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mardi, mars 09, 2021

Possible Bigfoot Encounter While Hog Hunting in West Texas

2 young Texas men are in a blind, hunting for hogs, when they noticed a rancid odor and grunting sounds from behind them. Something literally rocks the blind, but they never see what it was.

The following account was recently referred to me:

"This happened to my buddy and me when I was at college during the winter of 2010. I was and still am an outdoorsy guy who has been at home in the woods for a very long time. I’ve seen and heard a lot, but never had a experience like this.

I met my buddy at college that first semester and we became fast friends. Before I knew it he was inviting me back to his family's place that winter to stay there and do a bit of hog hunting. I have hunted hogs since I was old enough to hunt so I jumped at the chance.

We got to his parents place and holy hell it was beautiful. They own about 1500 acres out in rural west Texas. His family raise, show, and sell cattle and are loaded. They are amazing people and they kind of took to me like a second son, over my time at college I was visiting them a lot. But since his family are avid hunters and the land they live on is mainly for cattle, they own another 1,000 acres they lease to hunters and also use themselves to hunt on.

So after a day or two at their primary ranch we set out to the hunting lease. It was just my buddy and myself, no hunters had leased it that winter yet. We set up our stuff at the little hunting cabin they had and set our alarms to wake us up at 6 AM.

We got some rest and woke up ready to get out to the stand. We got to the stand after a short hike through the cold and hopped on up into the stand. It was one of those big green metal stands that’s elevated about 15-20 ft. in the air. The area it was set up facing was perfect, to the left about 100 yards was a mostly caliche rock clearing with trees lining it and dead cactus. In front of us was a wider clearing with sparse trees and various weeds and grass. To the right was a decently dense patch of trees, and behind us was a dense patch of trees and a high fence about 30 yards back. We could not see behind us because the blind he had was only 180 degree view. Just a back wall and a door with a window that was boarded up because the glass or whatever it had in it was broken.

We just set up the chairs and the waiting began. We had a beautiful view of the area and the sunrise coming from the east of where we were. We didn’t see anything the first hour so we just kept chatting.

About an hour after the sun rose we started hearing some limbs breaking and brush rustle from behind us. Sounded a good ways back maybe 50 yards or more. We readied our rifles hoping that what we were certain were hogs would circle around.

I remember sitting there just waiting, watching the fog from my breath for a good 5 minutes. The rustling got closer, then I noticed a really metallic smell. The best way I can describe it is the smell crappy tools give off when you don’t take care of them. Kind of like a mix of copper and feces.

I looked at my bud and whispered “you smell that” and he nodded and shrugged his shoulders. A minute later we’re still waiting, the rustling seems to get closer. Then it just kind of stopped. After a couple minutes I could still smell the stink but no noise and figured maybe a couple hogs had taken a dump near the stand and moved on. I reach to pick up the bottle as my buddy puts his rifle down and just as we’re doing that we heard a scream/grunt.

I have never heard anything like it. It was like a low grunt that escalated into a gravelly scream and it sounded like it was right outside the back of the blind. Before we could ever really react we heard a bunch of twig and branches snap. Sounded like it was right outside the back of the blind. Not a couple seconds after we feel the ENTIRE blind shake about 3 times, like if a car had bumped into it. I just looked at my friend and he looked just as freaked out as I felt.

We heard a loud, singular grunt and then the sound of twigs and branches breaking again slowly getting quieter. We just sat there too freaked out to move for what felt like an hour but was only about 10 minutes. I don’t know if it was just me trying to be brave but I got up and opened the door, and nothing was there.

We climbed down and had our rifles ready. We both new it wasn’t a hog but tried to convince ourselves it was. We could see the old stand marks on the ground and the whole stand had rocked forward about 6in. There was a bent portion of one of the metal struts and two big depressions where it looked like feet had dug into the rocky ground. We figured whatever it was stood there whole it was rocking the stand. We stood there looking dumbfounded and we just decided to get the hell out of there.

We drove back to his main house and told his dad. He said to just stay at their house with them for the night and we would go check it out tomorrow.

When we got there the day after we saw the same things that were there the day prior, and his dad was super confused. I don’t think he initially believed us when we told him about what happened.

We found where whatever it was had come from. There was a clear path in the grass, leading away from the stand, where it has been depressed and you could see tree limbs broken. The highest one that was broken off was about 7 ft off the ground.

We walked back 30 yards to the high fence that was there and sure enough about a 4ft wide section had been mangled and bent down. His dad was pissed, obviously, but he was also really confused. He told us that he had never had this happen and reckons it was just a giant hog but I never thought so.

I don’t want to just say it’s Bigfoot, but I have never had an explanation as to what could have caused that. Over the years I’ve grown to believe in Bigfoot more and more. My dad had a encounter with what he claims could have been Bigfoot as well so maybe it runs in the family?" RM


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