; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, janvier 09, 2022

The Mysterious Taugwonk 'Ape Man': Was It Bigfoot?

Two young girls, living on a 2000 acre estate in Taugwonk, Connecticut, were accosted by an 'Ape Man.' Unknown cries drew a response from the girls, who then encountered the creature.

Strange 'Creature' Terrifies Young Girls, Rural Connecticut

Biddeford, Maine, Biddeford Weekly Journal - April 2, 1926

Stonington, Conn., April 2–(AP)–George Denison, game warden of Mystic, today undertook a search of the Horace D. Miner farm here for traces of a strange creature said to have been molesting Mildred and Muriel Miner, young girls living alone in the old Miner farmhouse. The search was to cover the woods and swamp of Taugwonk on the 2,000 acre estate.

The girls, whose father died a month ago, reported that a fear-inspiring figure, scarce human in appearance, lurked about the house, danced on the summit of a rock 300 feet from the door, and uttered cries like those of an infant. They professed to believe that an attempt was being made to force them to leave the place and sell the farm. They said that an offer had been made to their father to sell the estate during the year preceding his death.

The game warden said the object of his search was to settle once and for all the rumors that a “strange creature” had been seen in the swamp and woods of Taugwonk.

“I plan to cover carefully every acre of the locality,” he said. “If there is any trace of a strange freak of nature about I may reasonably be expected to uncover its tracks.”

The young women, who have kept loaded firearms around since the lurking menace was first reported, are living alone in the farmhouse. An aged caretaker, Frank Miller, who had been staying at the farm, resigned yesterday. Miller believed in ghosts and was terrified at the situation.

“Every time a wind blew with the wind or the coal shed door squeaked he persisted in saying it was a ghost,” the girl said. “When the strange creature was first seen, we told Miller it was a real ghost. He was so frightened that his teeth chattered and his knees knocked together.”


The Syracuse Herald, Saturday, April 03, 1926

Bullets Await "Ape-Man" Who Attempts to Scare Girls Into Sale of Farm

Friendly Neighbors of Connecticut Estate Load Up in Preparation for Reappearance of Hairy Creature.

North Stonington Conn, April 3, (UP) -- Taugwonk's "ape-man" is a plain human being in fur coat and trousers.

George Denison of Mystic, a game warden, came to that conclusion yesterday after a thorough search of the Horace D. Miner farm in Taugwonk.

Further, he declared his belief that the man was attempting to frighten Muriel, 19, and Mildred Miner, 16, orphans, into selling the valuable farm which they inherited on the death of the father three weeks ago.

The ape-man has variously been reported by the girls and neighbors as a hairy creature of terrifying mien. While those who have seen him differed in detail, it was agreed that the creature slumped along in the manner of an ape, and jumped about with considerable more agility than was possible for a human being.

A check of neighboring insane asylums and circuses disclosed no missing inmates or animals. Attention then was turned to the theory that the apparition was a man. Authorities who became interested in the investigation learned that before he died Mr. Miner had refused to sell the place.

Despite the desertion of the aged caretaker of the estate, Frank Miller, who confessed he was terrified at the events of the last three weeks, the Miner girls are unafraid.

Loaded firearms await the ape-man masquerader and, according to Denison, that is why he has not been seen in the last few days.

"If that fellow goes out there again they are going to put the lead to him," was how he summed up matters after yesterday's visit to the farm. "I wouldn't try it again if I were he."

Neighbors of the Miner girls are standing with them, and there is many a loaded shotgun standing in readiness to do duty when Taugwonk's terror next appears.

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

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Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

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Thanks. Lon Strickler

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