; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, décembre 19, 2021

Strange & Cryptid Encounters in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania

A Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania resident describes several strange & cryptid encounters he and his wife have experienced since moving from New York City 5 years ago.

I recently received the following information:

"My wife & I have lived in Pennsylvania for a little over 5 years and have had a few unexplained encounters in that time.

We moved to Carbondale (Lackawanna County - about 20 minutes from Scranton) from NYC where the strangest thing we saw there was a raccoon or owl, seriously, no wildlife except for pigeons, seagulls and rats.  Since we've moved out here, there have been 5 encounters. 3 canine-esque and two skin-walker/flesh pedestrian. FYI we live in town, not the boonies

For the non-canine encounters, they were "mundane" as far as their cryptid type goes.
(1) One night my wife & I were on the front porch having a cigarette after dark and I heard something coming through a narrow patch of brush across the street, it's pitch black there, street lights were on but it was in the dead zone between them & this "person" walked through dense brush/trees like it was wearing NVG. "They" appeared relatively tall 6'+ and twiggy-like meth head twiggy. It just sauntered out of the brush and down the block following the darkness between street lights.

(2) I was walking my pup one random night and out of the corner of my eye there was a tall being next to a tree a few doors down from me. I went to do a double take and it was gone.  Just like the 1st encounter, it was in the dark zone.

For the canine encounters they're a little more intriguing, to me at least.

(1) This one might have been a legit canine but I can't confirm. My wife & I were hiking in Merli Sarnoski Park off of the main trail and we came face to snout with a not so happy beast. I heard growling and stopped so I could try and see what we pissed off. Less than 50 yards in front of us was a dark gray almost black wolf, not a damn coyote, carrying a red fox in it's mouth for a nice little lunch. I grabbed my pistol and basically pushed my wife back down the trail in the direction we came. It chose not to pursue us thank God. I say this might have been a real canine since I wouldn't be surprised if there were real wolves out here.

(2)  A little less than a year ago my wife & I were dead asleep, puppy was sleeping between my feet & we were all woken up by the sound of a wolf (too deep/masculine to be a yote)howling right outside of our window.  Mind you-we're on the 2nd floor & there's nothing close enough to the house to make it an easy jump.  Needless to say we had trouble falling asleep after that.

(3) Less than a month ago my wife & I were again on the porch having a cigarette and we heard something heavy walking across the awning above us-the same awning that's right in front of our bedroom window.  We sat out there and waited for a while to see if this thing jumped down or did anything.  I did a quick recon around the front of the house to see if there were eyes or tracks and I couldn't find a damned thing

I unfortunately do not have any supporting evidence for these but I am a straight shooter & an outdoorsman. I'm pretty good at recognizing animals, I've encountered quite a few while out hunting the last  few years & I'm not one to B.S or pad facts. I'd like answers but I' pretty damn sure I'll never get a definitive one. Whether real or cryptid they're elusive & stealthy so the chance of getting anything on camera is slim to none." MB

NOTE: Yeah, well welcome to Pennsylvania! Lon

Because of recent revelations involving the winged humanoids (The Unseen Ones), we are asking the worldwide public to come forward with your sightings & encounters. Contact us at

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Have you had a sighting of a winged humanoid or huge bat-like creature in the Chicago, Illinois metro area / Lake Michigan region? The entity has also been referred to as the 'Chicago Mothman', 'Chicago Owlman' & 'O'Hare Mothman.' - Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map - Please feel free to contact me at lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com - your anonymity is guaranteed. Our investigative group is conducting a serious examination of his phenomenon. We are merely seeking the truth and wish to determine what eyewitnesses have been encountering. Your cooperation is truly appreciated.

You can call me directly at


Thanks. Lon Strickler

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