; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

dimanche, avril 18, 2021

Possible Bigfoot Encountered by Hunters Near Meridian, Texas

2 friends were hunting near Meridian, Texas in the late 1970s, when they encountered a large hairy cryptid attempting to hide behind a tree. The evidence and their assumption was that this was a Bigfoot.

I recently came across the following account:

"This happened in the late 70s as far as my father can remember. He was a teen out hunting in the woods with his friend. This was a ways outside of Meridian, Texas, on a fall evening.

My father and his friend spent a lot of time messing around in the woods doing typical teen stuff. Firing off bottle rockets, hunting raccoons, underage drinking sometimes. But this day they were going hunting for squirrels, so when they set out my dad grabbed his .22 rifle. It was just a basic Ruger or something, with a cheap scope on it.

His friend had a really badass Weimaraner that wasn’t scared of anything. He would run up to bulls and chase them, he would get in scraps with bobcats, and he would chase off raccoons. He was walking along with them in the woods that day.

He said that there was an old creek bed they would always go mess around in so that’s where they started. The walls of the creek bed were about 5-6ft high. So they hopped down into it and casually walked along, half heartedly looking at the trees and such.

All of a sudden my dad said the Weimaraner started whimpering and wouldn’t come any further. It hung back about 10ft from them refusing to continue no matter what they said. A few seconds later he said that it tucked its tail and ran off back into the direction of the house. This made them confused but they just shrugged it off. They took a couple steps further, about 60yds where the creek bed took a hard right turn and elevated up on the banks were some trees.

Now the sun was setting behind the trees, and beyond those couple trees was an open field. So you could see the sun setting relatively clearly. His friend stopped him and said, “hey do you see that” and pointed in the direction of one of the trees.

My dad said that he could see the outline of something big and seemingly hairy behind the tree peeking out at them. They weren’t sure what it was so they called out, “hey, we’re just hunting, are we cool?” No response or movements. My dad thought maybe it was some sort of huge porcupine, not uncommon in the area. He held up his rifle and looked through the scope to try and figure out what it was.

Since the sun was setting behind whatever it was, it was hard for him to see any detail due to the sunlight, but my dad told me what he could see freaked him out. He said that all he could make out was a large black fur covered head and shoulder peeking out. As he was looking at it, what he described as a large ape-like hand grab the tree trunk.

My dad froze and his friend asked him what he saw. My dad just shook his head and handed his buddy the rifle. His friend saw it too and was equally freaked out.

They sat here for a minute just staring at it, both them and whatever the creature was, it was not moving. My dad has always said that he didn’t know what came over him, maybe just teenage hubris, but he suggested they go check it out.

Both he and his friend clambered up the left side of the embankment and when they got to the top the creature had ducked back behind the tree.

They slowly approached, and circled around the tree, my dad keeping the rifle handy. He always said that he didn’t know why because that small of caliber wouldn’t have done much of anything against something that big. They both circled around the tree and it turned out that there was nothing there, it was just gone. They didn’t know where something that big could have run off to in that short amount of time without them seeing it, but nevertheless they checked the area just to see if they could find any sign of what it was.

Turns out they found two depressions where it would have been standing, but due to the fall leaf litter there wasn’t any definition to the tracks. He did say that whatever it was, was big and heavy. The tracks were about 14 inches in length, then he went on to say that they estimated the creature to be about 8ft tall at the most. Other than the tracks there was nothing else to be found. No smell, no fur, no additional tracks, nothing in the tree itself, nothing.

Afterwards he said they decided to just go back to the house and never really mentioned it to anyone, or each other, after that.

My dad does love the paranormal but is a healthy skeptic when I comes to stuff. That event, he says, made him become a believer in Bigfoot. And after having my own encounter I’ve come to believe in something as well. I’m not saying it’s Bigfoot, but I think something IS out there that hasn’t been explained." Name withheld


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