; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, juin 30, 2021

Possible 'Skinwalker' Among Co-Workers Terrifies Witness

A group of co-workers are at a bonfire in rural Utah when they noticed someone who none of them knew. The odd behavior by this man prompted then to leave, leading to a terrifying incident.

I recently came across this account:

"I don't know what to make of this. I'm honestly terrified. I'm not giving any names because I don't know if it was a Skinwalker or not. I'll keep this as short as possible because I'm at work right now and don't have a lot of time.

So, 4 days ago I went to a bonfire with a couple of my co-workers. It wasn't huge, just a small get together with about 7 people there. I knew everyone there, and for the first hour it was super fun. Now this place was out In the woods, barely got any reception. We were about a mile away from civilization, so if anything were to happen it would be pretty hard to get help. I live in rural Utah too, and there's not a lot of traffic around, so there wouldn't be many cars.

There was only one person there I didn't know, but I just assumed he was one of my co-workers' friends so I didn't think anything of it. He was a tall skinny white dude, had black hair and blue eyes. Now, I don't want to be that guy, but he was also pretty ugly. He was very distant, barely talked and kept to himself, which at first I didn't find odd. As this thing went along, I noticed he would stare at people for random every now and then, and this was when he felt a little off to me.

Before asking anyone who he was, I started to observe him. His movements were very odd. I don't know how to explain it, but the way he moved was very strange. He walked super strangely and moved his head and neck in a weird way. This made me paranoid and I asked all my co-workers if they knew him. One by one I ask and each person said no, all saying they thought he was someone else's friends. This was it for me. Something told me to get out of there now. I went to all of my co-workers and told them everything and they all agreed to leave and go to another co-worker's home.

We all packed our stuff up and loaded it into the car, acting like we were done for the night. He didn't get into any car. He just stood near the woods and waved goodbye. As we drove off, I was with my colleague and when we looked back, he was gone. It was an instant too, but that's not the only scary thing. My car window was recently broken so I didn't have a window up, so I could hear everything outside basically.

On our way to my place, every now and then I would hear something that sounded like someone screaming, and I swear that one time someone called my name. This just made me super scared, and instead of joking about the situation, my friend and I were terrified. We kept hearing these noises, whines, a dog barking, a horse nay, someone screaming, people calling my name, and wolfs howling. Something in me told me that something was making these noises to lure me into the woods, and luckily It didn't lure any of my friends into it.

As we were leaving the gravel road and moving onto the main road, we looked back into the woods. I was behind all the other cars so I got a very good view of something, I don't know what, running way faster then any human should run across the gravel road. It was tall, skinny, and it looked really pale. I booked it at that point, driving past all of other co-workers cars. My friend in the passenger seat asked what was wrong. I couldn't speak. It was like I was so terrified I just wasn't paying attention. I just drove and I almost drove into the woods at one point. I only snapped out of it when one of my friends called asking what the hell was wrong and what happened.

I lied and told him everything was fine, but he didn't believe me and kept pushing but I kept lying. He eventually gave up and told me he would see me at my house.

This made me terrified to go near any woods, and even scared to leave my house at some points. I'm simply terrified, and I think if my instincts wouldn't of kicked in and told me to leave then I truly believe someone at that bonfire would of died." DB

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Multiple Pale Crawler Humanoids Infiltrate Detroit Area Neighborhood

A group of friends are together at night, with a blazing bonfire, in a small residential wooded area. They begin to hear noises and soon realize that they are in the midst of multiple pale humanoids.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"The summer after graduating high school in the metro Detroit area of Michigan, almost every weekend was grad party after grad party. Towards the end of the summer, one of my closest friends had his at his house. Now, his house backs up to a small wooded area, probably no more than 50-100 yards deep and maybe 20-30 yards across. It's small enough to where you can see the house on the other side of it during the day and some of the lights on in that house at night. Additionally, the houses surrounding his belong primarily to the elderly so no one is out passed 10 o'clock or so. Finally, we had never drank or tried any sort of intoxicating substance until months after this all occurred. This all comes into play as the night begins to unfold.

Once it started to get dark out, the party died off. At this point it was only me, him, and three of our friends. Around 10:00 PM we thought it would be a good night for a bonfire so we got some wood together, along with the lighter fluid and lighter, and got a nice little fire going. We spent a good hour or so just having a good time sharing stories and laughing, until one of our friends had to leave. This left only four of us until about half an hour later, when one of our other friends had to leave. So her boyfriend took her home and told us he'd be back in a little bit. Suddenly it was the two of us.

This is when things got interesting.

As my friend sat facing back towards the woods, and I with my back to the woods, we started hearing some noises. Sticks cracking on the ground, leaves being brushed through, those sort of things. He laughed it off saying it was just the neighbor's cat. As we sat and continued to shoot the sh*t, the noises continued and I continued to brush them off under the assumption it was just a cat. However, I was a little unnerved when we both heard what sounded like footsteps in the front yard. At first we thought our friend had gotten back but realized it wasn't him after a few minutes had gone by. Eventually our friend came back from dropping his girlfriend off at home and we started talking again like nothing had ever happened.

A couple minutes later however, the noises from the woods started up again, but this time they were closer. Much closer. I could see my friend was clearly unnerved by this and I reminded him he told me it was just the cat. He looked at me and told me that they didn't have a cat, he just said that to reassure himself earlier that it was nothing. I quickly got up, moved to the other side of the fire, and sat down between my two friends so that we were all facing the woods. After using a few choice words towards my friend to express how I felt about him letting me sit with my back towards whatever was back there, things took a bit of a turn.

We saw something move in the brush. It was slight, but noticeable. It looked fairly big too, about five feet tall. Kind of human-like. We tried to joke it off and convince ourselves it was nothing. This worked until a few moments later when we started to see more movement. This continued for a couple minutes until it got significantly closer and we decided to go inside. We hurried as we started to grab everything we needed to take in and put the lid on the fire pit (really just an old dome-shaped metal BBQ grill without the legs).

Throughout this time it continued to move closer to us. It almost seemed hesitant yet curious as we saw it dart about. Nonetheless, we rushed inside. We locked the door behind us and went to the windows. By this point it knew we were inside and was coming up to the house. It would dart by the windows as we ran between the windows in the house in hopes we could catch a glimpse of what had us so scared. We made out some basic details. It was about 4 to 5 feet tall when it was hunched over, humanoid and pale. Almost white but still a little gray kind of pale. This lasted for a good ten minutes until we heard the scratching of nails on the wooden deck connected to the house.

Around this time it seemed to shift it's focus towards the fire as we apparently didn't put the lid back on completely. Before I knew it, my friend was calling us over to the window that faced the fire. The lid was off and we could see the shape of it darting around the fire. We later found the lid about 10 feet away from the pit. Something had to have picked it up by the hot metal handle and thrown it over there. Around this time we also noticed that it was around some of the other windows. It was then that we realized there wasn't just one of whatever it was. There were multiple. If I had to guess, I'd say there were about 4 or 5.

This general activity continued for about 20 minutes until I decided I was going home. Our other friend decided he would do the same at that point so neither of us would have to walk to our cars alone. We both parked maybe 20-30 yards from the house but since the activity had only increased since it started, 20 yards seemed like a mile because of our nerves. After our friend tried and failed to convince us to stay the night there with him, we left. Out the front door and to our cars within about 30 seconds. As we went to get in our cars however, we faced the backyard and both saw multiple of the things crouched down about halfway to the ground. Some in open parts of the yard looking at us and some behind the trees looking back at the house.

As we both drove away, I looked back and saw the shape of a head looking into one of the windows of the house. As we left his neighborhood (which is kind of hidden in a wooded area) we both saw something cross the street behind our cars. As soon as we both got back to our houses, we got onto our group chat to confirm what we saw after leaving the house. Any doubt I had about what I saw was quickly thrown out the window as soon as my friend described what he saw without any input as to what I saw.

As the three of us recounted the night in our group chat, my friend continued to update us on the events still unfolding at his house. Besides seeing the figures outside his window still, he claimed he saw a face in the window at one point. Pale skin and black eyes. He described them as almost being like holes in the face they were so dark. He also claimed at one point something had scratched the screen on his window.

Needless to say, we were all terrified to say the least. Any sensible person wouldn't try to recreate the events from that night, right? Well, I guess we're not the most sensible because the next night we were right back at it. We knew what we saw and we needed validation. This time we had another person stay with us so they could backup our claims. We needed evidence that was better than just our word. It was too dark to take pictures or video.

We set the night up just like the previous. Everyone got to the house, we got a nice fire going, and we waited for things to start up. Once it got dark out, we started hearing the rustling in the brush again. An hour or so later the noises got closer and I switched sides so that all four of us were facing the wooded area. Within minutes, we saw whatever was out there moving through the brush again. There were probably about two or three at this point. We tried to hold out for a while, thinking we were hot sh*t and it wouldn't come for us.

This attitude changed within a matter of minutes as the pale figures got closer and started to go to the sides of us. They were surrounding us. We got up and calmly tried to put the lid back on the fire. We figured if we showed we were afraid, they might go for us. As soon as we finished getting the lid on the fire and grabbed everything we needed, we rushed inside. Before we knew it, they were darting past the windows again. At this point the fourth person, who hadn't been with us during it all the night before, agreed that something was out there.

As time passed, we gathered up the courage to go back out and stand on the deck and try and get some kind of evidence. We stood out there as they got closer. There were more this time. Maybe five or six. We stood there in silence as we observed them. They almost seemed curious with a hint of mischief. Some watched us, some ran around. One even scratched the underside of the deck directly beneath my feet. I could feel it as its nail dragged across the wood. At one point a deer ran out of the wooded area just a bit further down the road. It was like it was running away from something, but definitely not us because it ran somewhat towards us. Not away from us.

Throughout this time I had been recording audio on my phone. At first, it didn't seem like I captured anything. Going through the recordings the next day however, I noticed something. Something short but apparent. I isolated the snippet of audio and used an online tool to amplify the volume several times so that it could be heard more clearly. That's when it struck me, it was almost like a growl.

After all this, we hurried back into the house. The three of us left and, again, we saw whatever they were in the yard as we bolted to our cars. Almost a year has passed since those nights and the thought of it all still terrifies me to this day. What's more, as I was out driving the other night, I decided to pass through his neighborhood to sort of reminisce about old times. As I was driving through, I saw those same pale figures, hunched over and moving about. There were about four or five of them. I'm posting this because I'm looking for answers. Any idea as to what we might've seen those nights, please let me know. The events still haunt my memories to this day." NC

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ARCANE RADIO - Dr. Raymond Keller "Cosmic Ray" - UFO researcher, historian & author 'Venus Rising Trilogy'

Join Lon as he welcomes UFO researcher and author Dr. Raymond Keller to Arcane Radio. 'Cosmic Ray' is a retired history professor, who has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He was the founder and director of the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS). He has written several books, including his Venus Rising Trilogy with the titles 'Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet', 'Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus' and 'Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure.' Ray is a popular guest on Arcane Radio. This will be a very informative and entertaining show!

Join us this Friday, July 2nd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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UPDATED: Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

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mardi, juin 29, 2021

'God's Food': An Unintended Tale?

A woman recalls a sad tale about the death of her grandmother, with a possible connection to a Grimm's Fairy Tale. She later discovers that her friend has a very similar experience.

The following account was forwarded to me several years ago:

"I have a true story to share with you and your readers. This occurred in 1968 when I was 8 years old. My family lived in a large Italianate style home in western Pennsylvania. It had been my father's home when he was a boy and had been in his family since the 1850's.

At the time my paternal grandparents were living there as well. In fact, my aunt and cousins also lived in separate apartment that had been built onto the original house. We were a very tight knit family who were involved with a lot of the civic activities in our small community.

My grandmother loved to read stories to me and my cousins though, most of the time, it was only myself. She had a large sitting room on the 2nd floor filled with Victorian era antiques. She preferred to read by candlelight as she did when she was a girl growing up in the same house. The atmosphere in the room was a throwback to a more simple time.

This particular evening had an ominous feeling to it. It was early July and the house was exceptionally warm. There had been a series of thunderstorms with pouring rain off and on for several hours. I tried to get comfortable in the sitting room while listening to my grandmother read but there was little relief. She had just read a short story from Grimm's Fairy Tales titled "God's Food":

There were once upon a time two sisters, one of whom had no children and was rich, and the other had five and was a widow, and so poor that she no longer had food enough to satisfy herself and her children. In her need, therefore, she went to her sister, and said, my children and I are suffering the greatest hunger. You are rich, give me a mouthful of bread. The very rich sister was as hard as a stone, and said, I myself have nothing in the house, and drove away the poor creature with harsh words.

After some time the husband of the rich sister came home, and was just going to cut himself a piece of bread, but when he made the first cut into the loaf, out flowed red blood. When the woman saw that she was terrified and told him what had occurred. He hurried away to help the widow and her children, but when he entered her room, he found her praying. She had her two youngest children in her arms, and the three eldest were lying dead. He offered her food, but she answered, for earthly food have we no longer any desire. God has already satisfied the hunger of three of us, and he will hearken to our supplications likewise. Scarcely had she uttered these words than the two little ones drew their last breath, whereupon her heart broke, and she sank down dead.

After she read the story I told her that I was going to the kitchen to get a drink of cold water. She looked over at me and said "...don't be long, you may miss something." I ran down the hallway to the kitchen and got my drink. I started to walk back towards the sitting room when I noticed a wispy white cloud rush out of the sitting room doorway and into my grandparent's bedroom across the hall. I was startled and immediately overcome with dread and apprehension. I walked slowly into the sitting room and knew right away that my grandmother had passed away. That same night my grandfather, who had been feeling ill and was lying on his bed at the time my grandmother died, passed away in his sleep.

A few years later, my 6th grade teacher gave each one of my classmates a list of literary collections in which we were assigned to pick a few favorite short stories and give a report to the class. Grimm's Fairy Tales was part of the list and I had no intentions on using any of the titles.

The next day my friend and classmate Linda came to my house after school. We were talking about the assignment and discussing which titles we would chose. As we read down the list we came to Grimm's Fairy Tales. Immediately Linda said "nope - no Grimm's Fairy Tales." I asked her "why?" She explained that something weird happened to her when she was younger and that Grimm's Fairy Tales brought back terrible memories. Wow! I asked "what happened?" Linda started to explain the scenario - it was a horrifying but familiar account.

When Linda was very young her father would read her and her sister bedtime stories. Every night their father would pick out a new short story. The girls looked forward to it since he would act out some of the characters. One night he decided to read "God's Food" though he had warned them that it was just a fairy tale and that it conveyed a message about having goodwill towards others. He quickly read the story then kissed each of them goodnight.

About a minute later they heard terrible thumping and crashing sounds. They jumped out of bed and ran out onto the landing, to discover that their father had fallen down the stairs and had broken his neck. Their mother was hysterical and totally out of control, to the point that she never recovered from their father's death. She eventually becoming a recluse.

I was stunned by Linda's story. Since then I have wondered if this particular tale had caused other tragedies. I have researched for years but have never found anything similar to our experiences. Could these incidents be related somehow? What possible connection could the story and our situations have?

I still live in the family home with my husband and where we raised our three children. I would occasionally be visited by the spirits of my grandparents and they were always together. In fact, they still pay me a visit around the Thanksgiving holiday, which they both truly enjoyed in life. Linda and I are still very close friends but she misses her father deeply and wishes that he would find her one day." JZ

If you wish to comment on this Phantoms & Monsters post, please go to Phantoms & Monsters Post Comments


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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site and newsletter. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon



The Real 'Resident Aliens' - Part X


The Real 'Resident Aliens' - Part X

By Raymond A. Keller, PhD, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” the author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Series, published by Headline Books and available on Amazon.com, while supplies last.

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Negative Rh Blood Factor Provides Genetic Link to Aliens

In January of 1977, contactees from throughout North America were coming together for the purpose of exploring a possible genetic linkage they shared with the extraterrestrials.  This connection with our space brothers and sisters was the Rh-negative blood factor; and the organization these contactees established was known as the Venus Venous Research Corporation, headquartered in San Lorenzo, California.  The corporation sponsored the publication of a monthly newsletter from its very inception, Bloodline, where readers exchanged ideas on sundry issues of concern to the contactee community.  

In an editorial by Mabel Royce, she gave the following instructions to fellow members wishing to get in touch with their higher self:

“You must first relinquish your ego before you can grasp the concept of a universal soul.  You can be so wrapped up in this life you are living today that you have no concept of the past or future.  You can only receive telepathic communication if your mind can accept concepts from without it.  You must be able to alter your way of thinking, to accept alien thought waves as your own.  Only the complete submission of self can achieve this.  You must be able to sacrifice your original personality to acquire a greater one.  No one can change you.  You must change yourself.  You can change yourself into anything you want to be.  If you will just look at yourself, you will know what must be done.  No one likes to look at themselves the first time.  But once you do, you will have help to change anything necessary.”

Thousands more were coming to the realization that they were immortal spiritual beings from higher dimensional worlds temporarily inhabiting physical bodies for the purpose of learning lessons of eternal value on this planet Earth, a type of cosmic schoolhouse preparatory for the soul’s advancement into realms of light.  Royce explained it thusly:

“Once you establish a psychic link with the universal consciousness, any question you ask will be answered.  If you look, you will find the answers.  We must ask the previously unaskable.  The Rosicrucians teach about perspective.  Everything is relative.  It depends on your perspective as to what you see.  Picture a ballgame going on behind a fenced park.  The fence has a small hole in it.  If you stand with your eye to the hole, you can see the game on the other side.  If you stand back a few feet, all you will see is the fence with a hole in it.  It all depends on your perspective what you see….”

Much more on perspective as it relates to the observation and apperception of sundry phenomena was examined in the various issues of Bloodline, with articles by staff writers Mabel Royce, her sister Bonnie Royce, esotericist Ivan Boyes and many others with metaphysical leanings, but all sharing the Rh-negative blood factor.  As the role that these individuals would play in the organization and society at large, Mabel Royce wrote: “We hope we can help our people become aware of who they are and learn to utilize their powers.  We will gather all the latest scientific discoveries relating to our people through questionnaires and surveys.”  

As to the goal of such investigations, Mabel Royce noted that, “We will be presenting all the latest data on UFO contacts, Atlantis, Antarctica, Hollow Earth material, messages from our space brethren, psychic predictions on earthquakes and UFO landings.”

In helping members and readers explore their true points of contact with the wider universe, Mabel Royce recommended the following books, which even to this very day of 18 March 2021, I still heartily endorse:

Asimov, Isaac, Genetic Code (London, United Kingdom:  Orion Press, 1962).

Asimov, Isaac, Living River (London, United Kingdom:  Abelard-Schuman, 1959).

Binder, Otto, and Flindt, Max, Mankind:  Child of the Stars (Greenwich, Connecticut:  Fawcett, 1974).

Blavatsky, Helena P., Secret Doctrine (London, United Kingdom:  Theosophical Society Publications, 1888).

Holtzer, Hans, UFOnauts (Greenwich, Connecticut:  Fawcett, 1976).

Keel, John A., Why UFOs:  Operation Trojan Horse (New York City, New York:  G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1970).

Landsburg, Alan, Outer Space Connection (Sydney, Australia:  Corgi, 1976).

Lawler, Sylvia D., Human Blood Groups and Inheritance (Cambridge, Massachusetts:  Harvard University Press, 1951).

Steiger, Brad, Gods of Aquarius (New York City, New York:  Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976).

Velikovsky, Emmanuel, Worlds in Collision (Garden City, New York:  Doubleday, 1950).

Von Däniken, Erich, Miracle of the Gods (New York City, New York:  Delacorte Press, 1976).

Sacred Texts:

The Bible (King James Version), 1611.

Book of Mormon (Palmyra, New York:  Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830).

Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden (New York City, New York:  World Bible Publishing, 1968).

As to the ongoing work of the Venus Venous Research Corporation and its newsletter, Bloodline, that was distributed free to members (those with Rh-negative blood types), Bonnie Marie Royce put out a request in the first issue that, “Anyone who wishes to donate their help or knowledge in any way you can, we would be most grateful.  Just drop us a line and let us know in what way your talents lean.  No task is too trivial.  We need all of you, whether it is calling in often to your local radio-news, talk shows, etc., regarding the negative blood types; give our address whenever you can.  Each person you find will be another that you helped save.

“It will be a most gratifying experience, I promise you.  Any of you who will be in San Francisco in the near future are most welcome and needed to get the job done.  We must all pull together.”  Clearly, an urgency was felt to locate as many of the starseeds as possible.  Royce and the other members certainly believed that something would soon be going down that would significantly impact the lives of those with Rh-negative blood types, those having definitive extraterrestrial genetic connections.  

Royce continued: “It would be almost impossible for me to put on these few pages all the things I most immediately want you to know; but I want you to feel free to write me and ask me any questions.  I’ll answer all inquiries the best way I can and if it is something I don’t know, then I will do my best to tell you where you can probably find it.”

In order to help the seeker in better defining their paranormal connection, Royce added that, “If you would like some pen pals, just write and state you are most interested in, such as genetics, UFOs, Hollow Earth, Atlantis, visions, auras, thought transference, radionic therapy, cave drawings, ancient astronauts, etc.  First send your name and exact blood type.  Include an approximate number of how many pen pals you would like to write to.  In which case, we would appreciate your sending a photocopy of any interesting responses you get and mail it to us.  Every strange or amazing tale fits somewhere into this gigantic puzzle of life.”

Then Royce explained just how she and others at Venus Venous Research Corporation were going about in attempting to put the sundry pieces of this puzzle together: “We are in the process of trying to piece together and prepare ourselves for immortality.  There are so many things we could all learn if we had forever to learn it.  In my estimation, forever will be beginning very soon.  Are you ready for that great and glorious day?  The saints (we) have marched in.  The dead have risen.  All things are being revealed and this, the most important, the master key to the mysteries of the universe, is the one that comes from “The Two,” who are the fruit (children) of the olive tree (royal negative bloodline).”

The Cosmic Ray explores possible links between the UFO-based Heaven’s Gate religious cult and the activities of the Venus Venous Research Corporation.

This cryptic reference to “The Two” gave me some reason for concern with respect to the operations of the Venus Venous Research Corporation, however, insofar as the leaders of  Heaven’s Gate, the former Presbyterian minister Marshall Applewhite and nurse Bonnie Nettles, who formed that San Diego, California, UFO-based religious cult in 1974, began to claim that they were the two witnesses described in the Book of Revelation  and occasionally visited churches or other spiritual groups to speak of their identities, often referring to themselves as “The Two,” or “The UFO Two.” They believed they would die as martyrs and then be restored to life and, in full view of the entire world via satellite television, transported onto a spaceship. This event, which they referred to as “the Demonstration,” was to prove their claims.  Was the Venus Venous Research Corporation being utilized as a recruitment arm for “The Two,” the latter-day UFO prophets of the Heaven’s Gate cult?

In any event, the first phase of this process, as described by Royce, involved a gathering in of those individuals with Rh-negative blood types.  These are the initial ones called apart because of their starseed connections.  Royce explained further: “I’d like to recommend to all of you who are interested in corresponding with other negatives or doing your new job:  Broadcasting the good news, as much as you possibly can.  There must be some of you who are ‘night owls’ nationwide, who can call in to all night talk shows and give out your post office box number over the air.  This is the best way to avoid kooks.  Please keep us informed of the brethren (negatives) you find.  Send a list each month with their names, birthdate, blood types, heritage and address; and if possible, have them send in a filled-out copy of our questionnaire.  We are constantly updating the questionnaire as it is constantly revealing and verifying life similarities among respondents.  For example, we recently discovered that exposure to neon lights affects negative blood type people by making them dizzy.

“We are currently trying to determine how many survivors of major disasters have negative blood?  This may give us some indication as to whether they are being watched over, or guarded by higher beings.  Also, from any of you who are into genetic studies, we would be most grateful for a report on the latest developments and statistics.  And for those experiencing the phenomenon known as stigmata, we would like to know what is the blood type oozing from them?  Until next month, this is your sister in blood, the goddess Venus-Thaddeus.”  

The self-proclaimed goddess reported the following astrological information:  She was born as Bonnie Marie Royce on 3 February 1941 at the Highland Hospital in Oakland, California, at 2:22 a.m.  She emphasized that she was born under the sixth of the Chinese Zodiac symbols, that of the Snake.

Canadian Representative

Besides the articles from the two Royce sisters from California, the Venus Venous Research Corporation’s Bloodline newsletter ran an interesting piece from their Canadian representative, Ivan Boyes of Toronto, Ontario.  Boyes was born in Toronto on 8 January 1946, and expressed an intense interest in all matters esoteric and occult.  Long before the technology of the so-called “med beds” came along, Boyes pointed out that ancient Egyptian scrolls and Mayan reliefs show what appeared to be “womb chambers for creation.”  As to the restoration of the technology behind these chambers of antiquity, the Canadian correspondent wrote that, “Through the rediscovered science of radionics, we too can start new creations of life forms on this planet very easily, just by utilizing the right frequency and several subjects we want to genetically cross; not mess with, just cross.  Put a negative photo of the two on the plate of the radionic instrument and broadcast.  New forms of plants will emerge within no time.”    

Boyes urged those readers who thought this to be insanity, or at best wishful thinking, to read Joseph Goodavage’s Magic Science of the Future (New York City, New York:  Signet Books, 1976).  The Canadian noted that he had already been able to cure diseases and regrow organs in the body with the application of radionics.  He also suggested that it might be used to help us regain all of those extrasensory powers that had been lost to us over the centuries, through suppression or underusage.  To the readers of Bloodline, Boyes asked, “Are other Rh-types already creating new life forms on this planet; and how do we explain the life forms appearing such as the flying moth men in the United States or the Bigfoot?  Is the Bigfoot another radionic creation to show us and these hominids that our extraterrestrial ancestors created us for adaptability to conditions on this planet?”

Boyes remarks that, “Ancient cultures that were predominantly Rh-blood types reveal in their arts and legends all forms of clues as to who we are.  The Hallstatt Culture of Central and Western Europe, going back as early as the 12th century B.C.E., displays Martian map designs on its pottery of the Hellas area and also is exact in where the equator is, polar areas and river beds of the Red Planet are located.  This latter was only recently confirmed by the Mars probes.  How did they now, unless they had been or were from there?  Romanian pottery of the Neolithic Age also shows star maps and migration routes through the stars to Earth.  The Egyptian texts say that Ra and his train came from a city on the Moon.  The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has allegedly discovered just such a space city on the far side of the Moon, but is keeping it a TOP SECRET in the interest of national security.”

Boyes also explains other anomalies about the Moon: “The NASA and Russian space program finds on the Moon show that it is artificial and hollow, and four times the age of the solar system (20 billion years).  It contains structures resembling those of the Memphites of Egypt and Monolithic structures in Peru.  Whoever built the Moon as a massive spacecraft and put these structures on it, also built those on Earth; and they were the Rh-space colonists, us and our ancestors.”  For additional information about the Moon as a space platform for launching ships used by the extraterrestrials in observing the evolution of humankind on Earth, Boyes invites the Bloodline readers to check out Don Wilson’s classic book, Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon (New York City, New York:  Dell Publishing, 1975).  

The astute Canadian researcher points out that, “Even as far back as the Carboniferous Age, machine shop metal alloy objects and man’s footprints have been found.  Also, on the Moon as well, by the Apollo astronauts.  Whoever built the pyramids on Mars and in Egypt?  Scientists now say the same people did.  Who sculptured the face on Mars and the some of the many mountains here in North America with faces and bodies?  Who built all of those now ruined palaces and fabulous temples being discovered all over the floor of the Atlantic Ocean?  Rh-people did; and they were space and time travelers.

“These are only a few things being revealed so far.  What about the vast underground cities of the Inner Earth, right below our feet?  Under New York State, Arizona and the Black Mountains, also Mount Hood, Oregon- some of these cities are abandoned, others controlled by Deros or Teros.  Here is where we have to explore down into them and find out what has been left to us.  The ancient legacies of Teutonic myths state this is to be used by the direct descendants of Odin in the Age of the Wolf, or Space Age (Aquarius).  Bonnie, Mabel and myself are these direct descendants from the family of Bar, which means the same as “Royce” or “Boyes.”  Other translations of the name are Baradda, as of the Druids, Goth, Gin, or those of the race of the Blue Jann who came to Earth eons of years ago from the stars with the El race.  And this is the true House of Israel, through which the Biblical prophets came.  They too were like you and I, awakened Rh-negative blood types.”

Boyes revealed that the leadership of the Venus Venous Research Corporation was planning expeditions to the Hollow Earth from a base in southern Brazil; and that other people with whom the leadership of the corporation were in contact with would soon be presenting to their respective country’s government leaders and United Nations diplomats a petition to the United Nations granting official recognition for governments in place in the various Hollow Earth civilizations.  

“In the last year,” said Boyes, unknown forces have been at work, directing things- lectures for me and expounding Inner and Hollow Earth data, drawing those who were suppose to, to me; escorting me around North America to lost cities, showing another colleague the secrets of the Northlands and of space cities in the Arctic.   Finally, the Inner Earth people came out and said they were responsible.  Then I met Bonnie and Mabel Royce.  I knew I was to meet them months before.  I was told also I would soon go on the biggest mission yet.  This is it, to gather our own people together.”

Is Rh-negative blood an exotic bloodline or random mutation?  For further information, read the article by Caleb Strom on the Ancient Origins website, https://www.ancient-origins.net/human-origins-science/rh-negative-blood-exotic-bloodline-or-random-mutation-008831, dated 22 May 2020.

The Canadian admits that he was once in the dark on all these matters, before he contacted Mabel and Bonnie Royce.  Being skeptical at first, Boyes wrote that, “As a researcher, I continued to look into all of their ideas, especially concerning Bonnie being the goddess Venus-Thaddeus (in her higher self).  With intense radionic scans and with the help of top psychics, I found out that everything they were saying is true.”  

While it was the fondest wish of all those at Venus Venous Research Corporation for all of its members to get to work right away in starting to build a new age, it was comforting to realize that each, in her or his own way, was helping their brothers and sisters with the Rh-negative blood type, to find their true birthrights among those to whom Otto Binder and Max Flindt referred to as the “Children of the Stars.”

From Keller Venus Files:  An artist’s conception of Ivan Boyes’ UFO experience.

Dipping into “Cosmic Ray’s Mailbag”

On 5 March 2021, the Cosmic Ray received a question about this very issue of the Rh-negative blood types and their connection with the legacy of interplanetary beings on Earth, sent to Rob Potter of the Promise Revealed and the special mailbag from a reader of the Venus Rising books, “Eilene,” that he forwarded to my e-mail.  The following was the Cosmic Ray’s prompt response:

Dear Eilene:

Many thanks for your timely and pertinent question.

It was Helena Blavatsky, the co-founder of the Theosophical Society, who first postulated in the 1880s that around 18,000,000 years ago, a Venusian contingent on Earth was responsible for creating the race of god-kings who populated the ancient continents of Atlantis and Lemuria.  She also claims that the Venusian bloodline was carried over into Europe by some of the survivors of Atlantis' destruction.  Today we know their descendants as the Basques, inhabiting the area of the Pyrenees Mountains, situated on both sides of the French-Spanish border.

A recent United Nations study confirms the highest concentration of the Rh- negative blood group on the planet as being situated in the Basque region of the Pyrenees Mountains. Brad Steiger, a paranormal researcher in the tradition of the late John A. Keel, was the first to point out that those with the Rh-negative blood factor possess an encoded extraterrestrial DNA and are, therefore, the prime candidates for contact by Venusians and other aliens operating on Earth.  The last chapter of my Venus Rising book, “Gods of Aquarius,” under the subtitle of "Dolores is Orthon, Here's Why," goes into much greater detail about the actual physical characteristics that differ between persons with the Rh-negative blood factor (alien component) from the general Earth population.

Hope this answers your question.  

Your cosmic friend, -Ray


(Editor’s Note:  Keep reading this series for Part XI of the Cosmic Ray’s Real “Resident Aliens,” where a Mexican doctor provides a medical examination for an extraterrestrial who walks into his office. - Lon)

Follow-Up: Possible Cryptid 'Thunderbird' Recently Observed in Somerset County, Maryland

A Maryland woman observes a huge cryptid bird near Westover, MD in Somerset County on the Delmarva Peninsula in November 2020. This is a more in-depth look at the sighting.

I recently received a follow-up report from a previously posted account:

"This is a follow-up to the report I sent you several months ago concerning my wife's possible Thunderbird sighting. My wife and I were in Ocean City over the weekend and on Saturday, 6/26, we ventured to the area where the sighting occurred. I took several pictures of the area and also took some measurements. I'm sending you 3 pictures in separate e-mails because of their size. Because the sighting happened so long ago (this past Thanksgiving 2020), obviously there wasn't a whole lot to document other than to verify some of the details.

It was overcast and rainy in that area on Saturday. In fact we drove through several pretty bad downpours getting to there and on the way back. There was a bit of fog and some light drizzle in the sighing area (which you will see in the photos) at the time. The photo in this e-mail  shows the vantage point from how she would have first seen the creature at the stop sign at the intersection of Revells Neck Road and Old Princess Anne Road in Westover, MD. She said that the creature was standing in the middle of the road with its back to her and its wings spread. The location of the creature was just past the utility pole on the far side of Old Princess Anne Road located roughly in the center of the photo. This would be the utility pole on the opposite side of the road and the next one behind the utility pole in the foreground that has the 40 mph speed limit sign bolted on it. As you can see, even with the weather conditions that were present that day, we had a very clear view of the area the creature was standing and she saw it on a day that was clear and sunny.

This photo (above) was taken on Old Princess Anne Road from the location where my wife observed the creature to be standing. The viewpoint is looking back at the intersection at Revells Neck Road. From this position, it is much easier to judge the distance to the stop sign/intersection at approx. 60 yards. She stated the distance to be 50 - 60 yards, so it's definitely in the ballpark. We had intended to bring a laser range finder that I have to get the exact distance, but unfortunately we forgot to take it with us. So the distance is based on my best judgement being an experienced hunter as well as her best judgement being an experienced hunter. As you can see, the road has no shoulder to speak of, so we measured the width of the hardtop at that point which came out to 20 feet wide (pretty much what I suspected), making the approximate wingspan of the creature she saw to be in the vicinity of 16 feet (she stated that the wingspan was about 80% of the width of the road at that point).  The point where she pulled off of the road to observe the creature after she made a left at that intersection would been just beyond the blue sign on the right.

We had intended to stop and knock on the door of the house at the intersection to ask the folks that lived there if they had ever seen anything strange, but there didn't appear to be anyone home at the time (no cars in the driveway) so we didn't stop. Interestingly, the white building on the right where Carol stopped to observe the creature is a Purdue Chicken facility. The woods that you can see on the far right of the photo and behind that facility are part of the hunting area that the club she and our son-in-law belong to leases from the Maryland Dept. of Natural Resources.

This photo (above) is 90 degrees directly to the left of the photo in e-mail 2/3. This would be facing west and the facility that you see there is a Mountaire Farms Chicken facility and just beyond that is MD Rte.13. I added this photo in for two reasons, one to show how close this was to a major highway and two, how close this was to two major US poultry producer facilities (possibly just coincidence). However, if you were to look at this area in Google Maps, you would see that not too far to the north of the Revells Neck Road intersection along Old Princess Anne Road (which would to the left coming off of Revells Neck Road in the direction that my wife was heading, is some railroad tracks with high voltage power transmission lines running in parallel. The fact that there are high power transmission lines fairly close to the sighting area may have had something to do with this. The area that her hunting club leases from DNR is roughly bounded by those railroad tracks to the north, Old Princess Anne Road to the west, Arden Station Road to the east, and MD Rte. 13 to the south. She did mention what she saw to the other folks that she hunts with once she got to the camp sight and none of them have ever seen anything strange or out of the ordinary in that area and some of them have been hunting there for many years.

I also find it very interesting that the folks in her hunting club that she recalled her sighting to all thought that she may have seen Mothman. Now, you and I may get a chuckle out of this, but I think that it's a positive thing because, A) the other members of the club she belongs to  are either serving or retired police officers and close friends/family, B) have at least heard of Mothman and know a general description of that creature, and C) it tells me that they have at least some interest in cryptid/paranormal/UFO activity despite what they may claim otherwise. It doesn't take much to look up and see something strange in the night sky or even out of the corner of your eye, so I actually find this encouraging.

One last thing that I will say is that while we were at the sight, I did not see, feel, or experience anything odd or out of the ordinary. It just seemed like a typical back country road. As I have had several of my own experiences (most of which I have told you about), I have become a bit more sensitized to things like that when they happen." TL

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ARCANE RADIO - Dr. Raymond Keller "Cosmic Ray" - UFO researcher, historian & author 'Venus Rising Trilogy'

Join Lon as he welcomes UFO researcher and author Dr. Raymond Keller to Arcane Radio. 'Cosmic Ray' is a retired history professor, who has lived and worked in 44 different countries and has been writing about UFOs and paranormal activity since 1967. He was the founder and director of the Outer Space International Research and Investigations Society (OSIRIS). He has written several books, including his Venus Rising Trilogy with the titles 'Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet', 'Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus' and 'Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure.' Ray is a popular guest on Arcane Radio. This will be a very informative and entertaining show!

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