; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, octobre 17, 2021

'Why do I have encounters with alien beings?'

A Swedish man writes to ask my opinion to why he has experienced encounters with a group of alien beings he refers to as 'Greens.' Why do you believe these encounters continually occur?

I recently received the following account:

"I wonder if you can help me understand one of my many encounters I´ve had with the 'Greens?' What I want to know is: What were they doing to me, and why? This happened in 2009.

This is not exactly a story about me being abducted (although it might be). I just want to tell you one of my experiences with the 'Greens' (or possibly Greys?).

My encounters started with aliens started about 2007-2008, with noisy, physical experiences and sound/light 'explosions' (in my head) during sleep/dream state.

My encounters always happened in the dreamlike state between sleep and wakening (theta state), when you are deeply relaxed. After each event, I wrote down my memories of the experience, therefore I can recall them very accurately.

The story I want to tell you about took place the 6th of August 2009.

But first I just want to clarify: I´m not a lunatic, I work as a therapist and have studied for seven years at universities in Sweden and England.

Here it goes...

"At approximately 4:30 in the morning I felt that I began to slide out of a dream. I began to approach the state we call 'awake,' but I was not there yet. Suddenly, I perceive that I am not alone in the room, the energies changed dramatically.

It is difficult to say whether I 'saw' what I saw, since I had my eyes closed during the whole episode. The only explanation I can think of, is that I watched with my 'third eye.'

I saw a small green figure (no more than about 1.00-1.20 meters high) standing by the end of my bed, right by the door. The figure was as said green, and had a disproportionately large head with big black eyes. The figure also wore a kind of white overalls, with the collar turned up, just like Elvis used to have.

I was not scared or worried when I saw this, quite the contrary. I was glad that they finally came back after a 2.5-3-year hiatus. Moreover, there was not much I could do because I felt that my body was paralyzed.

Quickly, the little figure by the end of my bed moved to where I had my head resting on my pillow. I got the feeling that there were more than one, but for some reason I could see only one person (or should I say 'alien'), but I 'knew' that there were others in the room.

They were standing right next to my head and I felt that they threw some kind of powder on my face (almost like when the sandman puts people to sleep...). When this happened, I became weightless.

I became aware that they put some kind of an instrument up my nose. It was a sort of long narrow flexible tube-like thing, that disappeared up through my nose. At one point I smelled like something was burning, like bone.

Now, I also started hearing a sound, much like a very dull dentist's drill, but more metallic. The sound changed character sometimes, it sounded as if the instrument encountered some resistance, and therefore sounded muffled.

I was never afraid, rather, I felt, "Wow, not many people get to experience this!"

In my weightless state, I felt I was floating, but I can´t say that I felt I still was in my room, rather in some kind of vacuum. Suddenly, I feel that I fall, the feeling reminded of the feeling that one can get when going downhill on a roller-coaster. After a short second of falling I was gradually slowed down, in a way reminiscent of how you slow down from a bungee jump. I didn´t reach a dead stop immediately, but I gradually slowed down.

All the time the sound from the instrument was present. Suddenly, I was drawn into space! I now hovered in total silence and everything was black around me, except for a variety of small white dots that I perceived as stars.

This new journey did not last long, because I heard that someone said; "He wakes up." This 'voice' that I heard was metallic and monotone, and suddenly I was down in my bed and the sound subsided quickly and the figure(s) removed just as quickly. The next second I was awake and I lay motionless for a moment to digest my experiences."

For a long time I thought these encounters and entities were benevolent, since I never experienced any pain or fear. I then gradually came to the insight that these 'Greens' probably were in cohorts with the Greys. Since I know the Greys don´t have the technique to do these operations without inflicting pain, but he Greens can.

For what I know, they might even have been holograms.

I´ve got theories on what this is all about. I think they put in some kind of esotherical device in my pineal gland, for what reason I don´t know.

Hope you have time to help me, even if you just write a line or two!

Best regards, MO, Sweden

NOTE: I responded with the following: Hi MO...honestly, there is no real rhyme or reason as to why these beings mess with humans. Many times, it just seems like they are hardwired to test our tolerances. I have talked to hundreds of Experiencers over the years and I am still surprised and shocked by some of the activity that these beings create. You may want to seek some advise from a Regression Therapist who is more inclined to healing. I can refer you to an excellent person if you wish. Lon

Many of the Experiencers I have talked to initially believe that these are benevolent beings. Sometimes they heal a condition or ailment. But, as I have I stated previously, there tends to be an alternate agenda involved. Many times, like what David Eckhart has dealt with for many years, there is persistent harassment without any tangible reason as to why these beings continue to 'show up.'

I wish I had more to tell this Experiencer and others who question the actions of the various 'Grey' factions. I just wish we had more insight into their plans and ultimate incentive. Lon

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