; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, décembre 24, 2021

Bigfoot Encounters & Sightings in Beaver County, Pennsylvania

A Beaver County, Pennsylvania deer hunter describes some of his Bigfoot encounters and sightings over the the past few years. These specific locations will not be disclosed outside of our team.

I recently received the following account:

"This is a little more than just a second encounter. Kind of rolls all up into one. Do to the fact it is all in the same area and location. Me, my wife, and my boy were in the car driving down a blocked off road (in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. I'm not going into detail. Only my team and colleagues will be told the actual location) and we were spotting deer. Not even a 1/4 mile down into the road we saw 3 deer on our right side of the car. On my side there was a straight up and hillside. So I asked my wife to give me the spotlight. As soon as I spotlighted the steep mound, I saw a set of red eyes. For the life of me, I have never seen red eyes in my life while spotting deer, or any other time. The eyes were 5-6 inches apart in my estimation. They blinked and disappeared.

So, we drove down the road and did not spot anymore deer or anything with red eyes. We drove down to the spring and turned around. As we were headed back up, and approached the same spot where we saw the red eyes, the deer were gone. As I was driving slowly, my wife was scanning with the spotlight. 'POW!' Something hit the back of our car. Nothing huge, but we all heard it. Seconds later. 'POW!' A second thing hit the car door. This time bigger. I commented that I knew what that was, and I stepped on the gas, leaving the area. We all discussed it and we all agree, a Bigfoot threw a rock at us (still have the dent in the door).

Later, in November 2018, me, my son, and my brother were hunting in former PA Game Land in Beaver County, Pennsylvania on the 1st day of buck season. Now, nobody goes there and we were walking up the service road. At the top of the road, we took a good deserved break. Very steep hill. So we are standing there, all discussing where we were going. Out of nowhere, we hear a deep guttural and long-winded growl. My son and I knew what it was. We've heard it before. My brother, a non believer, said, 'Who owns a lion on this hill? I just said that there was no lion around.

Not letting it stop us from hunting, we all turned on our 2-way radios and went with the plan, just to sit and wait. I was doing the pushing, and my son stayed at the top of the hill. Walking down over the hill on the other side and set him up in a vary nice spot for his first time hunting. My brother walked the service road with me until I sent him down in a ravine which overlooked 2 valleys. My son was to the right about 200 yards away. I proceeded to the next hill.

On the left of them, there is a huge field at the top. I pushed the field, zig-zagging across everything. I went down into the valley, then back up another hill, heading towards my son. Then I hear my son on the radio. "Dad, there's a man playing peek-a-boo with me. He's dressed in black." Me and my brother both said, "What?" He reported himself and added, "Yeah, he is big too." I told him to hold on, I'm headed his way. "Dad! He coming towards you!" I said, "Can you see me?" He said, "Yes. You're on top of the hill from me." I stood still and waited. "Dad! Can't you hear that? He ran right past you!" I listened. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No sound.

So, we all met up. My brother was very upset, but kept asking both of us, "Why? Why was he in black?" We both agreed that we didn't know. After all, it's the first day of buck season. You have to wear orange. Since there was nothing moving, and I mean nothing, we went somewhere else. But me and my son knew who or what that was.

More recently, there are trees pushed down all over the access road. And it's way too quiet. No deer moving in that location.

In early October 2020, my wife and I were driving home from shopping. We were on a main highway in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. As we were having a conversation, we both were glancing at the cleared out section along the power lines. Then I saw a huge figure in the trees on top of the hill. I usually hunt on that hill. As I was about to ask her if she saw that, she commented that there is something on top of the hill near the power lines. I confirmed it. But what I saw, and what she saw, were 2 different things. This was obvious when we talked later.

What I saw was a figure about 100 yards away from the thing she saw. The figure I saw was, in my estimation, at least 8 feet in height and as wide as a stand up, two-door freezer. No way was that a human. Huge! My wife said the figure she saw was under the power lines had to be at least 10 feet in height and as thick as a Volkswagen Beetle. I didn't see that second one. Some called us crazy and that we were just seeing things, but we know for a fact. There is a family of the 'Big Guys' living in (location redacted) no one wants to hunt. They are real." JW

NOTE: These accounts came from the same witness who forwarded YES! There Truly Are Bigfoot In Pennsylvania - Only my team and colleagues will be given access to the actual locations. Lon

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Thanks. Lon Strickler

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