; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, mai 11, 2021

The Real 'Resident Aliens' - Part IV


The Real 'Resident Aliens' - Part IV

By Raymond A. Keller, PhD, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” the author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Series, published by Headline Books and available on Amazon.com, while supplies last.

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

“UFO Creature” Sighted on Lake Erie Beach

Reports of a creature that emerged from a UFO that landed on an Erie, Pennsylvania, beach on the night of Sunday, 31 July 1966, made headlines around the world, thanks to a United Press International dispatch of 3 August 1966.  There were even reports that an officer from the United States Air Force was dispatched from Project Blue Book at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, to investigate this close encounter.  He was allegedly seen by multiple witnesses in the vicinity of the UFO landing site on Tuesday, 2 August 1966.  When news reporters called the offices of Project Blue Book about the Erie, Pennsylvania, case, their calls were transferred to the Public Affairs liaison at the Dayton base, Major William S. Hall, who casually informed that, “All findings resulting from the search must be released by the Secretary of the Air Force.”  

The story begins on the evening of Sunday, 31 July 1966, when Betty Jean Klem, 26, of Jamestown, New York, said that she and three friends were sitting in their disabled car on the beach in the Presque Isle Peninsula.  With their car broken down and nothing else to do, they were watching the sky when they saw what appeared to be a star moving in the sky in a contrary direction to the fixed stars. 

“You could see it coming down,” said Klem.  “It was metallic, sort of silvery.  It faded between the trees.” 

The others with Klem were Douglas Tibbetts, 18, of Greenhurst, New York; Anita Haisley, 22, and Gerald Labelle, 26, both neighbors of Betty Jean Klem in Jamestown.  According to Tibbetts, “The object appeared to be cube-shaped, whitish or metallic in color.”  He also noted that, “When the object landed, a series of lights turned on and a tripod array of landing gear could easily be seen.” 

Betty Jean Klem went into shock when a six-feet tall “formless creature” emerged from this landed UFO and walked right up to her car.

While Tibbetts was able to keep his composure when speaking with a reporter from the United Press International, Klem appeared to be in shock, speaking incoherently when she began to describe the mysterious object.  Basically, what she related was that Haisley and her two children had been sitting in the car while Tibbetts had gone for police to come and investigate the landing area.  She also said that a “formless creature” appeared in the bushes, standing just five feet from her automobile.  The alien being was about six feet tall.  She could make out a head and shoulders but saw no legs, insofar as it was up so close to the car.  Klem then began peeping the horn, summoning Tibbetts to return to the vehicle.  He did so, in the company of a policeman, only to find Klem in total shock.  

When Klem was asked if the UFO made any noise, she replied, “It sounded like the noise in a telephone receiver, only louder, of course.”

In the light of day, depressions from the UFO’s tripod landing gear were found at the supposed sight where the object came down.  These depressions were photographed by Richard Vaubel of 2279 Westmoor Road in Rocky River, Ohio, and were published in the Cleveland, Ohio, Plain Dealer newspaper of 2 August 1966.  Plaster casts were also made of the depressions by an officer of the Erie, Pennsylvania, Police Department.


(Editor’s Note:  Keep reading this series for Part V of the Cosmic Ray’s Real “Resident Aliens,” where the possible psychology of the extraterrestrials disguising themselves as Earthlings is examined.  - Lon)