; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, septembre 07, 2021

Aggressive Pale Orange 'Crawler Humanoid' Encountered Near Bethlehem, PA

The witness states that she encountered a green-eyed crawler humanoid with pale orange colored hairless skin. The being became aggressive and attacked the van she was driving.

The witness 'RJ' contacted me directly:

"Hi Lon. I saw an old post of yours and I am hoping you might have some knowledge to spare.

I need help.

January of this year was a very dark place for me emotionally. My husband and I grew estranged after the loss of our 6-day-old youngest son. For about 2 months, December and January, we were apart as he spiraled with substance abuse to numb the pain. He left town and stayed with his father across the state. When he came back into town, we wanted to see each other.

He checked into a hotel in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. I drove out to see him around 7pm, when our then two-year-old son fell asleep. We were staying with my mother during this time and she offered to watch our little one. I stayed for a few hours. It was very emotional to say the least. We wanted to reconcile and overcome the tragedy we had faced. Around 12pm-ish I knew I would have to get back to my mother’s house in case our son woke up.

It was pitch black outside, and my GPS led me down a narrow road. I was eager to get home and although very overwhelmed, wide awake due to the adrenaline of seeing my husband for the first time after our ‘separation.’

I crossed over a stream, and started going slightly up hill. In the middle of the road was a set of bright green eyes. I instantly slowed down because there are a ton of deer in the area. If if there is one deer, there is usually more. I slowly creeped up the hill in my minivan, scanning for more eyes, and the figure in the middle of the road scuttled to the right hand side, then stayed perfectly still and positioned. Scuttled is the only was to describe the way it moved honestly.

To the right was a big open field and some trees and brush that lined the perimeter along side of the road. The thing was along the brush, almost like it was trying to blend in. It was on both its hands and feet.. it’s arms were unnaturally long and bent at an angle. It’s eyes were that reflective green the entire time I drove past it with no pupils. I don’t think it looked at me directly, after it positioned itself in the brush it stared past me with a black hole for a mouth - not gaping - but wide open.

Since I slowed down quite a bit to prevent me hitting what I thought was a deer, I got a good long look at it.. About 8ish feet tall but on all fours, crouched. Skin looked like orange bark, like it was trying to camouflage along the trees but it was too orange/tan, and as I crept closer I saw that it was fleshy. Like gross, orangey swollen bloody fleshy. The nose is what stood out to me mostly. It was long and pointy, I’d almost compare it to Pinocchio before he would tell a lie. All the same orangey fleshy color. I hope that makes sense. I don’t really know how else to describe it.

It happened in seconds. I thought I saw a deer, I slowed down as I passed it, and it was NOT a f*cking deer. I kept driving. Almost immediately after I laid my eyes on it, I felt my heartbeat in my throat. Such a horrific sense of dread consumed me and it almost helped me continue to act rationally and drive the hell away from there. I then heard a knocking and a huge thud come from the inside of my van. Like, someone had jumped from the back but on the inside. All of my windows were up because it was obviously winter so there was no logical way something could have suddenly appeared as I was driving. All of the hair stood up on the back of my neck, and every instinct I had was telling me to keep staring straight ahead. Do NOT look behind, do NOT look in the rear view mirror, do NOT say a f*cking word. So I didn’t. I struggled to breathe. I had a huge lump in my throat as I sped down that road, so beyond scared with every fiber of my being on overdrive telling me to GET AWAY FROM THERE.

The second I turned off of that road, that feeling of someone being in the car with me was gone. I looked back and nobody was there. I kept driving and called my husband in hysterics, half sobbing half laughing out of shock and saying “I’m not scared, I’d kick its ass” because I had a feeling it thrived off of my fear.

It was one of the terrifying things I have ever experienced in my life.

Months have passed since then. My husband and I have since reconciled and have been even stronger since our fallout. We have tried to look more into it, but every time we started to do more research I would get a sick feeling in my stomach, almost like my body was warning me to leave it be. I tried to ignore it and forget it for the longest time.

My husband and I bought a piece of property locally. As we looked at properties, we stayed away from anything big and open with a field because it reminded me too much of that thing. We purchased a heavily wooded lot about 30 miles away from where this experience took place. We are having a home built custom to our 3yo son’s needs (our little guy has cerebral palsy). We move onto the property next week in a camper to oversee construction.

But now I’m worried. What if there is another encounter?? And I have my little boy with me this time? What if something  bad happens and I lose him? I already lost one son... if anything happened to my oldest I don’t know what I’d do.

We begun finally really digging into what that thing was. We looked into the thing itself based off of its appearance and the location I saw it at. It turns out that field I saw it at was a part of a memorial park called Housenick Park. There was a lot of Native American history tied into that area so we dug more into local lore. We came across the term skinwalker. That was probably the closest thing we found that resembled the creature. That’s what we’ve been referring to it as but there were a few things about my encounter and it’s appearances that still makes me hesitant to believe with 100% certainty that is what it was." RJ

NOTE: I talked to RJ by telephone and reassured her that this was, most likely, a one time encounter. The description is somewhat different that most, but I'm convinced it is a crawler humanoid variation. I asked Vincent Richardson to sketch a rendering for RJ's description. Lon

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ARCANE RADIO | Astounding Chicago & O'Hare MOTHMAN Revelations! - Tobias Wayland & Manuel Navarette

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