; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 12, 2022

Was Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist's Deathbed Disclosure Factual?

In November 2014, I posted a brief narrative about several disclosures made by a former Lockheed Martin employee. Retired Senior Scientist Boyd Bushman, who passed away in the summer of 2014, recorded a video shortly before his death in which he talked candidly about his personal experiences at Area 51 and his involvement there with alien technology, alien creatures, and their unique anti-gravity propulsion systems. During the “deathbed” video interview, Bushman produced many photographs showing the aircraft, alien beings (dead and alive), and their futuristic technologies while disclosing never-before-told bits of information he garnered from the unearthly alien visitors.

Since Bushman's declaration was released, skeptics and media cynics have attempted to tear down the information, notably, taking issue with the alien photographs. Here is an example:

"The video was a perfect storm for conspiracy theorists. It had the intrigue of a deathbed confession, some juicy photographs, and seeming confirmation that the U.S. government was working with alien technology at Area 51.

Unfortunately for those UFO lovers, the video appeared to be at least partially a fabrication. A Quebec newspaper, QVTC, found out that the “alien” Bushman showed in his photograph is a doll that anyone can pick up at Walmart.

Bushman’s story also drew many critics on a UFO subreddit, where one user linked to a YouTube video of a man showing the similarities between his toy alien and the one shown in the video."

I suppose the 'doll' similarities make Bushman's claims fair game for criticism, even though the photos looked to be aged and worn. The 'doll' was not a mass-marketed item and seemed to be initially manufactured and distributed in the 1960s. This information was provided to me by a source who is a toy and juvenile items distributor. If this is the case, then the 'powers to be' may have been responsible for a 'hidden in plain sight' campaign to debunk disclosures. There have been claims for several decades that actual alien technology and design have been 'leaked' to film producers in Hollywood in an attempt to soften the blow of disclosure on the general public.

Before his death, Bushman worked as a Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin. Spanning a forty-year career, Bushman was employed by Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin during which time he was awarded twenty-six patents (some are still classified) for his work on the Stinger (formerly Redeye) missile system, laser-guided smart bombs, imaging systems, and magnetic-related technologies. His credentials are impeccable which lends credence to his claims, that he has spoken to alien visitors and worked firsthand with their technology during his tenure at Area 51.

During the interview, Bushman details an astonishing recollection made by a pilot involved with material recovery after a 1947 UFO crash (Roswell was not mentioned, but this seems to be the incident referenced):

“The radar group had found a blip out over New Mexico and they wanted to assign the pilot to go check it out. He got the fastest airplane at the time (which was a prop-plane). It was fully armed. He was out flying and he found the item and he immediately communicated back and said, “First of all, I want you to tell me if any other airplanes are flying in the area?” Control responded, “Just the two of you.” The pilot said, “Second thing I want to know does I have authority to shoot it down?” They replied, “Why do you want to shoot it down?” He said, “Because I am flying the fastest thing that the United States can make and he’s beginning to leave me behind. I know he’s either a friend or an enemy and if he’s leaving me, he’s an enemy. Therefore, I wish authority to shoot it down.” He was granted authority. He shot him down.

He flew past [the downed craft] and saw that there was a road on one side of a fenced area. He came down, landed his airplane. It was hard to do, but he did. He cut across the fence. The door [to the craft] was open and one of them [alien being] was out walking around. The pilot didn’t care about that – he cared about what the vehicle was. When he ducked down (because they were only about five feet tall) inside the craft, he saw that he could see through the walls. Not only that, the floor was spongy. He looked at the three that were there and they were dead. He knew it would be a while before the military arrived and he did not want to be alone with the fourth alien. He re-boarded his plane and took off. He was never debriefed at the scene.”

Some of the information Bushman produced gave me pause, thinking that he may have been disclosing some facts. He presented pictures of the alien beings he claims to have not only seen with his own eyes but interacted with. He stated that the aliens were about 4 1/2 to 5 feet tall and at least eighteen of the beings lived and operated in the Area 51 facility (and later moved to the Utah facility, which I believe was the Dugway Proving Grounds). One or two of them were about 230 years old. The aliens explained to Bushman that there were two “types” of otherworldly beings which described using earthly metaphors, were akin to our 19th-century cowboy wranglers and rustlers. One group (wranglers) guides the human race while the other is 'not so friendly. He noted that the alien beings have a 'spirit form' which stays near the body for three days before transforming into a different state.

These descriptions were very similar to the reports I was given by experiencer David Eckhart. David detailed a tall Grey species who would be liaisons with humans, and one of the Reptilian species who reluctantly interacted with humans, but made it known that they were ordered to tolerate us. Much of the communication was laced with a variety of metaphors. For instance, when they would suddenly appear as a group at David's home, it was referred to as a 'tour' since they were fascinated by how humans lived. The 'spirit form' was often exhibited to David as being part of the alien's body and used for moving between locations on and off this dimensional plane.

Bushman was subjected to a polygraph examination previous to 2008. The tests were obtained and held secret by a prominent researcher who, upon Bushman’s death, felt the time had come to release them:

Question 1: Did you ever work for Strategic Defense Initiative?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 2: Did you work longer than 2 years for SDI?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 3: Do you have in personal property any blueprints of Brilliant Pebbles Project [Note: this program was a non-nuclear system of satellite-based interceptors]?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 4: Did you personally design any parts of Brilliant Pebbles?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 5: Was Victor Moore of SDI killed instead of drug overdose reported to public [Note: Moore was a Marconi Defense Systems scientists who died in April 1987 of a "drug overdose". Seven British scientists working on the program died within an 18-month period.]?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 6: Was Russell Smith of SDI killed instead of cliff suicide reported to public [Note: Smith was a 23-year-old technician at the Atomic Energy Research lab whose body was found halfway down a cliff in January 1988. Death ruled a "suicide".]?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 7: Did you ever work for Edward Teller [Note: Teller is the "father of the hydrogen bomb"]?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 8: Were you personally hired by Edward Teller?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 9: Did or do you work at Area 51?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 10: Did or do you work at Area 51 as research scientist?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 11: Did or do you work at S-4 complex [note: S4 is a complex within Area 51]?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 12: Were you research scientist in S-4 complex?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 13: Did you know Bob Lazar inside S-4?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 14: Is Bob Lazar information on alien spacecraft correct?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 15: Was our job to blueprint alien energy systems?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 16: Did you relay any information to anyone other than Edward Teller?

Answer: No

Polygraph Result: True

Question 17: Do alien life forms exist?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 18: Have you ever photographed personally alien life forms?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 19: Have you ever been threatened with death for discussing Area 51 or S-4?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 20: Have you been threatened within 30 days of December 2, 2007?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 21: Have you been discredited by security personal to keep you from talking to public?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 22: Do you have PhD?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Result: True

Question 23: Is your working at a family electronics business a cover for alien technology research you are currently working on?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 24: Do you trust the United States government to have access to this technology?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 25: Do you trust United States law enforcement or Justice department?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 26: Have you ever discussed this technology with scientist from other countries?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 27: Have you ever touched alien life form?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 28: Does any member of your family have any glue to what you do?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 29: Is there more than eight alien spacecraft that you have personally examined?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 30: Are you a alien?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 31: Are you a antigravity scientist?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 32: Do you have antigravity room?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 33: Do you use a lenses assembly to generate antigravity energy?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 34: Have you personally floated around?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 35: Has other personal floated in antigravity room?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 36: Do you trust United States government with your antigravity technology?

Answer: No

Polygraph Result: True

Question 37: Is your antigravity lenses assembly a direct result of your alien technology research?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 38: Do you feel that your past attempts to go public with release of alien technology was waste of time?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 39: Are you willing to discuss this technology public ally again?

Answer: No

Polygraph Result: Inconclusive

Question 40: Do you fear more threats?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 41: Were you informed by security personal that over 100,000 dollars has been spent to discredit you?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 42: Were you informed by security personal that they personally have paid off media and internet personalities to discredit you?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 43: Do you know what personalities are they?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 44: Would you discuss your job or research with the President of the United States?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 45: Would you discuss your job or research with a Congressional committee?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 46: Is it due to corrupt actions of federal law enforcement agents and personal that will not allow you to discuss your job or research with Washington D.C.

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 47: If Washington D.C. corrected issues of the corrupt federal law enforcement agents would you reconsider discussing your job or research with Washington D.C. ?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 48: Is mankind truly ready for the information that you could release?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 49: Would you use your antigravity room to assist in medical analysis of issues dealing with astronauts?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 50: Is it true that you can create a somewhat mental freeze state in the antigravity room?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 51: Can you generate a antigravity beam?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 52: Have you ever lifted anything over 1000 pounds over a height of 100 feet?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 53: Do you have technology that could neutralize IED/UXO explosive devices?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 54: Would you share this technology with the United States government?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 55: Is it because of the same corrupt federal law enforcement practices for why you will share this technology?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 56: Again if Washington D.C. corrected the corruption would you reconsider sharing the technology with government?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 57: Is your mistrust of the federal law enforcement based on facts and cases that effect you personally?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 58: Are there other law enforcement agencies at lower levels that effect your position?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 59: If Washington D.C. failed to correct the corrupt law enforcement actions, but knowing that your IED/UXO explosive neutralizer could save a life would you still hold back on this technology?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 60: Are you aware that you are being monitored and tracked by security personal?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 61: Are other agencies tracking you too?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 62: When the northeast region of the United States lost the mass power outage, is it true that you personally notified a federal government official days before it happened and they disregarded stating it could not happen?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 63: Was it the power grid failure that was disclosed to the public?

Answer; No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 64: Have you personally worked at Langley?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 65: Would you disclose what occurred while at Langley?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 66: Do you still maintain a security higher that top secret?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 67: When you back and forth from location do you ever travel via public transportation or airlines?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 68: Is the plane you travel on a private jet?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

Question 69: Is the airplane tied to government or military?

Answer: No

Polygraph Results: True

Question 70: Are there locations in central or east coast regions of the United States where alien technology research is being done that you have personally visited?

Answer: Yes

Polygraph Results: True

No doubt, controversy surrounding the subject of UFOs will continue for a long time until there is any evidence that cannot be denied. Lon

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Bucks County Paranormal Investigations follows professional jazz pianist and composer and paranormal investigator Eric Mintel and his team as they explore the rich history and mysteries of our nations most haunted hot spots.

Pianist Eric Mintel has played for 2 Presidents (Clinton and Obama) has performed over 10 times at the Kennedy Center, performed a special concert at the United Nations in NYC, is written up in many publications both news paper and magazines and is a protégés of jazz legend pianist Dave Brubeck.

Each exciting episode is filled with undiscovered clues which the team reveals to the public and then unravel and put the paranormal puzzle pieces together.

Each week the team of Eric Mintel, fellow jazz musician / co lead investigator Dave Antonow, medium Dominic Sattele, spirit medium Karen T. Hluchan investigate claims of some long standing mysteries like ghosts, full bodied apparitions, UFO encounters Bigfoot evidence Dog Man and many more monsters that have long baffled and peaked the public’s interest.  The teams main goal is to search out and explain their finding with shocking results!

BCPI captures the high strangeness that accompanies each investigation whether it’s a disembodied voice to a translucent orb, a full body apparition, evidence of Bigfoot, or footage of UFO’s. BCPI Investigates it all! Excitement, serious investigation and high energy.

Join us this Friday, January 14th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

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