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lundi, décembre 07, 2020

Full Body Apparitions / Shadows Reported By Recruits At Great Lakes, IL Naval Station

A private at Great Lakes Naval Station reports that he and other recruits have been recently experiencing full body apparitions and shadow figures in different areas of the base.

The following recent account was forwarded to me:

"I'm keeping my name, rank and job private and using a throwaway account for the sake of anonymity. I should also mention the military is very big on information leaked to the public so I'm not going to release any information that I'm not allowed to release. Any opinions I have are my own and only my own. I will disclose that I am in the USN and the base in question is Great Lakes, IL.

I just graduated from boot camp. While I was there some strange things happened that me and some other recruits could not explain and I'd like some answers.

Here's the story. When you are in boot camp you have to stand watch occasionally for a few hours. I was usually put on watch at night. Me and my partner usually stood watch from midnight to around 2:00 AM. My job was usually roving security which is basically the person who patrols a set area and takes temperature readings and looks for suspicious activity, etc. Usually the most serious things I dealt with were other recruits messing around in the bathrooms and telling them to go back to their bunks.

One night around 2 in the morning I was making my rounds and thought I heard talking coming from the bathroom. I went inside and heard whispering coming from the showers so I walked towards them and what I saw was just weird. I saw a young man around 17-20 years old hunched over facing away from me in the darkest corner of the shower area. I walked towards him and said, "Hey man. I need you to get back to your bunk" and as I was approaching him I swear he vanished into thin air in the blink of an eye. I remember the feeling of pure shock and confusion.

When I walked out the other guy on watch asked me why I was so pale and I told him what happened. I told him exactly what I had seen and he said it was most likely a result of me being tired from all the stress of boot camp and the lack of sleep. I agreed with him because I figured why would a ghost haunt a shower at boot camp of all places and I was pretty tired that night.

The next night I did not have watch but the recruit who had my usual shift reported seeing a shadow in the showers and some weird whispering noises while there was nobody there. I talked to him and told him what I had seen and that it was most likely our minds playing tricks on us because we are all tired. He agreed and we decided that we should just ignore it. That was until I started seeing things outside the showers.

I had a slightly earlier watch that night and I was patrolling the bunks checking on recruits who were sick, as I'm supposed to. I was walking past some empty bunks and saw some movement in the corner of my eye. I figured it was some recruit messing around so I go to tell them to go back to bed but as I approach the empty bunks I see some kind of shadowy figure that did not look humanoid to me. It was like a black blob moving around. When I investigated it vanished. The area it was in was extremely cold compared to the rest of the room. I just walked away as there was nothing to do there and figured that the staff must have cranked the air conditioning and I was just tired making stuff up. I saw this out of the corner of my eye all throughout boot camp while on the early morning watch.

The last story from me was from when I was tasked with taking temperatures throughout the whole building. My job was to go to each divisions compartment and ask for their room temperature. I had just taken all but two other divisions temperatures and was looking for the last two. As I walked past some empty rooms I could have sworn I saw movement inside so I figured maybe I missed a room and went to look inside their window. The room was just being used as storage and was pitch black except for the light from outside. All I could see where some boxes and empty bunks but out of the corner of my eye I saw a person standing in the edge of the light facing me. I saw this and decided I was just gonna look elsewhere for the last two rooms which I found a few minutes later. However as I was returning to turn in my readings I noticed in the hallway a shadowy arm or limb being outstretched and coming back behind a doorway and when I passed there was nothing but the area it was in was super cold and the room it was just a closed janitorial closet.

The other recruit I previously mentioned spoke about seeing somebody dancing in the showers at night but there being nothing when he investigated. He also said that one night he passed by the showers and saw someone peek out and disappear behind the wall. There was nobody there when he investigated but he noted the area was really cold.

I know I am going to get called a liar and attention seeker but I know these are all true. I am not in this for the karma nor do I seek to make the military look bad. I am simply trying to find out what it kind of entity me and that recruit may have been dealing with. Also I cannot disclose much information as I do not want to get in trouble with the chain of command.

Thank you all in advance." Name withheld

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Kev Baker | Kev Baker Show, Paranormal Scotland Strangeness | Arcane Radio 9PM EST Dec. 11 2020

Join Lon as he welcomes well known Scottish paranormal livestreamer Kev Baker to Arcane Radio on December 11th 2020. Kev Baker is based in Glasgow, Scotland and is the host of the popular podcast The Kev Baker Show on Truth Frequency Radio and he also has his KBS channels on YouTube. Kev covers everything from geopolitics to exopolitics on his own show and has a long time interest in the paranormal. Having being brought up in Fort Augustus on the southern end of Loch Ness, Kev is uniquely placed to talk about the Loch Ness monster and other incidents of high strangeness in the highlands of Scotland. This will be a great show!

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