; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 19, 2022

'Bigfoot' Encounter Accounts: Oregon, Washington, & South Carolina

Three Bigfoot encounter accounts from different witnesses in the Oregon Cascades, Mt. St. Helens and in the South Carolina Low Country. Please forward your encounter or sighting to me.

The following encounters were recently forwarded to me:

"I was camped with my 5-year-old daughter and my father, on a pull out along a logging road deep in the Oregon Cascades about 20 years ago. The pull off was just big enough for our truck. There was a rock wall on one side and a cliff and small lake on the other. My dad loved to fish those small lakes/ponds up there for trout.

It was early morning when my dad climbed down the cliff to a small beaver pond to fish. The road was above the lake about a 100 feet or so. My daughter and I decided to go throw pebbles from the road into the pond to trick grandpa into thinking the fish were jumping. We walked up the logging road a bit. We were real quiet and having a great time until I walked over to the side the road to get bigger rocks. The embankment had gone from rock wall to a steep hill. The woods were very dense.

As soon as I started squatting down to gather rocks, something huge came thrashing through the thicket and literally stopped right in front of where I was standing. It was just starting to become daylight. I could not see the creature. I could hear it breathing. I'm 5'6, and I could hear its breath was above my head. I was petrified. I backed away slowly, snatched up my daughter like a sack of potatoes and backed my way back down the road to the truck, yelling for my father the whole way. My father finally came up the embankment to find my locked in the cab. He said he heard me yelling, however thought we were playing. I believe!" CB


"I was camping with a friend near Mt St. Helens, Washington 2 years ago. Starting at around 6:30 pm we realized we were totally surrounded by Bigfoot. They were within 25 to 30 feet from us. They were incredible at hiding. We could hear them, but not see them. When we talked, they walked. When we stopped talking, they went silent. After dark we tried to get eye-shine, but every time we shined our lights at them, they would duck down and hide.

This went on until 5 in the morning. As soon as we entered our tents, they surrounded our tents. As soon as we climb out, they scattered. Finally we broke out the mega light and hit one full body of one of the creatures at about 30 feet. The Bigfoot screamed, started ripping up the forest all around it and then 2 more screams let loose directly behind us. We spent the rest of what was left of the morning locked down in our vehicle. 

At 6:30 pm that evening when we first realized we were surrounded, I held up my phone and took pictures rotating 360 degrees. When we got back and I looked at the pictures. I caught a 8 foot Bigfoot at about 30 yards. I sent the picture and a description to the BFRO. Three different representatives called me. Two were trashing each other, fighting over who was to go and investigate. I put my foot down and agreed to another BFRO member coming out to meet me at the location. This BFRO representative had ZERO hours in the woods. This guy kept telling me that they can't be there because the elevation was too low, at about 1400 feet?

As soon as we reached the location all Hell broke loose. I have heard the same sound before during another experience. It sounded like a 500 pound bird being slaughtered, then the whole woods went completely silent. I have about 20 years and about 8, 000 miles mountain hiking experience. The idiot BFRO representative could not grasp the significance of the woods going totally silent. All I could do was to shake my head in total disbelief.

Do not ever contact the BFRO. You'll regret it! I finally had to block their calls and ask them to never contact me again." DW


"I'm very much on the fence about whether or not Bigfoot exists. I'm giving you a story told by my father's friend, who's a lifelong hunter. We (my father's friend, my father and myself) all live in the Low Country of South Carolina (though technically speaking, my Dad and I live just north of the Low Country if you go by a regional map).

A number of years ago, my father's friend and I were in his pickup on some property used by a hunting club, near the Salkehatchie River. He was on a road (dirt road if I recall correctly), and it was near night, too dark to see anyway. There was a gate behind the truck. He said he heard a very low, deep growl, unlike anything he'd heard before, and it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He said he heard it about 6 to 8 times, and it was steadily moving away from him. But judging by the initial sound, he surmised it had to have been near the gate behind the truck at first. He never saw the source of the sound, but said he got the impression that whatever it was, it was wanting him to know it was there and wanted him to know that he was in its territory.

He informed the other hunting club members. They asked if he was afraid, to which he replied that he wasn't, because all he had to do was crank up and drive off. Black bears are very rare down here, but we do have a few. He said he researched many different bear sounds, and it didn't match. He doesn't say it was a Bigfoot, but I think he might consider it in the realm of possibility." MG

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Timothy Renner is an illustrator, author, and folk musician living in Pennsylvania. His illustrations have appeared in the pages of various books, magazines, fanzines and comics as well as on many record and CD covers. Since 1995, Timothy has been making music both solo and with his band, Stone Breath. Tim is the creator of "Strange Familiars", a podcast concerning the paranormal, weird history, folklore and the occult. He makes regular appearances on the paranormal radio show, "Where Did the Road Go?", and has appeared as a guest on many other podcasts and radio programs, including "Coast to Coast AM". Tim has written 6 titles, including his most recent double volume of 'Where the Footprints End' which he co-authored with Josh Cutchin.

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Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

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