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dimanche, décembre 13, 2020

Black Eyed Child-Like Entities Experienced In Bayside, Queens, NYC Home

A home in Bayside, Queens, NYC is apparently inundated with unknown child-like entities with 'smoky' black eyes. The phenomena is confirmed by an associate.

I recently received the following account from an associate in Queens, NYC on 12/12/2020:

"A friend contacted me with a desperate plea. A friend of hers had told her that she had been hearing strange noises from the first floor and her basement. Like the running of bare feet. Up and down the stairs, barefooted slaps on the hardwood floors.

They're tried to ignore it and were doing well until they heard a loud shriek. Similar to how a child yells when arguing.

Her friend and her husband went to the first floor of their home and felt an unusual amount of heat. They then heard the sound of bare feet running past them to the basement doors.

They summoned their resolve and headed downstairs. At the base of the stairs they saw a small humanoid shape all black save for the white "face" which was featureless save for 2 black "eyes" that "swirled like smoke." The couple was hit with an overwhelming stench of "garbage" and sickly sweet smell of a decomposing body. The "child" suddenly grow in size and the couple was immediately stricken with fear. They grabbed their cats and went to a motel.

This is where I come in. My friend dropped me off with the keys at 12 am. I went in and noticed that there was an odd stifling, smothered, or stuffy sensation. Like too many people in a small room. You know that sound you hear when you're in complete silence? The shri "eeeeee?" I didn't even hear that. I went to the 2nd floor and went room to room. I felt nothing. Sound was normal up there. I could even hear street noises. Their gaming room was normal. Their bedroom was normal. Their work den was normal. I decided to make this my safe space and relaxed in the gaming room on a recliner with a book.

2:45 am rolls around and I sense something stirring in the back of my head. Something tells me to get ready and to go downstairs as soon as I feel the time is right. My instinct was never this clear and it has never steered me wrong.

Then at 3:00 i felt the words "NOW! GET READY, GABRIEL" form in my mind. I immediately go to the stairs looking down at the first floor. Sure enough I heard the sounds of bare feet padding across the wooden floor. I then had the sensation of something looking up at me. I felt anger and hate as if someone glaring at me. This infuriates me. I yell at the thing, scolding it for terrifying the couple and their cats.

I hear footsteps running away. I literally ran so fast down the stairs I sailed down. I went to the basement stairs. I was stopped by something in my tracks. Like someone put a blanket up as a barrier. I remembered reading Blavatsky say something about the membrane of reality or something. Feeling myself get angry at being stymied by something I literally pushed forward. It felt like walking in molasses.

Then the sharp smell of garbage rose followed by the smell of flatulence. I reached the top of the stairs and looked down. Despite the lights in the kitchen being on the base of the stairs looked intensely dark. Like, someone turned down the brightness.

Then I felt it. Someone staring up at me. I managed to push through this invisible molasses and made it to the basement. Even with a flashlight I couldn't see much of anything. I heard more footsteps but this time it felt as if there were multiple people. Kids in fact. A faint "whsssssh" was heard to my right. 

That's when I saw them. 3 or 4 small humanoid shadows. Opaque black but with pale featureless faces and black swirling eyes like smoke. We stared at each other for quite some time. I took a few steps forward and that's when I realized that they were staring through me or behind me. I felt myself get crowded even though there was nobody there.

Then I heard a most horrible sound. A sound like something licking its lips and wheezing. It said, "Leave us." That's when I noticed the basement seemed very hazy as if it was out of focus. For some reason the words "pierced the veil" popped into my head.

Now. I have been through a lot of sh*t in my life. Dangerous reckless sh*t. To the point fear has become an annoyance. But hearing that wet sounding gurgling voice made me curse in fear and I bolted. I took an Uber home.

Much to my severe anger, pictures I took were inconclusive and the digital recorder picked up nothing. But my clothes smelled badly from the encounter. I contacted my friend and told her to tell her friends to move as quickly as possible." Gabriel R.

NOTE: The area of Queens where this occurred was in Bayside. Gabriel stated later that he was at home later that night and started to become so unnerved that he was compelled to scratch out the sketch he has previously sent me. Gabriel is a client, who has experienced various encounters over the years. I'm considering conducting a remote view session on the location. Lon

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Please use the PayPal donation buttons on the blog site and newsletter. You can also go directly to Phantoms & Monsters donation. Thanks again for your loyalty and continued support. Lon



Arcane Radio is LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel

Jerry Ayres | Supernatural & Paranormal Investigations Minnesota | Arcane Radio 9PM EST Dec.18.2020

Join Lon as he welcomes Jerry Ayres of Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota to Arcane Radio on December 18th 2020. Supernatural Investigators of Minnesota, also known as The SIM Crew, was established in early 2010. They have completed over 60 paranormal investigations, 2 bigfoot expeditions, and many town hall meetings they call Supernatural Conversations. They also host public investigations, and also periodically teach Ghost Hunting 101, a well received class on how to investigate the paranormal. Jerry Ayres has been interested in the paranormal since he was a child growing up in Bemidji, Minnesota. He has had several of spiritual events happen in his life. After all these years of investigating the paranormal, he found that he has psychic abilities that are getting stronger with time. Jerry is also a 'smoke reader' and host of a weekly radio show called The Calling Radio Show. For more on Jerry Ayres and SIM visit their website -

Join us this Friday, December 11th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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