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vendredi, décembre 04, 2020

Tall Pale Humanoid 'Night Crawler' Chases Biker In South Georgia

A young man from south Georgia has a bizarre encounter while riding his bike home from work. He describes a tall pale humanoid chasing him at an incredible rate of speed.

The following account was recently referred to me:

"I live in south Georgia and I leave work at around 10:45 PM, riding my bike for about 30 minutes to get home on a dimly lit road. Before I take the long ride home I usually stop at my girlfriend's house which is around a minutes ride from my work.

On one particular night my phone died once I reached her house. As I was about to leave we both felt a slight feeling of dread. She wished me a safe ride and I began the ride home. Just a little down the road, the light on the front of my bike died which meant I was flying mostly blind. I stopped and turned on some small little lights on the spokes of my front wheel so cars could see me for safety reasons. I know the road to my house very well so I wasn't too worried about my light going out at the time.

My neighborhood sits behind a gas station and a restaurant with a spacious parking lot on the other side of the road. Another important detail is that the sidewalk is on the side of the restaurant. As I was riding, very close to the entrance of my neighborhood, I saw a large group of people standing in the parking lot. I rode by not saying a word. I was startled when I heard one of them yell something that sound like "Hey!" It was in a loud forceful tone. I began to bike faster after hearing this. I didn't even look both ways or stop in front of the road. Rather I just barreled through to the other side.

As I looked behind me, as I was entering my neighborhood, I was horrified to see that the crowd of people were all chasing me on bikes. Terrified, I sped up even more through my neighborhood. I was very scared because I essentially had a beacon on me with the spoke lights on my bike. My neighborhood doesn't have many straight roads so I tried to lose them as best I could. I am a very competent biker so I managed to turn some corners very fast and every time I looked back I saw less of them chasing me. After making a very precarious turn onto one of the straight long roads in the neighborhood I rode as fast as I could. My house is only one turn away from the end of the road so I tried to book it to the end.

When I was a decent distance down the road I took one last look behind me and was horrified. There was this huge thing chasing me. It was very lanky and tall (my guess is around 7ft tall) and had a tall face. It also has very pronounced and long knuckles. I could not make out much detail other than that, but I definitely remember its pale white skin. It was running at me faster than I've ever seen anything go. I was going the fastest I've ever gone on on my bike yet it was still catching up to me on foot. It looked like it was exerting itself a lot by running that fast. It was leaning heavily into its run and its arms were moving quickly beside it with its hands into fists.

I let out an audible yelp due to the immense terror I was feeling at that point. I turned the final time onto a smaller street and then turned into my driveway. I jumped off my still moving bike and threw open the door (which was luckily unlocked) and ran inside. When my mom went to see what was up I told her there was something chasing me outside. She ran to go lock the door and heard a noise that sounded like someone saying "HEY!" outside.

My mom later reported it to the police and they patrolled the neighborhood at night for about two weeks. It was recently that my girlfriend and I were talking about this again and we realized that that thing was running faster than any human possibly could. She suggested it could be a 'night crawler' so I thought I would post my story." VS

NOTE: This phenomena is appearing more and all areas, especially residential. What are we dealing with? Are these extraterrestrial? Or possibly a fear-generated thoughtform. Your thoughts? Lon

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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site and newsletter. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon


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Chicago Mothman Flying Humanoid - Fortean Research Team Case Updates | Arcane Radio 12.04.2020

Join Lon as he welcomes Phantoms and Monsters Fortean Research investigators Tobias Wayland and Manuel Navarette for an in-depth Chicago / Lake Michigan Mothman discussion on Arcane Radio. Tobias, Manuel and Lon have been investigating this phenomenon since the first accounts surfaced in the summer of 2011 and then when an influx of sightings began in early 2017. The encounters continue to occur, with new variations and descriptions that need to be documented, researched and investigated. To this date, there are well over 100 incidents that we deem as credible! This will be a truly outstanding, informative livestream conversation that details many actual events. With a live superchat that can answer many of your questions. Enjoy!

Tobias Wayland is a passionate fortean who has been actively investigating the unusual for over a decade; the first several years of his investigative career were spent as a MUFON field investigator, and following that he investigated independently prior to becoming the head writer and editor for the Singular Fortean Society. Tobias is a frequent guest on various podcasts and radio shows, has contributed to several books on the paranormal, and is often invited to speak at paranormal conferences and events. He was also featured in the Small Town Monsters documentary Terror in the Skies and the series premiere of Expedition X for his work investigating Mothman sightings around Lake Michigan. He and his wife Emily have been involved with the Lake Michigan Mothman investigation since its advent in the spring of 2017, and recently published a book chronicling the experience, The Lake Michigan Mothman: High Strangeness in the Midwest. For more information - The Singular Fortean Society

Manuel Navarette is the founder and curator of UFO Clearinghouse and an active paranormal investigator. He is currently one of the chief investigators of the Chicago / Lake Michigan Mothman phenomenon (along with Lon Strickler and Tobias Wayland) and a member of the Phantom and Monsters Fortean Research Team. Manuel has been interested in the paranormal since the age of 17 and has had multiple sightings of UFO’s and recently of a winged humanoid at Chicago O’Hare Airport. The website he founded, UFO Clearinghouse is a website dedicated and committed to providing the most up to date information on recent UFO sightings, reported alien abductions, and cryptid sightings. It is designed as a place where information can be freely exchanged and accessed by paranormal researchers and investigators for the reason of furthering the search for the truth. UFO Clearinghouse

This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, November 13th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

Listen to our podcast at the 'Beyond Explanation' YouTube channel



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Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Website

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The Facebook page can be found at Beyond Explanation on Facebook - Thanks for your help. I hope you enjoy! Your comments are welcomed. Lon

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Would your paranormal / cryptid group like to become an affiliate of Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research? By becoming an affiliate investigative group, we can forward reports to you from your area in which none of our team can physically investigate. If interested, send me an email at The member / affiliate list can be found at Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research Team / Affiliate Groups. Thanks. Lon

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