; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, août 17, 2021

Bipedal Footfalls in Our Campsite at Night

3 Michigan men are camping at a secluded property in the Lower Peninsula. At night, one of the campers hears distinctive bipedal footfalls from the forest that approach his tent.

I recently came across the following account:

"Recently I have gone from marginally interested in the topic of Bigfoot, to really taking a deep look into this phenomena. For whatever reason this topic really has captured me. One of the most fascinating things is when you hear a person state after an encounter, how these other weird little things that they previously brushed off (an acorn thrown at them, etc) begin to make more sense.

Something similar is happening to me, in that two separate experiences I have had in my life, have started to make much more sense now.

This was around 2007 and at the time I owned a small 3-acre parcel next to the Manistee National Forest in Michigan's Lower Peninsula. I should mention that the county in which this took place is easily one of the most rural and remote counties in the LP. The property was seldom visited, and so my buddies and I decided to camp there one weekend, to check out the fishing nearby. At the time, there were no houses or cabins built around the lot.

The property was densely wooded, and so we camped in small clearing. Pretty uneventful - typical camping and around 11pm turned in - each in our own tents.

Now, I have to share that I am an extremely light sleeper, and it's sounds that will wake me up. So it's often hard for me to fall asleep with the normal camping sounds (insects, etc.) but I was finally able to.

At some time in the night, it was well after midnight I know that, I remember waking up because all of the sounds I fell asleep to now were silent. Completely silent. I laid there for a few minutes, half out of it, when I hear footsteps coming in from the woods behind me. They were very definite but I could tell they were trying to be quiet. They only stayed for a few minutes, walked around my tent and then walked off. I thought it was one of my buddies going to take a leak, and so I waited for the zipper sound of them getting back into their tent, but it never happened.

The next day, having breakfast around the fire, I mentioned the footsteps and of course no one heard them, and also no one had left their tent that night. We spoke a bit about what it could have been. For myself, I was concerned it was a bear, but they said there is no way a bear would be that quiet, and nothing was touched at the camp. Their consensus was a deer, but I remember saying that it sounded two legged, and not a small sized foot, it didn't "feel" like a hoof, but a longer more sustained footfall. My one friend "kindly" just said I was no tracker and it was some animal, and to drop it. And that was it for that day, I dropped it too, just being relieved it was not a bear.

Looking back its so funny, because that one friend who was the most stirred up, made some excuse about his tent leaking and slept in his truck that night. I didn't even question it. That second night, the footsteps came back, did their little cautious lap, and left back into the forest. I swear whatever it was was on two legs, and the same longer duration footfall sounds. It never occurred to me that it was anything else that me just misinterpreting the sound of a typical animal." OS

NOTE: Most accounts of this nature are, in my opinion, Bigfoot related. Nonetheless, it is rare that anything in the campsite is ever disturbed. Most bears will be curious (or hungry) enough to scavenge to some degree. Lon

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