; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, mars 30, 2021

Stan Gordon: Numerous UFO Sightings Reported in Pittsburgh Area and Across Pennsylvania

Numerous UFO Sightings Are Being Reported in the Pittsburgh Area and From Across Pennsylvania. March 29, 2021

From Researcher: Stan Gordon:

There has been a surge of UFO sightings reported from the greater Pittsburgh area as well as from other locations in the state in recent weeks. I have been receiving an increase in direct reports of strange aerial objects being observed in the sky in recent weeks. UFO incidents have also been reported to other sources as well. This wave of UFO reports seems to have started during late February and is continuing to be active in recent days.

*In early March, three white circular lights in a triangular configuration were reported from Cambria county. The objects were observed for a few minutes then suddenly vanished.

*There have also been reports of triangular shaped objects from other locations.

*A daylight observation of  a large black rectangular object was reported from Bedford county.

*Reports of large glowing spherical objects, some seen at low level and close to homes.

*Bright objects moving straight up into the night sky and disappearing.

*Sightings of small spheres of light that are close to the ground are continuing to be reported.

*Residents from different locations are reporting that unusual luminous objects are being recorded on their game and security cameras.

*Dan Hageman of the BORU (Butler Organization for Research of the Unexplained)  http://www.boru-ufo.com/ reports that there have been multiple reports of fireballs and spheres all over Butler county during March.

Photo of triangular object taken in 2020 near Latrobe, PA. Photo used with permission of the witness.

The following are some of the cases Dan is investigating:

March 2- A witness reported seeing three shiny silver spheres moving from west to east in a straight line. They looked shiny, silver in color, and glowing. They looked equally spaced apart and were moving very fast. The witness watched them as they moved off in the distance.

March 8- A witness observed a shiny bright cigar-shaped object in the morning sky. The sky was generally clear with some fluffy clouds around. The object did not appear to have any wings or a tail section. The witness indicated that the object was so bright he had to squint his eyes to view it. The witness, who was very familiar with aircraft, stopped his vehicle and got out to take a better look at the object. The object moved into a cloud better never exited from it.

March 11- A man was in his kitchen during the evening when he began to feel a strange vibration and heard a low rumble. He then realized that the sliding glass door to his deck was vibrating. As he looked out the door, the man noticed a very bright and very large pulsating round object just above the trees at the edge of his yard. The light from the object illuminated his backyard as though it was in the middle of the day. He stepped out on the deck and was awe struck by what he saw. At that time, he felt a tingling sensation, his hair stood up on end, and he had chill bumps on his body. He called to his wife and he hurried inside to get a camera but when he returned it was gone.

March 18- A person driving on Route 8 near Butler observed yellow-white blinking lights just above some trees. The lights were on the bottom of each corner of a large silver triangular object that appeared to be hovering. The object began to move up above the trees. The witness was going to pull over and take a picture, but the object had disappeared.

I also received a UFO report that occurred on March 18th during the evening from another location in Butler county. The witness was traveling down the road when he saw in the distance a large round orange sphere. The object was gliding off to the left through the sky. It was about 200 feet off the ground and would alternate in brightness and change from orange to a white color.

In recent days, witnesses in a wooded area of Fayette county observed a brilliant orange luminous object in the treetops that moved up and down and suddenly vanished. Soon after, unusual sounds were heard from the woods.

Other strange incidents have also been reported since January from various locations in the state.

If you have seen or heard anything unusual in Pennsylvania, please contact me at 724-838-7768 or email: paufo@comcast.net. I am also interested in reports from other states and areas as well.


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ARCANE RADIO - EXPANDED PERSPECTIVES Paranormal Kyle Philson and Cam Hale | @9PM EDT 04.02.2021

Join Lon Strickler as he welcomes Expanded Perspectives paranormal and supernatural podcasters Kyle Philson and Cam Hale to Arcane Radio on April 2nd, 2021 Eastern Daylight Time. Expanded Perspectives represents individuals inclined to form one’s own opinions rather than depend upon academics or authorities; especially about ancient cultures, conspiracy theories, science, cryptozoology, social and religious issues. Our open-minded views allow us to consider all possibilities regardless of how strange or unusual. Come with us as we explore the many stories, studies and topics through podcasts, interviews, books, blogs and news/magazine articles.

Kyle Philson is a native Texan. Growing up in rural Texas in a small town outside of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex, Kyle spent a lot of time in the woods hunting, fishing and camping. His early interest in the paranormal was first sparked by his father and uncles. Watching shows like Unsolved Mysteries and In Search Of along with reading numerous books by John Keel and Ivan T. Sanderson, Kyle became fascinated by UFOs, Bigfoot, time slips and parallel universes. Keeping an open mind and exploring these topics, he strives to present theses stories and experiences shared by only a few in a fun and light hearted way. Kyle currently lives in Texas with his wife and three sons.

Cam Hale was born and raised in Texas and comes from a long family heritage of Texans that can be traced back to before the Lone Star State gained it’s independence. Growing up in a rural country town he spent the majority of his time outdoors. Receiving his first taste of archery at the age of 5, he started down a path that lead him on solo camping and hunting trips across the state as well as many other states. Like most his fascination with the strange and unusual started young with shows like In Search Of and Unsolved Mysteries. Diving deeper into these subjects at his the local library, only fueled the flames that have led him to where he is today. With an open mind and adventurers heart, Cam looks to present the stories of the strange in a fun and intriguing manner. For more information visit their website at  - https://www.expandedperspectives.com

Join us this Friday, April 2nd at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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