; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, mai 17, 2021

Possible Cattle Abduction & Mutilation on North Dakota Ranch

A cattle ranch in North Dakota experiences the death and mutilation of two bulls. The incident has the hallmarks of an abduction and indiscriminate dumping of the mutilated carcasses.

I received the following account from Kyle & Cam at Expanded Perspectives:

"About 10 years ago I experienced a couple of cattle mutilations on our ranch (near Bismarck, North Dakota). We move our heifers and bulls out of a pasture and noticed we were missing our bulls and couldn’t find them.

The next day dad found one in a neighboring field dead. No fences busted for him to be there and no reason why he was dead. The coyotes, hawks and eagles had been on him so there wasn’t much left.

The day after that dad found the other bull dead as well. This one was found inside the pasture, where we had looked for him. He wasn’t hidden and we would have found him easily. The scavengers hadn’t touched this bull one bit, which was very odd.

The bull had no signs as to death. His head and neck were just fine. His sheath (protective sleeve for penis), scrotum, and rectum were all removed. Not torn off but precisely, medically removed, in perfect circles around the organs. The hide was removed down to the last layer of skin, then peeled off with the organ, about a 1 foot circle for each.

After seeing this, dad called a vet out to do an autopsy. After the vet took one look at the bull she left workout saying a word.

This is when I got home from school and came to help dad. He got a sheriff’s deputy to come out and record the incident. This deputy had set the high school record for weight lifting a couple years earlier, so he was a big guy. I rode with him out to the scene to help miss rocks in the pasture, and it was getting late in the day. He had every light on from his car and once we got out he was shining his handheld into the trees a lot. A spooky setting to say the least. He took plenty of pictures, we did roll him over and still couldn’t find any cause of death. There were no tracks from people or anything around him other than from us.

To this day I don’t know what happened. I haven’t asked dad about it since. We still use the pasture and haven’t had anything happen since then. I did find a link to an article that talks about some more recent cases." CJ

NOTE: This account has all the hallmarks of an abduction and indiscriminate dumping of the mutilated carcasses. I'm going to try and do a follow up to this in order to find other instances, if available. Lon


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