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mercredi, novembre 11, 2020

Sasquatch Abducts & Kills Native Man in 1970s

A native American man is literally abducted by a Sasquatch while sitting with family on his porch. The man was later found, beaten so badly that he soon died afterwards. The Sasquatch was killed by the locals.

The following account was referred to me by a reader:

"This story is passed down through relatives that did not openly talk about it much due to the way these Native Americans revered Sasquatch and felt guilty about killing one. They especially felt guilty because this sasquatch was believed to be more human than an average Sasquatch.

The Salish Indian who recounts this story makes this comment about this particular wild man. A 'Skanicum' is a word for someone born not of a direct human but of Sasquatch kind. This might seem like a cruel joke, something to call a human with developmental disabilities etc... but the honest to God truth may be too hard to swallow. That Sasquatch have interbred with women in the past and the existence of these offspring has been swept under the rug and kept hidden - like the Hairy Man.

During the 60's it was rumored that one of the town bishops of the local church, likely a Jesuit, had 'taken in' a 'freak' of some sort. This 'freak' was not human, but not animal enough to be rejected by the Jesuit, so the Jesuit was keeping him in the basement and feeding him. The only reason knowledge of this exists is because people would hear things at the church, inhuman things. If you ask me, the Jesuits did not want this thing to be 'out and about.' This sounds somewhat unbelievable, but keep in mind that the reason the men who shot the Hairy Man went a little 'insane' was because they killed a human. A giant, ridiculously muscular human, covered in hair...but a human. Too human to parade about town in the back of a pickup truck, if you know what I mean.

The sasquatch or "Skanicum" of this story had become particularly bold about raiding the homes when people were away and stealing their food.

The account starts when the Wild Man was having his way. Free reign. He was getting bold. He started to break into houses during the middle of the day. Children would see him and flip out. Police were called. Meetings were held. The town was becoming more and more shaken up by the presence of this unknown intruder.

This was when something incredible happened to the particular family who was 'favorited' by the Hairy Man. They had become so lax and accepting of the Hairy Man's presence that one night, while standing on the porch, the father was yanked off by his feet in full view of the entire family. They screamed and huddled together and cried while whatever it was 'fought' with the Dad on the porch. The sounds of fighting and screaming and knowing that your father was powerless against whatever it was. It must have been unspeakably traumatic for the kids. They are now grown up, like myself, and I wonder to this day how much this affected their lives.

The father was gone. For days. Whatever it was that had taken him had carried him off into the night after a struggle on the porch. There was blood on the grass and the family grabbed neighbors and men of the community to help recover the father. The men got together and followed the signs and trails left by whatever it was. Drops of blood and signs of something large passing through, they followed this trail all the way to the very creek which my uncle had spotted a Sasquatch at. They followed the creek all night.

When the men returned the next day, they didn't speak a word. A whole group of grown men, and not one of them was willing to speak about what happened. They had however, found the father. They recovered him. He was beaten black and blue over his entire body, ribs broken, arms and legs broken. The father was in shock. Incoherent. Couldn't speak a word.

One of my uncles had gone to see the man and his family in the hospital. There was a fair amount of good will being shown to the family that went through this experience. Nobody knew what happened, only that the father was close to death and the family was very shaken up. So my uncle stopped by to pay his respects, and saw for himself the father lying in the hospital. His eyes were bulging wide, he was trembling constantly. This man had been beaten badly - but something else was wrong with him. He was traumatized. He died that night and to this day nobody knows what grabbed him or what happened to him.

To this day, the men who went on the recovery mission to save him have kept these stories to themselves. Only a select circle, including my father, remembers these incidents. Almost nobody talks about them. I have shared them with you, for whatever it's worth.

Those men found what it was that took that father. They found the Hairy Man, and they killed it. They shot it to death with high powered rifles and buried the body.

The men who did this feel incredibly guilty. Sasquatch is a matter of fact here, and the older generations told us to avoid them and leave them alone, because they are human beings . They are not 'animals' and they are not 'magic.' They can most certainly be monsters and this is one story that corroborates that.

But the Hairy Man, Bigfoot, is so human-like, that even here, when a group of men killed one, they were so traumatized by the experience that they felt guilty of murder.

Back in the 70's there was no desire to be 'rich and famous' for killing a Bigfoot. There was no desire to even talk about Bigfoot. These kind of things were 'dirty little secrets', especially on reservations. Yes there were plenty of white kids bumping into Bigfoot and getting in the newspapers, but the indian community is tight lipped about this - even still to this day." WNYguy

NOTE: After some research, I believe this incident occurred at the Flathead Reservation in western Montana. Lon

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Arcane Radio is LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel

Becky Cook | Respected Idaho Author Researcher - Bigfoot Lives | Arcane Radio 9PM EST 11.13.2020

Join me as I welcome paranormal / anomalous investigators Jack Cary and Butch Witkowski to Arcane Radio.

Join Lon as he welcomes Becky Cook, Bigfoot Researcher and Author, to Arcane Radio this Friday, Nov. 13th, 2020 at 9pm Eastern. Becky is an award winning author, columnist, and speaker from Idaho. Becky has been collecting true Bigfoot encounter stories since she was in her teens. Becky Cook has collected these stories from numerous people around the state of Idaho who have actually seen Bigfoot and shares these eyewitness accounts along with her own experience. From this background, Becky Cook has written now 3 books about Bigfoot sightings in Idaho. 'Bigfoot Lives in Idaho' is her first book. It was followed by 'Bigfoot Still Lives in Idaho' and finally by 'Bigfoot lives Forever in Idaho'. She grew up in eastern Idaho and now lives near Burley, ID with her family. She has published several hundred articles and stories in local, regional and national publications. Becky Cook is a great speaker and this will be a very informative  show focused on the very real Bigfoot phenomena in Idaho and the NW USA.

This will be a very informative and entertaining show! Join us this Friday, November 13th at 9PM ET / 6PM PT -  Watch LIVE w/ chat on the Beyond Explanation YouTube channel or at Beyond Explanation on Facebook

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