; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, mars 13, 2021

Possible Bigfoot Activity Reported in Somerset & Fayette Counties, Pennsylvania

An eyewitness from southwest Pennsylvania describes 3 possible encounters with Bigfoot at 3 separate locations in Somerset and Fayette counties.

I recently came across the following information:


My first encounter was in the woods by Meyersdale, PA.

My 2 friends and I were playing paintball and it got dark. It was about 10:30 PM in the middle of summer, I believe it was 2013. We were walking through the field and my one friend was making random noises. We told him to knock it off and were laughing and stuff.

Suddenly, I would say about 30 feet behind us, we heard a howl that ended in this blood curdling scream. We dropped all our gear, I'm talking several hundred dollars worth of paintball equipment, and ran. I've never ran this much in my life, we kept running till we got out of the field and back onto the street.

My one friend and I returned the next morning to retrieve are gear and we heard wood knocks that came from 2 separate directions.


My 2nd encounter happened in the summer of 2015 at night at the Jockey Hollow boat launch at the Youghiogheny River Lake. (it'll be easier to understand the details if you look it up on Google Maps)

My parents and I were night fishing. We were the only ones there. I walked to the part of the parking lot where the road enters when all of sudden this deer jumped down and slammed right onto the concrete and immediately got off and ran off. I felt uneasy as it was such a strange random thing so I walked back to my parents on the other side of the parking lot.

About 10 minutes go by when all of a sudden we hear what sounds a lot like a Chimpanzee but much darker. Like that "Ooo Ah Ah Ah Ah!" that chimps do, but with much more snorting mixed it and very deep. Where it was was on the side of the parking lot that is lined with thick brush. My father, who had hunted for over 40 years, was even on edge.

He started the car and pointed the lights in the direction but it was too far back to see anything. Where this thing had to have been at the water is at least 4-5 feet deep at the time. After that it stopped. About another 20 minutes go by and right in front of me in the water lands a rock that had to be at least the size of a volleyball. I had a lantern on the ground so I only caught a glimpse as it hit but I knew it was large from the splash. I know it was a rock. After that we left.


My last encounter was again outside of Meyersdale, PA. My friend and I were hunting on his aunt's property. After we parked we start up a hill that gets steep. Where the woods starts we split up. He goes off to the left and I went all the way to the top of the hill to a deer stand that's in the woods about 40 yards from the field.

This was our 3rd day there. As I was climbing up the deer stand I hear a distinct "Whooop". I would estimate 100 yards ahead of me. I decided I didn't want to be a sitting duck in the deer stand so I climbed down and went back into the field where I sat. Once the sun began going down I decided to walk back down the hill. Now inside the woods was pitch black but there was still some light in the field.

Once I got to the bottom where the wood curves I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw a silhouette walking on the other side of the brush. I figured it was my friend who decided to walk up to meet up with me since it was getting dark.

I said "Hey did you see any deer?" And all of a sudden this thing tore into the woods and made its way up the hill. I know this was no person as it was pitch black in the woods and there's so much debris there is no way a person could move at the speed this thing was. I clearly could make out the bipedal foot steps.

My friend came out of the woods about 60 yards away, I saw his light before I saw him. He said he heard someone walking around and also questioned me about the whoop as he thought it was me that did it. It was then that I mentioned Bigfoot and he said, "Dammit I never thought about all the weird stuff I heard up there until you mentioned it." Apparently he has heard things up there before. Needless to say we didn't go hunting up there again. DB


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