; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, avril 09, 2021

Southern Appalachians High Strangeness Accounts

5 different high strangeness accounts from the southern Appalachians, including a 'T-Rex' cryptid, a crawler humanoid and various UFOs and weird sounds.

Here are a few account that I recently came across:

"I've saw some weird looking thing about 10 years ago in Henderson County, NC while walking in the woods. There were 2 other witnesses. My dog followed it and never came back as well. Wish I had pictures, but it was as big as a black bear, but it crossed about 15ft in front of us. Craziest part was it in a pretty cleared out area of the woods but just appeared from nowhere. It made no sounds also. My description of the thing is it was black in color, had ears long like a rabbit, it ran hunched over but only on its back legs. It had like T-Rex style arms. Left no marks and made no sounds. Scared the shit out of us. I can still recall the exact place we were standing when it happened. I've never heard of a cryptid creature that meets the description though." N


"In the mountains of western North Carolina, my sister was house sitting at a farm in the country. There was a pool outside and we were sitting at it one evening. The farm owner's dog was outside with us. The pool area was fenced in, but beyond the fence, it was really dark and you couldn't see much. We're talking and suddenly the dog goes to the far corner of the fence and starts growling. We're trying to call her back to us but something just on the other side of the fence growled. This growl made my blood run cold and we ran inside the house. I'm not sure what it was, but it was terrifying. Also didn't sleep that night because the house was so old and creepy. It felt like somebody was constantly watching." PD


"I spent my summers in the southeast Tennessee tri-state are of NC, GA and TN. Saw lots of weird stuff. Saw lights three times that I cant explain. Moved erratically and slowly swept across broad valleys too low and too quiet to be a helicopter. Another time a friend and I saw what looked like three satellites moving in formation then the top and bottom started zig zagging and then shot off while the middle one shot off seconds after. Finally I was at a wedding on top of a mountain and some of the party kept pointing at a light. I swore was just a telephone tower then after hours of being stationary it slowly floats away. Some of the most serious mountain men you could meet have seen things they can't explain and I believe them more than any story you could read off the internet. I actually called into the monsters among us pod once if you want me to find my recording so you can hear them more in depth.

I have one humanoid story that was relayed to be my best friend. To preface, I have after much pressing heard him relay other stories or legends he has heard from his family and basically describing crawlers without giving them the name. He and another mutual friend were on a hike deep into a camping spot called Jack's River Falls in north Georgia. Once there they settled in for the night around a fire. They heard what they thought was a bear trudging on the out side of their camp. These guys are mountain folk, and not easily spooked, but they didn't enjoy the vibe that was in the air. They then heard this same sound but this time above them. They could hear whatever this large thing was jumping in the trees this time all around them staying in the top levels. Finally a large branch broke off and fell right behind them. This was enough to grow the fire as large as they could and keep their pistols on their side. They stayed up all night and got out of there as soon as day broke." FC


"My experience was a long time ago. It was by the Lost Sea Cave in Sweetwater, TN. I saw a UFO once and freaked out. Found out later that my nephew had numerous visits from UFOs in the middle of the night. He would call for his momma, but she was legally blind (totally blind now, except for shadows). She said she could only see the lights. What has your friend been seeing? My sister in law said there was a lot of UFO and ghost sightings in that area." MC


"I live in eastern Kentucky near the Tennessee border and we hear strange noises all the time. About a week ago we were outside after dark and heard something howling. This is where my family is from so we’re used to hearing all sorts of animals and howls, and we’ve heard this type of howl before but we have no idea what it is. It sounds a lot like a man yelling. Just like a 'AAAAAAAAaaaaa' kind of sound. But last week when it started we heard another one calling back to it. Just the way the second one sounded made us think it was younger/smaller. It’s also not unusual for us to see bright lights at night. Sometimes we see it through the trees and sometimes it’s like they’re appearing in our yard. I have a story of seeing a possible portal in this area too, but that happened about a year ago." BD


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