; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, août 21, 2021

'Glimmer Man' Encounters in Florida & California

2 'Glimmer Man' accounts that were submitted to Expanded Perspectives. One of the sighting was in Florida, the other in California.

The following account was forwarded to me by Kyle & Cam at Expanded Perspectives:

"I have had an intriguing life, full of mysterious experiences and I want to share them with people while I still can. Usually, I don't talk openly about the things I've seen, the peoples I've met, or what I've experienced, but I think it's good and safe to share here! 'The Glimmerman' show you put on recently was one of my favorites thus far. It was relieving and comforting to me to hear this show in particular because although I've seen a great deal, my experience with a cloaked creature - and my husband's separate encounter - were among the weirdest.

To begin, my husband and I live in Florida. For all of 2020, we lived right by a state park and a swampy pond in a grand house. We were about 50 feet from the pond and less than a 5 minute drive from the park. I mention this because I'm very wary of state and national parks due to David Paulides' works and my own experiences. Living at this place has only strengthened my desire to steer quite clear of these designated parks in particular.

Anyways. I was filming one day in my kitchen for my YouTube channel, in July of 2020. I was filming a Tarot reading since that was what my channel was about at that point in time. I sat at my kitchen table, facing the front door. Our home had a mostly open plan, and you could see from the front door all the way through to the backsliding patio doors, which included a direct path from the front door to the back door and through the kitchen. When I filmed, I sat at my kitchen table facing the front door, and I could see it totally unobstructed.

During the filming of this reading early this afternoon, on a blindingly bright, sunny day, in a home full of light, I saw the Glimmerman in my house. Now it's important for me to say that I love the forest. The northern forest anyways. I have my home decorated with realistic pine trees, and at that point, I had a beautiful faux pine by the front door.

Mid-reading, I heard the tree by the door jostle and looked up to see it tipping back and forth and a tall, thick, semi-transparent (frosted-glass looking) being in the loose shape of a humanoid running past the tree and down the hallway that leads to my craft room, my husband's studio (he is a creator too), and his bathroom. It was at least 6' tall and 3' wide or thick that I could see, and it was moving quickly. Oddly, though, this being was graceful and moved with superhuman perfection. I had been in the middle of a sentence and, on camera, broke the reading to call out, "Hello? Who's there?" I'm used to seeing things and more, so I wasn't afraid but I was startled. I sat there with my cards in my hands, staring at the place where it had disappeared down the hallway and wondering if I should dare to follow whomever it was to that portion of the home. I decided firmly against it because clearly that person or being didn't want to be seen or pursued by me. After a moment, I said to the camera, "I think I just had an experience." And tried to pick back up with the reading while still keeping my eyes and ears open, in case this thing was going to show itself or attack me. It was stressful, and things only got weirder after that experience. I am so grateful we left that property!

My husband, one-night several months later, was lying in bed with me sometime around 10 or so at night. I was almost asleep, but he was awake watching TV and or sometimes staring off into the distance, as he put it, because he was tired but still wired after his long day at work. Out of nowhere, my husband shook me awake and said, "I saw it, I saw it!" in an excited and shocked whisper. "What? What?" "I saw the cloaking thing...the technology! I just saw it, like what you said a while ago." I sat up a little and asked him to explain since it was pitch dark in the room except for the TV and light coming in from the kitchen, whereabouts I always insisted on leaving a light on. He pointed to the top of the doorframe, which was aglow in soft, diffused ivory light from the other room. "It was there," he explained. "It was a...a somewhat large patch of transparent but warped air. And it moved! Like it was floating or crawling." We stayed up for a while, comparing notes. I had seen the the full body of the thing and it had the frosted glass look, been rushing, and seemed to have purposefully or maybe not so purposefully almost knocked over a tree his had moved slowly, was crystal clear, about 1'x2' and he couldn't see an exact shape.

My husband never had any paranormal experiences until meeting me. Now we both have them and openly talk about them. I share my closest memories and secrets about my experiences with this guy and am grateful to finally have another experiencer with whom to share life. He loves this stuff now and wants to meet other people and see even more. Life is magical." B


"I believe I’ve encountered a 'Glimmerman' in my childhood. This is a very vivid memory I’ve had my whole life.

I grew up in Somerset, California an unincorporated part of El Dorado County. We lived on 5 acres. I was about six years old, running around outside. I was in the front of my house by a dilapidated shed on the property. All a sudden it went silent, I couldn’t hear anything. It felt like I was deaf. No birds or anything, not even the rustle of long-dead grass in the wind was silent. I thought it was strange. I remember my teacher at school was talking about how the eyes of a storm are quiet. I was young and dumb and thought that what it was.

Suddenly, I look about 30 feet in front of me and see something making a bee line towards me, though I couldn’t see anything. All I saw was just the disturbance of dead oak leaves on the ground being blown towards me. I then felt it pick me up and it held me against the shed in the air. I was then dropped like nothing happened and it seemed to vanish. I ran inside crying to my mom. That house had many paranormal encounters, from shadow men to orbs." G

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