; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, avril 24, 2021

Humanoids 1: Recent Additions to the Rosales Database

Thanks to Albert S. Rosales for providing the newest humanoid updates from his ever-expanding database:

Location: Tarzali, Queensland, Australia

Date: 2016

Time: various

A local woman says that her family was tormented by Yowies after they had moved into their new home and that, at one point, she saw a mysterious entity lurking alongside the creatures. According to Jackie Liversidge, it all began when they rented a cottage in the town of Tarzali, and immediately felt like something was amiss.

The first sign of strangeness, Liversidge said, was when someone or something began throwing rocks onto the roof of the home. Shortly thereafter, her son was outside at night and heard “a very loud demonic animal growl”. The family subsequently spent the next few months in a state of unease as they felt as if they were being watched by an unseen observer and often heard the sound of something sizeable moving around outside the home.

Liversidge’s tale culminated with a truly jaw-dropping incident in which she was outside at night and heard “someone walking”. She quickly turned a flashlight toward the noise and was astounded to spot a creature that was “pitch black, hairy and the size of a chimpanzee.” Before Liversidge could process what, she was seeing, she realized that there were “two other sets of glowing eyes” which suggested that the mysterious creature was not alone. Based on the height of the eyeshine, she said, it appeared that the creature’s companions were considerably bigger than it was, and she surmised that this was probably a family of Yowies. Liversidge managed to get a good look at the trio, observing that they “with big, long strides,” seemed to have arms longer than a human’s, and sharp, black nails. As one can imagine, the witness was terrified and ran back to the cottage, which she and her family moved out of a few weeks later.

While her story would be strange as it is, the account reportedly got exponentially weirder by way of a follow-up article from an Australian newspaper in which Liversidge revealed that the trio of Yowies were not alone. “There was another creature with them,” she explained, “he was a strange-looking pale white guy, like the one all over the internet,” referring to a hoaxed ‘demon image’ that went viral in 2010. Describing the features of this entity, she said that “the eyes were sunken and hollow, but they never glowed, they were completely black.”

Source: Tim Binnall https://www.coasttocoastam.com/article/australian-woman-spots-eerie-entity-lurking-alongide-a-trio-of-yowies/


Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Date: 2016

Time: night

The witness claims that he had just left a nightclub, it was late, and he was making his way from the club to the bus stop, walking alone. He had only consumed two bottles of beer throughout the course of the evening and was not really feeling much like partying. He was not drunk or on drugs, just tired. He just wanted to go back to his place and relax. Across from the bus stop was a set of train tracks. It was there while waiting he would catch sight of a strange figure approaching.

When he got to the track, he heard the railroad crossing bells start to ring, so he stopped and waited. Directly across from him on the other side of the tracks there is a metal sort of railing that you wait at and he sees this person walking up to the railing. It looked like a homeless person or someone that was living in the streets. The person also had what looked like to be a bottle in his hand, and he was drinking from the bottle, so the witness assumed it was just a drunk homeless person.

The witness noted that it was late and there was absolutely nobody else around except him and the “homeless person”. He was looking over at the person because he was kind of looking at him while he was drinking from the bottle, but because it was nighttime and he was a bit further away, the witness could not distinguish any facial features. He could tell that the person did not have any hair on his head. He was bald and the witness thinks the man did not have any shoes on either. The witness watched as the man began to move closer to the tracks, all while chugging on the bottle. The witness became somewhat concerned. The man was getting too close to the tracks and the train was approaching. The man walked onto the tracks and the witness began yelling at him to get off the trucks, but the man ignored him.

As the train advanced towards the man, the witness noticed that the man was not moving, and he kept yelling at the man to get off the tracks. As the train got closer the man remained still, unmoving. As the train approaches the man stretches his arms out as he was about to hug somebody. He turns around and makes eye contact with the witness and falls forward right on the track. The train just passed over him.

As the train rolled over the man, the witness began to panic, screaming at the train. At this point the train began to slow down, eventually coming to a stop. The witness looked under the train and saw what appeared to be a mangled body, twisted like a “pretzel”. It was dark so he did not really see much. So, he turned away. When he looked back the apparent victim was now crouching down, and it appeared that he was looking at the witness, who was now completely stunned.  Suddenly, the “man” ran from the tracks. At this point a police officer whom the witness assumes had gotten off the train approaches him and asks why he was screaming. He told the police officer that the train had ran over somebody, that is all he could say as he was in a state of shock. But there was nothing on the tracks. Another “real” homeless man now appears and collaborates the witness testimony. The witness claims that the conductor soon appeared and backed up his story. For weeks, the witness could not get the image of the strange man out of his mind.

Source: Beyond Creepy via Jamie Brian


Location: Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, England

Date: January 2 2016

Time: 5:15 a.m.

A family had recently moved to their current location and have lived there two months, but just this week they have noticed their large back gate being open some mornings but cannot work how this happens as its all shut down every night. They also noticed this morning a circle of disturbed gravel in the back garden directly blow their daughter’s bedroom window. They believed their daughter “was visited” in the early hours of the morning. She ran to them at 5:15 a.m. bursting through the door, she was shaking with adrenaline and her heart was beating very fast. Her eyes were wide and she straight away starting reeling off how they had been “spacemen” in her bedroom. She described “the pretty lights” that she saw out of her window and she accurately described the being in her room. She said he woke her up and was standing at the end of her bed against the wall. She said he had two arms and two legs like us, very tall and really white. She commented a few times how very white he was.

She has a beloved rabbit that she takes to bed every night and she told her parents how and she said they told her that they “did not want her teddies, they wanted her.” She was quite nervous and kept looking out her parent’s window and back at their bedroom door. She also mentioned other smaller black beings, and shadow men. She says they went out her window when they left. She slept in her parent’s bed for the first time in four years after that. The young witness added that the aliens had communicated to her and told her that they would come back and that they had been to “Africa” and were from the moon and wanted her to meet their “family”. The girl’s mother points out that all this was out of character for her daughter and had never heard her speak how she did this morning.

Source: https://www.alienhub.com/threads/my-four-year-old-little-girl-experience-help-advice-please.72022/ 


Location: Cornwall, Prince Edward Island, Canada

Date: January 10 2016

Time: midnight

Just after midnight the witness was lying in bed, just about to get up and go watch some TV, as she was wide awake and could not sleep. Suddenly a figure appeared in her hallway only 20 feet in front of her. He looked like a tall man wearing a black suit and hat. He then walked into their room, turned, continued along the front of her bed where she saw his profile. He had a long oval head (teardrop shaped), very thin with long fingers, skin tone was very white, he had round eyes and a small thin nose, and a mouth with no lips. He then turned, walked up to the other side of the bed, then bent down over her husband, and jolted back up into a standing position while he looked over at her. It then waved and said, “Hi, I am over here now.” He then turned and went straight through their bedroom wall and disappeared. Her dog and the witness where the only ones awake at the time. She felt no fear, only a “comfort like” feeling.

Source: MUFON CMS & 2016 Canadian UFO Survey, 3-29-2017


Location: La Quinta, California

Date: February 1 2016

Time: morning

A man who worked at a hardware store, in the plant department, brother died unexpectedly. 2 days later he returned to work, very depressed because his family, who are Catholic were denied giving the brother a traditional burial service because the wife of the deceased brother was a Hopi Indian and he was cremated. When he arrived to the store, he noticed a very tall blond woman, she was almost 8 feet tall, and he passed her and said good morning and immediately noticed her unusual large, bright blue eyes. Five minutes later she approached him and asked him if his name was Fernando, he said yes…she introduced herself as Jessica, said she was a medium and that his brother contacted her and asked her to give him a message. Which was that he was ok and was with mother and sister. Fernando asked how she knew where he worked, she said his brother had directed her. He asked where she lived and she said, “up in the mountains”. He then asked her for a business card, she did not have any but said if his brother contacted her again, she would let him know and left.



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