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samedi, décembre 05, 2020

Man Shapeshifts Into Dog-Like Entity Near Granada, Nicaragua

A Nicaraguan youth, who is in Granada on a school trip, encounters a man shapeshifting into a dog-like entity.

The following account was forwarded to me by a reader:

"This encounter happened in May 1989. We went on a school trip visiting the ruins of an old Sandinistas outpost that was politically historic, located by the town called Granada in Nicaragua.

We were 27 kids all together, and had special permission from our parents to go there. I happened to notice that there were houses by the place where the historical site was. They were on the hills of a mountain, where I stupidly had gone to investigate. The houses were old and made of wood. They were about 60 yards from the historical site.

As I came by the first house an elderly man came and ask me why I wasn't with my group. I told him; “Why do you care?” He responded in an angry tone, “Because there are things out here that will take you!” Our country is wild but only if you travel in the mountains, rivers, lakes or by the sea, so I paid no mind to his warning.

It was around 5:30pm and I was about 100 yards from the historical site. As soon as the teacher blew her whistle we were to regroup at the bus in order to leave. I was sitting next to the tree line eating a sandwich, when behind me I heard a distinct noise. It was a growling sound that literally shook all of my nerves. I immediately turned back to see if anything was coming my way.

Suddenly I heard the teachers whistle. I figured I had a good 2 or 3 minutes to get up the tree and see if I could spot anything so I did. What I saw crawling on the forest floor did not make any sense at all.

It was a man lying on the ground, about 80 or 100 feet in the wood line. His body was jerking as if in extreme pain. I saw that his back looked sweaty, and as he jerked he turned his face towards me and I could see his eyes were red and his nose was literally turning black and elongated!

I quickly climbed down the tree, grabbed my backpack and left, running to the bus. Apparently I was the last to return. As the bus started to drive off I said a prayer to protect me from this monster that roams the land.

I asked my grandpa the next day about this things that I had seen. He grew up there and was a native from our country, and his dad had been a coffee farmer which is one of the things my country still trades to the US. He explained that the locals had a curfew and that they never went out unarmed to pick the coffee because of these things. They had suspected they were both animals and humans, and practiced devil worshipping, and traded their souls in order to shape shift into many animal forms, such as the great Wolf spirit.

I have to tell you that when we made our life in the US I had thought I had left the monsters behind me, but as it turns out I was wrong. I am in Austin TX, and have been here since 1996. I encourage people I know to not go out into the woods alone, and do not wear bright colors. At least go armed with a gun or a bear pepper spray, because I do believe I was lucky, but I will not tempt fate again." Name withheld

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