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dimanche, février 28, 2021

From the Vril to Roswell: The Genesis of Modern UFO Technology?

Since the end of World War II, there has been speculation as to the actual degree of technology possessed by the Nazis. Some suggest that the Third Reich was on the verge of developing nuclear weapons and engineering craft capable of interstellar travel. Is it possible that the Germans received highly sophisticated automation, machinery and knowledge from an advanced civilization? The following information may give us a deeper understanding of how and why the Nazis convinced themselves that they were the 'Master Race.'

The Vril Society

The book, 'The Coming Race' is a novel published in 1870 by Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Edward Bulwer-Lytton was a member of British Royalty who was involved in politics and became the Secretary of State for the Colonies. He was a poet, playwright and novelist who authored many books. Most people associated with secret societies and occult lodges never took his work, 'The Coming Race' as mere fiction. but truth veiled in a fictional story. The novel is an early example of science fiction, sometimes cited as the first of this genre. The elements believed as truth was that a superior subterranean master race with the energy-form called Vril, and their claim to rise and conquer the surface race someday, was accurate, to the extent that a few wealthy and influential members who were theosophists accepted the book as truth and began to act upon their beliefs.

The plot of the novel centers on a mining engineer, who accidentally finds his way into a subterranean kingdom occupied by beings (the race of the Vril-ya), who seem to resemble angels. The hero soon discovers that they are descendants of the inhabitants of Atlantis. They have access to an extraordinary force called "Vril" that can be controlled at will. However their spiritually elevated hosts controlled the Vril.

In the novel, uses of Vril amongst the Vril-ya vary from an agent of destruction to a healing substance. According to Zee, the narrator's host, Vril can be changed into the mightiest agency over all types of matter, both animate and inanimate. It can destroy like lightning or replenish life, heal, or cure.

The hero is looked upon as a pet who might have to be put down or at least kept for all time with them. He escapes this subterranean realm with the knowledge that this race intends to someday resurface to take control of the surface dwellers, hence the title The Coming Race.

There is a strong belief that the Vril Society was founded as The All German Society for Metaphysics in to explore the origins of the Aryan race, to seek contact with the "hidden masters" of Ultima Thule, and to practice meditation and other techniques intended to strengthen individual mastery of the divine Vril force itself. It was formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb.

Members of the Vril Society are said to have included Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, and Hitler's personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. These were original members of the Thule Society which supposedly joined Vril in 1919. The NSDAP (National Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later.

With Hitler in power in 1933, both the Thule and Vril Gesellschafts allegedly received official state backing for continued disc development programs aimed at both spaceflight and possibly a war machine.

A great deal of time and resources were spent ($23B+ US today) on researching or creating a popularly accepted “historical”, “cultural” and “scientific” background so the ideas about a “superior” Aryan race could prosper in the German society of the time.

Expeditions in Tibet, Nepal, Greece, the Arctic, and Neuschwabenland in Antarctica were organized in the search for the mythical “Aryan” nation of Hyperborea, whose capital, Ultima Thule was supposedly built by the extraterrestrial ancestors of the “Aryan races” who came from the star Aldebaran, according to some of the “Aryan” theories.

A German expedition to Tibet was organized in order to search for the origins of the Aryan race. To this end, the expedition leader, Ernst Schäfer, had his anthropologist Bruno Beger make face masks and skull and nose measurements.

Similar expeditions were organized in the pursuit of semi-mythical objects believed to bring power or granting special powers to their owner, such as the Holy Grail and the Spear of Destiny.

It has been speculated by many esoteric Hitlerists and conspiracy theorists that study Nazi mysticism and the events that unfolded in World War 2 that the Germans landed on the Moon as early as 1942. Evidence for these claims have been backed up by certain sources, including Vladimir Terziski, the president of the American Academy of Dissident Sciences. This extraordinary theory also plays into the accusations of a conspiracy in the Apollo moon landing hoax, believed to have been orchestrated by the United States government and NASA.

Another theory proposed is the possibility that the Nazis had the capability for spaceflight due to their advanced technology in engineering as well as the exo-atmospheric rocket saucers which are shown in Terziski’s documentation with pictures and designs. It has been suggested that the Nazis had managed to reach the Moon and later the planet Mars, with these rocket-powered saucers.

According to other theories it is believed that the Nazis had made contact with ‘half a dozen’ alien races, including the malevolent reptilians.

It is believed by Vladimir Terziski that there is a lunar atmosphere, as well as water and vegetation on the Moon. According to his claims it is not necessary for a man to wear a space suit to walk on the Moon. This information of course contradicts widely accepted data, such as that supplied by NASA. Terziski promotes his belief that the Germans managed to construct their lunar headquarters by tunneling under the surface of the Moon, and that towards the end of the war they had established a small Nazi research base. According to Terziski, the Germans continue their space effort from their Antarctic colony of Neuschwabenland after the end of the war in May 1945.

NOTE: One needs to ask. What, if any, of this technology ended up in the hands of the United States and/or the Soviets? The Hollow Earth Theory as well as Reptilians and other non-human races, do they exist on this planet? Were the Nazis given technology by alien races and to what degree was it used? Did most of these supposed secrets and technology die with the Nazis? Also, was Hitler's 'Third Reich' basically conceived from a science fiction novel? Frankly, my experience with David Eckhart and his alien encounters and accounts sparked my interest in this subject, but there is much more to it.


Maria Orsic and the Aldebaran Aliens

Among all the UFO stories within the Nazi’s Reich, the least discussed is about a woman named Maria Orsic. She was allegedly said to be in contact with otherworldly beings to obtain advanced technology for the creation of flying saucers.

British historian Nicholas Goodrick-Clark wrote a whole chapter about Maria Orsic in his book 'Black Sun' published in 2001. During World War II, Germany had a strong desire to dominate the opponents whether through technology, weapons, or intelligence. Then, a young woman named Maria Orsic came forward and wanted to help Nazis in building flying saucers. She said that she could communicate with extraterrestrials.

In 2010, the German magazine 'PM' sparked everyone with the exciting report, covered by the Telegraph, which apparently claimed that “there is strong evidence that a Nazi UFO program was well advanced.” Deep research was conducted by multiple authors who later put forward an interesting explanation that everything began after the involvement of Maria Orsic. From a very early age, she had an interest in political movements. She was born to a Croatian man in the Austrian capital city of Vienna, and her mother was Austrian.

Nicholas Clarke discussed the secret Vril society in his book and connected it with Orsic. Back in 1919, she moved to Germany where she joined the Thule society, a German occultist and Völkisch group founded after World War I. She acquainted with other women who had the same powers as her. They all were known as “Medium” for their unique power to communicate with extraterrestrials and other things. All these women had a common feature: beautiful long hair. According to them, long hair acted as antennae for receiving information from the universe. Later, Orsic founded her own society known as 'The Vril' after she communicated with aliens who had lived during the time of Sumerians. These beings left Earth and went to the Aldebaran solar system. The word “Vril” actually came from an ancient Sumerian word “Vri-ll,” which means “God-like.”

Before her first contact with aliens, Orsic fell into a coma for several hours when she saw tall creatures. After 8 days of the incidents, she started receiving information from the aliens which contained plans and information to build flying saucers. According to Orsic, she communicated with representatives of Aldebaran’s civilization who lived 68 light-years from Earth in the constellation Taurus.

As per the received information, in 1922, the first prototype of the flying saucer-shaped machine was made but it exploded, disintegrating in half. In the next attempt, Orsic got new information which she shared with Dr. Otto Schumann. He studied and approved this project. In 1923, another flying saucer was made, and it became successful.

Some historians said that the so-called 'foo fighters,' or UFOs, were actually Nazi aircraft which showed their advancement in technology. One such incident was explained by Space pioneer Leroy Gordon Cooper during his posting in Germany.

Just before the end of World War II, Maria Orsic and her Vril society members disappeared without any trace. Some believe that she used one of the saucers and departed to Aldebaran while others think that they live under the Earth’s surface. However, many historians argue that the alleged communication between the Vril society and the Nazis was nothing more than a sci-fiction.



NOTE: It is my understanding that the following account was a combination of information provided by Polish researcher Robert K Lesniakiewicz, Czech Researcher Milos Jesensky, Russian ufologist Anton Anfalov, Ukrainian psychic and witness Lenura A Azizova, Russian researcher Iryna V Volyk & Russian chemist Sergey V Kovalevskiy...Lon

Czernica, Germany (now territory of Poland) - Summer 1937

"A multicolored ball or globe-shaped UFO was seen to fall in a field (or near a field) belonging to Eva Braun’s parents (this was the future mistress of Adolph Hitler) The area was cordoned off by SS-troops from the town of Jelenia Gora (called Hirschberg at the time)."

"The crashed disk was transported to the Hirschberg SS base and kept under very strong guard and super top security. The disk was 7.6 meter in diameter and 3.8 meters high. It consisted of a large “overwhelming” dome, encircled by a narrow outer rim, and smaller flat dome on the bottom with a flat lower section. The top of the dome was also flat and large. The craft had 6 oval-shaped structures resembling portholes but not transparent, or devices that radiated some type of light, located near the base of the upper dome. On the lower surface of the outer rim the craft had 12 lights. The color of the disk was a dull metal gray. There was an insignia on the dome resembling the letter “T” with 2 props on its sides. The entrance into the disk was found on the top of the upper dome. The general shape of the disk resembled that of a German soldier’s helmet with a small protrusion on the bottom."

"Inside the circular cabin were 3 small seats, there were control panels around the dome and 3 alien beings were found: one was dead, the other two were alive. One of the live aliens died soon after the crash, and the second live alien remained in custody for about 1.5 months and then died. The aliens were small dwarfs, about 0.9-1.0m in height, with large hairless pear-shaped heads, small dystrophic looking bodies, long narrow hands with 4 fingers, grayish skin and large dark slanted eyes."

"The Germans were afraid to move the disk to a more distant location, out of apprehension that it might explode during a long trip during transportation. So, a research laboratory had to be constructed nearby. From Hirschberg the disk was removed to a more secured underground location, which most likely, was called “Der Riese” a Nazi complex in the nearby Gory Sowie mountains (now in southwest Poland), which was also a site being used for excavating for uranium ore. This complex had an extensive network of underground hangars, connected by tunnels. The bodies of the occupants and the living extraterrestrial were also moved into this complex. The alien that lived for a little bit over a month apparently supplied the Germans with some type of information and was desperately asking the Nazi medical doctors for help, but they could not help him because of the different biological structure of his body. The alien died from an unknown illness."

"The origin of the crashed craft was apparently the double star system RA known on earth as 78 mu-1, Cygni, 73.1 light years in distance. Among the information given to the Germans by the surviving alien was that they had built underground bases in the polar region of the Canadian Northern Territories maybe Baffin Island. This data was supplied to Adolph Hitler himself. But no substantial technical data was in fact provided by the alien that could had help Nazi scientists to cope with the alien technology, despite their desperate attempt to obtain such data. The surviving alien also informed the Germans that the crashed was caused by some kind of technical malfunction. The alien was kept and interrogated at the same underground installation as the disk."

"Adolph Hitler and some other top Nazi figures including Werner Von Braun and Air Marshall Hermann Goring inspected the crashed disk, the alien bodies and consulted Nazi scientists in an attempt to use the object as a super secret weapon. Among those scientist involved in investigating the crashed disc were, Max Von Laue, Otto Hahn (who discovered nuclear fusion) and Werner Heisenberg. Fortunately (and unfortunately for the Nazis) the alien technology was extremely sophisticated and difficult to understand. The disc indeed inspired some Nazi scientists to construct different models of disc-shaped planes and the so-called flying bombs."

"This crash and possession of the extraterrestrial spacecraft was one of the factors that possibly inspired Hitler with extreme self-confidence to start World War II, hoping to use the craft as a sort of super weapon that would eventually help him conquer the world. Because of the approaching Soviet troops the whole underground complex was blown up, and the disk and the alien bodies was buried in one of the underground tunnels, the entrance was sealed with numerous huge rocks. It is apparently still there, unbeknownst to the Polish Government. The disk apparently still emanates radiation from its power plant, but because of the nearby uranium mines this source of radiation remains undetected."


Previously posted 7/28/07

Wernher von Braun at Roswell During UFO Crash

by Clark C. McClelland - Former ScO, Space Shuttle Fleet, Kennedy Space Center, FL 1958-1992

"In 1947, a controversial event took place in New Mexico near the town of Roswell. The "Roswell Incident," as it has come to be known, remains the paramount case in UFO crash/retrieval history. In addition to the claims of a downed alien ship, alien bodies were said to have been recovered from the debris.

The United States Air Force (USAF) and U.S. Federal Government have kept a steadfast opinion that the object in question was a high altitude balloon project, code named: Mogul. The project was designed to detect nuclear blasts in the USSR. The bodies that were recovered, according to the USAF, were parachute test dummies that had been released high above the desert, and had eventually drifted into the "balloon" crash area. The USAF finally settled on this fabricated version of events and passed it off to the American public as truth.

During my long years of service in our national space program, I was very fortunate to come to know and exchange some very exciting data with former German scientists, who had been brought to the USA under 'Operation Paper Clip' following Word War II. These men were the elite of the German rocket programs controlled by Adolph Hitler. On many occasions I had the distinct privilege of speaking with Dr. Wernher von Braun, the leader of the elite group, and several other scientists who were assigned to the ABMA (Army Ballistics Missile Agency) launch crews at the Cape Canaveral launch sites. Eventually, these same men were incorporated into the new National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) organization. During the periodic MFA (Manned Flight Awareness) meetings that were held at Cocoa Beach, I was able to talk freely and briefly with such scientists, particularly Dr. von Braun.

On one such occasion, he and I had taken a break and stepped out of the Cocoa Beach Ramada Inn into the back patio. I admitted that I was aware that he and his German Scientific team were located not too far from the crash site at that time. They were launching captured V-2 rockets from the White Sands Testing Range. On this night, I asked him a question concerning the Roswell Incident that caused his eyebrows to raise.

Did the Roswell Incident in fact happen, was an alien craft recovered along with alien bodies? Did you have a chance to go to the crash site?"

Dr von Braun was a cigarette smoker and he lit one up. He thought for a second, then proceeded to talk freely about his inspection of the crashed craft.

He trusted me to hear such astonishing events because I vowed to not report it to newspapers, magazines, television, etc. I never broke that vow. Since he is deceased, and the incident happened over fifty years ago, I am now disclosing what I heard. I have a right to speak about anything - even things that, according to certain agencies, "do not exist."

Dr. von Braun explained how he and his (unnamed, for now) associates had been taken to the crash site after most of the military were pulled back. They did a quick analysis of what they found. He told me the craft did not appear to be made of metal as we know metal on earth. He said it seemed to be created from something biological, like skin. I was lost as to what he indicated, other than thinking perhaps the craft was "alive."

The recovered bodies were temporarily being kept in a nearby medical tent. They were small, very frail and had large heads. Their eyes were large. Their skin was greyish and reptilian in texture. Dr. von Braun said it looked similar to the skin texture of rattle snakes he'd seen several times at White Sands. His inspection of the debris had even him puzzled: very thin, aluminium coloured, like silvery chewing gum wrappers. Very light and extremely strong. The interior of the craft was nearly bare of equipment, as if the creatures and craft were part of a single unit.

That's when I became lost in the moment. We returned to the awards ceremony, in which he participated, later bidding farewell. I went home with my head spinning from all I had heard. Keeping this quiet for many years was very difficult, especially with the temptations of having many friends and associates who believe in UFOs, ETs, etc. I never released this amazing data to Major Keyhoe and NICAP, or the public, until now. I considered my honor sacred when a vow was made."

Article author's note: This amazing interview with Dr. von Braun is only one of many events that I personally experienced as a space flight pioneer at Cape Canaveral and the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, from 1958 to 1992.

NOTE: I realize that this has been a theory with many versions, but there are some interesting statements, especially how this incident parallels the Roswell Incident. Did the Roswell account borrow some of the details from the Czernica crash? What technology did the Allies gain after the war? The revelations that von Braun was at Roswell deepens this conspiracy. Lon


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Join Lon Strickler as he welcomes cryptid & paranormal researcher and author David Weatherly to Arcane Radio. David Weatherly is a renaissance man of the strange and supernatural. He has traveled the world in pursuit of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs, magic and more. From the specters of dusty castles, to remote, haunted islands, from ancient sites, to modern mysteries, he has journeyed to the most unusual places on the globe seeking the unknown. David became fascinated with the paranormal at a young age. Ghost stories and accounts of weird creatures and UFOs led him to discover many of his early influences. Writers such as such as John Keel, Jacques Vallee, Hans Holzer and others set him on course to spend his life exploring and investigating the unexplained. His shamanic and magical background has given him a unique perspective in his explorations into the unknown, and he continues to write, travel and explore, leaving no stone unturned in his quest for the strange and unusual. David has investigated, and written about, a diverse range of topics including, Hauntings, Cryptozoology, Ufology, Ancient Mysteries, Shamanism, Magic and Psychic Phenomena. In 2012, David founded the independent media and publishing company, Leprechaun Productions. David's newest books are 'Monsters at the Crossroads: Cryptids & Legends of Indiana,' and more recently 'Monsters of the Tar Heel State: Cryptids & Legends of North Carolina.'
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