; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, mai 31, 2021

US Special Forces in Cambodia Observed 'Alien Humanoids' Gathering Human Body Parts

A US Special Forces team, on a covert assignment in Tong Li Sap, Cambodia, encountered several alien humanoids gathering and storing human body parts in containers.

I recently came across another account of an alien humanoid encounter during the Vietnam War:

In 1972, during the war in Vietnam, a covert team of US soldiers was sent to Tong Li Sap, Cambodia, which is situated in southeast Asia. The operation was essential; to destroy a facility in North Vietnam, which, as it was possible to establish by the US intelligence, was secretly overhearing top-secret conversations of the US Army in South Vietnam.

The team set up camp overnight, preparing to assault the North Vietnamese team at dawn. In the early morning, the special forces sneaked up to the Vietnamese base, but what they saw there shocked and frightened them.

As the team got closer to the location of the North Vietnamese unit, they suddenly discovered that there was a large spherical spacecraft, which stood on three strong metal supports. The craft suddenly began to hum, causing instant sickness, dizziness, and disorientation in the US military.

The group leader was about to issue a command to retreat when a group of strange-looking humanoid creatures appeared. The US troops were frightened after seeing those creatures, but what they were doing, scared the hell out of them. The description of these beings was similar to those of tall 'Greys,' though it seems some could have been more Reptilian.

The aliens were handling a large pile of various parts of human bodies and placed them in large containers: arms, legs, torso, heads and so forth. GI and VC body parts.

What they saw sobered and angered the special forces, and the commander gave the order to open fire. The bullets hit the creatures, but they did not do any harm, except for one, who was killed by a shot in the head. Several commandos were killed, while others were seriously affected by the effects of unknown weapons. Then the aliens quickly retreated into the ship and quickly ascended into the sky.

Soon, another CIA team appeared at the scene, and one survivor told them they were all given some kind of mind-altering drugs to make them forget about this incredible fight. And it worked, at least for a while.

However, in the late 1980s, two members of the special forces team who took part in that battle began to have nightmarish memories of those events of April 1972, which prompted one of them to contact many other special forces who were found and who were still alive.

Two had already died, three were not found at all, but the rest were able to meet in August 1988 and decided that this story should be told. They turned to researcher and ufologist Leonard Stringfield, and he published their story in his 1991 book: “UFO Crash Retrievals: The Inner Sanctum.”

NOTE: I have collected several alien and humanoid encounter incidents that occurred during the Vietnam War, including Vietnam: Recent & Wartime Reptilian Cave Encounters - Lon



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