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samedi, janvier 30, 2021

Uniformed Alien Confronts Witness Near Land O' Lakes State Forest, Minnesota

A Minnesota man recalls an alien encounter and possible abduction when he was a boy and attending a family reunion near Land O' Lakes State Forest.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"I was attending our family reunion at my uncle's cabin near Land O' Lakes State Forest, Minnesota during the first week of July 1986. There were about 25 family members present, including my aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was the first night at the cabin and all the children were set up in tents outside. That night, my two older brothers, my cousin and I shared a four person tent about 150 feet away from the cabin. Since it was so long ago, I've just recently become more fearful of it.

We were all sleeping. I guess it was around 2 AM. I was sleeping on the far side of the tent and for some reason I woke up in the middle of the night. I was lying flat on my back and I found myself looking directly into the eyes of something. It was standing on my left near my head and appeared to be studying me before I woke. The image of its face, that I can still picture vividly in my head, is similar to others drawings that I've seen later in my adult life. Somewhat normal-sized head, though large for its body. It couldn't have been more than four feet tall. grey/green wrinkly face. Very small nostril holes. The nose was almost flush with its face. The eyes. The frightening part about its eyes was the way that it was looking at me. Or maybe I misunderstood its reaction to my terror. It was wearing a collared uniform of sorts. similar to a trench coat that came down to the ground with seams on the front. I believe that this being was important. It was dark fuchsia/purple in color and appeared to be a dull suede texture. The moonlight made his face and coat sort of glow. The suit had a tall collar. I got the impression that this was a possible leader or overseer.

This all happened in a few seconds. I remember being terrified and immediately trying to scream but nothing happened. My brothers didn't wake. I just remember the very serious look that came over its face as if I did scream. His head tilted back like he was scorning me, or that it was somehow disappointed.

The next portion of my memory picks up shortly after. I remember being very cold, wet and beginning to wake again. This time I am on the ground in the weeds about fifteen feet from the tent. It took all of five seconds after waking on the ground before I remembered the face that I just saw looking down at me from inside the tent, and I let out a terrifying scream. I remember I screamed so violently that I woke my aunt who was sleeping in the cabin over 150 feet away. I saw her silhouette after she quickly flipped on the lights to investigate. I ran to the tent and my brother was still scrambling to unzip the door. I remember the sound of the zipper when finally opening it, and he reached his arms out and pulled me in. He was asking me what was wrong. I was scared and confused. He had me lie back down. As I lied there I told him what I had seen in the tent with us. He told me to just go back to sleep. I never told him that I also just woke up outside. That wasn't supposed to be the important part!

The next morning there were about ten other people who were talking and asking around if they knew who it was that was screaming at 3:30 in the morning. No one would say. My aunt chimed in and said she heard it too, and how she had quickly looked out the window and couldn't see who it was. This also frightened me because I thought it was apparent to everyone!

I went and found my mom and whispered to her that it was me, that "I screamed last night." She appeared worried and asked why. "I saw an alien." I remember the nervous pause before she whispered back "...don't say that to anyone, okay?"

I believe that there was an hour or more of lost time between the encounter in the tent and realizing that I was outside the tent and screaming. How did I end up outside the tent? How did I get wet? Was I abducted? I've never been able to answer this." K

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