Thanks to Albert S. Rosales for providing the newest humanoid updates from his ever-expanding database:
Location: Hobart, Indiana
Date: November 8 2016
Time: 21:30
A frightening encounter with a strange creature was reported on Election Night, when a gray humanoid being that walked on all fours and screeched like a pig was seen by several witnesses.
According to the witnesses, the entity crossed their path, turned, and began a very distinct high-pitched, pig-like squealing. It started chasing the witnesses as they ran down a path out of the field. They stopped half-way, and again it started squealing louder. It walked on all fours and appeared like a hairless, greyish, human-like creature. Its first appearance before the witnesses ran, it seemed awfully long and low to the ground, stopping midway, it perched up to look. The witnesses do not believe that it was trying to attack. Earlier in the week they had been out on the trail and noticed that in spots the grass had been pushed to the ground.
Source: citing MUFON CMS
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Date: November 11 2016
Time: early morning
The witness had suddenly awakened feeling afraid and aware that something was wrong. He abruptly witness 3 creatures leaning over him. He attempted to reach his nightstand to grab his .38 revolver but as soon as he moved, one of the creatures pointed some sort of small light at him. There was a buzzing sound, and he was suddenly paralyzed. His wife was still sleeping, but he was unable to look at her. The next thing he remembers was laying naked on a cold metal surface. The creatures were transporting him through a bizarre hallway; grayish walls with a reptile scale texture to it. It was very warm and moist and had a sickening “fishy” odor. The hallway was very bright. He could start to move, but this body was stuck to the metal surface. They briefly stopped moving and he was able to glance into a lighted room on his right.
There were several of these creatures examining a large floating square with a digital map of the Earth that was turning. There were lighted “targets” on the map, which seemed to designate positions of cities. There was another taller creature among them, but he did not get a good look at it. He was soon being moved to a well-lit and very loud room. It sounded like a huge ventilation fan was running, though he did not see anything. One of the creatures waved its 4-fingered hand over the witness’ face. As soon as that happened, he went completely numb. He could still see, even though he felt drowsy and could not speak. A long metal tube was inserted deep into his nose and sinuses, and soon a similar shaped tube was inserted into his mouth, reaching far back into his throat. He started to gag, and it was quickly removed. They were also removing samples of tissue and hair, but he only felt pressure while this occurred.
After that, everything was a blur; though he remembers walking in his bed and looking at his clock. It was 5:37 a.m. His body ached all over. He attempted to wake his wife, but she was totally non-responsive. He believes that she had been drugged. There were no wounds, but he was terribly sore in his groin and neck. The creatures stood about 5ft tall and wore no clothes. Their bodies had no sexual features and the arms exceptionally long. Their skin was greenish gray in color and hairless. Their heads were large and turnip-shaped, with large almond-shaped black eyes. No ears, just a small hole on each side of their heads. There were nostrils, but more like a pair of nickel-sized orifices. Their mouths were small, and he never saw them open.
Source: Lon Strickler, “Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality”
Location: Pantano Del Ebro, Cantabria, Spain
Date: December 2016
Time: after midnight
The witness had almost arrived at a local lake to fish for crabs, he was going to stop his vehicle to gather his gear when suddenly something struck the driver’s side windshield, shattering it. Startled he looked up and saw a dark forearm, backing away. Immediately he stopped and stepped out of the vehicle and saw standing nearby a very tall dark-clad figure, wearing a sort of black robe. It stood about 50m away from the witness. It was over 2-meters in height and the witness could not see any facial features. The robe reached all the way to the ground ending in a sort of triangular shape. In a panic he ran back inside his vehicle and then heard two loud banging sounds and realized that two front tires had somehow exploded. He drove the vehicle and crashed into a fire hydrant on the side of the road, injuring his mouth and losing some teeth. He could still see the figure observing him from behind. He remained inside his vehicle. He felt that the figure had stared at him in a threatening manner. His next memory was of being woken up by a local resident banging on the passenger side windshield. He felt confused and was not sure where he was.
Location: near Lac Du Bonnet, Manitoba, Canada
Date: December 2016
Time: midnight
The witness’s husband had gone to bed slightly before her, he was on the far side of the bed facing towards her side and the door. She came to bed a little bit after he did. She laid down and closed her eyes. She reopened her eyes, and she had an uneasy feeling and saw a grey entity standing beside her husband. She immediately closed her eyes tight as she was so scared. She re-opened her eyes to make sure that what she had seen was really there. It was still standing beside her husband looking at both of them. She was not dreaming as she had just laid down. She kept her eyes closed and went to sleep shortly after. Both of them slept through the night which was totally unusual for both of them as they woke up feeling very refreshed. Shortly after the encounter her husband’s hair began to fall out in patches all over his head and his hair went very grey with a broad grey streak down the top center of his head. She also lost a significant amount of hair from her head but mostly top center of her head. She did not get patches like her husband.
The bald patches on her husband’s head did not grow in for several months and then started to grow in. After the encounter, her husband was almost totally grey-haired. Slowly his patches began growing back in, but the new hair was totally dark brown with little or no grey. His remaining hair started growing out dark brown. At this time, his hair is almost pure dark brown as it was before the encounter, but his beard remains white. They discussed the encounter with each other and feel that they were likely affected by radiation from the entity, and they may have been abducted and returned.
Location: near Vail, Arizona
Date: winter 2016
Time: 2:00 a.m.
The main witness was visiting a friend who lived in Vail, he stayed over late that evening. Around 2am, he left their house to drive about 25 minutes down I-10 towards home. Driving about 50 mph, while approaching a rise in the road, he saw a silhouette. Before he even processed that he was observing something he soon realized that he had slowed and eventually stopped on the shoulder to get a better view. It was about 20 yards or so away, standing almost in the middle of the road. Because of the rise in the road, he could only see this form from the hips up. It was very tall and looked human-like. Very skinny, with long thin arms and skin that was dark, leathery, and dry; though there was a “sheen” to the body. They eyes were reflective red color. He could not tell if it was looking at him or not. There was not any car in sight at the time.
The witness is usually very calm during emergency situations, but confronting this creature, the panic switch flipped. His mind is telling him to hit the gas, but he just sat there, staring at the creature. He looked down for a second, considering turning around and driving back to his friend’s house. He put the car in first gear, looked back up and the creature was gone. He immediately drove towards his house. He was shivering uncontrollably the whole way home. He pulled into the driveway, walked in the kitchen door, and became violently ill. He literally passed out in the bathroom. He did not wake until about 1pm that day. He dragged himself off the bathroom floor and immediately went to bed. He was totally exhausted and just wanted to sleep. He rarely left the bedroom for the next 5 days. He had no appetite and it seemed like ever bone in his body ached. One of his friends eventually came over and helped him into the living room. He ate a little bit, but he was still very tired and despondent.
Source: Lon Strickler, “Alien Disclosure: Experiencers Expose Reality”
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ARCANE RADIO Stan Gordon Pennsylvania UFO and Anomalies Investigator
Join Lon Strickler he welcomes Pennsylvania UFO anomalies investigator and colleague Stan Gordon to Arcane Radio this Friday May 21st at 9pm EDT / 6pm PDT. Stan began his interest in the UFO subject and other strange incidents at the age of ten in 1959. He began in the field investigations of UFOs and other mysterious events in 1965, and is the primary investigator of the December 9, 1965 UFO crash-recovery incident that occurred near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. Stan is a former PA State Director for MUFON, and has been involved with the investigation of thousands of mysterious encounters throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His 3 books, 'Really Mysterious Pennsylvania,' 'Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook,' and 'Astonishing Encounters: Pennsylvania’s Unknown Creatures' are the culmination of his extensive field research. Stan's website can be found at
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Also, please express your opinions about me developing a new show on Beyond Explanation that will concentrate on spirituality and the ability to help afflicted persons through the use of remote viewing & intuitive energy. As many of you may know, I have been engaged in successful distance healing and malevolent cleansing for many years. Much of my work uses positive thought, affirmation & visualization - as well as certain degrees of divination and personal spirituality. Testimonials from past clients can be found here. I’m interested in your thoughts about this venture and if you believe that this type of presentation would be helpful, and enjoyable, to the listeners. Thanks. Lon
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