, the spread of which would accelerate and reach a critical stage.”

There has been a theory that NASA employees cannot talk too much. A few former NASA employees share some details that they could not have given out because of the confidentiality agreement. Another former NASA engineer also stated that the rings of Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter were created to be used as a source of energy or for aliens to obtain resources.

Several ufologists have said that there are some suspicious objects in the rings of Saturn. Bergrun said it is becoming harder to hide them. In addition, in photographs from probes sent to Saturn in 1982, mysterious structures were seen. Norman also said that more and more UFOs appear in outer space, and aliens living on Saturn can be hiding in its rings.

Another hypothesis says that in fact, the ring is a system of protection of Saturn, created with the help of alien technologies, which does not allow to take a clear photo of the planet.

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PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio - Chad Lewis - Researcher & Author - 'Supernatural Dares of the Midwest'

For over 25 years Chad Lewis has traveled the back roads of the world in search of the strange and unusual. From tracking vampires in Transylvania and searching for the elusive monster of Loch Ness to trailing the dangerous Tata Duende through remote villages of Belize and searching for ghosts in Ireland's haunted castles, Chad has scoured the earth in search of the paranormal.

Chad has been featured on the Discovery Channel's A Haunting, William Shatner's Weird or What, ABC's Scariest Places on Earth, and Monsters and Mysteries in America along with being a frequent contributor on Ripley's Believe it or Not Radio. With a Masters Degree in Psychology, Chad has authored over 25 books on the supernatural, and extensively lectures on his fascinating findings. The more bizarre the legend, the more likely it is that you will find Chad there.

We will be discussing Chad's book 'Supernatural Dares of the Midwest: Curses, Monsters and Ghosts' which was published by Beyond the Fray publishing in May 2021.

Join us this Friday, March 4th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT



We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



Roswell: The First Days Were the Most Important Ones

Ancient Reptilians: The Unanswered Mystery of the 7,000-Year-Old Ubaid Lizardmen

The Yowie - could Australia's Bigfoot actually exist?

Does Your Brain Replay Your "Best Life" When You Die?

Chicago / O'Hare MOTHMAN Updates on PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio

PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio - Cryptid Roundtable Discussion - Investigators & Researchers


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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon

This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

dimanche, février 27, 2022

Unknown Greenish Aquatic Creature Observed Off Cabo San Lucas, Mexico Coast

An American was in Cabo San Luis, Mexico for a bachelor party. Later, he was on a fishing charter and observed an unknown greenish-colored aquatic creature that had surfaced.

I recently received the following account:

"I was in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico for my soon-to-be brother in law’s bachelor party in March of 2014.  We were a group of perhaps eight guys, staying in a rented house in Pedregal.  We booked a fishing charter, predictably, and the morning-of we arrived at the dock at perhaps 4:45am. This is a bit earlier than charters usually go out, and that motivated everybody to just stay up through the previous night.  We went to the clubs the night before, and thus the group was rather groggy and hungover by the time we got to the dock.  The boat itself was perhaps 38’ and had an owls nest structure with a platform in between the cabin and the owls nest itself; sort of an open cubby.  Once we got to the boat, I quickly claimed that as my spot to just rest, while everyone else was condemned to the cabin area on the couches, or below deck.

We motored out of the marina, past the seals, and started the trip which generally involved trolling east and west perhaps two miles out in the Bahia San Lucas.  Early on, a humpback whale came right up to the side of the boat to look at us, and breached (not jumped, just came out of the water a bit), which was rather amazing.  I believe I was the only one who saw it, other than the captain and perhaps the mate, because everyone else was sleeping.

We were motoring westward, still in the Bahia San Lucas, and I was still in my perch, enjoying the better view.  I noticed about 1/2 mile in front of us a collection of things sticking substantially out of the water.  There are many pelicans in the area, and at first I thought what I was looking at was a collection of 5-6 of them, all with their heads down into the water and their wings sticking back and up from / out of the water.  As I continued to watch, however, it became apparent these were not pelicans - rather, they were a series of sets of paired fins that were extended out of the water. Picture the top half of a fish’s tail fin, in a pair separated by about four feet of water, the pair being in a series of 5-6, and each sticking up out of the water about five feet.  They were not humps or coils, and there was no porpoise-ing movement.  At first, they did not appear to be arranged but eventually, though for just a moment, straightened their orientation so as to be in more of a row at which point the fins folded almost in sequence and disappeared from view.  The entire sighting lasted about 10 seconds.  The color was greenish, though they were obviously wet and the water reflected the sunlight, making it difficult to see what the color was.

I asked the captain, who was the only other person facing that direction as everyone else was fishing behind the boat, if he knew what it was, and he just responded with a blank, wide-eyed head shake.  My phone was in the bag beneath the deck, though I doubt any picture I might have taken would have been very good at that distance and under those light conditions (basic phone camera, very bright, on water, etc.), and at the time I didn’t even think to take a picture, I was too busy looking.

Positive identification in the traditional sense was not possible.  However, “it” most certainly was not a whale, dolphin, seal, fish, bird, shark, or ray.  Cabo has an abundance of wildlife, and whales, dolphins, birds (flying and diving into the water), large seals, sea turtles, and large rays (jumping out of the water) are all common and rather unmistakable at most any distance.  A grey whale may be confused with a humpback whale, a dolphin with a porpoise, a pelican with a frigate bird, seal with a sea lion, etc., but there was no confusing this thing with standard wildlife.

I cannot draw very well, so it’s best to simply refer you to others’ approximate illustrations.  I have a respectable collection of cryptozoology books, and I consulted them to see if there was anything reported that resembled what I saw.  The “Osborne” sea serpent sighting of 1877,[1] as reported by Heuvelmans in his In the Wake of Sea Serpents, and in Tim Dinsdale’s The Leviathans (p. 137) displays the paired (albeit one set of) fins extending out of the water.  Heuvelmans also categorizes a “multi-finned” variety of sea serpent, and in A.C. Oudemans book The Great Sea Serpent he includes an illustration and account from 1856 (Cpt. Tremearne)[2] of an animal with something like the set of fins as I saw.  I cite these just for exemplifying the fins, as again I didn’t see any part of a body, head, neck, or tail, although the set of fins moved in unison as those attached to one body.

While the sighting was brief and inconclusive, I consider myself very fortunate and I presume such sightings are in fact much more common than understood, as one almost has to know what to look for and/or at least be able to almost instantly disclaim or discount the lot of accepted zoological explanations, e.g., that can’t be a whale because ABC, that can’t be a seal because XYZ, etc.  Perhaps creatures like these are seen very often, but the witness just don’t know or appreciate what they are looking at and absent something dramatic happening, the event comes and goes without report.

I’ve been back to Cabo and other parts of Mexico several times, always fishing at least once, and despite keeping my eyes out, have not seen anything similar since." AE

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Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


This blog and newsletter are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.

© 2005-2022 Phantoms & Monsters - All Rights Reserved

Alien Humanoid & UFO Experience Validated After Polygraph / Scientific Evaluation

On May 10, 1978, Jan Wolski, a 71-year old farmer, was passing through a forest near Emilcin, in eastern Poland in his horse drawn cart when he noticed two individuals ahead, walking in the same direction, but with "supple jumps" like divers on the sea bed. When one of them approached a muddy patch, his feet seemed to slide across the mud. When Wolski caught up with the strangers, they walked alongside the horse and cart for a while then jumped onboard and sat down gently, one at each side, gesturing to Wolski to carry on.

Wolski drove on while the strangers exchanged some words in an unknown language. Shortly, as the cart approached a clearing in the forest, a strange, almost "transparent white" object could be seen, hanging in the air about 70 meters away, emitting a faint humming sound. Wolski described the object similar to a short bus, but with a roof like a barn, it was about 5 meters in length, three meters in width, and about 2.5 meters in height. It shone, as if nickel-plated. No windows were seen. At its four corners, and half-way up it had on the outside, barrels with black vertical rods running through them and carrying what looked like spirals rather reminiscent of corkscrews. These black rods were rotating very fast. The "corkscrews" emitted a range of colors, and the barrels seemed to have been the source of the humming. When closer to the object, Wolski said the sound was like that of bumblebees in flight. The craft's surface was smooth, stainless, and seamless. At a height of some 50 cm from the ground was suspended a lift held by four thin cables attached above the entrance to the craft, which had descended as the trio approached. Stepping on to the platform one of the entities invited Wolski aboard, gesturing to him that he should grasp the cables. After rising rapidly the lift stopped in front of an opening and Wolski was motioned inside. Inside, Wolski stepped into a chamber with walls that were almost black and saw two more beings identical with the first two.

The chamber was rectangular. There was no internal lighting other than the daylight from the open door. The walls, floor, and ceiling were a grayish black the same color as the overalls of the occupants. The floor was shining, as though polished. The walls were smooth and hard to the touch, and made of a material resembling glass. Against the four walls there were seats, each fastened by two black cables. No apparatus was seen inside the contraption, with the exception of two black tubes that ran from one gable wall to the other and two holes, about 30 cm apart, into each of which one of the entities inserted alternately a smallish black rod. From floor to ceiling, the height was about 1.8 meters. On the floor of this cabin were about ten crows or rooks, which seemed to be paralyzed, though they could move their heads and eyes. The four identical beings, of indeterminate sex, were about 1.4 to 1.5 meters tall and had delicate, slim figures. They were dressed in tight-fitting, flexible one-piece suits of a grayish black rubber like material, covering the entire body except the faces and hands. No pockets, belt, or fasteners were seen. Their legs seemed thicker than those of normal men, and from the way these curved when the beings sat in the cart with their legs hanging down, they looked like prehensile limbs. A hump was visible on the shoulders, as though something was contained under the suits. The slim, greenish colored hands had five fingers, between which were fine membranes, except for the gap between thumb and forefinger.

Their heads were relatively large, with faces of an olive green or greenish brown hue, having high cheekbones that gave them an Asiatic appearance. The eyes, almond shaped, very long, were dark, and appeared to lack any whites. In the place of the nose, there was only a slight protuberance with two small vertical openings. The mouth was straight and thin. Their teeth were white. No hair was visible on the face.

When the beings smiled, the mouth twisted to one side with the effect of a grimace. Their speech was rapid and delicate. They had a polite, gentle demeanor and Wolski felt no fear in their presence. The beings indicated to Wolski that he should take off his clothes, and one of them helped him undo his shirt buttons. Facing him less than two meters away, one of the beings held in each hand a gray disc shaped object that seemed to be attached to the hand by something like a suction pad. The discs were vibrating and emitting a dull humming sound. Wolski was positioned with one side facing towards the entity holding the discs, then with his back towards him, and finally with the other side. Wolski's arms were raised alternately by the entities, whose fingers were very cold. During the process he smelled an odor similar to that of burning sulfur; a smell that lingered in his clothing for days afterwards. When ready he was shown the way out, bowed, and said goodbye. The beings bowed likewise, smiling. The same lift took him down almost to ground level, so that he was obliged to jump down a short way. Reaching his horse and cart, Wolski turned around to look at the contraption. Two or three of the beings were watching him from the entrance. He did not see them depart.



by Henryk Pomorski & Krystyna Adamczyk

HP: ... Opole Lubelskie Commune. We talk to Mr. Jan Wolski, age...

JW: 71 [seventy one]

HP: Who has for us lots of interesting things to say… You met some extraterrestrial people. Can you say us how did it happen?

JW: I cannot directly state for sure that they were extraterrestrials because they were similar to us thought tiny, delicate, of small height - about 150 cm. [5 f.]

HP: How did it happened that you met them?

JW: Well… I was driving from Komaszyce, from that side. In fact I was returning from Dabrowa village but the encounter with them occurred on this side of Komaszyce, on a field belonging to me.

HP: When did you see them for the first time?

JW: I noticed them as two people heading toward my cart... Those people [the beings] hadn't noticed me before. When they saw me they began looking at me and then they gradually began slowing down their walk more and more. When I drove closer to them, they divided on both sides (one went in one direction and the second one on the opposite one) and I drove in between them while they in the meantime jumped onto the moving cart.

HP: They sat next to you, didn’t they?

JW: Yes… However, not directly next to me but behind me (the second one also) while I was sitting in the center. Their legs were hanging down.

[Mr. Wolski neither didn’t scorn them nor escaped since similar mode of traveling was some kind of tradition and it would be a discourtesy to drive them off and. Moreover, he didn’t know then who they were in fact.]

HP: Can you describe their outer appearance?

JW: They looked in this way: black outfits covering their foreheads and from here to here and o chin, and here they were green.

HP: What about their faces?

JW: They had green faces and palms as well, from here. It was in this way.

HP: In which language they spoke? Did they say anything to you?

JW: They spoke in some language (huh) but I’m amazed that they could understand each other since they spoke like that “…a petete petete te…”. Their words were short and fast and I don’t know how they can understand one another.

[The beings were communicating with Mr. Wolski by gestures, both while they were with him on the ground and onboard their aerial craft. It is contrary to many reports about UFO passengers reports where witnesses said about some type of mental communication.]

HP: What about the further journey? What happened next?

JW: They were driving ahead for some time and then ordered me to stop – they didn’t spoke in words but expressed it with hands to stop. So I understood it and began urging the horse to stop but he [one of the beings] caught the reins and pulled back urging the horse to stop (It was afraid of the craft.). And when it stopped they got off the cart – in the same way as they previously got on and they gave me a sign with hands to go with them. I tied my horse, then got off and went after them toward that machine. There was a tiny elevator of some kind for two people to hold – maybe it couldn’t carry two large people but surely could delicate ones… And then he went forth and set his foot onto this craft, I followed him and it soon lifted up rapidly – in front of that craft door. And the whole craft could be about 4 m. above the ground, maybe 4.5 m. [ca: 13 – 15 f.]

HP: The craft was hovering in the air, wasn’t it? Please, describe the way it moved and how looked like?

JW: It was a purely white craft – from outside.

HP: And what about it’s size and shape?

JW: It could be 4.5 maybe to 5 m. [14 – 15 f.] in height and it was as long as a bus, so it looked in that way. I haven’t seen any… [unclear but the craft was void of any outer features as lights, joints etc.]

[Jan Wolski on other occasion mentioned that there were 4 “barrels” on the craft corners with “drills” (as Wolski said). Those black drill-like objects seemed to be made of black material and were rotating around its axis with great speed although without creating any disturbances in the air. They generate the hum Wolski mentioned.]

HP: And it was hovering in the air, wasn’t it? When you stand on the platform along with him the tiny elevator brought you swiftly to the interior of the craft…?

JW: No, no, no… (It carried us to place) by the craft entrance… [Not inside.] The elevator was on the same height as the entrance to the craft… Not from the bottom but by side.

HP: You found himself inside… What could you see there?

JW: Inside I could see only several crows – those our black birds…

HP: Black ones, as our ravens or rooks…

JW: So they were lying under the wall, not that one with the entrance but on the opposite side. To my opinion they seemed to be paralyzed – they were moving with their wings, legs and heads but weren’t moving around.

HP: Ok... You have encountered two beings [on the ground]. Were there any other inside?

JW: Inside of the craft there were also two ones. When we got onboard, there were another two inside.

HP: Were there any other appliances onboard? Maybe some gauges or some other things for sleeping or sitting…

JW: There were only some benches onboard… From 8 to 10 - I couldn’t remember. Benches of some kind for one man to sit.

HP: What then happened with you?

JW: They ordered me to dress down…

HP: By gesticulation?

JW: Yes, they showed me to dress down. When I was half-naked, to my waist – and maybe not fully because when I was undressing I removed my jacket, then a blouse with 4 buttons… And when I began to undo two upper ones, the being that was on the elevator with me undid the two ones from the bottom. When I was undressing the fourth being appeared – that one who remained on the ground. […] Well, when I was partially undressed (to my waist) and stood in place I received an order to undress completely. So I took off my shoes. One of the present beings then appeared in front of me with an appliance in a form of two dishes combined in its hand. He neared “the saucers” to my front, then revolved me holding my arm slightly. Then he raised my arm up and began to doing something at my side with those plates… then from behind and on the other side. Then he showed me to dress up. After this order I began to dress up and look around but there were neither windows nor lights visible.

HP: Maybe they had some food products with them?

JW: I couldn’t see anything. [Break]. (They have something that might be food) in form of icicles. They were crumbling it into small chips and insert them into their mouth. He pointed with his finger on the thing in an icicle shape and ask me – not by words but gesticulating – could I eat it.

HP: They wanted to treat you with it…

JW: Yes, they wanted to treat me with it. But it was somewhat strange for me and I showed with my head move that I wouldn’t eat that thing.

HP: They ordered you to dress up after scanning you… What was the color inside of the craft: white, green, black… ?

JW: It seemed black inside. It was in the same color as their outfits – black although with some grayish tint.

HP: Can you describe the outer appearance of the craft?

JW: It was transparently white, as polished aluminum.

HP: You have said that the beings wore black outfits and had greenish faces. What with their eyes and other face features?

JW: They had slightly slanted eyes… They cheekbones were protruding. Once I saw Chinese men and they [the beings] slightly reminded them. But Chinese seemed to more massive and taller… Then he showed me to dress up so I did it and I was about to went off the craft as the being said. When I was about to do it, I turned back and took my cap off saying to them: “Goodbye”. All of them took a bow. Then I took a step ahead and found myself on the ground. And that’s all.

[Jan Wolski also used to term the beings as “monsters”.]

HP: What about the altitude the craft was hovering?

JW: Approximately 5 m. [16 f.], maybe 4 or 4.5 m. I’m not sure. It was hard to establish it then…

HP: You then rushed to home and told your family members and neighbors to go there to inspect it…

JW: Yes, it’s true. When I arrived home I quickly entered inside but my son’s weren’t there, only my wife… I asked her: “Where are the boys?”. She replied that they are somewhere outside. I quickly ran off the house. My wife asked: “What happened?” I replied: “Nothing”. “Maybe something is wrong with the mare?” – she asked. Then I ran outside and saw my sons coming from the barn side. I called them saying: “Go quickly on the field and you will see some craft in the air”. I even described it as a “car” in the air, something out of ordinary. So they ran to alarm one and another neighbor and then together rushed toward the field. My third son appeared afterwards and I said to him: “You also should go and see it”. After a while I joined to them because of curiosity. But when I arrived at the spot along with my sons there were nothing in the air – only grass trodden down covered with dew and paths coming in all directions… When I saw that it disappeared I turned back and returned home. The rest remained at the site checking the footprints etc. Soon two other men joined them. They were inspecting the prints, saw some foot…

[As it turned out, the area was full of strange footprints. There were also clues indicating that soil samples might be taken. The footprints were nearly rectangular in shape although soon they were trodden down by local inhabitants and law enforcement officers.]

HP: Were those prints left by people of the craft visible?

JW: Yes, they were. Boys checked them out and one of them compared the footprint of the being to his feet… I don’t know whether it was smaller or bigger (than his feet).

HP: Because of this very interesting event you surely have many visitors that want to get to know about the case. I’ve heard that you had been visited by our scientist, Mr. Blania from Lodz, an ufologist. What is his opinion in this matter?

JW: He thinks, after all of my descriptions and all of the incident, after answers to questions about the craft whirring, hum…

HP: But the craft wasn’t whirring as a car engine for example?

JW: No, but it was a rumble of some kind. Something like: “…zzzzz…”. I answered him [Mr. Blania] and I don’t know who said them that some kid from the village also could hear some noise, a loud hum. So they went to Popiolek family, since he was a son of Popiolek. He [boy Adam Popiolek] said to Mr. Blania that he saw some craft in the air, some balloon (he explained) or car – according to his descriptions. He ran into the house and yelled to his mother: “Mummy, come here because it could destroy our house because there is a craft in the air”. The woman went outside but returned after a while to his cooking duties and she hasn’t seen the craft.

HP: What is the boy’s name?

JW: Popiolek.

[Adam was about 5-year-old in time of incident. After some time it turned out that many other inhabitants of Emilcin witnessed the sighting of UFO object but they didn’t want to talk about it. Many also remembered hearing loud bagns.]

HP: He’s is from here? He lives in Emilcin?

JW: Yes.

HP: The craft inside was dark or enlightened? There were no windows in its hull?

JW: No, there were no windows. The light was coming inside only by the door of the craft since it was in the daylight.

HP: What about the door?

JW: The door weren’t closing as ours but were rolling as some piece of cloth, in that way.

Krystyna Adamczyk: Is any other face features of the being were visible, as brows, teeth?

JW: There were no brows visible… I don’t know what they had in fact – some make up or masks. They only got slanted eyes. I could see some white in their eye corners. And their teeth were also white in color… That’s all about them.

KA: Have you witnessed the craft disappearance while your retreat from that place?

JW: I haven’t seen anything. I could only observe the craft only in a distance of 15 m. because it then hid behind some bushes. I was in hurry to reach home and inform my sons about the incident… That’s all about it…

KA: Can you describe the process when you was treated with the icicle-form food? Were there any sounds when they began to crush it into smaller pieces?

JW: There were no crushing sounds. This food was crushing as hardened dough, without any sounds.

KA: Was it a terrifying experience or something of utmost importance for you?

JW: Just a bit [terrifying], but I’m not very timorous man at all… so I wasn’t very scared.

KA: Who they were according to your opinion? Who those people are? Are they of terrestrial or of extraterrestrial origin?

JW: I can’t say anything about it and I’m not orientated in similar matters since I’m not a scientist of some kind but a simple farmer. Therefore, I don’t know. I noticed that they were small, of the same height and all of them rather snappy in nature. But I don’t know anything about their origin.

KA: You have mentioned that they were in some costumes and have greenish faces. Were there any other specific details making they different from us?

JW: I noticed then one thing, i.e. around the each one finger there was a thin and tiny fin [he means webbed hands ]. But I don’t know the number of their fingers since I didn’t count, just saw them. And on their upper necks, in place where hair began, they have something resembling lumps. It was round and protruding but I don’t know about it’s nature – whether it was a anatomical part of them or they had something hidden them.

KA: Did you notice any brews or hair covering their bodies?

JW: I didn’t notice any hair since their whole body was covered with the suit that also obscured part of their foreheads. But they had no brows I think… They were completely dressed in it – the same one-pieced suit covered their legs and heads. They had no shoes.

KA: Can you say us finally when the incident took place?

JW: It was on 10th day of May, before 8 a.m., because when I returned and my wife looked at the clock it was about 7:50 a.m.

KA: The day it occurred was…

JW: 10th May [wondering]… It was in Wednesday…

HP: We recorded this conversation with Mr. Jan Wolski from Emilcin on July the 6th 1978. With Mr. Wolski talked: Henryk Pomorski and Krystyna Adamczyk. Thank you Mr. Wolski and see you soon!

JW: You welcome!

HP: Goodbye!

JW: Goodbye!


Additional Information:

For Wolski himself, his growing popularity became a serious problem:

“Do you know what people then talked about me? They called me an alcoholic or said that it was a mere dream! The worst although were the trips that began coming here. Sometimes there were up to 14 coaches with tourist at once. They harassed me and didn’t let to work. And trampled my meadow…”

The whole event was thoroughly researched by the then famous ufologist, Zbigniew Blania-Bolnar, who passed away in 2003. He and his team of researchers, many and from different professional areas (psychiatrist, psychologist, biologist, hypnotist, physician, physicist etc.) – possibly conducted one of the best-documented researches regarding the matter.

Wolski gave an interview to Henryk Pomorski & Krystyna Adamczyk in 1978, two months after his experience. Scientists and sociologists from University of Lodz made careful consideration and study of Jan's story, and determined that he truly experienced what he said he did. Wolski died in 1990, fully asserting the veracity of his bizarre experience to the end.


Another witness seems to have seen the same (or identical) craft, although the place and time were different. Henryk Marciniak saw an object in a small town called Golina (mid-western Poland) on 27th September 1978.

In the afternoon of that day he went to collect mushrooms on a clearing. Suddenly he saw an unusual craft. With some delay, he eventually took his motorcycle and rode towards the strange object. In a matter of instants he saw an open doorway (which was not there before) and two beings stood on both sides of Marciniak, and he extended his hand in a welcome gesture. The aliens got interested in Marciniak’s motorcycle and by using gestures asked him to take a ride. Meanwhile a buzzing sound came from inside the craft, and the beings slowly come back to the object which then goes up and disappears.

It’s not the end of the Emilcin events.

- Wolski was not the only person in Emilcin to see the strange craft and beings; two boys, Adam and Agnieszka Popiowek also saw them.

- The owner of a farm in Emilcin, some 200 metres away from the clearing heard an unusual noise!

- Two men, driving from Warsaw to Opole Lubelskie, saw a strange object in the sky

- Tadeusz Baranowski, an artist who made sketches during research in Emilcin, has found feathers of black birds – strangely cut!


Comic strip version of the events


The depth of the investigation undertaken by sociologist Dr. Blania Bolnar and Dr. Ryszard Kitlinsky, a psychologist from the University of Lodz, is truly admirable. Some of the tests administered to Wolski included a theme apperception test, an IQ test in the Wechsler’s scale for adults, a psychogalvanometric measurement of psychic tension (polygraph), as well as opthalmological and clinical tests. A full physical check-up was also included, revealing that Wolski was in excellent health despite his age and that he had “an exceptional good quality of the sight, rarely encountered in that corresponding age group.”

Bolnar’s report in Prof. Zigel’s book, “Psychological and sociological evaluation of Jan Wolski”, includes sections on “Motifs from a viewpoint of a lie hypothesis” (none according to the report), his Emotions, Memory, Mental development, Susceptibility to suggestion, Fantasy ability, Inclination to lie, the Witness as a member of a social group, the Witness and the mass-media, Leisure, Interests, Vices, Religion, and finally an “Evaluation of the witness from the point of view of results of his experience.” The scientists found that Wolski was a remarkably credible witness. For instance, wrote Bolnar, “results of the thematic perception test fully indicates that the witness has no ability whatsoever to invent stories of any kind. His mental creativity is not apparent. He is unable to tell a fictitious tale, even a simple one.” Likewise, extensive questioning and background checks revealed that “the witness is an honest, truthful, decent person, and this was confirmed in cross-examinations.” He was highly regarded within his community and was not known to drink alcohol, smoke or exhibit any other social vice.

Above all, it is Wolski’s own practical, down-to-earth personality that is most convincing. The witness showed a general “low inclination to fear” and “has not recognized the situation in which he found himself as threatening.” As to the behavior of the beings, “the subject has emphasized at several occasions that they were polite and treated him with courtesy and consideration.” Drs. Kitlinsky and Bolnar finally examined and rated several hypothesis including a hoax, a hallucination or dream, a religious apparition, a suggestion or coercion by a third party, the landing of a helicopter or experimental craft, etc. All these hypotheses were rated extremely low by the scientists (usually within 1 or 2%). The exception was what they called the “Summary hypothesis: the event with the witness was an objective reality. At the crucial moment, he noticed and stated his experience in accordance with reality, has described a behavior of beings, the arrangement and behavior of the craft, development of events, etc.” This hypothesis was rated 90% by Kitlinsky and 98% by Bolnar. Their final “Concluding hypothesis” was that “this case indicates the existence of a phenomenon unknown to science.”


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We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



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New petition calls on US government to release UFO videos

Chicago / O'Hare MOTHMAN Updates on PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio

PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio - Cryptid Roundtable Discussion - Investigators & Researchers


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samedi, février 26, 2022

'Dark Blurry Figure' Reports Received From Penbrokeshire, Wales

In 2019, there were a series of dark blurry figure sightings reported in the Haverfordwest area in Pembrokeshire, Wales. None of the sightings could be explained.

MT explained his situation when using Clay Lanes on a holiday excursion:

"We have visited Pembrokeshire many times over the years. Pembrokeshire is one of our favourite destinations and we have family in Saundersfoot with whom we stay with. I am very familiar with the area but I had not visited Haverfordwest Castle. My wife and two daughters enjoyed our trip to Haverfordwest very much and we took the road (Clay Lane) to the Pembroke Road to continue our trip.

It was not late at all, maybe 8 PM. It was on that road that we travelled up a steep hill and down onto a country road. On our right was a field with what appeared to be a ruined church which upon research was an old house (Haroldstone house). I was tempted to get out and grab a picture of the ruin when my Wife shouted to slow down and in the road was the figure of a person. I stopped and my Wife and two children watched a 'blurry figure' walk from the middle of the road and disappeared into a gap into the hedge (left to the right). The figure was very tall and was definitely in front of us. There was no discernible features just the blurry outline of a very tall figure (Over 6 foot maybe taller). You could see the arms swinging as it walked. It was not dirt on the windscreen or shadows cast by the trees or an ordinary person just crossing the road. There was an actual shadowy object crossing the road. It was very unsettling and my children particularly the youngest was very upset by the sighting. I am not one for the paranormal but to see something like this in the daylight with my family has obviously opened my mind to such things. I am ashamed to admit that I did not get out of the car to see where it had gone and the incident happened so quickly that I did not get a photograph."


"My colleague and I were working nights and driving from Milford to Haverfordwest. It was about 2 AM and we were just approaching Johnston. As we did I saw a very tall lanky dark figure run straight across the road into the hedge! We stopped and got torches, etc. But there was no where it could have gone. It literally disappeared into the hedge. Some paramedics then stopped and told us about the road being haunted. The figure had long arms and legs and ran very quickly."


Two women were traveling to work in Haverfordwest from Milford when they had a similar experience.

This was outside of Steynton, Milford Haven, just after 6 AM. Both ladies wish to remain anonymous due to their profession. They both stated that after the traffic lights and past a well known pub in the area they saw a 'tall shadowy figure' on the right hand side of the road as you travel to Haverfordwest. They said it is not uncommon to see people on the side of the road as there are many workers up at that time of day waiting for lifts and they took no further notice other than how tall the figure was. As they continued their drive they claim the tall figure “darted” across the road at astonishing speed and disappeared into the road. The driver “slammed on her brakes” expecting to have hit someone or something.

The passenger left the car and there was no evidence of an accident or of a person or animal on the road or anywhere near the car. They continued their journey, both confused and shaken up and when they safely arrived at their work place they told a senior colleague of their experience. Their colleague casually told them that it was a common occurrence and a well known paranormal hot spot and others had seen a strange figure at that spot. The ladies have said that since the event they have not witnessed any further activity but are very mindful on their morning journey that there is something not quite right with that part of the road.

NOTE: Around the same year and in 2020, there were other cursory sightings of a similar figure. To this date, there has been no explanation as to what witnesses were experiencing. Lon

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Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

Thanks. Lon Strickler


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UFO Photographs & Encounter Account Deemed Credible By Researchers

Mexican photographer Carlos Diaz’s experience is considered to be one of the more credible UFO incidents where the witness not only encountered the UFO but even took its photographs.

One morning in January 1981, Mexican photographer Carlos Diaz pulled into a deserted car park at Ajusco Park near Mexico City. He was on an assignment for a magazine, and had arranged to meet a journalist who was yet to arrive. Diaz sat in his car, preparing his camera for the job ahead. Although it was early in the morning, the air was thick with humidity which made even sitting still uncomfortable. Impatiently, Diaz began to look at his watch. Suddenly, his attention was caught by a strange yellow glow coming from the valley below him. At first he thought it was a forest fire, but, an instant later, the source of light revealed itself to be a large, orange, oval-shaped UFO, slowly hovering about 30 metres from his car.

Unable to believe his eyes, Diaz quickly grabbed his camera. With it resting on his steering wheel, he began frantically firing off shots. Then, without warning, the whole car began to shake violently. Diaz got out of the vehicle and took two more photographs before the craft sped up vertically into the sky, leaving Diaz in a state of shock. This encounter marked the beginning of what was to develop into one of he most fascinating and long-running contactee cases in the history of UFOlogy. Today, the case remains among a small minority of alleged extraterrestrial encounters to be supported by verified film documentation that has stood up to the scrutiny of a range of experts.


Indeed, the apparent credibility of Diaz's claims has attracted the attention of some of the world's top UFO researchers, including German author Michael Hesemann and abduction researcher Dr. John Mack. Both concluded that Diaz's story is completely credible. Hesemann echoes the views of most researchers when he states: 'The Carlos Diaz case is the most important case of documented alien-human contact to have emerged in modern times.' Certainly, at the time of his initial encounter, Diaz little suspected what was to come. The transition from a run-of-the-mill UFO sighting in an area now acknowledged as a UFO hot-spot, to one of the key cases of recent years did not occur until weeks later. In the days that followed this January sighting, Diaz remained preoccupied by his experience. Unable to forget what he had seen, he repeatedly returned to the Ajusco Park location, hoping to secure more pictures. After a succession of fruitless visits, Diaz began to think that he was wasting his time. But then, on 23rd of March, his patience was rewarded.


While roaming the greenery, Diaz was again alerted to the presence of a UFO by an orange glow, which he could see only dimly through the fog and rain that had saturated the forest in Ajusco Park. As he climbed up the walls of the valley, he managed to position himself within 45 metres of the object. Diaz watched the 'craft' hovering above him, eminating a bright orange light. It was, he said, dome-shaped with a smooth ring in its centre. This, claimed Diaz, was covered with a number of half spheres, each around one metre in diameter. Crouching behind some rocks, Diaz thought his actions had gone unnoticed, but, as he continued to watch the craft, he felt someone grab his shoulder from behind. Diaz immediately fainted, and, when he awoke, it was dark and the UFO was gone. He was shocked to discover that, despite heavy rain, his clothes were completely dry. At that point, he knew something strange had happened to him. When he returned to his car, Diaz noticed another car parked in front of him. At this point, Diaz claimed, a humanoid entity with fair hair approached him and told him that if he wanted to know more about what he had just experienced, he should return to the same spot at noon the following day. Apparently, when Diaz returned the next day, he discovered the same entity sitting on the grass. Diaz claimed that the being then turned to him and explained that it was he who grabbed his shoulder the previous day. Before leaving, the being also told Diaz that he had come from inside the craft and that Diaz would gradually recover his memory of what had happened while he was unconscious. Sure enough, over the next few months, Diaz's memory returned, piece by piece.

According to his account, he recalled the craft hovered directly over his head. As he attempted to touch the craft, his hand seemed to pass through the yellow light and he seemed to merge with it. The next thing he recalled was seeing the craft parked on a platform inside a giant cave. Diaz was filled with awe when he remembered what he had seen inside: 'It was full of stalagmites, some of which were carved into what appeared to be Mayan sculptures,' he stated. 'I saw many people in the cave, some of whom waved to me and, in a state of shock, I waved back.' Apparantly the being Diaz had encountered in the park then led him to a smaller cave which contained seven glowing, egg-shaped orbs, one of which Diaz was invited to step into. On entering, Diaz could at first only see yellow light.

But then he found himself surrounded by the image of a forest. 'I could see all the details of the forest as if I was walking through it,' said Diaz. 'I couldn't touch anything, but I could feel the temperature and moisture. I could see and experience everything, yet I wasn't physically there.' His guide then told him that the orbs were also a system for storing information and that certain data had been imparted to him. Diaz was then returned to the ship and, in time, to the park.


According to Diaz, this was only the first of a series of contacts with the same beings, which continue to this day. Since 1981, Diaz has stated that his experience inside the orbs has enabled him to 'travel' to different regions of the Earth's ecosystem - forest, desert, jungle, shoreline, even Arctic areas - with his ET contact. Through this contact, Diaz claims to have been imbued with an awareness of the interconnectedness of all life and the need to preserve our environment. To many UFOlogists, especially those who have had their 'fingers burnt' by alledged contactees before, these claims may appear far-fetched. However, Diaz is seen by many researchers as a highly reliable source, not least because of the strong body of photographic evidence he has amassed to support his claims.


The apparent credibility of the Diaz case has also attracted UFO researchers from further afield, who have attempted to glean insights into the alien agenda from Diaz's contactee claims. German author Michael Hesemann, who first interviewed Diaz in June 1994, is convinced of the credibility of Diaz's story. 'Not only is he contacting these beings through encounters on the ships,' says Hesemann, 'but he claims to be meeting these beings socially, since he believes some of them are living among us.' However Hesemann explains that, according to Diaz, the beings are reluctant to fully disclose their origins. 'Apparently,' says Hesemann, 'they did, however, explain that they have been visiting Earth for thousands of years, and are particularly interested in our evolution which, compared to their own, has happened at a much faster rate. They are trying to learn why.'

Another UFO researcher intrigued by Diaz's case is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, John Mack. Mack has a long history of dealing with abductees and contactees and believes that the Diaz case is among the most convincing he has come across. in his book Passport to the Cosmos, he states: 'Out of all the experiencers I have worked with, it is Carlos Diaz who seems to have developed the richest understanding of the interconnected web of nature. Diaz's experience of connecting with living creatures is so intense that he seems literally to become the thing he is describing.' Diaz's experience, Mack claims constitutes an 'awakening', a process which, he says, is common in abductees. Diaz told Mack that his contact with the ETs had instilled in him a need to preserve the environment and the ability to 'enjoy a beautiful planet'. Whether or not an extraterrestrial influence was involved, Diaz's new-found concern for the environment has certainly become a driving force in his life. he has repeatedly and passionately conveyed this environmental warning publicly, most notably at a UFO conference in Dusseldorf, Germany in 1995. Diaz has revealed that he had been informed through his contacts that the civilization of the visiting extraterrestrial, like ours, had been threatened by its own history of destruction, but had somehow managed to survive. He remains convinced that his contacts' disturbing prediction for our future is only too real - a prediction that states with near certainty that humanity, on its current course, is headed for total extinction.


This outspokenness, coupled with the public nature of his experience, has Diaz to assume visionary status in both his home town of Tepoztlan and UFO circles. however, Diaz has been quick to dispute this, claiming that he is not a unique visionary, but merely 'a messenger'. The real nature of Diaz's current incarnation aside, for many UFOlogists, the Diaz case remains among the most convincing on record. Indeed, few UFO reports exist that boast such impressive and abundant photographic evidence. And fewer still have emerged that have stood up to the scrutiny applied to Diaz's images.


Expert analysis of Carlos Diaz's UFO pictures has been extremely thorough. The original transparencies were given to Professor Victor Quesada at the Polytechnical Institute of the University of Mexico for examination. Quesada stated: 'We were shocked to discover that the spectrum of light from the object was unlike anything we have ever seen, it broke all previous parameters and didn't match anything in our data banks. The light was extraordinarily intense. There was no evidence of superimposition or a hoax. We estimated the object to be around 30 to 50 metres in diameter.' Interestingly, the photographs were also analysed by Dr Robert Nathan at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. Nathan, a notorious UFO sceptic, stated that he could find no evidence of a fake.

Certainly, for many who have examined the three images, the first shot is the most impressive. In it, the orange glowing craft can be seen through the windshield of the car, and light from the object is reflected both off the car's bonnet and off the metal guard rail by the side of the road. These, in particular, are details that experts claim are extremely difficult to fake. - The X Facto



"As a historian, cultural anthropologist, UFO researcher, author and film producer I've investigated the Carlos Diaz contact case for seven years. Since I wanted to be sure before I publish the case that any possibility of a hoax can be excluded, I did not only travel to Mexico twelve times for on-site field investigations, but also consulted leading experts in the US, Belgium, Germany and Italy, including:

* Prof. Corrado Malanga, University of Pisa
* Prof. Manfred Kage, University of Mannheim
* Prof, Auguste Meessen, University of Louvain
* Bob Shell, editor "Shutterbug" Magazine, phototechnical consultant
of the FBI
* Dr. Robert Nathan, Jet Propulsion Lab/NASA, Pasadena
* Jim Dilettoso, The Village Labs.

None of these photo technical experts found any evidence of a hoax in the films and footage shot by Diaz. Field investigations were performed also by Prof. John E. Mack of Harvard, who spent three days in Tepoztlan and extensively talked to the witness, his family and local eyewitnesses. We were able to verify that over 50 % of the population of the city of Tepoztlan, in which Diaz lives, about 12.000 people, saw the very same type of object filmed and photographed by Diaz, a fact confirmed by the mayor of Tepoztlan. The Air Traffic Controllers of Mexico City's International Airport confirmed on camera regular UFO sightings over the area of Tepoztlan. Several researchers who visited the place, including Dr. Roberto Pinotti, saw the very same ship Carlos filmed and photographed.

Therefore the personal opinion of Mr. Pascal Lopresti, who was never known as a UFO researcher in Mexico (actually he served as a translator and organizer for Italian stigmatist Giorgio Bongiovanni) is completely invalid. It was nice of Carlos to show him some new material, which is in my possession for over a year, but it has no news value. Nor does any of Lopresti´s "conclusions".

According to Carlos Diaz, "the aliens" are living among us for thousands of years. They live there as normal Mexicans, drive in terrestrial cars, have TV sets and cameras and maybe even tripods. Therefore it is not a big surprise if one of them had a tripod he lent to Diaz - nobody claimed it was an extraterrestrial tripod!

But Lopresti is just wrong when he claims: "Carlos Diaz has always refused to allow the video to be analyzed". He gave me a copy a year ago, I analyzed it frame by frame and I will publish it in our upcoming documentary "Ships of Light" which will be presented at the International UFO Congress in Laughlin in March 2001. Even a bigger mystery to me is Lopresti´s "conclusion": "No human being from this planet can board a plasma ship with his/her physical body and a camcorder." How the hell does he know? Is Lopresti an Extraterrestrial?? Or how can he make such a claim with the certainty of a dogma? We don't even know if the ship really consists of plasma (although it looks like plasma), "plasma-ship" is just a metaphor, so how can he ever make such a statement?

Every investigator who ever met Carlos was impressed by his willingness to share his material. Diaz was never interested in money. He is very poor but he never charges anything, When Bill Hamilton claims that "Carlos does video work and films weddings and celebrations", it is just not true. Carlos did work as a wedding (still) photographer as a young man but never did that with video. He just has the Camcorder. He doesn't have an external microphone, no light, no editing equipment. He did not even have a monitor to view what he shot before I bought him a TV set three years ago.

Bill Hamilton criticized that the object on the films "descended in a jerky movement". This happens very often in UFO cases, we call it "falling leaf movement", a detail mentioned by many eyewitnesses in Tepoztlan and elsewhere. The UFO was obviously NOT lowered by a cable, since its movements never had a center. He criticized the "static interior illumination" of the object - Jim Dilettoso called it "coherent light" and made a parallel to laser light. Besides the fact that on one film the center of the object is pulsating and the object increases and decreases its brightness, the "uniformity" of the light of the craft indicate a light quality very different from that of an illuminated model or lamp. In that case namely the light would be most intense in the center and less at the edges. No, the object is not moving with the wind. The tree's movement in one film is completely untypical for wind movement, since it is too shaky, and seems to be caused by the ship. In the sequence with the object firing a beam down to Earth, the beam's light is too strong and too condensed to be that of a flashlight.

In one case Diaz filmed a craft right behind a tree, partially covered by it. We were able to identify the tree and verify it's diameter and distance from the camera. From our calculation, the object's diameter must have been at least 60 feet, too big for a hoax with a small model." - Michael Hesemann - Duesseldorf/Germany

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We are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at
or by email - Thanks. Lon

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.



When a Powerful Politician Went Looking for the Truth of the Roswell “UFO” Mystery

Cryptozoology: When Hoaxes Get in the Way of the Real Deal

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The 'antlered ghost' who 'shows up near Windsor Castle when the Queen or King is about to die'

Chicago / O'Hare MOTHMAN Updates on PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio

PHANTOMS & MONSTERS Radio - Cryptid Roundtable Discussion - Investigators & Researchers


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