; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, mai 14, 2021

A True Account of Healing & Belief: Fae or Angel?

A Italian woman describes a story that her grandmother told her on many occasions that involved a small winged Fairy who healed her great aunt as a child.

I received the following account from Kyle & Cam at Expanded Perspectives:

"I have a story to share with you. This was my Nonna’s story. She told to us our entire lives right up until the week before she passed!

It takes place in Rome, Italy, back in 1933. At this point, my Nonna was seven and my aunt was only 5. They weren’t wealthy at all and lived in a very small house, only two rooms, so they shared a room with each other.

My aunt, Sophia, was very sick, to the point that she was bedridden and they were afraid she was going to die. She also needed to be away from everyone so my Nonna was sleeping in the family room. Their family was so poor that they couldn’t afford the proper care for Sophia so they just kept her isolated and did what they could for her.

Nonna said she said her prayers every night, asking for Sophia to get better, but for a long time nothing happened. Sophia was sick for months without any treatment but her spirits never waivered. Sophia would tell my Nonna and their parents that she knew she would get better.

Sometimes, Nonna was allowed to visit her and that’s when Sophia would tell her about this tiny little woman that would visit her at night. Sophia said the little woman promised her she would get better. They would talk about why she was sick and that’s when the little woman would tell her that she was going to get better. Sophia said that the little woman had wings and shined like a star.

Of course, Nonna didn’t believe her and said she was making it up, but Sophia promised she wasn’t lying. Each time Nonna talked with Sophia she would bring up the little woman. Nonna asked her why she wasn’t getting any better if this little woman was real. She asked her why they still couldn’t be in he same room and why she was still sick.

Sophia started to cry, she was angry that Nonna didn’t believe her and confused why she wasn't getting better, even though the little woman said she would. Sophia promised Nonna again that she wasn’t lying, but Nonna had a hard time believing that faeries and things like that were real, even at her young age.

To Nonna’s surprise though, Sophia did start getting better after that! She wasn’t as pale or as weak as she had been for the last several months. She and Nonna were even allowed to spend more time together. Sophia told Nonna it was all because of the little woman that she was getting better.

Sophia said the little woman visited her every night and when they talked, her breath helped Sophia get better. Nonna still didn’t believe her but she was just glad that Sophia was getting better. She kept her doubts to herself because she didn’t want Sophia to cry again but she knew she wanted to see if it was true or not.

Nonna stayed up late that night, after everyone else was asleep. She pretended to be asleep on their old couch when her parents checked on her and when she was sure that they were asleep, she got up and walked to Sophia’s door.

She could hear Sophia talking but couldn’t hear anyone else. It sounded like Sophia was having a conversation with somebody. Nonna cracked the door open and actually did see some kind of small, glowing light but it quickly disappeared when the door opened. Sophia really yelled at her after that. She said the fairy was making her better and she chased her off! Sophia was scared that the fairy wouldn’t come back and she wouldn’t get any better.

The next day, Nonna apologized for chasing the fairy away, she says that when she started to believe Sophia but what Sophia said was a fairy, Nonna thought was an angel sent from Heaven to make her better and protect her.

Nonna asked how the little woman makes her feel better and Sophia said she gives her her own breath and it helps her, after she breathes on her, she doesn’t hurt as much.

The two girls were just glad to be together again, they didn’t argue about what exactly it was that was helping Sophia get better.

Nonna still wasn’t allowed to sleep in their room, but every night she would listen to Sophia talk with someone in the room and every day, Sophia would get a little better. Finally one day, Sophia was healthy enough and Nonna was allowed to sleep in the room again, but their mama spent all day long scrubbing the room first, to make sure that my Nonna wouldn’t get sick too.

Nonna wanted to meet the fairy and Sophia promised to ask her permission for Nonna to stay in the room while she was there. Nonna was nervous that the fairy or angel or whatever it was, wouldn’t come back again but Sophia told her the little woman was her friend and she wouldn’t leave until she was all better.

That night the little woman came back and my Nonna witnessed it with her own eyes!

She said the little woman appeared out of thin air but she did it slowly. Nonna described it was a little light that was very dim at first but it got brighter as time went on. It got brighter and brighter until this little woman appeared in the light. Nonna said she shined like a silver coin in the sun and that she wasn’t any bigger than a mouse.

Sophia woke up like she sensed the little woman’s presence and smiled at her, then waved. Nonna said the little woman just floated over to Sophia and stopped right by her face, then she floated in one spot. Sophia started talking to her and Nonna watched from under her covers. She couldn’t hear the fairy talking but Sophia was responding to her.

She watched Sophia take several deep breathes and then she smiled again, saying it made her feel better. Then the little woman disappeared just as she appeared, the light grew dimmer until there was nothing there anymore, like the little woman just faded away!

Nonna said this happened every night until Sophia was completely better. Nonna said it happened the same exact way every night. The light would grow brighter until the fairy woman was there, she give Sophia her breath and then she would fade away. It happened for four more nights.

The last time she appeared Nonna heard a voice in her head, she described it like having a thought but in a different voice, it was a woman’s voice. She heard “Your sister will be fine.” After she disappeared neither sister ever saw her again, even though they’d talk about it all the time, even my they’d get in trouble by their parents for making up stories.

I believe that the fairy blessed them with health and a long life. My Nonna lived to be 95 years old and Sophia lived until she was 94, they died a year and 1 day apart from each other too! How weird is that? I don’t ever remember either one of them ever being sick a day in their lives!! Even at their old ages they were of sound mind, just a little slower moving around! Both of them just passed in their sleep one night.

They told us that story more times than I can count. I’ve read parts of the Bible and I don’t believe it was an angel. I think it was a fairy. I believe Aunt Sophia. But either way, fairy or angel, it’s nice to know that there’s something out there watching over us." Angelina


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