; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, janvier 30, 2021

Bright Red-Eyed Bigfoot Encounters Teen in Northern Indiana

A young Indiana teen describes his encounter with an extremely tall black haired Bigfoot that had very bright red eyes. His aunt later mentioned that she had seen the same bright red eyes.

The following account was recently offered on social media: 

"I grew up out in the countryside of northern Indiana. This encounter happened when I was in 7th grade. We had a trash pile where we burned our garbage and my mom had me take a bag out at like 10 PM. I grew up in the woods around our house and was not afraid of the dark so I didn't have any reason to be hallucinating or 'seeing shapes in the dark' as kids do. I had never been afraid of the dark until this point in time.

I took the bag out and walked the short distance down the road to our trash pile. I was about to throw our garbage on top before I saw something standing about a cars length from the pile. Whatever this thing was, it towered over me and I was tall for someone around my age being 13. This thing loomed over me. It had to have been over 10 feet tall. We just stared at each other for a long minute and that is when I noticed that it had dark midnight fur and bright red, almost glowing in the dark, eyes.

I was frozen. Then it just turned and stomped back into the woods. It was very fast and to me the weight of this thing was making the floor of the woods vibrate. I screamed and dropped the bag in the road and ran as fast as I could back to the house.

My mother saw that I was acting like I was in shock. I could hardly breathe. My mom was tuned out most of the time, being too depressed to even notice her children. My state of mind obviously disturbed her enough that she came to check on me. I told her what happened and she let me stay home from school the rest of the week.

Fast forward about 5 years later. I started living with my aunt because my situation with my depressed mother got so bad that I had to move.

One night my aunt had some friends of the family over and I heard a conversation that piqued my interest. My aunt was telling our family friend about seeing a pair of red glowing eyes staring in at her from a ten foot high window in her trailer. One of those weird small ones that are toward the top in the bathroom. The same height that I saw that tall man-beast thing. I told her what happened to me and her jaw dropped.

This was probably the most satisfying thing that happened to me. Hearing it from another person made my experience feel authentic and made me think that I wasn't crazy anymore." BB

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Desert Center, California: Epicenter of Flying Saucer Reports - Part III

Desert Center, California: Epicenter of Flying Saucer Reports - Part III

By Dr. Raymond A. Keller, II, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray”

Venus Rising: A Concise History of the Second Planet

Final Countdown: Rockets to Venus

Cosmic Ray's Excellent Venus Adventure

The Vast Venus Conspiracy

Lady Columba Venus Revelations

Raymond A. Keller, PhD, a.k.a. “Cosmic Ray,” is the author of the international awards-winning Venus Rising Series, published by Headline Books and available on amazon.com, while supplies last.  

Be sure and check out the fourth addition to this series, The Vast Venus Conspiracy, which has recently become available on amazon.com.  Book five in the series, Lady Columba Venus Revelations, will premiere at the Siskiyou Masonic Lodge in Mt. Shasta, California, at the “Meet the Venusians” conference, 26-30 August 2020.  See Rob Potter’s website, thepromiserevealed.com, for further information on the conference or to purchase tickets.

In 1955 a special meeting was called in the sunbaked desert community of Blythe, Riverside County, California, to discuss the 1952 George Adamski contact case as well as an intense flap of flying saucer sightings and close encounters of every kind that ensued ever since.  Photo Source:  https://www.wired.com/story/how-ufo-sightings-became-an-american-obsession/.

Stepping Out on Hallowed Ground

On the day following the Bluebook magazine correspondent’s series of interviews conducted with the personnel of Blythe, California, KYOR Radio, Paul C. Benard continued where he left off, driving out to the station manager John M. Wages’ home to pick up Mrs. Wages and their 10-year-old son, Johnny, Jr., who were scheduled to direct the reporter to the exact spot where the now famous contactee, George Adamski, claimed to have photographed a Venusian scoutship and communicated with its pilot, telepathically at first and then vocally.  

No sooner had Benard pulled into Wages’ driveway, than he was greeted by John, Sr., who introduced him to his wife and son before heading off to work in his own car.  The mother and son then situated themselves comfortably in the back of Benard’s car while Mrs. Wages gave directions from the back seat as to the route that the journalist should take to get to the small and sunbaked settlement of Desert Center, some 48 miles to the west of Blythe off U.S. Route 60-70.  

While Benard was driving the long stretch, Mrs. Wages talked incessantly about George Adamski and speculated on how life might be on Venus, the Moon and Mars.  She even brought a copy of the book that Adamski co-wrote with the British nobleman Sir Desmond Leslie along with her, just in case they needed to reference anything once they arrived at the site.  She was proud to have a copy that Adamski personally autographed for her.  John, Jr., rolled down the window on his side of the car and put his head down on his mother’s lap.  “Just wake me up when we get there,” he declared.  Apparently, he had been to the site on a few occasions.

When Benard pulled off Route 60-70 and into Desert Center, there wasn’t that much to see:  a small diner, a service station and a handful of houses.  “So, this is the flying saucer mecca of the world” mused Benard.

“Actually, Paul, we have a little way more to go.  The landing site is somewhere in the vicinity of the mile marker at 10.2 miles from this state road that we are now on.  It cuts across the Colorado desert to the northeast, leading out to Parker Dam,” explained Mrs. Wages.  

There was nobody else on this desolate road.  Benard was glad that he took the time to fill up his car, as well as check the battery and oil, as soon as they exited the U.S. route.  Mrs. Wages, with ample foresight, packed and brought along a picnic lunch of fried chicken, potato salad and soda pop. 

No sooner than Benard and party arrived at the marker, than another car was seen parked alongside the road.  At least they knew that they weren’t alone anymore and somebody else was out there checking out the situation.   Little Johnny poked his head out the window and scanned the horizon.  “Look!” he shouted.  “There’s a Venusian over there!”  Johnny brought a pair of binoculars along with him, just in case any extraterrestrials or flying saucer occupants were to show up.  He focused the field glasses on the small being slipping and sliding down the lava-strewn slopes about a quarter of a mile away.  “Aw, shucks!” declared Johnny, Jr.  “It’s only another kid.”

“So, who drove the car?” wondered Benard.  “Can I see your binoculars, Johnny?” asked the reporter.

“Sure, Mr. Benard.  No problem,” said Johnny, Jr., handing them over.  

“Hmmm, there are two women out there.  They look to be elderly, maybe in their late 60s or 70s.”  They were making their way down a treacherous hillside.  Benard and Mrs. Wages walked over to talk to them.  One was the frolicking boy’s grandmother and the other was her lady friend.  They drove all the way from Portland, Oregon, a whopping 1,345-mile trip, just to see this place where a Venusian had allegedly come to Earth in a flying saucer.  

The expanded party then reconnoitered the area for about an hour until they came across a spot that matched the descriptions provided by Adamski in his book.  It was a vast clearing, surrounded by wind-worn sandhills, just as Adamski clearly stated in his epic Flying Saucers Have Landed.  There was also an abundance of other evidence that we had found the right spot.  Hundreds of other “saucer researchers” had come to this God-forsaken locale during the past year or so and set up camp, wistfully hoping that Orthon and the Venusian scout ship would return.  The clearing was littered with tin cans and the charred remains of campfires.  There were even old mattresses with protruding bed springs and crude, wooden tables.  The camp sites had clearly been abandoned, however; and Benard pondered what new saucer landing zone they might have flocked to.  After all, there were plenty of new contactees emerging on the saucer circuit, with lots of them right there in California.  He heard rumors about a Venusian flying saucer base being located right under Mt. Shasta, in the north of the state.  

Varied Local Opinions

Later that afternoon, Benard, Mrs. Wages and son were back in Blythe.  After the correspondent dropped them back at their home, Benard spoke once again with the Blythe High School science teacher, George Wixom, at his residence.  “What do you think of this Adamski fellow, George?  You’re of a scientific mindset.  Is he legit?”

“Well, Paul, human belief is a strange thing.  No matter how strongly you believe something that hasn’t actually been proved, there is always a tiny, recurring doubt in the back of your head.  Normally, I would dismiss Adamski’s claims out of hand, since Venus is probably too hot to support any life as we know it.  However, he does have lots of witnesses who have signed affidavits attesting to the reality of his encounter, and the mysterious being Orthon apparently said he was from Venus.”

Wixom then informed Benard that his arrival in Blythe was fortuitous, for there was to be a citizen’s meeting later that night, where a San Diego newspaperman, F. E. Rogers, was to play a tape- recorded message about Venusians coming to Earth in their flying saucers.  Wixom was slotted to emcee the event.  “Do you know Rogers and have you heard this tape?” asked Benard.

“No, I haven’t,” declared Wixom.  Then he smiled and added, “But I think you have to keep an open mind when you are trying to get at the truth.” 

Benard realized that he had arrived in this desert area at a most opportune time.  News of Rogers’ forthcoming presentation had spread far and wide.  Grady Setzler, the editor of the Palo Verde Times, had also arrived in Blythe to cover this story.  Benard and Wixom met up with the editor in a local café, the Blythe Coffee Shop, prior to the big meeting.  Setzler seems to be keeping an open mind about flying saucers and Venusians, too. “Mine is only a layman’s point of view,” he related to Benard and the science teacher, “but I don’t rule out the saucers.  Only an ignorant person would do that.”  

Others were hanging around in the local restaurant waiting for the arrival of Rogers and the start of the momentous meeting:

Blythe mayor A. J. Alexander, on the other hand, refused to commit himself one way or another.  Like the typical politician, all he had to say was, “Anything is possible; but that is all I will say.”

A local minister opined that, “Church-going folks are sometimes afraid to admit that the saucers may be a reality;” but he had to question, “Does God have so little ability that he couldn’t have created other worlds and humans to populate them?”

Even Lois Kumer, a waitress at the café, shared a hunch she had that the flying saucers come from another world.  “But I’d sure like to know,” she told Benard, “because my husband Jerry, a radio-installations man, has seen those saucers time-and-time again.  He told me that their speed and method of flight defy anything on this planet.”

Hitting a Snag- “Cancel Culture” 1950’s Style

People from everywhere were showing up at the café, crowding all the tables, standing room only.  They were all waiting for the green light to move over to the high school auditorium for Rogers’ flying saucer presentation.  Suddenly the boys from KYOR Radio burst into the Blythe Coffee Shop with some bad news.  Permission to use the high school for the saucer meeting had been revoked by the school board.  

Benard managed to catch up with the Superintendent of Schools, Murrell M. Miller, who proclaimed, “The board cannot afford to go out on a limb.  We can’t have it appear that we are sponsoring this meeting and officially endorsing Rogers and his tape recording.”

At that moment, a local rancher, Clyde Cowan, offered the use of his home for the meeting, partially solving the committee’s problem.  The last-minute change, plus the fact that the new meeting venue was seven miles outside of Blythe, might cut down the attendance substantially.  Surprisingly, when the Bluebook magazine correspondent actually reached the ranch house, there were more than 70 people crammed into the sprawling living room.  

The local science teacher served as the emcee and announced that the meeting would be delayed for about twenty minutes, allowing sufficient time for any stragglers to arrive.  By the time the meeting was convened, there were more than eighty in attendance and even more were expected.


Don’t forget to return to this website for Part IV of “Desert Center, California:  Epicenter of Flying Saucer Reports,” where we attend the controversial flying saucer meeting in search of the truth about the Venusian visitations to Earth, and Southern California particularly.  

Uniformed Alien Confronts Witness Near Land O' Lakes State Forest, Minnesota

A Minnesota man recalls an alien encounter and possible abduction when he was a boy and attending a family reunion near Land O' Lakes State Forest.

The following account was recently forwarded to me:

"I was attending our family reunion at my uncle's cabin near Land O' Lakes State Forest, Minnesota during the first week of July 1986. There were about 25 family members present, including my aunts, uncles, and cousins. It was the first night at the cabin and all the children were set up in tents outside. That night, my two older brothers, my cousin and I shared a four person tent about 150 feet away from the cabin. Since it was so long ago, I've just recently become more fearful of it.

We were all sleeping. I guess it was around 2 AM. I was sleeping on the far side of the tent and for some reason I woke up in the middle of the night. I was lying flat on my back and I found myself looking directly into the eyes of something. It was standing on my left near my head and appeared to be studying me before I woke. The image of its face, that I can still picture vividly in my head, is similar to others drawings that I've seen later in my adult life. Somewhat normal-sized head, though large for its body. It couldn't have been more than four feet tall. grey/green wrinkly face. Very small nostril holes. The nose was almost flush with its face. The eyes. The frightening part about its eyes was the way that it was looking at me. Or maybe I misunderstood its reaction to my terror. It was wearing a collared uniform of sorts. similar to a trench coat that came down to the ground with seams on the front. I believe that this being was important. It was dark fuchsia/purple in color and appeared to be a dull suede texture. The moonlight made his face and coat sort of glow. The suit had a tall collar. I got the impression that this was a possible leader or overseer.

This all happened in a few seconds. I remember being terrified and immediately trying to scream but nothing happened. My brothers didn't wake. I just remember the very serious look that came over its face as if I did scream. His head tilted back like he was scorning me, or that it was somehow disappointed.

The next portion of my memory picks up shortly after. I remember being very cold, wet and beginning to wake again. This time I am on the ground in the weeds about fifteen feet from the tent. It took all of five seconds after waking on the ground before I remembered the face that I just saw looking down at me from inside the tent, and I let out a terrifying scream. I remember I screamed so violently that I woke my aunt who was sleeping in the cabin over 150 feet away. I saw her silhouette after she quickly flipped on the lights to investigate. I ran to the tent and my brother was still scrambling to unzip the door. I remember the sound of the zipper when finally opening it, and he reached his arms out and pulled me in. He was asking me what was wrong. I was scared and confused. He had me lie back down. As I lied there I told him what I had seen in the tent with us. He told me to just go back to sleep. I never told him that I also just woke up outside. That wasn't supposed to be the important part!

The next morning there were about ten other people who were talking and asking around if they knew who it was that was screaming at 3:30 in the morning. No one would say. My aunt chimed in and said she heard it too, and how she had quickly looked out the window and couldn't see who it was. This also frightened me because I thought it was apparent to everyone!

I went and found my mom and whispered to her that it was me, that "I screamed last night." She appeared worried and asked why. "I saw an alien." I remember the nervous pause before she whispered back "...don't say that to anyone, okay?"

I believe that there was an hour or more of lost time between the encounter in the tent and realizing that I was outside the tent and screaming. How did I end up outside the tent? How did I get wet? Was I abducted? I've never been able to answer this." K

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The Creepiest and Most Dangerous Monsters Out There

Airline pilot films 'foo fighter' UFO over Pakistan

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Giant Turtles and the Loch Ness Monsters: Can We Ever Identify Them?

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Terrifying Alien Mantis Humanoid Encounters! Four Insectoid Reports from IL, NY, NJ & PA | BXP A159

Terrifying Alien Encounters and Abductions! Five first person reports from the US and UK. | BXP A158

Four Frightening Men In Black Encounters! MIB Lost Time, Abduction and Experimentation | BXP A160

PODCAST - Lon Strickler's ARCANE RADIO - Joni Mayhan | Paranormal Investigator, Ghost Magnet and Author | Arcane Radio - Jan.29.2021

PODCAST - BOB GIMLIN and AMY BUE | Wild Bue Yonder - Jan.19.2021

PODCAST - Jack Cary's PARANORMAL PLANET | Bigfoot and the Paranormal Truth | Jan.28.2021

PODCAST - Catskill Appalachian Research Collective (CARC) | From Behind Tall Trees | Jan.26.2021

PODCAST - ASK LON ANYTHING Livestream SuperChat w/ Guest David Eckhart | Jan.13th.2021

David Eckhart's Photographs of the Aliens and Entities Emanating In His Home | BXP

David Eckhart's First Recorded Alien Encounter | Original Video

David Eckhart's Encounter Alien Portal Sound Recording; Alarming, strange and frightening! | BXP

Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

UPDATED: Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

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vendredi, janvier 29, 2021

4 Flying Semi-Transparent Beings Observed in Yucca Valley, California

A Yucca Valley, CA resident recalls observing 4 semi-transparent beings flying above him, his father and sister. This is just one of many flying being encounters I have received from the area.

This is another report that I found on an older flying humanoid database:

I had a very bizarre experience in 1994 when I was 11 years old, and it was also witnessed by two other people; my dad and my little sister. To put it plainly, we saw four semi-transparent beings with human-like appendages and heads flying in the sky maybe 10-12 feet above us one night in our front yard in Yucca Valley, California.

We were walking to our car to go somewhere when they appeared. They seemed not to notice us and actually were playfully chasing each other around in the sky. It was almost as if they were made out of pure light. They were maybe 3-4 feet tall, had very little detail, and were randomly flying in no particular patterns. We watched them for maybe two minutes. They never got really close to us or tried to approach us.

I know what you're thinking; theatre spotlights or some kids playing with flashlights. But there were no light sources coming from below or above them. There were no beams of light coming from the ground to where they were floating. They were suspended in mid-air, and like I said were literally no more than 10 feet above our heads.

My Dad and my sister still remember to this day that night, and most people can't offer an explanation for it when I tell them the story. I've researched many things since then to try to connect it with anything real. Ghosts, aliens, angels...I don't know what they were, but they did not look or act anything like these things. After a couple minutes they just vanished. Literally winked out of existence. They seemed very benevolent yet very foreign, but the three of us felt like we weren't in danger.

NOTE: Over the years, I have received several reports of unexplained flying beings throughout the Yucca Valley region. Many times, these beings are winged and compared to Mothman. Others have called them Angels. They never seem to be threatening or malevolent, and usually appear in relation to other supernatural events, ex. hauntings and light anomalies. I distinctly remember one sightings of a Mothman-like being that manifested over the recently burned out foundation of a house. Very unusual area. Lon 

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Unknown Flying Being / Object Seen Over Milwaukee, Wisconsin

A witness from Milwaukee, Wisconsin describes a flying object or being that he observed while waiting for a friend in his vehicle. It's difficult to determine what this object may have been.

I found this older report while searching through a flying humanoid database:

The sighting occurred on a side street in an industrial neighborhood, a few blocks from the intersection of W. Capital Dr. and N. Palmer St. in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Williamsburg Heights) on February 2, 2010 at 6:30 PM local time (it the early evening and dark). A friend was in a meeting with a local community organization and I decided to stay in the car to make some work related phone calls. I had just finished up with the phone calls when I decided to step out of the car for a cigarette. I leaned up against the driver-side door of the car facing the south as I smoked. I noticed some movement to my right, and looked in that direction.

An object anywhere from 4 to 5.5 feet long, oriented perpendicular to the ground, was floating about 15 feet off the ground. The object was moving from the west to the east at about 6 - 8 miles per hour with a very shallow guide slope, about 1 degree. At first I thought that the object might be a kite cut loose from its string with how smoothly and quietly it was gliding along, until it passed underneath some power lines and a few feet later it ascended vertically by about 5 feet to clear the top of a building that it was headed for. It then moved parallel to the top of the building for about 300 feet until my view of the object became obstructed by another taller building to my left. The object was an imperfect cylindrical shape with a few small protrusions here and there.

When I realized that the object was not a wayward kite, I thought about reports of flying humanoids. However, the protrusions didn't seem to fit with what was described in those accounts - additionally there was a brief metallic flash as light from a lamppost reflected off of the object - this does not seem to fit with the description of flying humanoids either. Other than the brief metallic flash the object was entirely black. The closest the object's path took it to me was about 120 feet and I was able to observe the object for about 2 minutes, so I had ample opportunity to try to identify the object and for the life of me I cannot think of anything that this object could have been. Even after going home and doing a Google image search for UAVs nothing I have ever seen can match up with the description of this object.

My reaction to this object was initially one of pure curiosity until after I had dropped my friend off at his place, then I became extremely nervous and scared.

NOTE: The witness mentioned that there had been recent (February 2010) reports of flying humanoids in the Milwaukee area. There was a brief period in 2009 where there were a few reported sightings of 'flying humanoids with bright green eyes.' The descriptions were very general, so this case may or may not be related. Lon

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Arcane Radio is LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel

Joni Mayhan | Paranormal Investigator, Ghost Magnet and Author | Arcane Radio 9PM EST Jan.29.2021

Join Lon as he welcomes Joni Mayhan paranormal investigator and Author to Arcane Radio on January 29th 2021 at 9PM Eastern. Search for the darkest, scariest places on the planet, and that's where you'll probably find Joni Mayhan. She's a seasoned paranormal investigator and the author of twenty paranormal books, including the bestselling paranormal true story Bones in the Basement: Surviving the S.K. Pierce Haunted Victorian Mansion, as well as Signs of Spirits: When Loved Ones Visit. She also operates Haunted New Harmony Ghost Walks and Investigations in the town of New Harmony, Indiana, where she resides. Her intrigue regarding the unknown frequently leads her into dangerous situations, ones others often leave untouched. Joni has attended over three-hundred paranormal investigations, including many haunted hotspots such as Waverly Hills Sanitarium, Rolling Hills Asylum, Gettysburg, and the Lizzy Borden House. Check out her website: www.jonimayhan.com

Join us this Friday, January 29th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

Listen to our podcast at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel



Angelia Joiner: Journalist, Ufologist, Radio Host, Animal Advocate – In Memoriam

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Possible True Purpose of the Mysterious Nazca Lines Revealed

Terrifying Alien Mantis Humanoid Encounters! Four Insectoid Reports from IL, NY, NJ & PA | BXP A159

Terrifying Alien Encounters and Abductions! Five first person reports from the US and UK. | BXP A158

Four Frightening Men In Black Encounters! MIB Lost Time, Abduction and Experimentation | BXP A160

PODCAST - Lon Strickler's Arcane Radio - Dave Scott | "Spaced Out Radio" Host and Paranormal Experiencer | 2.2021

PODCAST - BOB GIMLIN and AMY BUE | Wild Bue Yonder - Jan.19.2021

PODCAST - Jack Cary's PARANORMAL PLANET | Bigfoot and the Paranormal Truth | Jan.28.2021

PODCAST - Catskill Appalachian Research Collective (CARC) | From Behind Tall Trees | Jan.26.2021

PODCAST - ASK LON ANYTHING Livestream SuperChat w/ Guest David Eckhart | Jan.13th.2021

David Eckhart's Photographs of the Aliens and Entities Emanating In His Home | BXP

David Eckhart's First Recorded Alien Encounter | Original Video

David Eckhart's Encounter Alien Portal Sound Recording; Alarming, strange and frightening! | BXP

Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid / Flying Entity Sightings & Encounters

UPDATED: Chicago / Lake Michigan Winged Humanoid Regional Interactive Map

Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

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