; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, mai 30, 2021

Eyewitness Recalls Various Bigfoot Encounters in Jefferson County, Ohio

A Jefferson County, Ohio woman recalls her various encounters with different Bigfoot in and around the region where she lives. Quite interesting report.

The following account was forwarded to me recently:

"I witnessed five of them and they were all different. One was recorded by the local Sasquatch community. Since then I saw another one just down the street from where I live and shortly there after I saw two more in Jefferson, Ohio off of Route 11 and Route 90...as you turn onto Route 11 going south before I got off at the Jefferson exit. It was on the right side walking through the swampy water onto the right side of the road. I believe it was a male and a female because you could see one had breasts. The male was taller.

I’ve also seen one in Jefferson County as well. It was off of Grigg’s Road. It’s been a while. There is a railroad trestle. I saw something I thought was a human being sitting on the tracks and I stopped my car basically on the tracks on that road, thinking it was someone who needed help. This thing got up took two steps and it was gone. It was huge and I'd say 10+ foot high. Very muscular, very hairy.

Why I’ve seen as many as I have, I have no idea. All I know is it I’ve looked at things a lot different than I have in the past. I was not a believer in the past, but now that I’ve seen them and one directly up close, I totally will not walk in the woods alone ever again. As well, I’ve seen one that looked like a spider crawling on its legs and arms going sideways like and disappeared into a small pond. Enough to scare you.

I’ve taken pictures and I’ve seen a lot. This is just in the Geneva, Ohio area and Jefferson, Ohio. I’ve seen structures towards Madison, Ohio along the freeway as well as by the Madison cemetery off of Route 90. It is a very open view that you would think kids did it. But this is not kids, for the pictures that I have taken of it, there was something inside of it.

I would ever use my weapon to them because I know I probably won’t have a chance to survive if I was to use one. They are very quick, very fast and they can take four steps to our steps. So if you come in contact with them be very careful. If you get near their young you will hear nothing more than that growls, snarls with stone and sticks thrown at you." DS


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