; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, janvier 02, 2022

Mystery 'Booms,' Possible Meteor Explosions, Reported Over Southwestern Pennsylvania

I have been receiving reports of 'Skyquakes' and/or possible meteor explosions over southwestern Pennsylvania since News Years Eve. Stan Gordon and others have been monitoring.

Mystery Booms Reported On Two Successive Days in Southwestern Pennsylvania

December 31, 2021 and January 1, 2022

From: Researcher Stan Gordon

For many years, there have been reports of loud booms that have shaken structures and caused alarm across Pennsylvania and across the country. In the 1960s, we called these incidents “Skyquakes.”  There have been explanations for some of these incidents. Local earthquakes, thunderstorms and other weather related phenomena, large meteors, local fireworks, and sonic booms are among some of the causes. In some cases in past years, no explanations have been found for some of these types of reports.

I am receiving many phone calls and emails concerning two very loud mystery booms that took place in recent days. I understand that hundreds of people are discussing their experiences on social media concerning both incidents. I am talking with witnesses and trying to find an explanation for what took place. From what I have learned, both booms were extremely loud and heard over many miles covering several counties. Witnesses were shaken and I have heard that animals were frightened by the experiences as well.

The first incident occurred on December 31, 2021, around 1:30 PM. From the information I am receiving, that boom was heard and felt from Latrobe throughout the Derry area. I have been told that many people in communities along that area of the Chestnut Ridge and into Indiana county also felt it. One couple near Derry were sitting in their living room when they felt and heard the boom. They ran outside thinking a car had hit their house. There were other reports from as far away as Allegheny and near Armstrong county. One witness who contacted me was a former combat engineer who worked with explosives and stated that what he heard “was not normal.”

The second Incident occurred today at about 11:30 AM. I am hearing about reports from widespread areas from Westmoreland, Allegheny and Armstrong counties. I was told there were social media reports of the boom as far away as Beaver County.

I have been looking into some of the usual sources for such cases, and so far I have not found an explanation. The National Geological Survey website shows no earthquake activity in this area for these reports. There was no weather activity in the area that could account for these incidents. I have not received any meteor sighting reports nor do I see any such reports listed on the  American Meteor Society website of any such activity in this area. On occasion, unusually bright fireball meteors can create a sonic boom. Some witnesses I have interviewed say this was one huge boom and not a rumble such as would be related to an earthquake.

I expect that other explanations might be forthcoming. I am continuing to receive information on these incidents, and I would be interested in hearing from anyone who experienced this event or anyone who has knowledge as to a possible source.

I am continuing to receive reports of other unusual activity in recent weeks from throughout the Pittsburgh area and other sections of the state including UFO sightings.

I can be contacted at 724-838-7768 or via email at: paufo@comcast.net.


Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research investigators, Bernadette McDaniel & Thomas Carroll, have reported the following:

Carroll: "We experienced (Acosta, Somerset County, PA) an incredibly loud boom followed by feeling like an earthquake last night and this morning. I heard and felt it last night. NWS says a possible meteor explosion about 11:30 am today near Washington, PA. People saying they have heard very unusual explosions as far east as State College, PA."

McDaniel: "The weird part about the one yesterday at 1:30 pm. was that we had very large planes flying really low, heading toward Latrobe, PA. The one today that hit at 11:30 am some residents said they lost power. We did too, right around then for a second, but then the internet went out for a few hours. Whatever caused it was extremely wide spread"


From the US National Weather Service in Pittsburgh, PA: "We have been getting a lot of questions about a loud explosion that was heard over southwest Pennsylvania earlier today.  Data from GOES-16 may provide a clue.

This image is a product of the satellite's Geostationary Lightning Mapper function, showing Total Optical Energy (basically, a measure of flash intensity).  You can see the flash showing up here in the area of western Washington County, PA at 16:22Z (11:22 EST).  This flash does not appear to be connected to any lightning activity in the area.  One possible explanation is that a meteor exploded at some level above the ground.  We do not have any confirmation of this at this time, but it seems to be the most likely explanation."

National Weather Service says meteors are likely to blame for New Year's Day boom in Pittsburgh

National Weather Service: Meteors may have caused loud 'boom, shaking' in western Pennsylvania

What was the boom that rattled Western Pennsylvania?


UPDATE: I received the following information from Stan Gordon on Sunday, January 2, 2022:

"I have continued to receive additional information concerning the two separate loud boom incidents that were heard and felt by many residents in various areas of Southwestern Pennsylvania on two  successive days.

The first incident occurred on December 31, 2021, around 1:30 PM. The second Incident occurred January 1, 2022, at approximately 11:30 AM.

Concerning the January 1, 2022, incident, I have received information that the boom was heard across additional counties in Southwestern sections of Pennsylvania. I also have received reports that a boom was also heard in West Virginia within the same time frame.

In addition, the (AMS) American Meteor Society has now posted a reported sighting of a fireball over the Belle Vernon area at the time the boom was reported in that region. So, the mostly likely source of the boom reported was a fireball meteor that at times can produce a sonic boom.

An explanation for the December 31, 2021, incident has yet to be determined."

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

Listen to our podcasts at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

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