; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, décembre 31, 2021

Noisy 'Bigfoot' Stalks Pennsylvania Deer Hunter Dragging Fresh Kill

A Pennsylvania deer hunter is likely stalked by a Bigfoot while dragging his fresh kill back to the cabin. The beast screams and howls, and literally tears up a large patch of mountain laurel.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"This didn't happen to me, but it was told to me by my ex, her Dad (who was there), and the guy that it happened to, my ex-brother-in-law. None of them were prone to tall tales nor embellishing facts.

About three decades ago (mid 1980s) in the Appalachian forests of central Pennsylvania, my brother-in-law was hunting whitetail during the early archery season. He, as well as all of his family, is an avid outdoorsmen. Hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, camping, etc. In all seasons. This particular brother-in-law was close friends with a well-known outdoorsman from books, documentaries, and his own TV show for many years, and was as home in the wild as most folks are in their own living room.

Late in the afternoon, he tagged a nice buck quite some distance from the cabin, so he quickly gutted it and began the long drag back, hoping to get to camp before dark. As he described it, about 15 minutes into his trek, he began to be aware of something behind him. The further he went, the more certain he became that whatever it was was following his trail. It probability locked onto the blood scent of the deer. He knew it was big due to the sounds he could hear in the brush and the occasional 'snort-like' whoosh of air. He knew there were sightings of mountain lion in the area and bear were fairly common, as was bobcat and wild dogs. But this just didn't seem to fit any of them. He quickened his pace, but not only did whatever it was behind him keep up, it seemed to be closing the gap.

Finally, he took a desperate gamble and threw the deer across his shoulders and all but sprinted as best he could through the heavy brush and mountain laurel for the remaining quarter mile or so to the camp. After he had covered about half the distance, behind him he heard a blood-curdling howling scream from the approximate area where he had shouldered the deer. Heart racing and adrenalin pumping, he covered the remaining distance to the cabin in record time, even leaping across the creek while still carrying the buck! All the while he could hear growls and screams mingled in with loud pops and cracks almost like gunshots.

At camp, the others had already returned and were standing outside listening to the commotion when he came running in. They quickly hung the deer in the shed, locked it and then locked themselves in the cabin. The sounds continued on and off for close to an hour at different points around the cabin, then everything went quiet. Needless to say, nobody slept very soundly that night.

The next morning, they went to investigate the area where the original screaming and sounds had begun, hoping to identify the sign and from that, the animal responsible. The ground was too hard and rocky for any conclusive tracks but what they did find, not more than 15 yards from where he had shouldered the deer, none of them could explain. In the middle of a thick stand of mountain laurel, an area of about 20 feet by 20 feet had been literally ripped apart. Laurel is a very tough, fibrous, bendy wood. It is almost impossible to break it. These were twisted and snapped as though they were brittle twigs. There were no claw marks, no teeth marks, no antler or horn marks, no saw or hatchet marks, just splintered, ripped, torn mountain laurel, some as thick as 2 inches. Whatever it was, it was very big, very strong, and extremely mad. That area was torn apart in a fit of rage.

Now you tell me what it was. For my money, I'll bet on ol' Sas." A

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

Listen to our podcasts at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

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6 Foot Tall 'Cat Humanoid' Terrorizes Boy Scouts at Northern Virginia Camp

A group of Boy Scouts are in a camp in the Northern Virginia region. After the witness encounter, a 'cat humanoid' follows them to the cabin and terrorizes the group during the night.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"I have a story that happened to me and my friends. We were on a Boy Scout camping/shooting trip. There were 20-30 of us. We were in a little cabin with windows on the front and back, and a front and back door. There were wooden tables all around the area. The adult cabin (with the bathroom) was about an 8th of a mile down a gravel road in the dark. There was obviously a buddy system because its Boy Scouts.

So, it's around midnight, and everyone had been telling scary stories, like normal camping trips. Well, I had to go to the bathroom and asked my friend to come along. He said sure, and he got our knives (it made us feel safer). Well, we went to the bathroom, and began our walk back. This is where it got scary.

I felt an instinctual (not sure if that's the right word) fear. I look at my friend, and he had the same look as me. We begin to walk a little faster and unfold our pocket knives. I then turn around and see it. It looked similar to a cat, but it was 6 feet tall and was on its hind legs, kind of hunched over. I freaked the heck out and started running. My friend sees it too, and we sprint back to the cabin. It began making a moaning/howling noise (it was somewhere between the two), and followed us slowly. We pound on the door, and the guys let us in.

We tell them what we saw, and they actually believed us. So we lock the front door and look at the back door. It had no lock. We pushed a table up against it, and had a kid there with his knife, for safety. We draw the blinds on all the windows that had them (one of them didn't), and we sat there, with all the lights on.

Then we see the eyes outside of the windows without blinds. We all are sh*tting ourselves, and the thing slowly walked to the back door. We heard it bumping up against it (maybe trying to open it, we think). It then left, but we still thought we were going to die. No one slept.

When the adults came to wake us up, we told them and they laughed and said we were making it up. We know it happened, even if they don't believe us. It was in Northern Virginia, about 60 miles east of Washington, DC. It was after 2012 (don't remember the exact year).' D

NOTE: The Northern Virginia region has been known for unexplained humanoid sightings and encounters. I have reported on several in the past. Lon

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

Listen to our podcasts at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

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When UFO Encounters Turn Out to be Downright Nightmarish

An Aspect of the “Roswell UFO” Affair of 1947 We Should Address Much Deeper

Ninety-Nine Fascinating Finds Revealed in 2021

Mysterious Ghost Light Called “Best Sighting of 2021”

Nessie Review of 2021

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Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

UPDATED: Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

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jeudi, décembre 30, 2021

Family Recently Encounters 'Bigfoot' While Cutting Christmas Tree in Tioga County, PA

A Pennsylvania family is cutting a Christmas tree in Tioga County, PA when they experience tree branches being thrown at them. As they are leaving, a driver flags them down and says he just saw a Bigfoot

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"On December 2, 2021, my family went out to cut down a Christmas tree. We were about 20-30 miles from home, way out in the middle of nowhere in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. This road we were on is fairly regularly traveled by people with jeeps because the mud is really soft, even when there is snow.

When we find a suitable tree and stop to cut it. We got the tree on the ground, and my dad is cleaning up some branches from the bottom when my mom gets the great idea to throw a rock into the woods right next to the car. After several rocks, my mom was done throwing things, when out of nowhere, a decent-sized tree branch lands on the roof of the car. This branch was bigger around than our tree, which was a problem because our tree was among the biggest and tallest in that area. At the time I brushed it off as my dad being silly, since I didn't hear him sawing anymore.

We pulled the branch off of the car, and I went to take a leak while my dad tied everything down. I walked down the hill about ten feet until I found a suitable bush, but on the way down, something got spooked from around that spot and took off to my right. I figured I'd come across a deer or something so I went down to where it had been to look for tracks so I could identify the animal. I got down there and couldn't find much except some trampled grass and broken branches where the animal had busted through the underbrush. The grass was pretty thick, so I wasn't too upset by not being able to find anything.

I returned to my chosen bush, did my thing, but as I was trying to climb back up the side where I had come down, I slipping because of the mud. I was slightly miffed. It was about 20 degrees and about a 15 mile per hour wind. I'd left my coat up top, since I hasn't expected to be down there that long.

As I'm walking along the side of this hill to where it got a little brushier, my mom yelled down "quit throwing rocks. You've hit my window twice." I yelled back that I wasn't throwing any rock and kept going, thinking that my sister was just being silly and carrying on with the Bigfoot thing. As I was reaching the patch of brush that I was going to climb, I came across what looked like a human footprint, but without shoes in the mud. It was about 14 inches long, and had hair imprinted in it. At first I thought it was a bear, but the bears around here don't get much more than 150-200 pounds, and even a big one only has 7 inch feet.

As I'm examining this track, I heard something fly over me. I looked up in time to see a branch landing at the top of the hill, which is only a little way up now. I then looked in the direction it came from, just as something was retreating down the hill in the brush. I just caught a glimpse of it, but noticed that it was bipedal, big, tall, and hairy. I freaked and made it to the top of that hill in seconds.

I got back to the car, totally out of breath despite it only being twenty yards, and hopped in. My dad was just getting in as I ran up and everyone else was already up. They asked me what was wrong, And I said "I don't know, but something down there is throwing things at us. Let's go!"

My parents looked at each other, and for once my 'there is always a real explanation, so let's go find it' father didn't hesitate to leave.

This is what made me a believer in Bigfoot. About two miles down this road, A pickup comes flying up behind us and won't back off. We pulled over in a wide spot, but instead of passing, the truck pulls next to us, and the driver rolled down the window. It turned out to be a guy my dad knew. He was terrified and he said, "get your ass out of here! I just saw a Bigfoot!

We followed him to the main road where we stopped and asked him where he'd seen this "Bigfoot." He said that someone had been cutting up a tree there, probably for Christmas and that the thing had been standing on the side of the road." BW

NOTE: the witness, who is 18 years old, later told me that this occurred in the Pennsylvania State Game Lands #208 off of Rt. 349 about 2 miles north of Gaines, PA. I hope to have an investigator check out the location. Lon 

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

Listen to our podcasts at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

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'Alien Family' Disappears at Colorado Wendy's Restaurant

A teen boy and his sister are at a Wendy's restaurant in Trinidad, Colorado. They notice a strange family that seems so out of place. The woman then states 'mothership.' They leave and suddenly disappear.

The question asked. 'Have you ever seen an alien being (EBE)?'

“It was 1987, at a Wendy's restaurant in Trinidad, Colorado. I was 16. Family trip from Washington state driving to Texas. Crammed in the car are my grandparents, sister and my mom and myself (It was not a fun ride, trust me). We stopped at Wendy's for lunch. It was packed. Luckily there was not enough room for the 5 of us to sit together. And at 16, I was in the typical for that age mind set of "get me away from these old people" and grabbed my sister and headed to the only other empty table left. My mom ordered for all of us.This was way before cell phones, so two bored kids can't help but people watch. And what we saw and heard still freaks me out. To. This. Day.

Our table was right next to (approximately 3 feet) from two adults and one child, he looked to be about 9 or 10 years old maybe. I noticed right away something was off with these people. My sister noticed too. She kicked me under the table and raised her eye brows their direction. My eyes had already been on them. Sitting down I began to closely observe them. Two adults, the woman had long brown hair and dressed rather plainly and had a knee length light tan trench coat on, even though it was at least 85 degrees out and in August. She looked like she was maybe in her late 40's or early 50's. The man looked similarly plain with short brown hair, no lower facial hair and had on glasses that were way too big for his face. The kid appeared weirdly dressed. Like clothes that were not typical for the 80's but, right out of a different era. Short light brown hair. All three of them looked like they had never been in sunshine-in their entire life. All of them had large eyes. I was close enough to see they all had brown eyes. Their ryes were strangely mesmerizing, but, only from my vantage point of non-direct eye contact.

I was staring, but, they never once looked at me or my sister directly. They reminded me of what someone might look like after living in darkness for years, no color in their face and pale looking lips. I remember thinking at the time "who are these pasty looking people?"

In the middle of the table sat 7 or 8 hamburgers, in their wrappers. 5 large fries and no drinks. And they WEREN'T eating. Not one fry, not one bite. And how are they going to eat all that food without a drink? I was convinced they clearly had to be vampires. I mean, right? I settled into that conclusion. They were blood suckers and that's why they don't have drinks!? At 16, that's the best I could deduce.

My mom, by this time, had our food in hand and dropped it by our table. I hadn't even noticed her until she was walking away. I took my drink and starred right at them while sipping it. They were out of place. Were they foreigners? Had they never eaten fast food before? No. They are clearly vampires, whom don't mind being in the light, so they must also be mutant vampires?

It was a good 10 minutes before the woman said out loud "do as they do, unwrap the items and put it in your mouth. Blend in." The words "blend in" then changed my opinion to that they must be from a foreign country, that doesn't have fast food? Yeah. That's gotta be it. I quickly tried to rationalize their strange behavior.

As I was increasingly feeling very uncomfortable with where I was sitting and what I was seeing and hearing. I felt myself starting to feel out of place and started to feel unwell. As if I was viewing something I shouldn't and wasn't supposed to be looking at. It was one of the strangest feelings I have ever had in my life. After the woman spoke and in perfect English, without any kind of accent I might add, ALL three of them at the exact same time, with precise matching mannerisms, began to unwrap a corner of one hamburger. Then suddenly stopped mid-unwrap and acted like they heard something we did not. Heads tilted, in unison and then paused for at least a few seconds. The woman said as clear as day, "We must go, the mother ship is here. We must go now! We can not miss it" I frantically looked around to see if anyone else was seeing and hearing this? No. Everyone was too busy eating their frostys and fries! Oblivious to any of it. As if none of this was happening. But, I knew my sister had heard the exact same thing I did as she franticly tapped the table to get my attention.

I mouthed the words, "stay right here! I am getting mom!" As I stood up I made eye contact with my mom whom was on the other side of a partition a few rows away. I waved my arms like a crazy person. Signaling something is wrong! Come here! And she jumped up just as the 3 people stood up without speaking and walked out of Wendy's. I sounded like I was having a psychotic break as I tried to explain to her, "those people, they are aliens! She said the mother ship was here, look mom! They left all their food at the table!"

It was less than 30 seconds since they gone out the front door. I grabbed my mom's arm and we ran outside. All 3 were rounding the corner of the building. So we hustled, probably about 25 feet behind them. Except when we rounded the corner they were not there. No one was walking around, just cars driving in one direction. Turning the corner put us in the direction of on coming traffic from their drive through window. My mom was at a loss for words. She may not of heard what they said, but, she saw them disappear into thin air! And could make no sense of it. So where did they go?! Who were those people? What just happened? I don't know. I oddly looked towards the sky, of course I didn't see anything, but sky.

For years I thought my mom thought I was crazy, my sister didn't want to ever talk about it again. We since have spoken of it, but, not until we were both well into our 20's. The ride in that car, all the way to Texas no one spoke a word. My mom tried to explain all of it to my grandparents as we walked towards the car to leave. Neither one of them were having any of it. "I don't know who they were or what you saw, but, clearly they decided they were no longer hungry!" And with that, the conversation ended.

I have had many strange experiences in my life. But, this one is somewhere close to the top. I have contemplated over the years, if they were actors? Did this kind of stuff for reaction? But, no one else reacted at all. No one else even noticed them, but, us. I still don't know what to make of it. I don't. Some 34 years later, it still scarily hangs in my memory like it was yesterday." LH

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

Listen to our podcasts at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

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An Aspect of the “Roswell UFO” Affair of 1947 We Should Address Much Deeper

9 things we learned about aliens in 2021

Unexplained Mysteries top 10 cryptozoology stories of 2021

Alien Abductees and Black Helicopters: A Strange Connection

Alexa Device Issues Dangerous 'Outlet Challenge' to 10-Year-Old Girl

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Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

UPDATED: Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

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mercredi, décembre 29, 2021

'Wildman' Stalks & Attacks Couple's Car in Fife, Scotland

Back in 1971, a couple was parked off a rural road in Fife, Scotland. After a while, they notice a 'wildman' circling the car. Later, it began to throw sticks and rocks at the vehicle.

The following report was recently referred to me:

"I know that this happened a while ago now, but I have never forgotten about it. Even now, I'm confident about what happened and what I saw.

About 45 years ago, around 1971, I was with my then girlfriend and we were parked on a forestry road at the junction of Langdykes Brae and Porters Brae on the road to Cults. The area is heavy woodlands and is used for forestry. Now this junction we were parked up in is about 1.5 miles from Kennoway in Fife, Scotland. I was parked about 300 yards up the Torloisk forestry road and the trees to the left of me had been cut down for about 50 yards and the floor was cleared up to the tree line and stacked up at the side of the forestry road.

There was a full moon and you could see right across the clearing to the standing trees. My then girlfriend said she saw something moving in the clearance, to which I said, ‘It would no doubt be a fox or a deer.’

After a while I fell asleep in the car seat until my girlfriend shook me awake and said there was something moving behind the stacked trees next to the car, much closer than before and it had been moving around us for a while now? I wound the window down and banged on the door but the creature or whatever it was was unfazed it never moved. I then jumped into the driver's seat and reversed the car so the head lights shone in the direction of this creature. To my shock and amazement the creature stood up straight and for only a second or two and I could see it clearly. This "thing" stood around 8 feet tall and had a white/grey chest and face and the rest of its body was black. It looked at us one last time and then it took off in the direction of the forest and vanished from sight.

We were both confused and we just sat there trying to think what it could be, and then it came back! This thing started throwing sticks at the car. These weren't little sticks as you could tell hearing them hitting the car with a thud. Then we heard crashing going through a line of young beech trees near the car. We just drove out of there and my girlfriend did not want to return. 

So I went back the next day with my brother, we went to look for tracks or signs but it had been raining and we found nothing. I later asked a man I know who has worked all his life in these forests if he knew anything about what we saw, but he had never come across anything like it." Name withheld

NOTE: There have been a variety of 'wildman' reports from Scotland over the centuries, but usually in the Highlands. Interesting account. Lon

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

Listen to our podcasts at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel

Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

If you wish to comment on this Phantoms & Monsters post, please go to Phantoms & Monsters Post Comments


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