; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, avril 12, 2021

'Little Yellow Humanoid' in Thai Rice Field

On September 9, 2005 villagers in Huay Nam Rak, Thailand claimed they witnessed a yellow humanoid which appeared like a small-body man with large head and about 70 centimetres tall. Over 10 residents said they saw the being during the morning in a rice field outside the village.

"Thai TV reported on an entity seen in NW Thailand near Chieng Mai. The entity was seen near a rice farm by four or five people. It had a large head and a yellow body. The phantasm then stretched into the sky and disappeared. The news anchor called this a "jahn binh" or flying saucer."

Five of the original witnesses

Incident: As reported by local media online - September 10, 2005 09:35 pm

Chiang Rai- Mae Jan District residents were excited over the sight of the unidentified entity floating into the sky above the rice farm. They believed it was an extra-terrestrial being. Several groups of people have been visiting the seen. The district chief was still in doubt, as many of the villagers insisted they witnessed the entity but failed to identify what it was. Witnesses’ drawings were the only evidence obtained. Police were not yet able to find any proof of such incident.

In response to the news on the villagers’ witnessing an alien, our reporter visited Huay Nam Rak Village, Moo 5, Jan Jawa Subdistrict, Mae Jan District, Chiang Rai Province on September 9, 2005. There have been over 100 visitors per day gathering along the rice field to discuss about the incident.

The scene is a large wide green rice farm. The spot where the villagers claimed they had encountered the incident was in the rice field of Ti Kitkangbon, 69. A lot of villagers reported that on September 31, 2005, around 06:30 am, they saw an unidentified entity that looked like a doll, being 1 meter in height. Its body was light yellow. It had large eyes, large ears, and skinny legs. They had initially thought the entity was a scarecrow.

Around 10:00 am, on the same day, the unidentified entity floated into the sky, seemingly with some energy, and disappeared. The witnesses were shocked. They discussed about the incident in groups, believing the entity seen could be an alien like that in a Hollywood film. Unfortunately, the villagers did not have any camera to photograph the incident, so there was no evidence. They sketched the entity witnessed that looked like a cartoon character. Some of them said the entity looked like Casper the friendly ghost.

Sawaeng Bunratchasak, 51, resident of the particular village, said he was not drunk, and not using drugs when witnessing the incident. That morning he saw an unidentified identity that resembled a scarecrow. He did not take that seriously until Kamma told him that the entity had floated away and disappeared. He, then, became excited.

Kamma Pinsaimoon, 56, said that at the beginning he thought the entity was a scarecrow used by Ti, the rice farm owner, to keep ducks away. As he observed further, he found out that the entity moved around, and then realized that it was not a scarecrow. He watched it until 10:30 am when the entity stretched, floated above an electricity pole into the sky, and disappeared like a soaring rocket.

Buapan Lawichai witnessed the entity in the morning, around 06:30 am, on August 31, 2005. She said it had a large round head that looked like a light bulb, red eyes, and yellowish skin. It floated unsteadily above the rice in the field, as if it had very little energy.

Wisit Sittisombat, Mae Jan District chief, said after visiting the scene that it was not possible to identify the entity seen by the villagers. Due to the fact that many of the witnesses confirmed the sighting, he did not believe that the incident was fabricated truth. He was working on an investigation into the issue. Everyday there were a number of people and media visiting the sight. The entity witnessed still remained unidentified.

Pol. Col. Kittisin Kongtaweepan, superintendent of Mae Jan District Police Station, Chiang Rai Province, said there was neither evidence for identifying the entity witnessed by the villagers, nor for concluding that it was an alien. According to
the investigation, there was no trace of the rice being damaged and no other proof. Police officers were assigned to watch the scene due to a great number of visitors.

A witness' drawing of the being


As reported by a local media online - September 12, 2005 10:15 am

Chiang Rai - Numbers of visitors to Mae Jan District looked for proof of the alien at the scene. The villagers still believed that what they witnessed was a mysterious entity or an extra-terrestrial being. Government agencies equipped with advanced technology were urged to investigate into the issue, as a floating fire had been sighted to fall on the scene before the entity was witnessed.

In response to the news on the villagers’ witnessing an alien at an area in Mae Jan District, Chiang Rai Province, our reporter visited Huay Nam Rak Village, Moo 5, Jan Jawa Subdistrict, Mae Jan District, Chiang Rai Province, to investigate the issue further. Groups of villagers were seen gathering in the village and the rice field discussing about the incident. After there were news reports through the media, the scene received significant numbers of visitors and those interested in
mysteries. The rain did not seem to be their obstacle.

The scene the alien sighting was claimed was in the rice farm of Ti Kitkangbon. It was a ridge through the paddy field. Go-ko 6 rice, which was 1 foot in height, was grown in the field along with lemongrass. There were no sign of unusual things, and no trace of the ground being stepped on by the entity. There were only footprints of visitors.

Buapan Lawichai, residing at 206 Huay Nam Rak Village, Moo 5, Jan Jawa Subdistrict, Mae Jan District, Chiang Rai Province, said she witnessed a 1-meter tall entity which had large ears, large eyes, and golden skin. It was standing and moving in the middle of the rice farm for several hours in the morning of August 31, 2005. She said now at night people tried to avoid passing the scene, because they were afraid of being kidnapped by the alien like a movie.

Kamma Pinsaimoon, 50, Huay Nam Rak resident, said he saw an object that looked like a child floating into the sky being 50 meters above the ground, without any sound made and wings. At the time of witnessing, the object turned black and disappeared in the sky. He was definitely certain that what he saw was not a bird, but still could not identify the object.

Somkit Kriangkraimoon, 31, Huay Nam Rak resident, said on August 31, 2005 he saw a strange object that resembled a doll. It had a head, body, legs, but no arms. Its two eyes were red, and the skin was yellowish red, like the color of red bricks. It stood unsteadily in the middle of the field. He initially thought it was a scarecrow, so he stopped paying attention. However, as seeing that object moving slowly and unsteadily like it was walking on water surface, he realized that he had been witnessing some incident which he insisted was not fabricated truth.

Kittikasem Ratanakosa, 30, an employee of a hotel in Chiang San District, said he himself did not witness the incident. After hearing about it, he visited the scene and hoped for scientific investigation, such as examining rocks or soil in the area. He said this was because he heard that a floating fire had been sighted to fall on the scene the night before the claimed incident of alien sighting. From his investigation, he did not find any evidence.

Wisit Sittisombat, Mae Jan District chief, said his visit to the scene after the incident suggested that there was no evidence to consider the entity seen by the villagers as an alien. Indeed, it was not possible right now to identify the entity. He did not comment on the fact that Huay Nam Rak Village was visited by numerous people, as there was no point in stopping people from following their personal belief. Looking on the bright side, the villagers could be making money from selling food and drinks.

Yongyut Tiyapairat, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, who was on his business trip to Paya Mengrai District and Wiangchai District, Chiang Rai Province, said he had not yet made a journey to his hometown of Sansai Subdistrict, Mae Jan District, so he did not know what exactly had been witnessed by the villagers.


Villagers Claim ET Sighting

The Nation - Bangkok, Thailand
Sept. 9, 2005

Chiang Rai - Villagers claimed they today (Friday) morning witnessed an "alien" or extra-terrestrial being which appeared like a small-body man with large head and about 70 centimetres [about 2 feet] tall.

Over 10 residents of Huay Nam Rak Village in Mae Jan district's Tambon Janjawa said they saw the ET today morning in a rice field outside the village.

Sawaeng Boonyalak, 35, said he heard from friends that they saw the alien so he rushed to see it.

"The alien is about 70 cm high and has yellow skin and flat chest. Its mouth is very tiny. It has bald big head with big eyes and big ears," Sawaeng said.

He claimed that several villagers also witnessed the ET at the same time with him.

Sawaeng said the alien wandered around in the field for about an hour without caring the villagers who were looking at it.

"Suddenly, the alien floated to a tree top. After more villagers came to see it, it floated into the sky into the bright light," Sawaeng said.

He said villagers did not find any foot print of the being in the area.

Buakaew Intaweng, 59, said she initially thought the alien was a doll but it could move around.

Mae Jan district chief Wisit Sitthisombat said he interviewed over ten villagers and they consistently testified about sighting the alien.

"I asked them to draw what they have seen and the picture came out similarly," Wisit said.


Was the Alien Really a Blowup 'Doll'?

Tongmuan Pochailoet, a member of Pasak Subdistrict Administrative Organization, presented a sketch of his lost inflated rubber doll.

Tongmuan said that on August 20, 2005 he made a journey to congratulate his relative at the graduation ceremony at Chiang Mai University Conference Center. Then he visited the Ancient Village Museum nearby. On the way, he found an inflated greenish orange rubber doll being about 1 meter tall in a roadside tree. He believed someone had lost the doll, so he decided to take it home. He described that the doll was 1 meter in height, and floated like a balloon. It had large head, large eyes, a nose, and a mouth. It did not have ears. Its arms and legs were small. A string was attached through the doll’s lower part. There were a lot of people who had not seen such doll. As the string was not obvious, some children even got very scared seeing the head moved by the wind.

He tied the doll up at the front of his house, using it as a scarecrow, hoping its strange look could scare away ducks and chicken sneakily ate his rice and nuts. He noticed that at night the doll did not float. However, during the day when it was hot, the doll would float. He, then, had to tie it up.

On August 29, 2005, at about 6:00 pm, the storm carried away the doll to the north. He could not follow it, and believed that he lost it. Later, he found out from the media that the residents of Huay Nam Rak Village, Moo 5, Jan Jawa Subdistrict which was 6 kilometers away to the west, reported their sighting of a yellowish orange entity that seemed similar to the particular doll with a large head and eyes. He thought the unidentified entity could be his missing doll.

Tongmuan Pochailoet finally came clean about his missing scarecrow. He had not spoken sooner, he claimed, for fear of offending the Huay Nam Rak villagers. He made a sketch of his inflatable doll for reporters, who in turn showed it to the witnesses.

Although many witnesses had said that they first thought the strange figure was a doll or scarecrow, by now they had convinced themselves they had seen an extraterrestrial - and it was going to take more than Pochailoet's drawing to change their minds.

The doll had arms and legs, but the alien only had legs, they protested. The doll had a mouth but no ears, whereas the alien had ears but no mouth. And after all, hadn't a brilliant shooting star passed over the village only the night before the sightings?

A rumor even spread that the alien had been captured, and the local municipal office was overwhelmed by visitors clamoring to see the unearthly prisoner.

In desperation, the Mayor asked the village chief to set up a camera in the rice field in case the entity or balloon or whatever-it-was returned. (It didn't.) He also had to send workmen to repair the road running past the field, which had been churned to mud by the sudden influx of visitors.



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ARCANE RADIO - What is Mothman and Flying Humanoids? With Travis Shortt and Tobias Wayland

Join Lon Strickler as he welcomes Mothman researchers, investigators and authors, Tobias Wayland and Travis Shortt to Arcane Radio for this in-depth detailed, discussion of recent investigations and finding related to Mothman and winged humanoids.

Tobias Wayland is a passionate fortean who has been actively investigating the unusual for over a decade; the first several years of his investigative career were spent as a MUFON field investigator, and following that he investigated independently prior to becoming the head writer and editor for the Singular Fortean Society. He was also featured in the Small Town Monsters documentary Terror in the Skies and the series premiere of Expedition X for his work investigating Mothman sightings around Lake Michigan. He and his wife Emily have been involved with the Lake Michigan Mothman investigation since its advent in the spring of 2017, and recently published a book chronicling the experience, 'The Lake Michigan Mothman: High Strangeness in the Midwest.' 

Travis Shortt has been interested in the paranormal, supernatural, and occult since a very young age. He trained early in his life to be a minister. He holds a degree in English with a concentration in Communication from The University of Virginia's College at Wise and is near completion on his Master's in Theology from Master's International School of Divinity. His professional background is in broadcasting, marketing, and public relations. He currently serves as Director of Communication for Black River Films. He is also the host, narrator, producer, researcher, and writer of 'Dark Wings: The Mothman Chronicle.'

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